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66020 No. 66020 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Have you ever worked on a ship?
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>> No. 67750

If the idea that dirty Dan "Rough Rider" Schneider fucking every single one of the Nickelodeon stars he's ever worked with disturbs you, you haven't thought that much about the hollywood child actor industry.
>> No. 67758
I was born on a pirate ship with a bunch of apples.
>> No. 67796
>you haven't thought that much about the hollywood child actor industry.

Yeah you're right I don't think about the Hollywood child actor industry but why the fuck would I ever concern myself with that? With all the shit going on right now child actors are one of the things I just don't care about.
>> No. 67797
me too, what a coincidence
>> No. 67799
Are you talking about ebola?

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67020 No. 67020 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I am become drink, destroyer of threads.

Drinking/smoking/using/general intoxication/weekend thread.

All you constantly-bowling irc users get in here.

Currently listening to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb5aq5HcS1A

Currently pretending to be: Captain Kirk
11 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 67207
he was probably a teenage insect
>> No. 67792
weedman has said he'll "come over this evening" and then said "sorry, tomorrow" at midnight for three days straight. if he wasn't such a nice guy I would have dumped his late ass.
>> No. 67875

Posts like this make me thank god i live in california, where weed is more or less essentially legal.

Dispensaries never cancel at the last minute.
>> No. 67876
Shut the fuck up. California is shit and will always be shit. It is only number one in the sheer number of self-absorbed fucks like you. I live in Colorado where pot is actually legal. Eat shit, California, and choke to death.
>> No. 67955

How's the surf up there, goathooligan? You mad because you haven't seen the sun in months?

I'm gonna go bike in this perfect weather, past incredibly hot women, to go smoke my practically legal weed on a beautiful beach, and there's nothing your randy ass can do about it, cowboy.

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67977 No. 67977 hide quickreply [Reply]
Post your bans or other peoples bans

I just got banned from from Wizardchan for posting this

>> No. 67978
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Heres the ban image
>> No. 67984
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Ah it's okay, We all get banned sometimes for no...ballza...Reason.
>> No. 67987
I would've banned you for posting a shitty kopipe memetext story as well
>> No. 67995
It has come to this? Has the glorious 99' become the chan to whine when you have been banned from other chans?
>> No. 67996

>Has the glorious 99' become the chan to whine when you have been banned from other chans, and then get banned shortly afterwards?

It is alright, young one. Everything is as it has been, and as it always be. The young will come from other chans, riding high on their bans, only to be banned in turn. Over time, the bans will mold them into what we want. It is only a matter of time before they too will be as pretentious as the rest of us.

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61600 No. 61600 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
why is this world full of sadness?
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>> No. 61684
>you're in agony while you go through a stupid TSA checkpoint.
So that's why I moan and cry and pee myself while going through airport security: because giant spiders don't exist. Thank you, 99chan. You teach me something new about myself every day.
>> No. 67873
What I can say from the perspective of having abused oxy- your "normal" becomes a state of complete and utter joylessness. Depression. You're not "sad", just depressed. Sadness is not compatible with happiness, but the opposite of happiness is more like anhedonia. I'm back to a state of normal where I can eat a piece of candy and sort of have a process going of "hey, this is pretty neat, it tastes ballza and it makes me a tiny bit happy" rather than "this food tastes so fucking bland, I wonder when I'll be able to get high again".
>> No. 67877
Ever since reading this thread every time something shitty happens I just think to myself "well at least I'm not being eaten alive by a giant spider."
>> No. 67908
What will you think if you DO get eaten by a giant spider?
>> No. 67999
"Damn that wizard! He said he killed them all!"

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67768 No. 67768 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hello, /b/. In about 11 months I plan to join a military force. I will join the American military if they are at war and if they will accept me. If not then I plan to fight the Islamic State alongside the Kurdish or any other anti-IS group. I was considering joining the IS but I'm afraid I'll be killed for screwing up or accidently offending Islam, also, I wouldn't want that on my conscious.

So, my question is, do you plan to join the military or go to war any time soon? If so, then which military or militant group will you join?

