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File 143690051431.jpg - (74.88KB , 589x442 , fiddy.jpg )
73918 No. 73918 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

50 cents is bankrupt
8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 74029
but rappers prefer to shoot each other with Glocks, which aren't made by Colt
>> No. 74038
Thank God someone understands this here. He could have nonliquid business interests worth 114.5 million dollars, but only $500,000 in cash. If a $5 million payment comes due at that time, he can file for bankruptcy in order to try to protect the majority of his assets. My guess is that's what's happening here.
>> No. 74039
i understand accounting
>> No. 74047
ballza for you. This is a fincance thread, though.
>> No. 74053
i understand finance

File 143641385990.jpg - (92.22KB , 383x750 , tumblr_m7dmnta7tL1royhc0o1_500.jpg )
73800 No. 73800 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I remember for the longest time if you typed 99chan into Google images the first result would be a picture of a skinny teenage boy wrapped in videogame cables with like a NES on his chest and shoving the controller up his ass.

I did some digging and the site is still there albeit this time with what appears to be some sort of gay raver.


it appears to have been abandoned some time last year.
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>> No. 73824
No you didn't I did.

Then I banned you.

Then I fucked your mom.
>> No. 74026

Wait, were you any one of the players on the 1978 Meadowdale High School football team?

Because if you are you might be my daddy.
>> No. 74030

which one of these is your dad
>> No. 74037
Basically, all of them :(
>> No. 74040
Many crimes are committed by fatherless black men. I am assuming you are white. Plus you have like 30 dads. So you are very lucky because you will never go to jail ever, what with all that white skin and al those dads

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73987 No. 73987 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

I think it's fucked up that kids should be punished for their parent's crimes. Doesn't growing up on an island riddled with criminals make them more likely to become criminals as well?

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>> No. 74010
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>> No. 74011
I think it would be a lot better as an animation. This just looks stupid.
>> No. 74020
>they seem to be doing alright.
Didn't they just ban solar panels or something
>> No. 74021
Well, their economy is in ballza shape, but they did grow up to become Australian.
>> No. 74023
we cawl m8s cunt n cunts m8

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73829 No. 73829 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Does anime turn people gay?
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>> No. 73929
I can't say I'm hellza an expert on the nomenclature but I think there is a real difference between traditional beads and whatever you wanna call that, if it doesn't have it's own name then it should.
>> No. 73930

Let me propose official terminology:

Beads on a string will heretofore be referred to as "anal beads not on a solid dildo-like thing that are hard to clean".

Beads not a string will heretofore be referred to as "anal beads not on a string thing that are easy to clean".
>> No. 73933
How do ropes trap HIV? Does HIV survive particularly well on ropes?
>> No. 73938
HIV was just an example, but many bacteria and viruses can get stuck in ropes and washing them completely clean is damn near impossible. That's why safe sex promoters tell you to use a condom with anal beads that you plan to share.
>> No. 74022
Fibrous material

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73588 No. 73588 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

You have purchased your million dollar dream home. A man calling himself "the watcher" begins to send you threatening letters letting you know that he is watching you. What would you do in this situation?

I think I'd leave a friendly note on the door inviting the watcher to have some tea so we could talk things out.
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>> No. 73637
i would murder some cunt in my home and see if the watcher still watches
>> No. 73646

Take their couchsurfing ad and using it as a casting couch for the co-eds. They never explicitly told us not to...
>> No. 73675
File 143573104486.jpg - (211.58KB , 750x561 , mickeymousewallpaper.jpg )
I honestly wish something like this would happen to me. I would have so much fun stalking the watcher and trying to figure out his identity. I'd leave messages to him on my door, I'd leave little cakes outside for him and I'd invite him to 99chan.

In the messages to the family, the watcher makes it seem like he doesn't want the house to be altered in any way. Maybe I'd change the wallpaper to something hellza tacky just to see how he would react.

