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File 141945772822.gif - (492.83KB , 500x330 , fire2.gif )
68861 No. 68861 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Christmas Thread
52 posts and 49 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 76710
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What did you get for Christmas?

I got some black and thrash metal from my dad and sister, a book I have no interest in (thanks grandma i'm totally going to read it), some sheets, a blanket, socks and some pot from my girlfriend, and a Star Trek book and more pot from my roommate.

I also got miscellaneous chocolate and tea from all of the above mentioned people.
>> No. 76711
File 14511865411.jpg - (65.33KB , 492x449 , traditional-caganer.jpg )
my mommy said she would buy me baculums and a statuette of a shitting spanish man

>> No. 76712
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A neato Roman Dirge figurine and some lovely cheesy movies.
>> No. 76714
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I got a bunch of gift cards, I'm impossible to shop for. My interests are anime, games, alcohol, and guns, stuff that few people in my family hellza know anything about. Well, one may know guns but he's not gonna give me ammo for my birthday, and my taste in alcohol is somewhat narrow. I already ordered a new anime toy with the Amazon gift card I got.

Anyway, I knocked it out of the park with gift giving this year. No one was expecting shit from me.
>> No. 76719
Got some new speakers for my computer and The Brothers Karamazov.

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69818 No. 69818 hide quickreply [Reply]
What do you think it must be like to eat out a woman right after she gave birth?
>> No. 69823
Bloody, pissy and possibly shitty. Don't be a sixth grader, OP, you know this.
>> No. 69825
Pissy and shitty? What?
>> No. 69826
It will taste of piss and shit. Women do that when they give birth. It's a pretty grotesque process, and this is well known to adults.

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76641 No. 76641 hide quickreply [Reply]
What do you think Adolf Hitler would have been like if they had internet back in the 30's?
>> No. 76649
I bet he'd have a FurAffinity account.
>> No. 76655
It would be funny seeing all the teenagers arrested for treason for praising him on 4 big dicks up my asshole
>> No. 76660
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FuhrerAffinity, you mean.
>> No. 76663
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Only TRUE ARYAN NATIONALISTS will like this post! Share if you're opposed to the INTERNATIONAL JEWRY taking over our country!

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76725 No. 76725 hide quickreply [Reply]
If someone vandalizes a public bathroom, who gets in trouble? It's illegal to install cameras in shitters, right?
>> No. 76729
You can always install cameras outside of the bathrooms. They'd probably find you if you made a lot of noise and caused a lot of damage.
>> No. 76732
"Vandalize" is a term so broad that it could be your mother.

I find ultra fine point Sharpies to be well suited for writing on drywall and toilet stalls, which is great if you want to continue the tradition of using public bathrooms as a proto-/b/. For anything more destructive than that, remember that Ernest Hemingway had to write several books before he could get away with shotgunning a crapper.