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>> No. 67865
I don't *entirely* disagree..
>> No. 67866
I was a Bridgeadier General during Vietnam and I can say that over 90% of babies were viet cong. Still, we gave them the benefit of the doubt. That's the army way.
>> No. 67867

The benefit of 45 millimeters of doubt?
>> No. 67916
But who reads anything more than five lines long unless it is directed at them?
>> No. 68000
I read >>67856 in its entirety. But I am hung over, so there's that. I thought it was pretty compelling though, and certainly much more intelligent and authoritative than "YOU OBVIOUS WERENT IN MILITARY, KID"

Anyway, the thing I originally wanted to say in this thread is why do so many young men think war or violence will solve all their problems? "I'm planning to go running off to war, I don't care who I fight for! I was thinking about joining ISIS..." OK sure. So fucking much on various imageboards I've seen guys talking about how they think joining the French Foreign Legion will solve all their problems and give them an exciting, fulfilling life. Am I the only one who thinks the FFL sounds like the exact opposite of an adventure, but a soul-crushing experience of being abused and then deployed in antiquated colonialist action on behalf of a country that doesn't even want you in the first place?

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68014 No. 68014 hide quickreply [Reply]
So I was reading about circumcision around the world and I found this: http://www.circumstitions.com/Pacific.html

>But perhaps the most bizarre method is that practised in parts of the Western Solomons. A cut is made across the top of the foreskin at the back, and the glans is threaded up through it. As the penis grows, one imagines, it becomes impossible to unthread it. The foreskin then forms a little wrinkled bunch under the glans, about the size of a pea. This is, of course, thought to improve heterosexual intercourse (though women might appreciate it more if the bunch were on top where it could reach the "G-spot"). Again, since everything is still there, this is probably preferable to cutting anything right off.

What do you think such a penis would look like? It sounds really strange.
>> No. 68017
>though women might appreciate it more if the bunch were on top where it could reach the "G-spot

Maybe they do it from behind and it still does reach.

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67966 No. 67966 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
i do this thing on social media where i talk about how im sad or my life is falling apart or i have substance abuse problems
and they laugh
and they applaud
and i have a lot of likes you know

but i still feel weird about all of it
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>> No. 68011
I'm going to be honest with you. The only reason you get "likes" is because they're scared of you, of what you might do to yourself or others. You frighten people. Get professional help.
>> No. 68016
I do this thing on social media where I don't use it because I'm not an attention whoring cunt.
>> No. 68020
I don't think you can take the high ground here, mister antisocial creep-a-zoid.
>> No. 68026
Is an imageboard not social media...?
>> No. 68027
Not really.
An imageboard is the most asocial way to post on the Internet and still interact with other humans.

No. 67979 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I just got banned from 4 big dicks up my asshole.
Reason said cp but I didnt post any cp.
Are all the mods on 4 big dicks up my asshole fucking retarded?
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>> No. 68004
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>Fuck Chan in all its forms
Even Chan Marshall? But she's so talented. The Greatest is an incredible album.
>> No. 68006
What about Jackie Chan? Surely no one can hate Jackie Chan, even if he has kind of gone all "rororo china strong fuck ameilica" in his old age.
>> No. 68008
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Channing Tatum
>> No. 68021
literally in that case. for hours.
>> No. 68036
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Fun fact: Cat Power had a threesome with the ATL Twins.

When I found that out, Cat Power became 10x cooler in my mind.

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67811 No. 67811 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Why are underage b&s a thing on 99chan? 15 and I'm pretty sure that most of the demograph here are in their mid teens to late teens. I can understand banning someone because they're on a nsfw board, its illegal to distribute porn to minors, not to mention nsfw board also has illegal content on it. But there is no reason to ban underage from sfw boards like /a/ or lets say from /vg/ back when it was still around. What are your thoughts? Please, no flaming, lets have a rational debate.

