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File 141048930614.jpg - (40.07KB , 501x360 , woman-fight-10496681854.jpg )
66029 No. 66029 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How many average women could you beat up in one go?

I honestly think I could take on 10.
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66036
Bullshit. Women fight far dirtier than men. You'd be lucky to beat up two women.
>> No. 66037
there's zero chance of you surviving against ten physically able adult humans regardless of their gender or physical abilities you do realize that right
>> No. 66039
Is this thread because of that new UFC reality show with bitches and lesbians?
>> No. 66043
File 141051013865.jpg - (63.77KB , 601x400 , Tecia-Torres.jpg )
i can't believe tecia torres is out in the first round.
>> No. 66049
I think that Randa is going to win it.

File 141046306293.jpg - (51.96KB , 666x498 , 911cake2.jpg )
66008 No. 66008 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Happy 9/11. How are you celebrating?
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>> No. 66016
I smoked a blunt and took a shot at midnight last night
>> No. 66017
Oh, I've been posting about how the US deserved it, because of world meddling on various forums just to rile people up. I'm actually very sad about the loss of life.
>> No. 66044
knock knock
who's there
9/11 who
you said you'd never forget
>> No. 66057
>> No. 66060
File 14105650139.png - (118.86KB , 1700x1636 , poorly doodled.png )
I was feeling poorly, so I drew this poorly.

File 140901525120.png - (1.20MB , 640x1136 , IMG_1720.png )
65247 No. 65247 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I found this
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>> No. 65978
they should make phones with spaceshuttle mode then they'd charge really fast

>> No. 65981
You must not have read all of the negative reviews of it online. Spaceshuttle mode might charge slightly faster, but the decrease in charging time is negated by the fact that the period of time in which the phone is charging appears to slow down relative to objects around it, so it comes out about even.
>> No. 65985
Your joke only works if we assume the space shuttle moved at or near the speed of light which it is nowhere close to. I give it a 3/10.
>> No. 65986
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck im procrastinating fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
>> No. 66072
I'm proud of you <3

File 14102515348.jpg - (17.50KB , 180x240 , 372169830_c04be5d02d_m.jpg )
65862 No. 65862 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
New season is out and it. is. fanfuckingtastic. Luckily we don't have another arrested development on our hands.
8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 65971
season 7 was bad and the movies haven't been that great, but Say ballzanight to the Bad Guys was pretty ballza so I'll probably check out 8 at some point. I miss Corey and Trevor and that skinny guy who dresses like Julian is a terrible actor and not funny.
>> No. 65973
Hail! I'm so fucking happy
>> No. 65999
I need to check this show out, but it would be such a time investment...
>> No. 66073
Just watch the first 6 episode season and see how you feel.
>> No. 66074
Breastfeeding releases hormones that help shrink the uterus back to its pre-birth size. That is why I'm for breastfeeding and for that reason alone.

File 141019615011.jpg - (34.35KB , 527x409 , anus.jpg )
65813 No. 65813 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How do girls manage to keep their assholes so clean? Every girl I've fucked has had a spotless asshole but mine always has a bit of residue on it.
25 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66067
I'm afraid to ask you to post a picture to verify that because I think I'll get a dudes taint.jpg
>> No. 66070
>my asshole is brown
That's because it's covered in poop residue.
>> No. 66100
I've got a cafe au lait spot on my anus. It gives the appearance of a dirty anus. No one ever sees it so it's alright.
>> No. 66131
>> No. 66145
>As crazy as it sounds, many heterosexual couples use the "doggy style" position

File 140926755724.png - (138.95KB , 379x229 , tiny.png )
65353 No. 65353 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What are some ballza mobile games? I am addicted to tiny dice dungeon right now.
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>> No. 65673
I keep creating honkys with short brown hair and brown eyes in barcode kanojo. Why?
>> No. 65772
File 141010073934.jpg - (131.60KB , 879x512 , url.jpg )
I play Pixel Dungeon when I'm taking long dumps. It's very fun and addicting, though it took a while beating the third boss. But I thing the recent updates balanced some things out.
>> No. 65780
I have an iPhone for the iPod and because it was on sale for a dollar. I like phone games but I play them with all of my free time when I play them till I get the highest score out of all my friends (and dont get me started about ones hooked up to facebook) then stop until theres a new game everyones playing. Now I just let them pass me by cause I turn into a competitive asshole. Some people can't socialize, some can't drink, I can't play phone games.
>> No. 65790
Pixel dungeon makes me anxious as fuck. I've got a warrior on like lvl 15 or something and I'm paralyzed to go any further because I might die and lose it all.
>> No. 66158
File 141076180885.jpg - (250.97KB , 1063x1600 , image.jpg )
The iOS ports of the Ace Attorney games are fucking great.

