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File 143483023152.jpg - (26.95KB , 540x540 , 1393899_913412362053388_3982316105643836598_n.jpg )
73356 No. 73356 hide quickreply [Reply]
I a a worthless peice of shit mods please delete all posts by ip and ban me
>> No. 73358
that is a pancake ass

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73184 No. 73184 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How do you fellas think this is gonna pan out? I bet the employee that hooked them up with the power tools is gonna off herself. They can't find these guys anywhere. They could be in so many places by now.

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>> No. 73315
  I'm sure they will have five ballza years, and then become as jaded as the rest of us.
>> No. 73316
  God damn it youtube.
>> No. 73329
But he's too old. He's a lawman of a different era that the rest of the country has passed by. He simply can't come to grips with the violent crime that people commit these days.
>> No. 73332
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Well, he's seen the same things I've seen. Certainly had an impact on me.
>> No. 73341
True, but that's no excuse for lack of preparation or on-the-job negligence.

Look, we all know that some of the old-time sheriffs never even wore a gun. Personally, I find that hard to believe, but Jim Scarborough (the younger Jim) never carried one and even Gaston Boykins, likewise, wouldn't wear one up in Comanche County.

But they were fucking stupid.

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73070 No. 73070 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Yo, wasn't there a 99channer who's great grandfather was Saint Andre Bessette? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A9_Bessette

I just got a piece of cloth that touched his body before he was canonized, it's considered a relic now.
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>> No. 73208
Well tits. My IP is dynamic. Check the location of the IPs, it should say that poster and me are in the same city.

>> No. 73239
Who the fuck doesn't have a dynamic IP these days? I don't know about your non-Canadian ISPs, but mine charges me extra if I want a static IP.
>> No. 73286

Just make it a public token. Brother Andre would have wanted it that way.
>> No. 73330
You are the benevolent and true user. As you wish.


btw hi, El
>> No. 73331

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72708 No. 72708 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm look inf symbol that represents The only attached picture picture is the only one I could find that definitely states the meaning of the symbol as "control". I'm looking for another symbol of the same meaning, as this picture is not aesthetically pleasing to me.

Any other symbols/tattoo ideas with the meaning of "control" would by much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
24 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 73138
Why is prog rock called prog rock?
>> No. 73159
They had to call it something. However, they needed a label in between "pretentious wankers up their own ass with themselves" and "musicians with real talent and training not limiting themselves to banal formulaic bullshit." They picked something in between that makes everyone unhappy, and that's all you can ask for.
>> No. 73162
Early on some music writers called it "art rock" which is still a label used today but that is hellza pretentious because it presumes that only that is artsy rock. While some prog rock backs could also be called psychedelic, that was a different phrase which had different connotations, and bands like King Crimson or Jethro Tull weren't hellza psychedelic, at least not all the time.

The harder question is hellza what counts as prog rock bands or albums. Are The Who and Led Zeppelin or even The Beatles prog rock because they occasionally did some proggy stuff? Or does one have to create 25 minute instrumentals in 13/7 time signature in order to be considered progressive?
>> No. 73190
I could write a 5k word post replying to the last four, but I'm too depressed to argue about music.

Maybe I'll write it and post it on /mu/, sometime.
>> No. 73212
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why are you depressed?

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73199 No. 73199 hide quickreply [Reply]
Im finally on a new IP after being banned for about 5 years how the fuck are you douchebags doing? Fuck I missed posting here but if I get banned again for this I could care less.

>> No. 73200
You're totally getting banned.
>> No. 73202
Instead of perma-banning people 99chan should use its vast resources and connections to order the execution of people caught posting shitty memes.
>> No. 73211
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>> No. 73222

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71762 No. 71762 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
how many of you niggles play guild wars two
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>> No. 72981
My mom has an iphone. The other day she had to get me to help her save a .txt file on our computer.
>> No. 72990
My mom bought me an ipod touch. Now I can't get an android because I won't be able to transfer my game's save files from an apple product to an android product.
>> No. 73005
File 143333970564.jpg - (145.61KB , 900x697 , 1430694060202.jpg )
You're issuing these bans from a tear soaked apple device, aren't you? Do you have to use one of those smartphone prophylactics to protect it from the constant moisture?

