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File 143400468216.jpg - (46.51KB , 720x720 , invisible korean lesbian offers praise to allah(SW.jpg )
73140 No. 73140
Can girls love other girls?
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>> No. 73141
File 143400833280.jpg - (2.34MB , 5950x4089 , feabd1d49d2fd1b59eecf831aff4404c.jpg )
Yeah they kiss and braid their hair and stuff my sister told me so.
>> No. 73143
File 143401108277.png - (211.33KB , 444x325 , 1357014334086.png )
I feel like I was the only one who hated Yuri Kuma Arashi and thought it was an incomprehensible poorly animated pile of shit, everyone else sees cute girls being lewd with other cute girls and immediately rates it as a 10/10 masterpiece.
>> No. 73144
File 143403623485.gif - (1.90MB , 452x253 , Death.gif )
Some people just don't "get" Ikuhara. It's a valid status I guess. His storytelling style is rather unique. It's not even hellza about being "deep and meaningful", though in a world where NGE is considered deep it's not a surprise that people would be confused by a metaphor that engulfs the entire setting with every plot point being another layer to the metaphor.

Personally Sakura Kiss got boring half-way through and other attempts at yuri anime have been mostly just SoL stuff with "overtones" but no real exploration of how a school girl might actually handle a homosexual attraction. It's supposed to be lighthearted and fun and I get that, but that's why YKA got so much attention, because it was yuri without also being Type-S bullshit that goes nowhere because we want to pretend like teen girls are asexual with no impure thoughts.
>> No. 73270
File 14345331281.jpg - (120.30KB , 640x640 , 1407111403316.jpg )
>> No. 73271
File 143453640788.jpg - (1.07MB , 720x1000 , 8c0722eaf4aa54622bb215c978f6a401.jpg )
did you know male cats have spiked ding dongs
>> No. 73273
File 143455609626.gif - (852.50KB , 600x338 , CHEN STO BEENG SO CUTE.gif )
No, I did not know that.

Did you know that my uncle had a cat that loved getting spanked? Every time he pulled out the fly swatter she would moan and beg to get spanked and she wouldn't stop begging and moaning until he did.
>> No. 73275
Well, that certainly explains why nerds like to jack off to animu catgirls (and computer game catgirls like y'all are posting).
>> No. 73278

You might be right, does my desire to masturbate to lolicatgirls have any connection to my masochist desires?

For example: I would love to be forced into a maid outfit and completely dehumanized sexually.

I wanna know how deep this anime themed sexuality psycho-analyzing can go.
>> No. 73295
File 143459898092.jpg - (173.38KB , 510x1325 , 20051002.jpg )
It goes exactly this deep.
>> No. 73420
File 143507559512.jpg - (461.22KB , 950x1000 , e3f1f066269273252e7ff4e3309d11a3.jpg )
I also enjoy masturbating to loli catgirls and I'm more of an S, so I don't think it's that.
>> No. 73541
File 143535226517.jpg - (159.04KB , 662x536 , men should love men.jpg )
"when a woman loves a man she must be completely irrational" - Jack Kerouac
>> No. 73543
File 143535499327.jpg - (99.36KB , 1280x720 , sour.jpg )
Why couldn't I have been born a cute anime lesbian instead?

>> No. 73546
File 143536028628.png - (185.06KB , 1029x634 , 40W2O[1].png )
I wish I could meet my perfect S having a guy/girl dominate over me would be the only way I could feel loved.
Life is suffering.
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