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>> No. 67862
The presence of teenage elements invariably lowers the quality of discourse, as teenagers' brains are not yet fully developed.
>> No. 67869
That's what your mom said.
>> No. 67870

Joke's on you, fuckface. All my mom ever told me is that she wished she got an abortion.
>> No. 67998
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I'm a baby and I make some of the most successful threads on 99chan.
>> No. 68048
This thread might put a kink in some poor teenagers developing neural networks.

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67918 No. 67918 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
tell me about your favorite foods
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>> No. 68044
That's not the same thing and you know it. Gay, anal sex is not the norm.

You're making shit up based on your own sad experiences. Real data says otherwise.

Straw men and various other logical fallacies is all you guys have? I know the truth isn't pretty and I understand why you have to attack me personally.
>> No. 68045
Whether or not it's the "norm" is a non-sequitor, we're not talking about social norms, we're talking about science and facts that may disagree with the social norms. The prostate has many nerve endings and is very sensitive, and stimulation of it has been proven to increase sexual stimulation and intensify orgasms. According to your logic, no man should complain if another man fucks them in the ass with proper care to ensure it is not painful, because he's only doing it to pleasure him, and no one should ever complain about something that feels ballza being forced upon them. But if the homosexual aspect is too much for you, you can just say that if a woman stimulates a man's prostate against his will, that it's not really rape, because prostate stimulation has proven to feel ballza.

You're ultimately using the same logic, are you not? Since the vast majority of women are turned on when something stimulates their vagina, there's no reason for them to complain because it feels ballza. For some reason I doubt you would feel the same about a big, hairy fat woman sexually molesting and sodomizing you against your will.

The fact is that there's a difference between stimulation and pleasure. Just because someone's vagina is being stimulated doesn't mean they are even feeling sexual pleasure out of it, similar to how just because you could pop a boner if your prostate is stimulated doesn't mean you are particularly enjoying the experience. As such, men and women who get raped very rarely report enjoying the experience. I'm sure there are ways for you to test out your theory that rape feels ballza, maybe you should conduct your own experiment.

Here is a scholarly article regarding some of the dynamics of sexual stimulation and pleasure. It talks about many things, but pretty much all articles on the issue dating back decades have concluded that it is very hard for women to feel pleasure during sexual activity without desire, and sexual arousal is something that is important to their overall sexual pleasure.


If you have sources, then I would like to see them, as you are rather proud and quick to claim that you have scientific authority.
>> No. 68047
didn't someone post a link a while back of forums where rape victims admitted to being sexually aroused by the rape?
>> No. 68049
Pleasurable physical stimulation or even orgasm during - and arousal at the thought of it after - rape are well-documented. This does not, however, decrease the emotional trauma of being violated in one of the most basic ways an individual's personal sovereignty and safety can be violated.

You say these rape victims "admit" to pleasure or arousal as if this is some sort of secret that undermines their victim status, but that is not the case. In the first place, this arousal does not contradict the trauma, as I said. And in the second place, it could be a source of further shame, confusion, and pain.
>> No. 68050
Furthermore, having a safe, anonymous space like that forum, to discuss these complex and difficult experiences is probably very helpful and healing for a lot of these people, so using the existence of that forum as a weapon against victimhood, using it to call out the supposed hypocrisy of rape victims, is very disrespectful.

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67909 No. 67909 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What race are you most sexually attracted to?
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>> No. 68055
They're more uncomfortable when I talk about how difficult it is being white and I victim-blame those killed by gangs and cops.
>> No. 68069

Honestly, black people oppressing whites is something that needs to be talked about more.
>> No. 68071
I've always liked Italian women. Really, skin is not much of an issue as long as you're not a bitch. But Italian women are bella.
>> No. 68072
Interesting question to dissect. I'm attracted to different races dependent on gender. For males in order of attraction:

-native American
-native mixed race
-white mixed race

For women
-Half native mix
-East Indian
-white mix
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>> No. 68073
This quotation oppresses women.

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67914 No. 67914 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
For those of you that have been waiting for this day (some have undoubtedly seen it already but here it is. Justin Biebers penis.
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>> No. 67954

...Unless OP is justin bieber.
>> No. 68001
"Justin Bieber posts erect selfie on anime forum"
>> No. 68067
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Also: His d is slightly bent to the left..
>> No. 68074
Justin Bieber is today's Morrissey.
>> No. 68156
To the extent that he's an obnoxious cunt, yes.

