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File 141631104762.jpg - (1.26MB , 1600x1422 , mysorebananawoman.jpg )
68129 No. 68129 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Have you ever grown close to someone from a culture very different to your own? My mother is dating a muslim man from India. He grew up there, he still lives there and he has never traveled in his life. He is my best stepdad so far and our cultural differences can be pretty funny. I would like to talk about them.

He is convinced that the jews did 911.

Hearing anything about pork makes him nauseous.

He thinks that when you cough, you die momentarily.

He had never seen a thermometer before my mother showed him one. He felt that taking his own temperature was a thrilling experience. I suspect that if we told him about the existence of anal thermometers he wouldn't believe us.

He has never tasted apple pie and didn't know that blackberries are actual berries.

He has sacrificed several goats to various people. at the moment his father is in the hospital, so last week he went to a nearby village and sacrificed a goat in hopes that it would help him heal.

Every few days he says something impossibly silly by American standards and it's just adorable. I hope he'll be able to move here some day. Have you ever had a similar experience, anon?
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
48 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 69130
>On average I think the best way to fit in most of religion is by doing one thing that is completly common to each religion "treat other like you would like to be treated"

>"treat other like you would like to be treated"

Well, Indian stepdad believes non-muslims should be taxed for not following the "one true religion".
>> No. 69136
The rulers from the different Indian sultanates before and up to the Mughals also did some kind of scholarly gymnastics to get Hindus classified as Dhimmi "people of the book" so they could just tax them and not have to holocaust them.
>> No. 69140
The principal expressed in this post is the basis of one of my favorite pieces of music and definitely my favorite nasheed, Alhamdulillah by Dawud Wharnsby

It's one of the few songs that legitimately gives me shivers and I ain't even Muslim.
>> No. 73472
Indian stepdad doesn't believe in infertility and doesn't understand in vitro fertilization. When told that a friend of my mom's had fertility problems and was planning to get preggo with bought sperm, he suggested shipping her a husband from India.
>> No. 75003
We had the Indian president here in OZ a year or so ago.
He pointed out that India had more Christians tha we did and more Moslems than Pakistan did.
We didn't point out that they had the majority of the world's Hindus.

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73684 No. 73684 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
the japs want a republican prez cuz they think he will be stronger on the aggressive chinks makin power moves
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>> No. 73711
File 143586944420.jpg - (79.70KB , 518x427 , 1434132341913.jpg )
>> No. 73719
Billy Waugh watched him for months for the CIA and apparently had chances to kill him but was told not to. He jogged by bin Laden's compound every morning.
>> No. 73724
What you have to keep in mind with that is how the USA had different foreign policy objectives at the time. Among those objectives was pissing off the Soviet Union, and mujahideen stirring shit up in Afghanistan had that same goal, so of course they got along in the 80s.
>> No. 73726
File 143589396555.jpg - (66.93KB , 500x723 , Ferdowsi.jpg )

The Romans had stated policy goals of fucking up with Persian hegemony, and boy did that backfire in a way that, you know, almost completely ended civilization as we knew it.

The parallels are eerily similar.
>> No. 75002
The first American president to visit China was Nixon, a Republican.
China and the GOP have a lot in common. Keep the little people in their place. Money has privelige, etc.

File 143504293921.jpg - (84.30KB , 540x374 , texascat.jpg )
73415 No. 73415 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What would your ideal life be like?
26 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 74955
File 144296430985.jpg - (175.98KB , 463x783 , Jorgeluisborges1.jpg )
The year is 2007. The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are now unified under the name of The Independent Republic Of Ériu and has been topping the charts of least religious nations on Earth for years. I live in Dublin with a gorgeous, creative (though not necessarily "artsy") and energetic Danish girl who speaks four languages and is always eager to listen to me banging on about music and books and films and the kind of crap I like. She enjoys staying in on weekends and taking part in my many inane little projects and always always gets the best weed from her friends (who are all either unattractive but affable women or gay men who aren't loud queens) and, of course, likes getting freaky in bed. The rainy season lasts only a few sparse months throughout the year and instead we get clear blue skies most days (although it snows a lot during the winter). We have no neighbours and three bikes (in case one gets fucked). Our house doesn't have plumbing or power-related issues. Ever. We have four rooms. One, the biggest, we share. The other we turned into a multi-purpose studio complete with soundproof walls and the other two are our individual rooms because hey, sometimes we just need to be alone.

