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File 140889857319.jpg - (24.64KB , 640x480 , 1407627298398.jpg )
65212 No. 65212 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I want to see how long is it going to take for this thread to get a reply

4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 65320

>> No. 65321
well shit, I did the reverse image search thing and posted the url. It didn't work as excepted.
>> No. 65322
great teacher onizuka

if you have any other questions feel free to ask :^)
>> No. 65455
who is the tiny woman with the enormous cat?
>> No. 65501

File 140894634623.gif - (115.34KB , 600x477 , old-fashioned-bike.gif )
65233 No. 65233 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I like to fart while riding my bicycle and imagine it's a booster rocket.
18 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 65299
Don't cry just because you can't refute me. You wouldn't say "she's such a bitch-in-cunt". That makes no goddamn sense. You can't use adjectives like that. Show me one other phrase where it's acceptable.
>> No. 65300
"He is a commander currently filling (or 'in') the role of chief."

Languages have lots of weird implied shit. I was learning about conditional mood in Italian and I didn't get it at first, I was like conditional of what? But we do the same thing in English. We say "I would like some of that". Technically it's an incomplete conditional but it's kind of implied we mean "I would like that, if you'd give it to me". Language is weird.
>> No. 65435
File 140944053729.jpg - (15.54KB , 480x360 , dd.jpg )
Preposition trouble
>> No. 65442
does it tickle ur clit and turn u on but only some times?
>> No. 65514

File 140919314921.gif - (3.75KB , 160x144 , acretro.gif )
65324 No. 65324 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Can we have a thread about cool pixel art?
14 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 65417
theres a thread over at /fronk/ with some cool pixel art
>> No. 65434
File 140944037762.gif - (0.97MB , 500x475 , SjzbUQi.gif )

this person's work is neat
>> No. 65438
File Anthology2_intro_p1.webm - (4.19MB )
Had to cut it in half because size restrictions.
>> No. 65440
File Anthology2_intro_p2.webm - (4.83MB )
Second half
>> No. 65516

I wanna make a movie in 256 colours. I think it would be pretty cool. I'm not really a fan of the faux animation these days, but this shit looks like it took talent.

File 140959617160.jpg - (58.85KB , 634x423 , white wins.jpg )
65521 No. 65521 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
LOL this man's white genes are so powerful they completely beat his wife's black ones.
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 65560
Are you implying that that picture was taken in the early 60s?
>> No. 65561
>> No. 65571
Maybe he cheated on her with a white woman.
>> No. 65579
You don't think his wife would have noticed not being pregnant or giving birth?
>> No. 65581
Well, blacks are pretty gullible.

File 140834724879.gif - (6.77MB , 650x441 , there goes my last fuck.gif )
65088 No. 65088 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Just fucked a friend of mine I wasn't sure was interested in me until tonight. What did you do tonight brothers in anonhood?
35 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 65493
File 140954616566.jpg - (5.02KB , 324x324 , lion_of_judah_mug-r914535ac6f274a93a697dead870726b.jpg )
Worked 14.5 hours, stole some cash, bought some pills, now I'm drunk and high and am thinking about making some tasty food.

Today was a ballza day.
>> No. 65515
where did you steal cash so casually from? work?
>> No. 65570
Not him, but I steal things all the time at my gym. You'd be surprised at people's sense of security in a gym. It is a nice gym, though. It has individual showers. You can jerk off and it's not weird, because you don't have any unwilling audience members watching.
>> No. 65573
Where's the fun in jerking off where no one can see you? How am I supposed to climax?
>> No. 65610
File 140969386699.jpg - (33.42KB , 500x500 , natu.jpg )

Make a thread to brag about getting laid, then try to pretend it was just to start a conversation.

Really, man. I bet that was you asking yourself to elaborate earlier too!

File 140965875315.jpg - (65.50KB , 646x960 , 10593002_10152255646750812_850124278652112181_n.jpg )
65578 No. 65578 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
where do you stream tv shows from? i'm in japan and trying to watch orange is the new black. the torrents files are too much for my crappy netbook to play well.
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>> No. 65589
What part of Japan are you in, and why are you there?
>> No. 65592
I'm having a really difficult time deciding whether his English handwriting is worse than his Japanese characters. They both look like they were mashed onto paper by a slobbering mongoloid.
>> No. 65614
Why are you watching Orange Is The New Black instead of watching weird Japanese gameshows while you sniff some panties you bought from a vending machine?
>> No. 65686
why not both?
>> No. 65701
calligraphy experts in this ITT

File 140971099199.png - (1.76MB , 1110x980 , boners2.png )
65625 No. 65625 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What kind of person do you fap to?
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>> No. 65630
File 140971408883.jpg - (248.62KB , 450x665 , C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Tem.jpg )
These paparazzi pictures of a naked Brad Pitt from the 90s.
>> No. 65633
Where is his penis, and why are you using internet explorer?
>> No. 65658
are you not?
>> No. 65667
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>> No. 65668
File 140978107231.jpg - (57.13KB , 547x756 , babe.jpg )

File 140941475596.jpg - (18.95KB , 588x400 , make-a-wish.jpg )
65416 No. 65416 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
if you could have one wish under the condition that it cant significantly change the course of anyones life what would it be?