>> No. 73124
I use my old gen I motorola droid as a music storage device. Everything is deleted on it, I threw a bigger card into it that I took from work, and it's plugged into my car. I just like the experience of having a separate device for music that sips power for days and doesn't need to be fumbled with while driving.
>> No. 73210
Hehehehe. At first glance I read "old gen" as "old men". I thought you were saying you did naughty things with old men in exchange for them letting you use their cars as music storage.

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72892 No. 72892 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Talk about a character who only redeemed themselves on their own deathbed.
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>> No. 73111
The first mention of the problem was this

>I once saw an episode of MythBusters where they did that "if you put a plane on a treadmill will it take off" thing and they tested it by using a truck to pull a long strip of tarp out from a plane in the opposite direction that the plane was moving. But because the experiment could not be done perfectly at that scale, the plane, which had its engines running, moved forward quite quickly and took off. They determined that yes, a plane would take off from a treadmill, despite the fact that their experiment was flawed and their conclusion went completely against any and every law of aerodynamics and lift.

It just mentions a plane trying to take off from a treadmill. That would work.
>> No. 73127
I never got altimeters. How does a plane know how high you are without a ruler. Is that one of the scientific gaps that god fills.
>> No. 73128
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Also, how does wind even work? Air doesn't move by itself. I don't think science can explain any of this.
>> No. 73129

When I was 14, my priest showed me all the gaps God was capable of filling. It was quite a few, simultaneously, with the help of his friends.
>> No. 73130
fUcKiNg MaGnEtS

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73132 No. 73132 hide quickreply [Reply]
What is it like having sex with a man who can do this?
>> No. 73133
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or that?
>> No. 73134
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>> No. 73137
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>> No. 73139
File fun.webm - (70.51KB )

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71869 No. 71869 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
So what do you do with $100,000,000? At that point, what does it matter whether you get 100 mil or 200? What do you even spend that on? It just seems supremely greedy to want more money after that level of wealth. No?
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>> No. 72936
I'd buy it
>> No. 72941

Your grandmother sounds like my grandmother. Why the fuck do grandma's gotta be so anti-nap?
>> No. 72944

The price of naps skyrocketed during the Great Depression. Only the wealthiest could afford to take them. It's a relic from a bygone era.
>> No. 73074

you invest money in Dautladia to make it into the world's biggest, fanciest brothel. Imagine some nice Vegas type shit in a muslim country!

If it gained international attention it would probably get shut down, though. Bangladesh probably doesn't want to be known as "that country with the biggest brothel in the world". :(
>> No. 73131
I would fund North Korea's nuclear program.

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72147 No. 72147 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How do you think a human being with absolutely no emotions would behave?
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>> No. 72252

Annoying. They don't know how to process the emotions of others so they retract from people that they emotionally provoke. They refuse to acknowledge their own wrong doings and will gladly do whats in their own interest over whats in the interest of the majority.
>> No. 72253
We're talking about sociopaths, not women.
>> No. 72254
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>> No. 73116
A human with no emotions would just sit all day. They would do nothing at all because without emotions, they have no motivation to do anything. They might not even eat.
>> No. 73125
That depends on if your definition of emotion, and where you draw the line between emotion and instinct. For example, crustaceans are capable of recognizing and withdrawing from harmful stimuli, but there is some debate as to whether it's truly suffering, in the human sense, or simply part of a self-preservation instinct to keep the crab alive.


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72486 No. 72486 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So which tokens still work? I used to have a list somewhere but it's a couple years old.
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>> No. 73103
Last try.

>> No. 73105
>> No. 73106
all these tokens lost,
like beers down the drain...
>> No. 73115
how do you do the "99chan piss drinking champion" token?
>> No. 73123

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72815 No. 72815 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Is drag actually about femininity? Because let's be honest here, drag queens generally look more like clowns than beautiful women.
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>> No. 73024
how do you piss without getting piss on the tampon string
>> No. 73034
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Don't worry about being derivative, just focus on getting something out. If it's so similar as to come across as plagiarism, then do some targeted rewrites.

And while another author's cultural, political, and historical context may lend greater weight to their insights, your comparatively comfortable life does not invalidate your thoughts next to theirs. Indeed, your distance from real suffering may give you the objective insight that one who has been immersed in that insight may not have. Sometimes what is perceived as a weakness can turn out to be a strength.