Even thought I have a PhD on physics and maths, I work half-time at a factory as a welder and I'm so ballza at what I do that I get paid enough to cover all necessities and finance our projects and the few luxuries we like to indulge in (mainly spending ridiculous amount of money on albums, musical instruments and books), althought I do agree to give a lecture every now and then at the local University. Similarly, she has a doctorate on chemistry and biology, but prefers teaching French and German to either old people or high schoolers (but not at our place; fuck that). We have a small but homely garden and one, maybe two cats at most. Every summer we travel through Europe (mostly by train) and every once and again we go somewhere exotic or visit eachother's native home and family (though in my case I try to make it as briefly as possible; there's a reason I left this place and people behind. I keep joking that we'll stop visiting once my mother dies, but deep down I'm serious). Every so often we have a fight that usually starts as awful existential crises that invariably result in an exercise in strengthening our relationship.

Occasionally we get lightly involved with the local art scene, mostly pertaining to music and literature, but we make a point of avoiding any and all ties to other people and their inevitable political agenda/"deep" philosophical thoughts. Everyone's nice enough, bar the inevitable insufferable cunt who wants to convert everyone to their political/philosophical stance. I usually put an end to their diatribe via knuckles to the jaw. She gets mad about it while in public but is secretly turned on by my displays of cavemanness. Hey, I'm pretty primitive and know it and don't give a shit.

We are both horrified by the idea of having children, which is why I got a vasectomy and she got her tubes tied, just to be extra sure. Neither of us like to drink or smoke (other than dat sweet ganja u kno w i mean boiii).

None of this will ever happen. Not even parts of it.
>> No. 74957
that all sounds hella gay tbh fam, i didnt even read that shit
>> No. 74959
How rude. You might be in the wrong place.
>> No. 74962
How do you know it's hella gay if you didn't even read that shit?
>> No. 75000

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72156 No. 72156 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What happened to Fubar again..?
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 72189

I heard he went down swinging against a herd of buffalo.
>> No. 72190
Someone told me he was shot to death while resisting arrest after shoplifting 30 raw chickens.
>> No. 72192
File 142968093420.gif - (254.31KB , 546x99 , verytits.gif )
i heard he was black so the cops shot him
>> No. 74982
Fubar now works for Microsoft. Time to move to Linux guys.
>> No. 74983

He did for a while but he got put in jail for raping his boss

File 144166689026.jpg - (549.96KB , 1458x1089 , IMG_0070.jpg )
74820 No. 74820 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Am I an adult yet?
15 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 74892
File 14421816727.jpg - (117.55KB , 550x800 , 1c83b422d5bcac68795fff466379342c.jpg )
I wouldn't say nearly all, pretty much just figmas are posable while all other figures and nendroids are not. Some (nendroids mostly) allow you to mover their head but that's it. A lot of people don't like the look of the ball-joints for fully posable figmas, preferring more fixed figures. It's like saying the Milo di Venus would be better with detachable and posable arms.

I bring this up of course since they do have a Milo no Venus figma, and it is better than the original statue.
>> No. 74893
File 144218193540.jpg - (124.34KB , 650x700 , 277ce05a91b938b4f7004cf3cf2080c2.jpg )
Here's two The Thinkers getting into an anime fight.
>> No. 74903
>> No. 74973

No, I can tell you're a pretty edgy kid from that pic.
>> No. 74979
File 144304002582.jpg - (350.04KB , 658x900 , important scholarly commentaries.jpg )
The post was a commentary on the conflict of modern young people in wanting to like traditionally childish things but also wanting to be considered adults, making the reader ponder, what is adulthood in modern times? Can one still like toys and be an adult? Do guns and liquor cancel it out? Is attempting to cancel it out, in itself, a childish act?