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76179 No. 76179 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Post your dreams!
47 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 76547
That happens to me sometimes except it's real life and I'm the one making women cry.
>> No. 76561
May God bless and keep you, my son.
>> No. 76575
My dream began with me living with my extended family, somewhere rural and wasteland-like. It reminded me of Oklahoma during the Great Depression. In the foyer there was a small, old, decrepit tree growing through the floor. It was only about five feet high but it was thick and black and all gnarled. The ghost of my dead cousin was haunting the tree.
Everyone else in the house had accepted the haunting. The ghost just kinda wandered around the house, moved stuff sometimes. It wasn't much of a nuisance but they still wanted rid of her. It was almost a hobby for me and my other cousins: try and get rid of the ghost. She would talk to us if we asked, and would usually tell us to do all this occult stuff to put her soul at peace. The father of the household, my uncle, made a concerted effort one day and my dead cousin told him that we had to all prick our fingers with a needle and make a daily blood sacrifice on the tree. So a regiment of blood sacrifice was instituted. I know this was bullshit though, she had told us to do shit like this before and it never worked.
The next day I went up to the tree, and my dead cousin was wandering aimlessly around it as usual. I made eye contact and began striding up to her with intent. She took notice and steeled herself, but when I came closed enough I embraced her. Normally we couldn't touch her, but this time I could hold her like she was hellza there. She started crying, and I held her closer and told her it was going to be okay. I asked her why she was making us do all these silly things. She replied that she just wanted us to leave. She was bound to the tree and couldn't move on to the afterlife, but just wanted to be alone. I released her from my embrace and told her to tell me what had happened to her. She had died before I came to live here, but I had a vague memory that she had died in some kind of accident, or of a disease. At this request my cousin began sobbing again, shaking her head and telling me she couldn't. I said if she couldn't tell me that she should show me, implying I wanted her to possess me and give me some sort of ghost-vision. She seemed taken aback and asked if I was sure, as she could cause a lot of havoc if allowed to possess a human. I told her that I trusted her, at which she slowly melted into my body.
I relived the moments of her death. My poor cousin was in her room, writing, when our great aunt came in. Our great aunt was very old and cruel. In this instance, she was also drunk. The old aunt began to berate my cousin, mocking her youthful beauty out of jealousy. My cousin began to grow afraid and backed up into the corner of her room as our great aunt loomed over her, a drunken tower of ancient envy. The great aunt began to beat her with a bottle of liquor. When the bottle broke she began to cut her. I remember experiencing all of my cousins emotions and sensations during this time, it was awful.
Suddenly I was back standing by the decrepit tree with the ghost of my cousin. She was crying again, apologizing profusely for putting me through that unfortunate experience. I was shaking from the vision, but told her that it was okay. I told her I would make sure our great aunt was turned in, that she paid.
The next day the police came and arrested my great aunt. They dragged her kicking and screaming through the old house and out into the desert. The rest of my family was very somber, but we noticed that, at last, the ghost of my dead cousin had passed on and no longer haunted the decrepit tree in the foyer.
>> No. 76576
I dreamed I had tumors on my head and it was slightly worrying.

>> No. 76720
I dreamed someone I cared about was out of prison and was having a merry christmas with his family. He wore a santa hat, drank eggnog with booze, smiled and promised that he would turn his life around.

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76578 No. 76578 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Fuck star-wars. How can anyone enjoy the franchise despite all the commercial whoring it's doing? Shit, there's even a Jarjar make-out simulator lollipop. It's shameless.

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>> No. 76699
File 145112857563.jpg - (56.12KB , 625x938 , hermignonne.jpg )
They're casting a black woman as Hermione in the Harry Potter play.

>> No. 76701
Disgusting. We need black Harry to make this right.
>> No. 76706
Well, so long as you get mad at literally every movie that has a black guy when it doesn't need one, because guess what? They're all in there for what could be called "social justice reasons".

And you obviously don't know what a token is. Billy Dee Williams, as ballza as he was, was a token black.
>> No. 76707
Oh I do get mad. Mad as hell. Every time.
>> No. 76716
Yes!!! So long as the Durseleys he lives with are still white.

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76698 No. 76698 hide quickreply [Reply]
What is this poop shop supposed to sell? Stool softeners?
>> No. 76700
The "train to nowhere" is quite obviously labeled "the train to death" so someone is lying. Knowing how tidy gays are, I bet the hiking trail is nice and clean, probably not a bad place for an afternoon.
>> No. 76709
dibs on calling my band rainbow death club
>> No. 76715
The labeling of the houses confuses me a little. Is a bunch of single guys living in houses hellza the worst thing about the Gay Agenda? Wouldn't you want to portray them as all living together in a longhouse having perpetual orgies or something?

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75472 No. 75472 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How do I lower my tolerance for a drug, aside from just not doing it for a while? My medication isn't working anymore and I can't get a higher prescription because it's a controlled substance.
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>> No. 76608
then your deserve to being shitty 24/7. ballza luck wit that.
>> No. 76612
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I want to live in a world where this show is a real thing.
>> No. 76614
It's missing a character who starts out as part of supporting cast but the show becomes all about them in season 3.
>> No. 76705

If the wife was a man, where did the son come from?
>> No. 76708
The wife and doctor (the real ones) had the sons years ago. Then the wife was killed and skinned and replaced by an impostor. Then the doctor.

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76682 No. 76682 hide quickreply [Reply]
why did chicks in the 50's have such big hair
>> No. 76683
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why did chicks in the 80's have such big hair
>> No. 76684
Are the '20s the next decade of futuristically big hair?