We're often the harshest critics of our own work. All of my paintings are front-to-the-wall or behind bookshelves, all the collages are in a stack, and when I make music, I end up waiting months before going through all my tapes and recordings to sort and mix tracks because in the short-term I always hate it and need to wait until I've forgotten about it before I can stand to listen to it.

Plus, you could be exaggerating the similarities or unduly focusing on them as an excuse not to try because of fear of failure, fear of success, self-consciousness about sharing your work/ideas with others, etc.

It's not so much about the act itself or even the reason for the act so much as the amount. The when and the why. I don't come here on the daily to refresh the page and post endlessly, I come a few times a week for maybe a half-hour at a time, often less, with the goal of contributing in some way, even if that way is a terrible one liner or pun or stream of consciousness silliness. The same way a person might go on Facebook to exchange a funny link or two with a friend, post a song they might like on their timeline, make an event page for a party or look at photos of their cousin's new baby. Contrast this with the person who comes to 99chan every day or the person who, at every spare moment, instead of allowing themselves room to think or decompress or look around or make something, opens up their facebook page and just scrolls endlessly through the homepage.

>> No. 73036
>instead of allowing themselves room to think or decompress or look around or make something, opens up their facebook page and just scrolls endlessly through the homepage.
I guess what it boils down to is the matter of intent. Of infusion a conscious purposefulness into virtually every action, every choice made. As >>72982 quite nicely pointed out, anyone is capable of making art, and any manifestation of the imagination into a shareable reality is art. So in a way, your life is a piece of art and you should construct it - curate it might be a more accurate word in some circumstances - into the kind of piece you would like it to be rather than mindlessly floating through certain actions without intent.
>> No. 73038

Well, if you are still interested, I've included an excerpt and partial synopsis, titled "musings."

>> No. 73063
That sure is a lot of text to say something that basically condenses down to "just be yourself dude".

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71712 No. 71712 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
>Albert Einstein (/ˈælbərt ˈaɪnʃtaɪn/; German: [ˈalbɐrt ˈaɪnʃtaɪn] ( listen); 14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist.

Einstein was born on Pi day. From now on he will be known as Pi man.
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>> No. 71829
They can approximate pi day on the twenty-second of July.
>> No. 72832
The suffix "oid" means "-like" in the sense that something that resembles a human is humanoid. Not human, but like a human. So a factoid is something that resembles a fact in some way but isn't a fact.
>> No. 72965
what an interesting factoid

thank you, you straightoid manoid
>> No. 72974
jimmy fallon had his own flavor of ben and jerry's once, it was called the tonight dough
>> No. 73028
Einstein was a Jew.
June is named after the Jews.

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72255 No. 72255 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Where did this idea that gays are supposed to be neurotic, effeminate babies come from? If I wanted to fuck a woman I would, but I want to fuck a man, because I am attracted to masculinity and the values associated with it like hard work and loyalty and self-sacrifice, and not to caterwauling bitches. If we herded all women into camps and used them as breeding cattle to produce more healthy masculine boys, we'd be having Nazi manlove orgies on the moon by now.

There, I've made myself unappealing to just about every point on the political spectrum with that.
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>> No. 72322
Gay as in gay porn vs gay as in lame is a pretty Stallmanesque way of describing it.
>> No. 72563
In fairness, it's easier to sell neurotic, effeminate babies shit they don't need, like clothes, hair products, and weddings.

All glory to the power of capitalism.
>> No. 72608
Fair insight.
>> No. 72847
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What is this commie bullshit? I like my women feminine and my guys even more feminine. ...In appearance only, though; it sucks that the hottest fem twinks are also usually more emotional than a menstruating feminist and crazier than a bag of crazy cat ladies.
>> No. 72946
Shut the HECK up, queer.

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72762 No. 72762 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Why does it feel so ballza to say 'Kentish Town' out loud?
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>> No. 72906
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friendly reminder that masturbation i only done with the self, and saying self-masturbation is redundant.
>> No. 72907
I masturbate with others all the time
>> No. 72927
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I believe there to be a stark contrast between the act of masturbation and selfish nature we are trying to describe. The act of masturbation is for the self, and admittedly are usually not more than for the sake of self.