Of course I'd get a gun and install some cameras in case he turned out to be dangerous. I get the impression he's just some guy trying to be creepy, though.
>> No. 73725
File 14358920416.jpg - (220.81KB , 910x607 , 20010606-voeten-mw05-019-910.jpg )
Hire Kamajors to guard my house.
>> No. 73917
bump this on every stereo in the house 24/7


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71864 No. 71864 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do you know of any cool .onion links? Nothing illegal, please.

Here is one about neat cat facts.

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>> No. 73578
  I keep reading stuff about Mozart ingesting his own poop on blogs about autism. Is there any evidence of this being true, or is it just a myth? Wikipedia says nothing about Mozart eating feces or being into scat, he just talked about feces a lot in letters to his mama and his cousin.

>> No. 73579

Mozart was the priest in Church of Fudge.
>> No. 73584

Having just shown this internet classic to my girlfriend for the sake of her education, I just realized that the music in the background is actually Mozart's Requiem
>> No. 73585
I have never actually watched the church of fudge. What is it, exactly? I assume it's a scat video.
>> No. 73885
Dissapointingly, getting laid does not alter their behavior.

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73544 No. 73544 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
You ever feel like killing yourselves?

I almost died a little while by hanging off my door knob. I came pretty close to losing consciousness and if I didn't act I would've died.

Did you find a way to turn your life around and make things better?

I don't even hellza feel particularly bad, I just have all these vague anxieties about the future like things will never get better and there's nothing I can do about it.

I come to you people because I literally have no friends.
35 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 73688
Can you show me?
>> No. 73690
I'd be right happy to.
>> No. 73704
Don't be a fool.

You can become an electrician after attending a 6 month trade school. You'll make $50k a year changing lightbulbs for incompetent yuppie fucks. In 10 years or so of experience you can become a master electrician and make upwards of $100k. Just show aptitude while you're in school and your instructors/the school will place you in a job.

I have a cousin that did 10 years in prison and he was in his mid 30s when he got out, he went into a trade and now has a wife and a few kids living as best as he can. There are people in all sorts of situations trying to get their shit together however they can dude, you just need to keep fighting and you'll eventually find your way in life.

I wish you the best, but you sound more fucked up than I am. Know that as long as you have all your limbs and functioning sensory organs there is hope for you yet.
>> No. 73793
I got a girlfriend

It didn't cure my clinical depression.

Who would've thunk?
>> No. 73836
For most people, clinical depression isn't a thing that can be cured, but it can be effectively treated and managed.

I find that "having a bitch around your penis" therapy is an effective part of a treatment regimen and (if you find the right bitch to put around your penis for the long term) can give you something to hope for in the future.

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73766 No. 73766 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Have you heard about Demochan.org, /b/?

It's a democratic chan where users vote for a party to own a board. We should make a party on it and take it over.

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>> No. 73791
File 143630757462.jpg - (82.98KB , 633x475 , theoldman.jpg )

Stop resisting our robotic overlords to be and start embracing the perfect masters.
>> No. 73796
ballza point. We need a less flexible, a more consistent metric. Perhaps vaginal depth?
>> No. 73798

We could always just keep it at ds, the way Thomas Jefferson intended. It's not like the few female-sponsored initiatives in US history haven't all been some kind of retarded prohibition based on feelings and babies.
>> No. 73805
Sometimes I get tempted to wonder if it would have taken longer to vote our freedoms away in the name of security if we hadn't passed the 19th Amendment. However, it's obviously not a foolproof plan because women's indirect political influence made the 18th Amendment a thing.
>> No. 73826
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what about obese female robots? would u vote for obese female robots?

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73730 No. 73730 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Happy fourth of july. What are your plans on this fine day?

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>> No. 73769
Napoleon Bonaparte Charles de Gaulle Julian Assange.
>> No. 73770
If Julian was a frenchman his name would be Julien, not Julian! Suck my croissant.
>> No. 73772
> if you are seriously interested
They're not. They're just rowdy and want to cat-call.
>> No. 73780

I guess I can learn to live with it. I just feel so, used.
>> No. 73784

It's like society came up to me and said, "Look, I found this dog shit on the ground. I know it isn't yours, but I want you to have it."