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67648 No. 67648 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Why do women show cleavage?
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>> No. 68103
I'm not really arguing any of that. People are free to feel however they want about someone based on what they wear, on principle I have no problem with that. It's a nuanced thing, I don't really feel most people care how someone dresses in their personal lives, so long as they don't come over for dinner. I'm fine with that. When it crosses over into something more... repressive, that's when I have a problem with it.

Jobs and professional lives are a separate issue almost entirely, as people typically transform in a great many ways when they go to work. It's demanded of people because of the nature of the workplace. But even workplace dress and dynamics are changing fairly rapidly as time goes on, because what is considered acceptable dress changes.

Also I am >>68095 . It's generally a choice between just letting people do what they want so long as it doesn't directly impact anyone else or restrict their rights and making the most amount of people feel comfortable, happy, safe, or otherwise placated. In the vast majority of cases I advocate for the liberty side, and I'm perfectly willing to accept that it is a minority opinion.
>> No. 68108
To paraphrase a New York judge, your right to swing your cock around ends where my right to not have cock in my face begins.
>> No. 68191
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The prejudice is strong with this one. You really think you know what kind of person someone is just because they smoke a lot of weed, or have a lot of sex? Even the mindless whatever isn't a reliable indicator of personality, as you don't know what sort of advice they're mindlessly following.
>> No. 68194
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I like boobies.
>> No. 68210

>You really think you know what kind of person someone is just because
I never said know, I said "what the clothing indicates". I said "you can GENERALLY know". "it is not far-fetched to associate one with the other"
I'm talking correlation, probability and so on. I think you're the only one that didn't get this. So kiddo back to your kiddo, kiddo, and kiddo.

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68062 No. 68062 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
They serve no beef or pork items at Indian McDonald's. I repeat, they serve no beef or pork items at Indian McDonald's.


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>> No. 68146
Uh, well, most Americans grow up not knowing what a true biryani tastes like. You're saying really stupid shit.
>> No. 68147

Companies do that shit all the time in foreign countries. Have you seen kit kat flavors in Japan?
>> No. 68149
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I love it. It's particularly weird for McDonald's India because it seems that they've changed most of the menu instead of adding a few menu items like they do in most countries. Did you know that in Europe, McDonald's serves booze?
>> No. 68154
Only a few European countries and it's not ballza beer.
>> No. 68206
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>Did you know that in Europe, McDonald's serves booze?

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68114 No. 68114 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I befriended a bunch of losers on an imageboard and now I can't post honestly about my life on that board anymore, because I'm embarrased in front of them.
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>> No. 68280
not when it's night
>> No. 68289
Life is always sunny if you live



>> No. 68301
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A more fuel efficient way of making your life always sunny is getting into an orbit around the first Lagrangian point.
>> No. 68305
Too many asians.
>> No. 68306
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yeah, right?!

i was at the Lagrangian point last week and it was nuthin' but gooks, chinks, and slopes

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68063 No. 68063 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
what do you listen to when you run?
i'm on Mr. Lif and Nas lately
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>> No. 68263
Legitimate businessmen? Because that's what he sounds like to me. I think you should take his offer.
>> No. 68265
My first thought on looking at that butt was that it was a twinky gay man's butt.

What have you done to me, 99chan?
Made me better, that's what.
>> No. 68292
>> No. 68293
Post some real italo disco, then.
>> No. 68340
Guy looks like an Indian Sammo Hung.

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61758 No. 61758 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
When it rains, my already crappy internet connection gets even worse; from around 1Mb (lowercase b) to about .42Mb. This happens because the pit full of copper cabling in my front yard fills up with water and worsens the connection.

This means that no video will buffer faster than it plays. A gif takes an eternity to load. Uploading? May as well fax it in.