I accomplished this message expertly in five short words, but I understand if you didn't get it, my commentaries are very cerebral but they remain important to the Internet nonetheless.

File 144290267757.jpg - (149.50KB , 650x434 , 2227355-R3L8T8D-650-098.jpg )
74939 No. 74939 hide quickreply [Reply]
testing ok pls
>> No. 74940
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>> No. 74941
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>> No. 74956
I've found a new fetish
Just kidding, I already like underwater porn, it's just that most of it is shite.

File 14410511535.jpg - (92.46KB , 540x720 , original.jpg )
74699 No. 74699 hide quickreply [Reply]
I am a business man.
>> No. 74705
  No, you're the guy who sings for the Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
>> No. 74723
File 144111085872.jpg - (81.92KB , 444x750 , hj.jpg )
i am a businessman
>> No. 74910
I'm a gentleman.

>> No. 74912
The correct spelling is bidness.
>> No. 74937
I'm a classic man.

File 144239817255.png - (160.84KB , 704x381 , We're-all-just-sparks.png )
74906 No. 74906 hide quickreply [Reply]
Is this place still dead?

t. hasn't been here since early 2012 or whenever it was that that fag from IRC hacked the site and deleted everything
>> No. 74908
File 144245199187.gif - (527.75KB , 245x245 , kevinwelcomesyou.gif )
Turned out it wasn't Joker who wiped out the site after all but the Chinese government. Long story, but both sides have signed a letter of understanding and now we are actually uncensored in Shenzhen.
>> No. 74911

Yeah, it cost each admin a kidney, though.
>> No. 74914
Only a fool would think we payed in our own kidneys! HA!

File 144218968478.jpg - (60.58KB , 850x478 , newcut.jpg )
74894 No. 74894 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Why can't I find a gf?

Pic is me
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 74898
Have you tried being a better listener?
>> No. 74899
File 144222852529.jpg - (164.31KB , 900x582 , take ears off.jpg )
At first I didn't see the "S"
>> No. 74900
File 144224271478.png - (468.04KB , 439x363 , AK96D.png )
>> No. 74901
Is there a name for whatever is wrong with this guy's head? It looks like it would impact the shape of his brain. Is he mentally retarded?
>> No. 74902
It's a devastating problem that affects many people pictured on the Internet and it's called Photoshop.

File 144053274455.jpg - (74.65KB , 677x568 , 1151954310662_anonib.jpg )
74599 No. 74599 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Soon enough the beta version of the updated 99chan will go live as the new real 99chan, and this incarnation of the board will be on its way out.

Now that we're almost done with this iteration, are we going to do anything crazy and special on here to celebrate?
67 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 74802

The problem is that you're only looking at lung cancer. That's not the only type of cancer smoking can cause, just the most deadly. Smoking also causes health issues outside of cancer, like increasing the risk of heart disease.
>> No. 74803
And lung cancer may be the deadliest but it is far from the grossest. Mouth cancer and black furry tongue hooray
>> No. 74843
I am a 47 year old male whos smokes 1 to 1.5 packs a day since age 13
>> No. 74874
Have you ever smoked a man?
>> No. 74876
Women are usually juicier and more tender when you put them in the smoker, if your goal is cooking some ribs or pulled (long) pork.

File 14418504617.jpg - (54.25KB , 764x720 , maxresdefault.jpg )
74834 No. 74834 hide quickreply [Reply]
Why other boards like /docta/ or /fitfa/ are so abandoned?
inb4: pic of chico bioca, the master of tabacos
>> No. 74835
More or less a greatly diminished userbase since the heyday of the chan several years ago.

Now we're all just hellza old alcoholics.
>> No. 74836
Because we don't have a lot of posters.
>> No. 74842
Yep OP, I realized this too, I write an thread in /docta/ but nobody reply me... can anybody here leave your opinion in there?
>> No. 74863

Because you copy and pasted it from 4 big dicks up my asshole you goof

File 144168014170.png - (95.74KB , 1920x1080 , 4chanarchives_cu_cc.png )
74821 No. 74821 hide quickreply [Reply]
This is a daily reminder than an archived 4 big dicks up my asshole is existing and it has over 3.7mil images

http://4 big dicks up my assholearchives.cu.cc

PS: not a spambot. also, as a warning, theres 3-5 popups per 24hours, don't freak out, it's not a spam infested hellhole.