Describing something as self-masturbation feels more voyeuristic to me, as if the masturbator wants others to know that they are the ones masturbating. When multiple people do this, a circle jerk is created.
>> No. 72933
they should call it selfurbation
>> No. 72942

So pretty much the complete history of 99chan then?

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72905 No. 72905 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do vore fetishists get off when eating shaped mac n' cheese? More importantly, why does shaped mac n' cheese taste superior to normal mac n' cheese?
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>> No. 72914
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Do you fap to girls eating live bugs?

It's not hot even if the macaroni is shaped like human beings or ds?
>> No. 72915
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Shaped chicken nuggets are better than normal chicken nuggets, too. It must be a psychological thing.
>> No. 72924
It's hot because of the femdom elements, not because you're digesting food for nutritional content.
>> No. 72934
i have a mac and cheese fetish

i like to stuff it in my ass

i want the world to know
>> No. 72937
File 143302064950.jpg - (180.45KB , 800x800 , macncheez.jpg )
what the fuck, I can't find any porn of this

when I look up macaroni porn this is all I can find

please take a picture of your ass while it is full of macaroni

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65351 No. 65351 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
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>> No. 72900

That looks super impractical. The guy can barely thrust, meaning he gets barely any stimulation, and the girl gets a d crammed down her throat.
>> No. 72913
It would feel ballza regardless.
>> No. 72918

I seriously doubt those were written by women. Maybe a few, but almost all of them have the stink of e-lit written by some pervy dude out there. I couldn't find a single one I believed. And trust me, I've read a lot of taboo e-lit.
>> No. 72920

And then, Officer Sexypants Dynamo thrust deep inside me as a squirmed and fought, moaning and soaking wet the whole time. "No! No! No! OH, YES!" I screamed, as his officer buddies circled around me and took out their throbbing erections.

This is a 100% real true story of rape.
>> No. 72921
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You'd be surprised. The majority of Gurochan is female, for instance, and they don't stop at rape. You don't have to condone something to enjoy it, nor do you have to enjoy it to condone it. The doctrine of the mean applies in all cases.


Obviously you've never deep throated a girl. Most of a mouth is empty space and teeth. The sweet spot is that sphincter in the back, which has muscles that open and close. The friction that he does get happens to be exactly in that sweet spot. It's the only time I've seen throat fucking done right, and I've seen a lot of throat fucking.

This girl is a champ regardless.

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72717 No. 72717 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

Is it normal to feel attracted to a downie?
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>> No. 72877
I have an orgasm denial fetish so this is all getting very complicated.
>> No. 72880
Well yeah, but maybe if we get a retard out there talking about her sexual desires and performing sex acts on cam it would illustrate our point for the public.
>> No. 72881
Maybe we should start an organization that dispenses free sex toys for the mentally retarded and a dating site for such people. Surely they want to date, right?
>> No. 72887
Someone register speciallove.com
>> No. 72897

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72460 No. 72460 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I am unironically a practicing Roman Catholic.

What makes you weird?
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>> No. 72610
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I am unironically a practicing Belieber.
>> No. 72660
I'm a genuine secret schizoid.
>> No. 72665

>One dimensional fuckwit

You must have liked the ending, then.
>> No. 72668
Eh kinda, I wanted different things to happen, but it was still a ballza ending. I think the movie has a lot in common with The Talos Principle, which I think I liked even better. People shit on that game because they think it's a portal clone, but I thought it was very ballza.
>> No. 72780
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I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs, and I'm not religious.

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72451 No. 72451 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I know this would make more sense in /money/, but it's quite slow over there.

I've finally gotten the self confidence to start publishing the mountain of erotic stories I've written and I want to do well as far as sales go. I've sold one book thus far and had a bunch of downloads through one of the Kdp loan programs, but I didn't do any advertising so that's not bad imo.

Advertising options on amazon seem overly expensive, as do the options on other sites that offer 'promotion' for a book (400$ to put my book in your newsletter? No thanks.), so I want to find other ways of getting my name and more importantly my books, out there.
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>> No. 72571
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>P.L. Silverman

PrincipaL (Onyx) Blackman?
>> No. 72592
Hey now, you're taking that out of context, I love this site!

