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File 140976079657.jpg - (70.68KB , 468x745 , kick-ass.jpg )
65649 No. 65649
If you woke up one morning and found that you had transformed into a delicious burger how would you go about not being eaten?
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>> No. 65652
I'd be one of those publicity stunt burgers that are thousands of dollars due to being topped with truffles and gold shavings and I'd love on a Native American reservation without a casino so that no one can possibly afford to eat me.
>> No. 65664
I would go hide in a muslim community
>> No. 65665
Muslims eat burgers, though.
>> No. 65666
Can muslims eat burgers? I thought the meat had to be halal, and if there's some random burger on the floor chances are it's probably not halal.
>> No. 65669
Nowhere in the Koran does it forbid Muslims from eating non-Halal meat.
>> No. 65670
Trick question.

The idea that I have been turned into a burger precludes the notion that I can "do" anything about it. As an unthinking chunk of ground beef, I would be in no shape to do anything to prevent my being eaten. However, since I anticipate that no one is going to rummage through my bedsheets looking for a snack, I'm not worried about the possibility of being eaten.
>> No. 65671
File 140978789715.jpg - (17.14KB , 283x283 , 1408245383001.jpg )

Hey white boy,

First muslims are supposed to live by the Koran and the Sunnah(the way that the Mo lived his life, and the Hadith). So just because something isn't in the Koran doesn't mean that it can't be part of Islam.


>> No. 65674
The burger could still be halal. Learn about Islam a bit more or go shove a cock up your haram bung hole, Whitney Houston.
>> No. 65675
I would sneak in the room of some dude jerking off and i would make sure the cum would be all over me because ain't nobody gonna eat a jizzburger
>> No. 65676

What the fuck are you talking about? My response was to "Nowhere in the Koran does it forbid Muslims from eating non-Halal meat", idiot.
>> No. 65677
woops, that was meant for >>65674

Sorry for calling you an idiot, >>65675
>> No. 65680
No muslims eats non-halal food, which would include pork. I think what you're thinking of is Zabiha which decides whether meat from a halal animal such as beef is edible. To be zabiha the animal must have been killed in a specific way.
and that gets even more complicated. Basically, some people do and some don't depending on the sect. You'll see a majority of Indians and Pakistanis belong to the sect that doesn't eat non-zabiha meat, and most of the Arabs belong to the sect that believes it's okay to eat non-zabiha.. I can't speak to other subgroups.
>> No. 65681
You're a fucking idiot.
>> No. 65682
There are arguments within the Muslim community as to interpretations of what is and isn't halal, though. In the 90s, it was okay to eat meat in the West as long as you said bismillah beforehand. There are some definite rules, but also a lot of grey area.
>> No. 65683
What the fuck are you talking about?
>> No. 65684
You're a fucking idiot.
>> No. 65692
You're fucking an idiot.
>> No. 65720
You fuck idiotically
>> No. 65736
> In the 90s, it was okay to eat meat in the West as long as you said bismillah beforehand.
What the hell are you talking about? You're clearly talking out of your ass, peoples beliefs didn't change in the past few decades, that's just something a particular portion believes.
>> No. 65737

You're stupid if you think religion is immune to fads.
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