>> No. 74822
Why would you even bother to post this here?
>> No. 74824
for more publicity?
>> No. 74826

You're marketing to the wrong crowd.
>> No. 74831
Do you think that's ever a deterrent?

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74829 No. 74829 hide quickreply [Reply]

radio tonight
>> No. 74830
99chan radio? This is new. Sweet. Thanks, man.

File 143682867673.jpg - (29.20KB , 449x536 , trefology.jpg )
73899 No. 73899 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
If life is so meaningless, why do we have these tasty apples?
10 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 74353
That man is angry at the apples. That's why.
>> No. 74359
File 143961250090.jpg - (22.13KB , 351x500 , angryorchard.jpg )
Maybe he's looking at two of these.
>> No. 74656
That is a disrespectful apple. I would be having none of that apples sassy attitude.
>> No. 74817
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>> No. 74823
Because they are meant to be eaten al dente, if you leave them for too long they soak up all the broth and get soggy and leave you with a cup of gross wet bread.

No. 64793 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
  Why are cows so adorable?
41 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 74729
I live near a decent amount of cows and I don't have an issue with water infections or monsoon season. Sounds like Calcutta problems.
>> No. 74733
File 144114605983.jpg - (1.45MB , 3008x2000 , indigenous farmer in vidarbha.jpg )
I was just thinking "dude must live in Tanzania or some shit" but then he's all "ban cows in America!" and I was like "whaaaat?"

Though I hear hurricane season is rough in Wisconsin.
>> No. 74770
File 144135735718.jpg - (204.16KB , 1600x1200 , zd.jpg )
arizona, basketball americans
>> No. 74778

Arizona is a desert wasteland, if there are cows there it's not the fault of the cows but the people the decide to raise them there on the artificial irrigated grasslands. "Monsoon" in Arizona? Yeah right. Cows are awesome and your attack is baseless.
>> No. 74792
i fucking hate zoe deschanel! she is an ugly, stupid, creature that poisons our lands and uses vital resources.

File 144076288795.jpg - (23.98KB , 306x445 , bennybenben.jpg )
74630 No. 74630 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

First Elliot Rodgers, now this basketball american. Is it becoming a trend for autistic guys to kill women because they are having trouble getting laid?

Do you think the increase in this type of crime is related to the increased popularity of redpill ideology?
20 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 74670
File 144086978289.jpg - (107.20KB , 315x300 , 3_75525.jpg )
I like this post quite a lot overall. I don't think it's that you put too much stock in media, but that you don't put media in as a piece of a larger narrative. Media definitely shapes our development and how we interact and what we desire and how we are taught to desire and that fits into a feedback loop with other social forces.

As far as the prostitution thing, a partial solution is definitely better than no solution. It wouldn't have helped Elliot because he wanted to date the girls he saw on campus, not fuck a 26 year old escort... but maybe it would help someone else who's attitude or situation are different. We hellza can't underestimate the power of physical touch for a person's mental and emotional wellbeing, even if you're paying for it.
>> No. 74671
Elliot Rodger was only the most blatant example of someone who used misogyny at the forefront of ideology, but I doubt most of these spree shooters get sniz on the reg. Having sex with someone, even a prostitute, is going to give you some sense of accomplishment that the brain needs and is likely going to increase your confidence. The confidence can then lead to things like getting a real girlfriend.