I feel you, I don't like the elit section here anymore though (lola is cool though), and yeah, I'm done with doing it for free, so posting there would just miss my point. I have enough experience with this place to know that you just can't do any kind of promotion on here for stuff like this though.
>> No. 72613
Reddit has some erotic literature oriented subs. Some have explicit rules against advertising or selling, but some (I think there's one called sexsells) are specifically aimed at people selling online sexual services (webcam performers, authors of erotica, clips4sale store producers, etc).

Get involved in a community like that. Don't just spam though, cultivate a presence. You're marketing your work, you need to create a consistent brand and put in some heavy lifting to cultivate a fan/buyer base. Once you are established in those communities, offer community-specific discounts (a coupon code you only post on that particular forum or subreddit for example) to create a feeling of connection, specialness, exclusivity, and give back a bit to the community that is providing an outlet for your work. Look at how camgirls market themselves. A lot of the women posting on reddit subs like /gonewild/ are camgirls; they spend a lot of time sharing bits of free content (ie, nudity). There's a woman who posts gifs on a breast expansion sub who has a porn site that caters to those kinds of fetishes.

I would recommend, if you're a small-scale DIY purveyor, to find a niche. Look at the most successful Clips4Sale stores and see what they sell. Mark's Head Bobbers and Hand Jobbers is big and he does lotso of ruined orgasms, edging, etc.... much different than the roided out blowbangs with fake moaning you see coming out of the San Fernando Valley even though he works with a lot of mainstream porn girls. SexySaffron always pops up in reddit porn boards, whether it's cumshot boards or breast expansion to share free gifs and occasionally link back to her website. A lot of successful small-scale porn caters to fetishes and content you won't see on Brazzers or PornPros: ball-busting, femdom, breast expansion, ruined orgasms, edging, JOI... There are a million porn girls out at someone's finger tips so why would I pay for X or Y Girl's clips4sale clips? Because she's offering something that is difficult or impossible to find elsewhere. It may not be as polished and professional as Elegant Angel content but: a) it doesn't matter because it's unique content that EA doesn't offer; and b) that amateur feel can be part of the charm, make it more "real".

I would also like to echo the suggestion for better covers. But it's not so much the design of the cover as the title. That is just a messy mouthful. You might as well call it Taming a Naughty New Bride Part One-B of 10: Reconnoitering With My Promiscuous But Legal High School Senior Step-Daughter and Maybe One Of Her Friends for all the words you got crammed in there. You need something snappy.

You spoke in a derogatory fashion about the woman who wrote 50 Shades but here's the thing: she got a book published that sold millions of copies and was made into a movie and you're asking 99chan for tips on selling your incest erotica. Obviously she got something right that you are missing. Obviously her book had the marketing power of a publishing house behind it and you're going DIY, but what she still had to do something those publishers knew was sellable, something that would click with a lot of people. First of all, I think her book is the perfect mix of edgy and safe, and it does a great job - like most ballza erotica - of tapping into neurosis and repressed fantasies. But it's also got a snappy set of titles. There's wordplay in the first one, then the next few are snappy variations of that title: 50 Shades of Grey, 50 Shades Darker, 50 Shades Free or whatever they are (not bothering to google because you get the point).

As far as what your title implies, I think you've got it backwards: why would I want to read about some guy taming his wicked wife? I want to hear him helping his tame wife break free and become wicked. The slutty step-daughter could work, but the word "meeting" makes me think no sex will happen here and the book will have no payoff. "It's just part one where he meets her? I want some climax, I want some action, not a meeting!"

Why would anyone buy a "Part 1" where two characters "meet" from an unknown amateur author? This just makes me think there's not going to be enough action. Give people a small, all-encompassing package. Make the title let them know it is entirely self-contained. Make it short but with enough content and story that it is worth paying for.

So think about that title. Make it snappy.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 72710
Crickey, thanks! I agree that the title is bland, I know the covers need work too. Also,I don't just do one kind of erotica, but maybe I should move towards a couple of niches. Thanks a ton for the advice ballza sir.
>> No. 72752
you're welcome. I think about this kind of thing a lot. Not erotica necessarily, but marketing DIY art or small businesses.

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