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File 141067139180.gif - (1.59MB , 320x240 , 1370600019675.gif )
66096 No. 66096
ballza evening, fellow anons.

I am currently in the market for a bed. My girlfriend and I have settled on one of those nice memory foam mattresses. The mattress by itself is over $400, but as they say, one should invest in those things which separate you from the ground; specifically, shoes, tires and beds.

What are some other things that are worth spending the extra money for superior quality?
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>> No. 66097
A $400 mattress is middle-of-the-road rip-off pricing. Trust me, you can get a much better one for a hundie less or a hundie more.
>> No. 66101
If you don't mind being cozy you can get a Casper Twin for 5 hundo.
>> No. 66102
i spent like $250 for my last memory foam mattress and fucking loved it. i will never go back to spring mattresses again.
i hate shoes and don't wear them unless i have too (flip flops)
and i don't own a car, so no tires.
i spend most of my money on whiskey and whores. i fucking love whiskey and whores.
>> No. 66107
I sleep on a sleeping bag, it was $20 at wal mart.
>> No. 66110
I paid $180 at walmart (Walmart.com, site to home) for a king size 6" memory foam bed, with the frame it was just under $400, probably around 350$~. This was about 2 years ago, I'm sure prices have increased. Here is what I bought and I love it: http://goo.gl/kh8ufc
>> No. 66117
Get a nice pillow top, they cost more but they last forever and they're comfortable as fuck. ballza shit.
>> No. 66135
I used to sleep on a pile of blankets, then my mom gave me a memory foam. I used to roll it up to make more floor space in my room like a Korean schoolchild but it ended up absorbing too much moisture from the house and was getting stanky so a couple weeks ago I built a little frame with a couple 2x4s and some 1x6s to keep it about a half-inch off the ground.

The rule of spending decent $$$ on ballza shoes depends on what you're using those shoes for. I usually just get $20 Converse knockoffs from Value Village or something similar because I wear sneakers every day and I'm incredibly cruel to them and I get the same life out of expensive and cheap sneakers alike. However, I spent a couple hundred bucks on my hiking boots and I'm glad I did.

The most expensive thing I own besides my laptop is a $275 Norse Projects sweater but I didn't pay for it. It's pretty dang nice though.
>> No. 66136
Alright I can't stand this random pillow talk any more, what in the actual fuck is going on in that picture. That's like the most horrible thing I've ever seen.
>> No. 66144
You're supposed to talk about how you feel nothing and watch gore for fun and that gif isn't really that bad.
>> No. 66146
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I slept on a dog bed for 5-6 years because I hated the queen mattress that my parents kept in my room; even now I still prefer sleeping close to the ground and will opt for the floor if it is an option.

Above $300 you begin getting diminishing returns on shoe quality and it becomes more about the brand/designer than the craftsmanship. When I can afford it, spending the extra money for nice cooking ingredients is usually worth it.
>> No. 66149
>spending the extra money for nice cooking ingredients is usually worth it.
Hell yes.

>I still prefer sleeping close to the ground
Me too. I feel weird when I'm on a high bed. The last girl I dated had a really high bed and I never slept well. I couldn't sprawl out because the edge was right there...
>> No. 66152
That's the weird thing, I can watch gore and other shit, but a man's head popping like a watermelon as a truck runs over is at least understandable in context. This shocked the fuck out of me simply because it doesn't appear to have context. Just a woman beating the ever loving shit out of a young infant for trying to crawl, and it seems that some kind of girl is just watching it next to her.
>> No. 66153
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I seen the actual video, but that was years ago. Basically the baby was crying really loudly, and the girl was really frustrated cause she couldn't get it to shut up, so she decided to start hitting the baby, but that didn't work and the baby started crying even louder and thus a vicious cycle ensued.

I believe the video went viral in her country and she went to jail or someshit.
>> No. 66164
>it ended up absorbing too much moisture from the house and was getting stanky

you need to hang it up every now and then so it can air out

best thing to do is spray it with febreeze then hang it up in the morning so it gets all cool and fresh when you sleep on it
>> No. 66195

"GIFTING NOTE:This item ships in the manufacturer's original packaging. If intended as a gift, the packaging may reveal the contents." lol
>> No. 66261
I was airing it out for a while. Fabreeze and similar products give me a headache. It's easier to just have it sitting an inch off the ground then to air it out ever 3 or 4 days. I'm a busy man.
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