It's not just about prostitution either, but the stigma that it comes with. Simply legalizing it would lift some of that stigma, but there's still a sense that having sex with a prostitute isn't hellza sex and you're still a virgin. It becomes like that one game in the arcade that you just fucking suck at, but everyone shames you for not being ballza at it. Then, instead of flipping the bird to those people, you internalize that shame and start picking on the girls playing Ms. Pac-Man and blaming them for the shitty arcade culture.
>> No. 74707
A solution that generally makes a positive difference doesn't stop making a positive difference just because it's not flawless.
>> No. 74711
On the subject of media exposure, I'd like to point out that media is just the end of the line that provides information to the general public. It's not just that we now have access to information about what's going on everywhere around the world, it's also that the people everywhere have a better understanding now of what's going on in their own environment than they had, say, a century ago. Scientific and technological advancement and whatnot.
If, a century ago, we'd had the same level of news access, we wouldn't have necessarily had as many stories of people going apeshit, simply because they had a better chance of getting away with it back then.
Nowadays, even if the Brit virgin in OPs post slashed the shit out of those chicks and fled the scene without anybody knowing who he was, the authorities would have probably tracked him down eventually and you'd still have your "a-british-virgin-was-found-guilty-of-attempted-murder-after-stabbing-three-women" news headline. Forensic sciences have advanced considerably in the past century. A century ago, if there were no witnesses, it could very well have just been attributed to the work of "a creature", and if it happened a few times then maybe some Jack The Ripper type character, the work of multiple unknown killers would be getting attributed to a single entity, and so forth.
>> No. 74783
You can't can the han.


File 144110659378.jpg - (72.95KB , 295x231 , andrea-k-lee-invicta-fc-9.jpg )
74722 No. 74722 hide quickreply [Reply]
what freeware do y'all recommend for ripping dvds?
>> No. 74725
>> No. 74727
Windows 10 inbuilt DVD ripper.
>> No. 74734
your hands, dummy

just grab them and rip as hard as you can. failing that, scissors, though those might not be free but you can get them at the dollar store
>> No. 74738
seconding handbrake. It's almost all I use.
>> No. 74766
The KGB girl's punch reminds me of the little old guy in . . I think it was virtua fighter? A bearded drunken master.

File 143993770825.png - (1.33MB , 453x479 , Slam the Targets.png )
74418 No. 74418 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Casper, are you any ballza at steganography? I saved this picture 2 years ago because the file size was way too big and the name seemed weird, but I lost interest after opening it in notepad and making it an archive didn't work. Hopefully it doesn't contain anything illegal but knowing would be cool.
4 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 74506
File 144014827155.jpg - (87.04KB , 600x560 , 1356.jpg )
What is your favorite dinosaur, little boy?
>> No. 74508
File 144015131730.jpg - (2.25MB , 4320x2432 , $tego.jpg )
I like $TEGO most cuz he balls hard
>> No. 74522
>> No. 74580
I hellza want to check out this picture to see what's in it but I am afraid it is full of a thousand viruses.
>> No. 74762
File 144133018441.png - (245.08KB , 1079x496 , 50¢.png )

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74627 No. 74627 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I started using imageboards around 2007/08, first with 4 big dicks up my asshole /b/, which lasted, I don't know, a few months maybe, before the novelty wore off and this was right around the time /r9k/ was created. For those who don't know, the premise of /r9k/ was that it has a bot that doesn't let you post anything twice by logging text and images posted and blocking anything too similar to content already in the database. It wasn't perfect, as after a few months, it was hard to post and the memory would need to be wiped but overall it was a novel and effective idea, especially for a site with so much traffic.

And it was actually pretty cool for a while. I found 99 in the summer/autumn of 2008, but I still posted on /r9k/ until, I think, 2010 or so when I quit because it had started to stagnate and turned from a fun and chaotic - if uneven - humour and general discussion board with story threads and photo threads and book discussions and so on into a greentext story board and got pretty dull.

The point of this thread isn't to have another of those "how did you get here" threads. I decided to go peek in on /r9k/ tonight to see if it was still the same type of content or how it had changed or whatever.

Apparently it is now the angry misogyny echo chamber, which I'm sure people more plugged into online culture than me already know. There was a thread for "music women don't understand" where people were posting youtube links to Radiohead songs (lol), Swans albums, math rock, and Boards of Canada, all of which women apparently will never understand. I'm not stupid, so I knew what kind of response I'd get to poking at that premise but I did anyway even though I knew it would just make me frustrated and/or sad, so I made a post saying I had dated a girl who used to cry every time she heard even little bits of anything on Kid A, and a sister who loves Swans and has since the 90s.