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76680 No. 76680 hide quickreply [Reply]
I have noticed that in the last couple of years when I go to the movies I am overwhelmed during certain scenes. It appears to be the enormity of the situation playing on screen or perhaps the emotions of the characters presented on screen that causes me to react. I have been having to fight back tears. Even today, when I went to go see Star Wars, there were at least five different times I had this reaction.

I think it is perfectly reasonable to react emotionally to movies, but these seem to be more frequent and less connected to the plot or investment one could have with the characters.

Have you guys ever had this happen?
>> No. 76681
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I cried during changeling because the protagonist was so desperate and helpless.

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76202 No. 76202 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm watching that Star Trek where Geordi gets friendzoned and it is so painful to watch and I can't stop laughing.

He makes a girl uncomfortable by telling her he's been making a computer simulation of her on the holodeck.

I can't stop laughing.
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>> No. 76310
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the motherhooligan looks like it's a deep fried oven mitt.
>> No. 76313
What would you do if you went to blockbuster's, rented a cool VHS but instead received a deep fried cumsock?
>> No. 76328
Probably this >>76300
>Lick the cumsock. Lick it.
>> No. 76336
Well first I'd wonder how the fuck I went back in time to where Blockbuster and VHS were relevant things.

I tried to imagine a future where one can stream cumsocks on Netflix, but then I remembered that if you know where to look it's already possible even without future technology to find streaming cum.
>> No. 76679
Star trek reminds me of an after school special. I still like it though.

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76669 No. 76669 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hello 99chan.

Been gone for like 5 years (?). You guys still exist? I'm impressed.

Whatchu been up to guys. Tell me some life stories.
>> No. 76670
not this shit again
>> No. 76671
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Why not? I'm 5 years out of date. What's happened here?
>> No. 76672
rhaegar died of tularemia
hobbes and bread joined isis.
>> No. 76677
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Not much hellza, just y'know, conversations. I have been gone for a while, off rock climbing across the country.

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76306 No. 76306 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I always get hellza nostalgic for 99chan around the holiday season. Around the time I was first coming here in 2008/09, I was living in a new city, struggling with feelings of isolation and loneliness, and 99 was a huge comfort back then. 420chan was as well, and as a result I tend to visit there around the holidays more than any other time of year.

My life is much better now than it was then, so I don't need to hang out on /b/ or in livestreams of Bad Santa and the Peanuts xmas special run by 99 and 420 posters to feel like I have companionship. But I still feel drawn here around this time and it makes me reflect on the handful of cozy evenings spent drinking tea, watching a stream of the Trailer Park Boys Christmas when I had no one irl to curl up with and trading "awws" with Actual on /cat/.

These days, in addition to many other improvements, I have a fluffywuffy kitty next to me as I type this. But that doesn't diminish my affection for this place and the people who post here, insufferable as some of you are :3

Here's to you, 99chan/Anonymous/Bronlonius/Ronnie James Dio/Gaius Flaccus/Doctor Anonymous M.D. Happy December

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>> No. 76388

What if you panic and forget the instructions and blow by accident?
>> No. 76414
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Then the sax will make fart noises around ur wiener lol
>> No. 76418
That can feel better than you think.

If you're sitting while playing an alto sax or standing while playing a tenor sax, you can aim the low E flat key so that the vibrations of sound open up right onto your junk.
>> No. 76419
>> No. 76673

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76634 No. 76634 hide quickreply [Reply]
I enjoy asking for "the usual" at restaurants I've never been to before, just to see what I end up with.
>> No. 76648
What do you normally end up with?
>> No. 76657
Seems like something untrue. The vast majority of wait staff or clerks at restaurants give me the blank stare if I do/say anything they don't immediately understand. Unless I'm at a higher-end restaurant (usually a steakhouse) I get used to treating food service people like they're in the third grade.
>> No. 76659
Probably because none of them actually passed third grade.

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76642 No. 76642 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Is this person blowing a bubble of gum out of their d, or is that supposed to be a condom which has somehow formed a bubble?
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>> No. 76650
As long as it's a sugar-free bubblegum condom. Imagine if it broke and you had to worry about tooth decay as well as HIV.
>> No. 76651
Doesn't gum rot your teeth regardless of whether or not it's full of sugar?
>> No. 76652
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If it's put on fast enough some air could get caught in there. It could also be inflated a little before putting on.