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73760 No. 73760 hide quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 73761
It's ballza to concisely communicate and express yourself.

>> No. 73762
File 143615677060.png - (69.92KB , 598x579 , 2015-07-06-002526_598x579_scrot.png )
I don't think that many 5 year olds can read classical Chinese, somehow I doubt the efficacy of this particular website.
>> No. 73764
File 143618845131.jpg - (147.10KB , 629x553 , gizoogle_transnizzle.jpg )
I'm pleased to find that my customary method of viewing 99chan, gizoogle tranznizzle, is rated at a slightly higher reading level than the original.

>Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease81.6
>Flesch Kincaid Grade Level4.4
>Gunning Fog Score6.6
>SMOG Index5.3
>Coleman Liau Index6
>Automated Readability Index1.2
>> No. 73768
It includes all interface elements in the assessment, it's entirely diluted and meaningless.
>> No. 73781
File 143625963329.jpg - (112.67KB , 612x380 , me.jpg )

What if we collated the text areas, but removed common keywords by a simple search and delete? Preformatting would certainly eliminate the redundancies and improve the efficiency of our algorithm.

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73619 No. 73619 hide quickreply [Reply]
What's the standard length of time to hang on to a greeting card after someone has given it to you? If it were up to me it would be "however long it takes to empty shake out the cash and drop it in the garbage" but some people seem to take offense to that. Should I wait until the person leaves, at least?
>> No. 73620
If you know someone with their own compost pile you can spin it into "all your warm fuzzy sentiments are helping this tree and these shrubs grow."
>> No. 73622
What's the point of greeting cards? Particularly store bought ones. Nobody cares about receiving greeting cards.
>> No. 73628
I never understood it either until I realized that they're basically a $3 recepticle for whatever cash/check/gift card that you actually want to give to the person. You're supposed to pretend that the card is the real gift and the contents are just an afterthought, because at some point some asshole from the Hallmark marketing department convinced your grandma that it's tacky to give plain cash as a gift.
>> No. 73687
I am a hoarder and hang on to everything. Last week I found a 8 year old card, amazingly near the top of my piles. I guess I will throw them out if I move.
>> No. 73722
Around Xmas/birthday/other times that necessitate cards, I usually just put every card I get on a shelf or mantle (if I have one) for a week or two because it makes me feel ballza to do what I think is the gracious thing.

Mostly, though, this isn't a problem for me. My girlfriend and most of my friends are fairly artsy fartsy so I get a lot of either homemade cards or cards that are made by some local artist and bought at a farmer's market or whatever and I actually want to hold onto it or display it for a little while so I can enjoy it.

Some of my friend's are just practical and don't buy a card at all.

The only person who regularly sends me generic-ish store bought cards these days is my grandma and she often crams every square inch of them with tiny writing updating me on her life and various family goings-on and asking me questions about my life. I often keep those. Not all of them, but I have 4 or 5 because I like having these little reminders of how much my granny loves me and thinks about me.

I get where you're coming from, OP, because I am definitely not a very sentimental person. But at the same time, most of the cards I get tend to be quite thoughtful or personal in one way or another. The only outright generic "Dear Dzhokhar, Merry Xmas!" cards I get are from my boss.

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73214 No. 73214 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Is it possible to be trans-african?
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>> No. 73669
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Well, you might consider the guy in question actually does claim a medical pedigree, in addition to single-handedly curing AIDS and Ebola.

No one is claiming that these presidents actually have doctorates in anything. Or at least, if they do have these qualifications, the BBC should be competent enough to have included these in the article. The article was about how African presidents, retroactively attained these designations after several years of presidency.

Which raises the obvious issue, if they did indeed attend classes on the subject, how much actual 'presiding' could they have truly accomplished? Either they are lying about their credentials, or they are behaving irresponsibly.


That's the joke.
>> No. 73689
>That's the joke.
Is it a joke when it's not funny, clever, doesn't follow the outlines of a joke, has no punchline, no wordplay whatsoever and only makes sense in the mind of whoever did the "joke"?
Spoiler: No, it is not.
>> No. 73693
Sounds like most of the things I've seen white college girls laugh at.
>> No. 73699
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>Which begs the question. If Obama is an African president, then he must have a fake doctorate somewhere. Why hasn't Donald Trump taken the President to court for this?