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65924 No. 65924 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I liek corm.
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>> No. 66154
You know, I would actually be okay with you banging my mom, but the foot comment bothers me.
>> No. 66166
File 141081053957.jpg - (532.90KB , 590x728 , yahooceo.jpg )
This sexy woman is the CEO of yahoo.
>> No. 66167
File 141081059184.jpg - (124.42KB , 660x440 , Marissa-Mayer-Yahoo-CEO.jpg )
This woman is a CEO.
>> No. 66168
File 141081072437.jpg - (166.32KB , 1536x1024 , babe.jpg )
This woman is powerful.
>> No. 66169
File 141081082561.jpg - (135.32KB , 700x466 , legs.jpg )

File 141072283098.jpg - (195.90KB , 1024x1365 , sanik.jpg )
66125 No. 66125 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
For the past day my cigarettes had a slight off-flavor to them, and I couldn't figure out why. At first I thought I was getting sick and that was messing with my tastebuds, but then I realized. I used my ashtray to cum in when I ran out of toilet paper, and then sloppily rinsed it out. There was a thin layer of semen coating it that I didn't notice. Usually I would put out my cigarette halfway through and relight it later on. I've been smoking my own semen.
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>> No. 66202
Nice timestamp.
>> No. 66203
Is that all cum? Looks like shit.
>> No. 66204
Do you think you can make alcohol from cum?
>> No. 66205
Yeah, r9k is basically fedora central. Elliot Rogers probably browsed that board daily while shitting in jugs.

Have you seen the yandere threads on that board? There are a bunch of guys who actively seek psychotic bloodthirsty girlfriends. Shit be crazy.
>> No. 66207
There's a girl who frequents the yandere threads who cooks with vomit because she likes the thought of her hubby absorbing her nutrients.

File 141084414251.png - (73.23KB , 512x274 , moham.png )
66179 No. 66179 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
itt: religion
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>> No. 66194
My religion is I shit on people's lawns.
>> No. 66198
Do you shit inside and put it in a baggie which you then bring outside or do you drop your pants and shit directly on the lawn?
>> No. 66199
Directly on the lawn.
>> No. 66210
You sound like the kind of idiot who makes people who smoke pot want to deny it.
>> No. 66212
I don't smoke pot.

File 140624626113.gif - (948.15KB , 450x280 , cat shit.gif )
64394 No. 64394 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Seriously guys, stay away from these things:

Pic related
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>> No. 64491
Apparently they're out of stock. I'd have ordered some otherwise.
>> No. 64496
I shit on a cat as vengeance for what happened in that .gif.
>> No. 64500
one time when i was a kid i poured a cat of cat food on my cat's head because i thought "oh hey wouldn't it be cute if these kittens were literally eating off their mom"

i had to wash the cat :(
>> No. 64547
Did you slip a pinky inside the pussy and rub the asshole?
>> No. 66235
"Cats are clean and loving pets"
Damn bullshit, I'm sure that lil hooligan planned that on his human slave, he then laughed the rest of the day and licked his balls.

File 140956900526.jpg - (160.90KB , 600x800 , barbie3.jpg )
65506 No. 65506 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
jealous bitches be hating on barbie
93 posts and 26 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66189
>We will bias ourselves towards different ideologies, genders, races, and tastes without even realizing it.
Women are not in games because they specifically choose to not go into game dev. Same with most tech fields: they just don't want to do it. They do, however, make up a huge portion of soft-science graduates like psychology, education and medicine. Compare that with men who are the great majority in engineering, math and computer-related fields (that last one is important). There is nothing wrong with women choosing the fields they do, but it does mean that they are less likely to be in game dev.
Info is from 2008, but it's ballza enough for you. You have not earned more than 10 seconds of google. But then, I knew it was there because I inform myself BEFORE I make my claims. (link info from dept. of Education)

Putting that aside, do you have any evidence to support your claim that women are not in game dev because of harassment? Still waiting on it.

>Anita Sarkeesian or Zoe Quinn.
I mentioned the manipulator and the whore (I mean both words literally) because they are often pointed at as examples of how women are abused for just being women ;_;. The problem with that is that both of them really did bring it on themselves through their actions, not their genders. They don't deserve rape/death threats, but I do fully support anyone that shines light on their shit.

>People's flaws and behavior do not make their arguments or beliefs less true
No, but misrepresentation of those arguments does. So does building arguments upon a foundation made of intentional falsehood.

>If you're going to debate the subject, give us something more substantial than the equivalent of tabloid headlines.
The ball is already in your court (if you are the same person). I was told the following without qualifying remarks and have yet to see any information substantiating them despite several requests:
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 66200
Fuck barbie that pretentious cunt.
>> No. 66243
Where'd you go, opposition? We have unanswered questions and I'd really like to know what you think. I won't even be mad if you prove me wrong; it will just mean that I learned something.
>> No. 66259
I haven't been here in like a week. Or now that I look at my last post, Sunday the 14th. Sorry.
>> No. 66297
Welp, if there's no response to my walls, I declare myself victor by virtue of being the rightest dude. So right.