I don't like dmitrys art too much, the weird thing is he's a great artist with a ballza sense of proportion and could create some nice non-H stuff if he wanted to. I wonder if da Vinci would have just drawn horsecock dgirls fucking twinks if he was born in this time.
>> No. 76654
>ballza sense of proportion
>> No. 76656
You know what I mean. Yeah he draws shit big but it's accurately big. The bodies actually look as they would if a lady actually had a three-foot horse cock.

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76152 No. 76152 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
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>> No. 76216
>> No. 76355
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>> No. 76609
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>> No. 76611
Hellraiser is one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. And Hellraiser II is hellza ballza too. I haven't seen any of the other sequels (deliberately avoided them before but now I'm starting to think I should just embrace my Hellraiser fandom and watch them all, even the terrible ones).
>> No. 76615
Two Halloweens ago I watched every Hellraiser movie in one sitting, took a bit under 16 hours. I defintely recommend it. While some of the movies aren't exactly "ballza" they're all hellza fun to watch. Some of the latter ones are pretty ballza too, I hellza like the one where the police officer goes crazy, it's like 5 or something. There's also one in space.

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75937 No. 75937 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey sloths, recommend stuff that is fun to watch. Anime, horror movies, mexican telenovelas,mixtapes, whatever.

I recommend retard-o-tron and the anime overlord. Go watch overlord. It is hellza fun.
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>> No. 76286
Bro, I'm gonna bate. I think I'll bate to granny porn. I love sitting and watching grandmas get fucked while i bate, especially with my 99chan bros.
>> No. 76301
Yeah bro. I'm right there with you. homo intended though. We're totally not gay, just a pair of bros jerking out a pair of loads.

Need more lube, dude? High five. homo intended.
>> No. 76302
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well I have a new favourite wordfilter
>> No. 76347
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>> No. 76610
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Can I have the sauce of the .gif, if you happen to have the link?

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76532 No. 76532 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Why is 99chan's IRC down?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 76556
What's with all the rhetorical questions these days? Such a waste of keystrokes.
>> No. 76557
Why is there an 'h' in the word rhetorical? Don't you think the English language is silly too often?
>> No. 76603
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Can we has irc back?
>> No. 76604
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It's only a few more days until X-MAS don't you think you guys should be more worried about trying to stay sober before the family gathering?
>> No. 76606
My family is never sober during the family Christmas gathering. It isn't truly Christmas until Uncle Pat is snoring on the couch.

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76601 No. 76601 hide quickreply [Reply]

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76549 No. 76549 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How do glory holes work?

For the hole to be at penis height when you're standing up, wouldn't it have to be at face height when you're sitting down? Meaning that if two guys are trying to shit in stalls next to each other, if they look through the hole, they'll just be looking at each other's faces. Right?
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>> No. 76573
In practice one person usually takes on the responsibility of guzzling all the cocks. That person stays put to service all the other ds going in and out the hole.

This system, especially combined with low lighting, almost always guarantees not having to see anyone's face going out the stalls afterward. That guarantees that you won't feel weird about that blowjob until your penis starts to burn later.
>> No. 76574

>In practice one person usually takes on the responsibility of guzzling all the cocks. That person stays put to service all the other ds going in and out the hole.

What if the person currently servicing ds gets a tired, sore mouth? Do they switch?
>> No. 76577
So they just sit there with their mouth in the hole? What if someone enters the stall next to them and just starts shitting loudly? Then the person with the mouth in the hole would have to eat poopy air.

>> No. 76581
It ain't an easy job, which is probably why your mom wanted you to go to college, if you had a mom that cared.
>> No. 76587
File 145064513320.jpg - (68.68KB , 800x450 , gloryhole-swallow-kate-sucks-dick.jpg )
The etiquette, if torrenting GloryholeSwallow.com videos has taught me anything, is for either party (the sucker or the suckee) to put a finger through the hole like "hello there, interested?" That way they don't have to sit with their gaping maw up to the hole, they can rest between cocks and signal to the next participant if/when they are ready.

Most gloryholes, at least popular ones that are used often, are in my understanding located in adult book stores, theaters, and sex shops in the video booths in the back, not in bathrooms, so the stench of poopy air is not so much an issue. The stank of crusty jizz and unwashed foreskins is probably an issue though.

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