I would wish away top ten lists, or lists measured in 10s in general. They always phone a couple in. I'd read a 7 whatevers list over a 10 whatevers list anyday.
42 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 65604
File 140968924976.jpg - (84.28KB , 400x267 , Waterbear.jpg )

Chances are you've both breathed in bear at least once in your life. And it's probably still alive, inside you, having babies and eating your dinners.
>> No. 65606
I wish all my fingers were middle finger
>> No. 65613
Every man is named Tyree, every woman is named Shawndelle.
>> No. 65663
File 140977594427.jpg - (84.52KB , 500x490 , bearkiss.jpg )
What could I do to increase the amount of bears in my body? I would like to be a cute little bear zoo.
>> No. 65707
You fucking monster. I'll track you down, stick my gooey hands down your throat and tear out your heart.

I fucking hate gooey hands.

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65456 No. 65456 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I've been taking elephantine dumps this week and I don't know why.

What is your feces like?
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>> No. 65702
I've had too many incidents involving accidentally pissing all over myself or my friends' bathrooms. I always sit down when I've been drinking because those are exactly the times when you piss yourself and "maybe if I just drench my pants with water people will think the sink exploded on me or something" sounds like an excellent idea.
>> No. 65704
i pierced my d so now without jewelry i have 2 streams at right angles. it's a fucking mess if i don't sit down
>> No. 65709
Please film yourself peeing standing up with no jewelry!
>> No. 65710
If he actually does it, could we give this gentleman his own token as a reward?
>> No. 65711
I'd like to see him piss while pinching his urethra shut, so the urine all comes out the piercing hole.

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65649 No. 65649 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
If you woke up one morning and found that you had transformed into a delicious burger how would you go about not being eaten?
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>> No. 65684
You're a fucking idiot.
>> No. 65692
You're fucking an idiot.
>> No. 65720
You fuck idiotically
>> No. 65736
> In the 90s, it was okay to eat meat in the West as long as you said bismillah beforehand.
What the hell are you talking about? You're clearly talking out of your ass, peoples beliefs didn't change in the past few decades, that's just something a particular portion believes.
>> No. 65737

You're stupid if you think religion is immune to fads.

File 140996033897.jpg - (56.67KB , 590x350 , vanuatu.jpg )
65722 No. 65722 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

"Many people say he's just a spirit, but for me he's real. I saw Prince Philip's real body".
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>> No. 65734
Oh, yeah, gay stuff, hell yeah. Mmm, gay stuff and butt. Hell yeah.
>> No. 65742
File 140996932760.jpg - (170.62KB , 800x531 , vanuatutu.jpg )
Well, women of vanuatu tend to have saggy breasts.
>> No. 65744
What they may lack in gravity-defying breasts, they more than make up in with heart.
>> No. 65746
It is impressive how their ballsacks are almost entirely free of wrinkles.
>> No. 65748
How goddamn wrinkly is your nasty ass ball sack? Jesus. Take a picture. I want to see if your junk looks like a Shar Pei with a cock on its forehead staring at me, you jive ass turkey.

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65765 No. 65765 hide quickreply [Reply]
the kanji on him means middle.
>> No. 65778
Jeez, that guy has got to be the worst Red Lantern ever.

No. 65800 hide quickreply [Reply]
Well it's been some years /b/. How have you been?

>> No. 65802
File 14101767997.gif - (465.51KB , 250x141 , tumblr_nalu90cjiu1ti9yq7o4_250.gif )
pretty fucking boss. thanks for asking.
>> No. 65803
p ballza. welcome back

File 141014852084.jpg - (90.07KB , 600x670 , 4j9nI6v.jpg )
65794 No. 65794 hide quickreply [Reply]
Who would win in a fight?

The corgi or the pig?

Who would they fight in the next round?
>> No. 65804
corgip is pigroc backwards
>> No. 65947
File 141037264177.png - (386.47KB , 698x389 , i hate mondais.png )
the corgi would obviously win. pigs are lazy toothless creatures

File 140973294648.jpg - (37.89KB , 500x287 , face down ass up.jpg )
65638 No. 65638 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How do you like to take it in the ass? I prefer face down or cowgirl style. If I'm on my back with my legs in the air then the cock Quick, everyone sage this threads my bladder and makes me have to pee.
14 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 65688
Congratulations. You will be completely incontinent by your 30th birthday.
>> No. 65689
That's ballza news for my diaper fetish
>> No. 65699
File 140988118945.jpg - (20.25KB , 250x250 , tumblr_n2o64oL3q41qf384fo1_250.jpg )
the anus is amazingly elastic. you might be surprised at what it can do. mine continues to surprise me despite all of the things i have put in it.
>> No. 65703
File 140992347237.jpg - (145.34KB , 1024x915 , oYzHxAL.jpg )

The anus may be willing but the heart may protest.
>> No. 65867
I imagine his last words were "I REGRET NOTHING" for some reason.