File 141067139180.gif - (1.59MB , 320x240 , 1370600019675.gif )
66096 No. 66096 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
ballza evening, fellow anons.

I am currently in the market for a bed. My girlfriend and I have settled on one of those nice memory foam mattresses. The mattress by itself is over $400, but as they say, one should invest in those things which separate you from the ground; specifically, shoes, tires and beds.

What are some other things that are worth spending the extra money for superior quality?
11 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66152
That's the weird thing, I can watch gore and other shit, but a man's head popping like a watermelon as a truck runs over is at least understandable in context. This shocked the fuck out of me simply because it doesn't appear to have context. Just a woman beating the ever loving shit out of a young infant for trying to crawl, and it seems that some kind of girl is just watching it next to her.
>> No. 66153
File 141074713754.gif - (904.43KB , 500x227 , RinJcfc.gif )
I seen the actual video, but that was years ago. Basically the baby was crying really loudly, and the girl was really frustrated cause she couldn't get it to shut up, so she decided to start hitting the baby, but that didn't work and the baby started crying even louder and thus a vicious cycle ensued.

I believe the video went viral in her country and she went to jail or someshit.
>> No. 66164
>it ended up absorbing too much moisture from the house and was getting stanky

you need to hang it up every now and then so it can air out

best thing to do is spray it with febreeze then hang it up in the morning so it gets all cool and fresh when you sleep on it
>> No. 66195

"GIFTING NOTE:This item ships in the manufacturer's original packaging. If intended as a gift, the packaging may reveal the contents." lol
>> No. 66261
I was airing it out for a while. Fabreeze and similar products give me a headache. It's easier to just have it sitting an inch off the ground then to air it out ever 3 or 4 days. I'm a busy man.

File 14107557139.gif - (4.84MB , 300x225 , what a fucking baller.gif )
66155 No. 66155 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey guys,

I am on the 1st floor of a 3-flat and I have a fireplace in my living room. What are my chances of getting the landlord to let me pay for it to be cleaned and using it? What are the chances of it working at all?

Thanks babe,


(Holy fuck you're stupid.)
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66159
Yeah, it's probably part of your tenant rights to have it cleaned. Check your local ordinances.
>> No. 66175
He doesn't even need to cite his technical rights.

>Hey, this is Gaius in 14. Any chance you could clean my fireplace so I can use it? No? Yeah, okay, I'm going to go ahead and just use that pre-existing feature of the apartment I'm now renting anyway and hopefully it doesn't set a dangerous explosive chimney fire.

It'll get fixed.
>> No. 66177
Chimney fireplaces should be illegal, wood fires can burn to a temperature of 1200 degrees farenheit. That's scary.
>> No. 66178
Yeah, cheap warmth is what's wrong with the world. It's the devil.
>> No. 66262
Ask him to clean it. If he doesn't in a timely fashion or refuses, have it cleaned at your expense, keep the receipt and give him a copy with a letter asking for reimbursement. If he doesn't reimburse you, go to the Tenancy Board or whatever it's called where you live.

File 14109324572.jpg - (69.47KB , 512x500 , Bavario-Scottish_Flag.jpg )
66215 No. 66215 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So, the head of the Jacobite line of Scottish-acknowledged royalty and the Kings of the Bavarian Wittelsbach family are the same person.


I think we should get in on the ground floor of this and support a true Empire in its infant stages. I think that reasons for supporting this beautiful union are obvious with the alcoholism sure to blossom in the empire. As for gayplay, well, Franz has never married or had offspring, which is a recurring theme in his family, going back to great granddad, the dude who built swan castles and wanted to fuck Wagner really bad.

What say you all? I'm getting my shit ready to fight for Franz.
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>> No. 66270
They're all Gaelic trash that are only useful for their whiskies, and even then Eire only makes a few ballza ones.
>> No. 66273

Funny you should say that:


>Orange Unionists attack peaceful independence demonstration, in the middle of Glasgow.

The reprisals have begun.
>> No. 66274
Seems sort of weird, shouldn't it be the secessionists who want to beat people up? What kind of side wins a huge election and then proceeds to stomps on the losers?
>> No. 66275
>What kind of side wins a huge election and then proceeds to stomps on the losers?
The Anglo
He starts war, he fuels war.
>> No. 66279

You should read up on the history of the Orange Unionists. They are rather infamous for this sort of thing.