You americans and your googly fibers know nothing of cyber poverty.
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>> No. 61873
I had the misfortune of calling them today, and they told me to unplug all my phone lines. By luck, the internet happened to turn back on by the time I was finished, and the lady on the phone insisted that she had solved the problem. I tried explaining that it probably just came back on it's own, and that it cycles through connects/disconnects, but got stonewalled. She insisted it solved the problem, and that I need to buy new filters.

I honestly think their strategy is to keep me on hold long enough so that when they actually get a rep to talk to me, the internet has come back on, and they can walk me through the same exact retarded steps "Is your internet light on" as if I'm some senile 84 year old grandmother, who has never used a modem before.

Do you think using the windows internet connection logs will convince them of anything? I have a report documenting 5+ hours of downtime in the PM hours today, substantially after the rep declared the problem "solved" for the umpth time, and for which they were conveniently after business hours.
>> No. 61874
No the people on the other end of the line would not know what to do with lines. Their strategy is to keep getting you to pay for their service, nothing more. There could be shenanigans in terms of them turning it on and off, but you won't be able to prove that.

Calling the disconnect like, accusing them of various shenanigans, threatening legal action... those will get the guy on the other end to shit his pants. Again, might not work. I have comcast and they hellza suck in a variety of ways but I've never had a problem with blatant throttling.

When I had that temporary line, it kept cutting out whenever it rained, and I had to call them three times before they actually went up the telephone pole and found out that the cover was off of the box and all the wiring was exposed up there.
>> No. 61989
I had pretty much the same problem except it was the junction up on the pole that would get water in it when it rained.

I called like 2 or 3 times about static on the line and it wasn't getting fixed. I eventually had to disconnect everything from the phone box on the side of my house, and then clip on with a beige box to verify that yes, the problem was on the phone companies side, (in the rain I might add, safe rite?) and then I needed to be very specific that the problem only occurs when it's raining. That got 'er fixed.
>> No. 68408
It's not a conscious choice, people just don't want to look at uggos on TV and in movies. Not everything is a conspiracy.
>> No. 68409

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68046 No. 68046 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
how's it look in your neck of the woods anon?
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>> No. 68078
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>> No. 68079
Fuck you. The mods have taken a clear and unwavering stand to not only permit but to actively encourage really shitty posting.

>> No. 68080
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You swishy, bedazzled drag-princesses don't know the meaning of suffering.
>> No. 68090
As long as Natalie Imbruglia is in my heart, no matter where I am, I will be warm. She doesn't know it yet, but she's my soul mate. She might be torn, but I'm her masking tape.
>> No. 68413

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68207 No. 68207 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Alrighty, not sure what kind of responses I will get on 99 but here goes.

So first things first, I consider myself a feminist, but I don't agree with gamergate, the Matt Taylor shirt incident. I don't agree with these things being dragged into feminist politics. The purpose of this thread is to see if maybe I am wrong on this, if maybe my paradigm is incorrect but give me your honest responses.

Lets start with the freshest and work our way back. Matt Taylor is a the scientist responsible for recently landing a probe on a comet for the first time in human history. He chose to wear a shirt with skimpily dressed animated women on it. Feminists freaked out about this saying his shirt is misogynistic.
He broke down in tears and apologized promptly.

Looking at this shirt I see nothing wrong with it. I think its perfectly acceptable as I view it as artistic expression no different then the venus de milo or the thinker or any other historic example of art. The shirt in question was made by a female artist. The people complaining about the shirt are the same people who are arguing for the right to dress as they please and yet telling him he cannot. To me this whole thing seems like a Hippocratic witch hunt to demonize anything that will get publicity weather it be truly offensive or not.

Thing two gamergate. The people who complain video games are misogynistic in my view clearly don't play video games. Video game characters are designed to be idealized fantasy versions of things, Of course women are going to look flawless of course men are going to be ruggedly masculine, Back to the art point previously made humans have a fascination with idealized perfection. And through out history Our paintings, sculptures, films, pictures and video games have provided us with that. Its not inherently misogynistic, its idealistic.