>It "raises" the question, it doesn't "beg" the question. "Begging the question" is a specific type of fallacious argument where the premise is included in the argument itself, they are not synonyms.

>Is it a joke when it's not funny, clever, doesn't follow the outlines of a joke, has no punchline, no wordplay whatsoever and only makes sense in the mind of whoever did the "joke"?

Yes, what I hate the most about satire arz the logical fallacies.
>> No. 73898
Man up. Just because you flopped a joke doesn't mean you're necessarily unfunny. It's just a failed joke.

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73299 No. 73299 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
give me your strongest webcam selfie 99
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>> No. 73555

>> No. 73591

Not gay enough.
>> No. 73612

Well I'll be damned. Another robot, whatup son?
>> No. 73621

>> No. 73623
Robot? As in, you browse r9k?

No. 73608 hide quickreply [Reply]
  What would you do if you impregnated a woman who turned out to be like this?

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73504 No. 73504 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hi /b/
I don't hellza know where to begin,
Look I know that you've seen it all, I know that you've read every single pasta and read every repost of a repost but I would hellza appreciate it if you took a minute to read through this and you don't even have to send me anything, just read it.
My name is Louie, I am a long time lurker of all boards. you mother fucks have been my calm in the storm for a very long time.
I am Syrian, I am a sandbasketball american by birth, and I fled that cesspool of memory-country to the land of the Ruskies, right now I am lurking in Russia and trying to make my way west so to speak because the Russians are kicking me out on the 31st of August. (visa expires).
Thing is, I am flat fucking broke, I spent everything I had to get here on a "Student's Visa" which turned out to be a major fucking money drain from both the institute I registered in and the costs of living here (with no job mind you) are mind fucking blowing.
I spent around 9k Dollars from February till now, I just can't take it anymore.
No fucking embassy here is granting me any kind of visa west, I tried the Russian Asylum program and they shrugged me off like a fucking peasant. My papers are currently in an embassy in Moscow awaiting refusal for yet another "Airport Transit Visa"
This is my pay pal email I wanted it in the first post, I don't even fucking know if I made it right but here goes
[email protected]
Continued below because field too long

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>> No. 73509
>Hi /b/

>> No. 73510
Tsk... Not staying supporting the Lion of Damascus Bashir Al-Assad, the Stannis of the Syrian war. Shame.
>> No. 73513
File 143524792495.gif - (1.71MB , 400x395 , tumblr_ncjz0xWqWt1tsb2meo1_400[1].gif )
Hey, I hope something works out for you, OP.

I don't have any money but you can have this cute cat picture :3
>> No. 73533
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You also posted this on krautchan and 4 big dicks up my asshole, huh? So much for us being your calm in the storm.

>> No. 73535
Two words OP - allahu akbar.

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73140 No. 73140 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Can girls love other girls?
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>> No. 73295
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It goes exactly this deep.
>> No. 73420
File 143507559512.jpg - (461.22KB , 950x1000 , e3f1f066269273252e7ff4e3309d11a3.jpg )
I also enjoy masturbating to loli catgirls and I'm more of an S, so I don't think it's that.
>> No. 73541
File 143535226517.jpg - (159.04KB , 662x536 , men should love men.jpg )
"when a woman loves a man she must be completely irrational" - Jack Kerouac
>> No. 73543
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Why couldn't I have been born a cute anime lesbian instead?

>> No. 73546
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I wish I could meet my perfect S having a guy/girl dominate over me would be the only way I could feel loved.
Life is suffering.

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73497 No. 73497 hide quickreply [Reply]
ballza evening, Anon.

What do you think about watching people die? Not necessarily in person, either; there are plenty of snuff videos out there. I personally find it extremely distasteful. I think that death is an intensely personal experience. It's the end of our personal sojourn in the world of the living, the ultimate finality of our own story. I don't think that is something that should be shared with just anybody, and in the case of snuff vids, to strangers for their amusement or to sate their morbid curiosity. At this most intimate moment, we should give those departing from this world the privacy they deserve out of humanity and common decency.