It all comes back to the carrot and stick approach employed during the Empire. The Anglos would either ship in or raise up a favored minority, knowing full well the rest of local society would hate them. They became diehard loyalists, a fifth column in a foreign land. The various Orange brigades are descended from this tradition. Scotland has had a reawakening lately, which has galvanized the Orangists after a previous long and slow decline.

Videos somewhat related.


File Aqua_-_Cartoon_Heroes_(360p).webm - (7.49MB , Aqua - Cartoon Heroes (360p).webm )
65919 No. 65919 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Webm with audio test just to see if audio is working. :3
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>> No. 66238
File Spoon.webm - (2.17MB )
>> No. 66239
File Get_off_my_land!.webm - (2.78MB , Get off my land!.webm )
Why are all the webms stamp-sized on this site?
>> No. 66240
File It_hurts_so_good.webm - (2.27MB , It hurts so good.webm )
>> No. 66241
File Volcano_Eruption_in_Papua_New_Guinea.webm - (2.39MB , Volcano Eruption in Papua New Guinea.webm )
>> No. 66282
File allah_ackbar_wheelchair.webm - (7.04MB , allah ackbar wheelchair.webm )
For some reasons these things never open properly in a new tab on this site.

File 141092989842.jpg - (227.28KB , 1164x1067 , hevisaurus.jpg )
66213 No. 66213 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
You now have a new favorite band.


By the way, posting videos is still broken.
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>> No. 66253
Is it just me or is there absolutely no Hevisaurus porn on the entire internet?
>> No. 66257
Oh fuck yes.
>> No. 66258
I'm done with you, Finland. Russia can take it from here.
>> No. 66281
I think we found an explanation for their suicide rates.
>> No. 66312
File 141141378187.jpg - (316.28KB , 802x996 , louhikaarme_by_bitchkiller-d7pbcbs.jpg )
I haven't been able to find any, but it didn't pass the DeviantArt Thread test.

File 14116349033.gif - (4.67MB , 500x282 , Fuk9dUM.gif )
66375 No. 66375 hide quickreply [Reply]
People going Super Saiyan thread

(Welcome, user. We don't do this sort of thing around here.)

File 141136740429.jpg - (113.15KB , 850x1133 , Beautiful girl.jpg )
66302 No. 66302 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I recently helped a friend hunt down a woman he fell for after a one night stand at an anime convention.

How do you interfere with other people's loves lives, friends?
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>> No. 66346

Why would you say that, pal?
>> No. 66349
I don't. When anything involving love and sex starts to interact with me people instinctively run away or ignore me.
>> No. 66495

Nobody likes a meddler.
>> No. 66526
My broar and I have interfered too much in this one couple's life.

a girl I knew from high school. I invited her out to go camping with this big group of friends of mine and that was where she met a guy ay started dating after about a week of knowing each oar. A few years later ay get engaged, which is pretty cool.

After a few months of that, I was about to turn 21, and my older broar threw a rager in my honor and of course a two of am went as well. All of us got super hammered including a two of am (which was out of character for her because she was one of those strict catholic girls). A few months later, we hear a announcement that she is pregnant. We hear a due date, do a math, and it seems that a date of conception was right around my birthday. Chances are, a two of am got smashed, fucked up a birth control and now have a baby.

So yeah, I'm sort of responsible for am meeting and my broar is sort of responsible for an additional life in this world.

baby is cute though.
>> No. 66528
I intentionally try to sabotage oars' relationships, because I'm a bitter butt.

File 141028636760.jpg - (21.72KB , 300x300 , ryan-newman-top-tweet.jpg )
65876 No. 65876 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How can I get over my addiction to jailbait pics?

Looking at JB is so addictive and I need to look at some every day. How can I stop?
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>> No. 66220
Replace it with toddler CP.
>> No. 66260
> It'll be boring w/o porn
Masturbating without porn is way more satisfying. I think about the butts of teenage girls in tights that I see on the bus and I cum waaaay harder than I do when looking at porn.
>> No. 66522

I didn't notice it before, but you're right, that shit has been airbrushed to fuck.
>> No. 66525
I don't always want to cum hard, though.
>> No. 66529
Not that much.


File 141069470561.jpg - (41.84KB , 640x593 , michelle-waterson-1405919100nk48g.jpg )
66108 No. 66108 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
what's your hangover cure?
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>> No. 66488

No fucking shit. A serious hangover will leave you bed ridden.
>> No. 66548
Does drinking so much that you're on your hands and knees puking up your lunch count as more?
>> No. 66550
Has anyone here hallucinated from alcohol withdrawals?
>> No. 66551
Yeah, sometimes I'll hear and see things. But not much more than when I'm really sleepy. I think it's because a brain doesn't get rem sleep enough when you are drunk.
>> No. 66578
lol alcohol is so cool xD getin wasted is s much fun xDdxxd lulz

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