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65108 No. 65108 hide quickreply [Reply]
What level is your neopet?
>> No. 65295
I heard that Neopets was a front for Scientology and that they tried to sneak in minor doctrinal points like "look at how the bad guy is an alien psychiatrist."
>> No. 65890
File 141029376318.png - (28.88KB , 214x202 , acara.png )
I heard that too but I'm pretty sure that was just bullshit spread by 4ds. I don't think the bad guy was a psychiatrist.

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65615 No. 65615 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Anyone got some ballza Polandballs?
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>> No. 65759
Heh, I think these are funny. Moslems are 8 balls, japan only attacks people from behind, poland talks shit. Hilarious.

Also, as an American I'm surprised I actually was able to tell who all these countries were. It's the one ballza thing that's ever come of my daily reading of the BBC.
>> No. 65805
File 14101883197.png - (778.04KB , 848x4969 , uCgEHga.png )
I found this one.
>> No. 65830
>> No. 65906
File 141031285819.png - (143.45KB , 620x2450 , 1373647507322.png )
I wouldn't really call it a meme. They're just simple comics based on stereotypes of the countries involved. For example, there are lots that play on the idea of Germans being closet-Nazis, and the Brit ball is drawn with a monocle and top hat.

It's just fun, silly political humour.
>> No. 65907
White British make up less than 50% of London's population.

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65751 No. 65751 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
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>> No. 65874
>I'm not really sure what you're talking about but we can't really look to other countries on this issue because there is no apt comparison, and when there is something that gets close, it tends to end in shittiness that we don't want to emulate.

They look at us as an example of shittiness, so both parties can't be right. Honestly, if you only look at "ballza" examples, you're just whitewashing over reality.

>Europeans are really ballza at hating other whites, of course, but when it comes to blacks and sand people living in their countries they don't even

Yeah, no.
>> No. 65901
You think that suddenly makes these Negroes French?

>There are many Parisians with African ancestry who have lived in Paris for more generations than native, white Parisians.

The difference is that those native White Parisians are transplants from other regions of France and these Africans are transplants from, well, Africa. Imagine if some guy breaks into your house and takes a nap in your living room while you're in the bathroom, then when you leave the bathroom and go to the living room the guy says "hey m8 I've been in the living room longer so this is my house now :^)".
>> No. 65931
I think the point was just that there aren't that many native Parisians with longstanding ancestry in Paris. But by your example, the only real Americans are Native Americans and much of Europe is occupied by false people as well. Actually the only real people would be Africans. So, real people colonized Paris, not fake French.
>> No. 65933
Well no. Whites and blacks have been in America for about the same amount of time and have the same amount of connection to the land, and you killed all the Indians anyway so it's kind of a moot point. And yes if you go back far enough all humans come from Africa but that seems like such an arbitrary point to stop at. Go back even further and we're all free-floating molecules of RNA in a primordial ocean. Check your multicellular privilege you eukaryotic shitlord.
>> No. 65942
File 141037124032.jpg - (65.92KB , 680x340 , monument.jpg )

They were killed by their own government. Which filled out its power base with transplants from rural communities, who were more politically reliable.


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65749 No. 65749 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Multiple people in my facebook feed are posting crowdfunding sites to help pay their bills.

People I know are panhandling through facebook.
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>> No. 65959
>> No. 65980

I once married a dog, and she and I still live happily in Croatia. You may call our lifestyle wrong, but we are a proud couple with a happy, long life ahead of us. Well. I do.
>> No. 65987
File 141041333034.jpg - (28.73KB , 432x382 , 1409187940733.jpg )
It works. My friends wife does it and gets quite a bit.
>> No. 66001
How does it work? Is the cause or project they want to fund "paying my water bill"?
>> No. 66012
I'm not that guy but I suspect a few people in my town do it. Basically after a heavy rainfall or something like that you make up a sob story. For example, your basement flooded and the insurance won't cover it and you lost all these family pictures and furniture and waah waah you need money. Or you know, something like that. You lost your job due to the recession, the banks are being mean to you and you need money, etc. People will just throw money at you because of this whole mentality that we can fix the entire world by donating money instead of caring.

I suppose this is more along the lines of a scam than panhandling but whatever.

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65943 No. 65943 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How come the Japanese don't draw ds everywhere?
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>> No. 65996


lol, you weren't even alive you fucking idiot
>> No. 65997
I was born July 24th, 1923, in Bozeman, Montana, you dirt bag. I hope you dramatically trip and fall where nobody can hear you.
>> No. 65998
I want to see that mans nightmares. His and junji itous, maybe shintaro kagos as well.
>> No. 66007
>His name is Paul Robertson.
You sure his name is not Robert Paulson?
>> No. 66019
File 141047836420.gif - (1.73MB , 864x432 , paulrobertsonnightmare.gif )

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