Perhaps the exception is those who have been sentenced to death. I think that's part of the punishment, losing control of the final moments of one's life, including who is able to bear witness to it. The state takes away this right in retribution for doing the same to another.

What do you think about all this?
>> No. 73498
I think we must accept that people's final moments are frequently made public without their consent. It's shitty and wrong, but it happens. So I watch gore without guilt. It helps me cope with the finality of life.
>> No. 73518
Who cares what dead people think? They're dead.

I mean, sure, sometimes dead people had nice ideas back when they were alive, but it is up to the living to determine what's worth acting upon.
>> No. 73523
File 143528142253.jpg - (65.49KB , 245x325 , nikkicatsouras.jpg )
What about their relatives, though? I mean, how would their mom feel knowing that their kid's death is available to see on the internet?

If the dead person is doxxed, there's always the possibility that jerks will send their relatives pictures of the corpse like they did to the family of Nikki Catsouras. Her siblings had to be homeschooled and her parents stopped going on the internet because people kept showing them the body.
>> No. 73530
I fall under the "morbid curiosity" category. I think curiosity is one of the most important traits for a human to have.

No. 73118 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
  Why do all these videos end with a weird Indian guy saying "hahahahaha I don't brush my teeth"?
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>> No. 73145
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I think HeyKids is Satan.
>> No. 73164
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>> No. 73269

If only we had listened.
>> No. 73290
This is worse than alantutorial but not quite as bad as masaokis
>> No. 73493
why didn't we listen?

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73312 No. 73312 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
"Reaction videos". Can someone explain to me why this is a thing? These days I can't search for my favorite clips from movies, TV, or games without 90% of the results being some spastic aspie retards watching said clips and losing their shit - or pretending to lose their shit; probably half of these that I've actually watched look fake / staged. What's the appeal?
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>> No. 73334
someone make a reaction video to this thread
>> No. 73337
The bad news is that we live in a time where people can put videos of damn near anything on the Internet for all to share, but look at the bright side: we live in a time where people can put videos of damn near anything on the Internet for all to share.
>> No. 73347
Let's Plays have some utility if you're interested in a game but not sure if you want it, also fun if the games are horrible. It can be used as a sorta "first-reaction" review.
>> No. 73348
Lets Plays are a bit more understandable. You're not watching the persons face as they play the game, you are watching them play the game from their perspective. If you're stuck at a certain part of a game and are too stupid to read a GameFAQs walkthrough they can be helpful.

A ballza LPer can show you interesting easter eggs, odd bugs one can exploit for a laugh or provide insightful commentary. Shitty ones, which most are of course, just play the game and expect you to hop on their d whenever they make a joke.

>> No. 73367
>>73348 Yeah, but they usually have specific videos for strategy, exploits, Easter eggs and the like. Let's Plays are almost always some dipshit with an annoying voice simply playing through the game, giving running commentary and trying out his shitty stand-up routine.

Also, is there some sort of YouTube regulation that says literally every gaming video has to start off with the phrase, "Hey guys, it's ______..." Come up with a new intro, for fuck's sake.

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71889 No. 71889 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I am seeking horrible SJW content. What is the worst, dumbest, most abominable tumblr you know?


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>> No. 73266
You're far from reaching the character limit. Stop this cont. bullshit.
>> No. 73339
On the contrary, "oh shit I thought of something else to say about this same topic that I didn't think of before" is a valid reason to have a "cont." in there.

Then again, maybe I'm one of the few on here that doesn't have a problem with seeing a few more fresh, dripping cont.s on here.
>> No. 73360
It ain't about character limit, mang. You must activate your true self and go beyond your character limit. But hellza, it's just a temp identifier to avoid confusion like with >>73209.

I was wondering when we'd see a "cont." in here.
>> No. 73361
You're all a bunch of conts.
>> No. 73372
And your an irreverend overpoaster.

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