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File 140834724879.gif - (6.77MB , 650x441 , there goes my last fuck.gif )
65088 No. 65088
Just fucked a friend of mine I wasn't sure was interested in me until tonight. What did you do tonight brothers in anonhood?
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>> No. 65092
Went to this party, talked to a bunch of people, smoked a lot, barely drank at all (I don't like alcohol all that much) and on my way out I ran into someone I hadn't seen in years and had no reason to see again. When I went to sleep I had a dream three girls who were there at that party were into me (I know most of the people who were there because you know, connections and whatnot).

I hated it.
>> No. 65100
File 140842172671.jpg - (81.49KB , 400x400 , 1408072153324.jpg )
made a fire ass smoothie, drank some wine, watched The Ricky Gevais show, got high, and browsed the internet. not a bad night.
>> No. 65101
I farted several times tonight.
>> No. 65110
Elaborate, OP.
>> No. 65121
Well we had hung out a few times previously, usually alone for several hours at a time, always enjoying each other's company more than usual. I've always felt like I could let my guard down around her more than for most people, but didn't really think about fucking her. I noticed a lot of sexy attributes about her but always thought she was "not my type" or something. We started talking on facebook and I sent her a terrifying drawing I did in high school, she sent me an adorable comic from her teenagerhood drawn about her first sexual experience. I told her it gave me an angst boner and we started talking about sex and realized we wanted to fuck. Turns out touching her feels like electricity and eternity and we had an amazing time. It was my first time in about a year and I've only had one sexual partner previously so I was pretty satisfied that I got over most of my barriers with it and was able to get out of my head and enjoy it. Love it, even. I'm gunna screw her tomorrow.
>> No. 65141
File 140858582517.jpg - (2.93MB , 3000x2357 , An_F-35B_Lightning_II_aircraft_lands_aboard_the_am.jpg )
Got off work, talked to this chick on the phone and made plans for this weekend, ate some Bagel Bites, played Battlefield 4, and jerked off. Not a bad night.
>> No. 65142
What kind of Bagel Bites?
>> No. 65144
I drank a bunch of tequila and am now watching television. I do this most nights. I love it.
>> No. 65145
What kind of tequila?
>> No. 65147
Woke up at 11 pm, masturbated, smoked a couple cigarettes, went to the store for some snacks, came home, read some manga, masturbated again, ate my snacks, played New Vegas for a bit, typed this post and pressed "Reply".
>> No. 65149
Just got up, went to the gym and bought food for the two day hike i will be doing tomorrow and on saturday
Now i will relax in the reeking pigsty that is my flat and play metro last light

Food for today is a tarte flambee.
>> No. 65151
Yeah, actually I played Touhou 13 and not New Vegas. I didn't want you guys to bully me and call me a weeb since I already said I was reading manga.
>> No. 65154
What did her cooch smell like?
>> No. 65155
>> No. 65157
I am devising a plan on fucking my ex's bisexual boyfriend who she left me for to get back at her. My main hurdle is I consider the idea gross, since I'm not gay. But this girl really broke my heart, so I think I could just muscle through it.
>> No. 65195
Some meth and a porn marathon.
>> No. 65211
File 14088954655.jpg - (43.82KB , 250x167 , tumblr_na7tp8eYeJ1t7bqozo1_250.jpg )
jerking off to this tumblr blog
>> No. 65216
Blue cheese and insecticide.
>> No. 65217
oooh, pix plz
>> No. 65220
File 140891020564.jpg - (45.77KB , 500x750 , eyz.jpg )
Christ, she could be a playboy model. I am dying of jealousy.
>> No. 65227
I would DESTROY her. She's hot as a mother fucking pre hep c, pre vegan Pamela Anderson.
>> No. 65236
You clearly haven't seen the caliber of Playboy models these days.
>> No. 65240
That's what the Heff likes, so that's what appears in the magazines.
>> No. 65249
Yeah, Heff fucks all the playmates. The man is some kind of genius. He built his brand around debauching women in a stylish, trendy way. And bitches are into it.
>> No. 65251
Heff proves truly how far medications have come that manage the symptoms of HIV.
>> No. 65257
I recall reading my ads old playboy/penthouse magazines and whatnot that he would leave in strategic locations, I always hated playboy, but penthouse had some wicked art in it, plus dem stories.
>> No. 65260
i love penthouse for the porn, but i learned how to shave from an article in a playboy magazine when i was like 10
>> No. 65262
File 140906491490.png - (290.87KB , 500x375 , cosmopolitan.png )
I remember fapping to my mom's cosmopolitan magazines when I was a kid.
>> No. 65265
Dear Cosmopolitan:

What is wrong with you

Sincerely: A penis owner.
>> No. 65273
File 140907489065.png - (220.84KB , 500x375 , cosmotip.png )
>> No. 65274
File 140907496895.jpg - (55.03KB , 614x461 , cosmoweirdtip.jpg )
>> No. 65275
File 14090752108.jpg - (32.01KB , 610x203 , more.jpg )
>> No. 65276

Yeah, I read that article on Cracked too.
>> No. 65281
deathgrip is real though

and some girls will just barely and gently grasp it like they're afraid it'll bite if they startle it or squeeze too hard
>> No. 65441
i thought deathgrip broke up after niggas on the moon came out
>> No. 65493
File 140954616566.jpg - (5.02KB , 324x324 , lion_of_judah_mug-r914535ac6f274a93a697dead870726b.jpg )
Worked 14.5 hours, stole some cash, bought some pills, now I'm drunk and high and am thinking about making some tasty food.

Today was a ballza day.
>> No. 65515
where did you steal cash so casually from? work?
>> No. 65570
Not him, but I steal things all the time at my gym. You'd be surprised at people's sense of security in a gym. It is a nice gym, though. It has individual showers. You can jerk off and it's not weird, because you don't have any unwilling audience members watching.
>> No. 65573
Where's the fun in jerking off where no one can see you? How am I supposed to climax?
>> No. 65610
File 140969386699.jpg - (33.42KB , 500x500 , natu.jpg )

Make a thread to brag about getting laid, then try to pretend it was just to start a conversation.

Really, man. I bet that was you asking yourself to elaborate earlier too!
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