The obvious response was that obviously lots of women like this music because they like things that are popular but they don't get it and I was also told by various posters to "stop whiteknighting." I was expecting that response even before I posted. "Well of course they like it but they don't hellza understand it." One guy told me to "calm down" because "we're just trying to have a nice thread about music. Perhaps your heated tone would work better somewhere else. Perhaps reddit." which is a baffling response.

I don't know why it upset me as much as it did, but it did. I feel like I should be able to laugh off the ridiculousness of this weird echo chamber of "I'm so special" misery but instead I'm sitting here feeling upset in a fairly complex way.

I don't know what the point of this thread is. Maybe I'm just upset and need to vent. Maybe I'm sad that a board I used to go to for entertainment when I was kind of depressed years ago and was actually kind of uplifting, if unproductive, for its humour has now become this swirling cesspool of repetitive angrysadposting. The amount of pictures that weren't the "that feel" face or that sad frog were maybe 1 for every 20. And then the fact that I was apparently ganged up on for questioning the premise of a thread about music women "don't get" is just strange. It was this conceited form of angry sadness everywhere that got to me. It's the definition of a toxic environment.

By all means check it out and report back if you want. It is one of the saddest things I've ever seen and I sometimes read wizardchan.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>> No. 74703
>he's not lying about anything.
That's actually a fair insight. I would say, from what I've read, that there is a lot of outright bullshit, but enough of it is... plausible enough. It's built on enough of a kernel of truth that if you're lonely and angry and desperate, it can have the ring of truth and power. "Well, evolutionarily, alpha and beta and The Red Queen and beta providers/orbiters."
>> No. 74704
File 144105535664.jpg - (79.21KB , 1024x640 , CNfMlT6WEAA42k8.jpg )
Here's a thread where someone asked "why do you come to /r9k/" and there are quite a few thoughtful, self-aware answers, including a handful of posts that mirror my experience and feelings almost exactly:
http://boards.4 big dicks up my asshole.org/r9k/thread/21891084/outline-the-absolute-basic-reason-as-to-why-youre
>> No. 74708
To paraphrase Voltaire: "if /r9k/ did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it."

In other words, /r9k/ is not the problem, but merely a symptom. All those disaffected, isolated twentysomething white males were disaffected and isolated before they got there. Am I supposed to be surprised that people would feel at home in a place where others in similar situations are there to understand exactly what they're going through? That's why there are a bunch of Wojaks on there, because people do know that feel and they like knowing that others know that feel.
>> No. 74709
It's my belief that 4 big dicks up my asshole's bread and butter - particularly on their boards like /b/ - are users who are all relatively new to the chan scene and that most people leave it within a year or two, either migrating to a different chan or "out-growing" the whole chan thing altogether. Of those users, most are too young to actually be there, and any of them who stick around into legal adulthood were destined to be (wo)manchildren anyway.

"Children can be so cruel" is all there hellza is to say about the shenanigans that they get up to around there.
>> No. 74715
Tru dat
Tru dat

>All those disaffected, isolated twentysomething white males were disaffected and isolated before they got there
>people would feel at home in a place where others in similar situations are there to understand
Succinctly put. Rationally I'm right there with you and understood that on my first glimpse of /r9k/ as it currently is, but it still got me down to see all the aggressively bad vibes. I think the main thing that upset me was just how a person could go there because they feel bad and want to interact with others who feel the same way, but then because the place is such an echo chamber, instead of people moving on and taking steps to grow past it, they just get caught up in it and hearing the same (or worse) shitty stuff that you're putting out reflected back to you could dig someone deeper and deeper. I was a little vulnerable at the time and it got me down and made me strangely angry. I can't imagine how it would affect me if I were perennially lonely or bullied or had never had a girlfriend, etc.

I think the main thing that upset me wasn't that all these people were congregating on a board I used to like. I was in a kind of vulnerable place and the whole atmosphere just got to me more than it normally would. I'm far from naive but every so often people can still smack me in the face with their shittiness and it gets me down :-/

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74661 No. 74661 hide quickreply [Reply]
I just accidentally unknown

>> No. 74663
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>> No. 74664
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Just did

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