Video game story lines feature countless female protagonists and bad things seem to happen to male and female characters alike. MMO's especially give room for a person to be a different gender then there real life gender or a different race all together. When playing a game it isn't about male or female its about how well you play, its about the storylines and any damsel in distress trope is used because its a time tested storytelling plot device. Its been reversed as well with things like skyrim and super princess peach.

So Am I missing something? Am I buying into a patriarchal structure or are feminists making publicity out of non-issues?
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>> No. 68418
Like hell, do you have any idea how expensive dakimakura covers are? No way I'm cutting it up.
>> No. 68421
Also two-way tricot is all at once bouncy and stretchy and sort of thick and not very breatheable. I don't think it would make a very ballza shirt, it'd be like wearing a shirt made of a spandex towel.
>> No. 68423
Yep. Really, though, the problem isn't corporate assholes who want to take advantage of people. That's par for the corporate course. The problem is that so many people love games so much that they get taken advantage of. Most people working on games are easily and quickly replaced; combine that with clueless upper management and you have perpetual nightmare mode. Besides all that, I'm talking about the culture rather than the environment. The people causing the crunch time kind of stuff are the same kind of people that hire real-life convicts to make their GTA clone more "real".
If every company could get away with it, at least 99% of them would. But people want to be there making games, so they put up with it because there are little to no similar opportunities. I don't think it's worth it, but they might just say that I don't have their game ganas.
I got left out of the credits on a game once. Not cool, brah. Worked my ass off, too.
Oh, shit. I got it. Hippocratic witch hunt refers to witchdoctors hunting. So obvious!

Funny, sometimes sad, sometimes shitty stories like http://trenchescomic.com/tales/post/cellblock-2350

And I'm going to go ahead and plug this shit, because I like it. It's like a basic story/game course with little cartoons.
Extra Credits: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB9B0CA00461BB187
>> No. 68431
Those are sure some convincing vague axioms.
>> No. 68518
From everything I've read/seen for the last decade or so, that is just how it appears to be. If you think I'm wrong, then tell me how it is that I'm wrong.
Unless you're just being contrary for its own sake, in which case you don't matter.

File 141583306916.jpg - (88.95KB , 620x349 , scut-farkus.jpg )
68007 No. 68007 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Tell me about that kid.

I grew up for a time with a kid named Joey. Joey would insult people, sometimes when they were bothering him but usually just because they happened to be nearby, by calling them skeesh and bleacher. He called a classmate of mine a "Swedish pantyliner" and on one occasion he called me a petunia.

One time in fifth grade my cousin was in the boy's bathroom during recess, pooping. Joey came in and started throwing pebbles over the top of the stall, my cousin telling him repeatedly to get lost. Then, out of nowhere, Joey kicked in the stall door, threw a handful of rocks on my cousin and then ran away.

A few years later, he started a fire on his family's farm, burning a million dollars worth of pig barns and bankrupting the family. He was institutionalized in some capacity (as kids, we weren't told much about where he went but he was gone and there was a lot of talk about "juvie."). I don't know where he is now.

Who was that kid when you were growing up? What did he do? Was he violent or just strange? What kinds of encounters did you have with him?
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 68018
he was held back a couple times. a real ass to others but we got along. when we were in 5th grade he would walk up to my desk with a visible erection in his pant leg and he would rap it with his knuckles and laugh.
then one day the math teacher chewed us out for like 20 minutes. when she finished i just looked at her with a plain face and said "next time you are gonna yell at someone so much, make sure you brush your teeth first, your breath stinks"
she quit that year
>> No. 68262
A kid I grew up with was held back twice and pooped his pants 3 times in middle school. I felt sorry for him more than anything.
>> No. 68466
Seeing as I can't think of a tale, that child was probably me.
>> No. 68499
File 141765145333.jpg - (1.17MB , 1801x2509 , Alpaca_-_Raalte_(1).jpg )
The person in OP's pic makes me think thats what the human version of an alpaca would look like.

Picture attached for comparison.
>> No. 68513
File 14176682721.jpg - (108.62KB , 451x628 , alpaca.jpg )
wow ur right

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