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  • Blotter updated: 2023-01-12 Show/Hide Show All

File 141046306293.jpg - (51.96KB , 666x498 , 911cake2.jpg )
66008 No. 66008
Happy 9/11. How are you celebrating?
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>> No. 66010
File 141046350210.jpg - (518.25KB , 1296x968 , 911cupcake.jpg )
>> No. 66013
I intentionally bumped into two people on the train who were standing next to each other.
>> No. 66016
I smoked a blunt and took a shot at midnight last night
>> No. 66017
Oh, I've been posting about how the US deserved it, because of world meddling on various forums just to rile people up. I'm actually very sad about the loss of life.
>> No. 66044
knock knock
who's there
9/11 who
you said you'd never forget
>> No. 66057
>> No. 66060
File 14105650139.png - (118.86KB , 1700x1636 , poorly doodled.png )
I was feeling poorly, so I drew this poorly.
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