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File 141631104762.jpg - (1.26MB , 1600x1422 , mysorebananawoman.jpg )
68129 No. 68129
Have you ever grown close to someone from a culture very different to your own? My mother is dating a muslim man from India. He grew up there, he still lives there and he has never traveled in his life. He is my best stepdad so far and our cultural differences can be pretty funny. I would like to talk about them.

He is convinced that the jews did 911.

Hearing anything about pork makes him nauseous.

He thinks that when you cough, you die momentarily.

He had never seen a thermometer before my mother showed him one. He felt that taking his own temperature was a thrilling experience. I suspect that if we told him about the existence of anal thermometers he wouldn't believe us.

He has never tasted apple pie and didn't know that blackberries are actual berries.

He has sacrificed several goats to various people. at the moment his father is in the hospital, so last week he went to a nearby village and sacrificed a goat in hopes that it would help him heal.

Every few days he says something impossibly silly by American standards and it's just adorable. I hope he'll be able to move here some day. Have you ever had a similar experience, anon?
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>> No. 68148
OP, you're a talented liar and I almost believed you. You made two mistakes, however.
>> No. 68162
Which are?
>> No. 68165
I think I posted this story before, but I'll post it again.

A while ago Indian stepdad was invited over to his neighbor's house for dinner. The neighbor's 19 years old daughter was in full bridal wear and her dad suggested that she and Indian stepdad (who is 32 years old) get married. He refused, of course, but the whole thing was very sudden. This seems to be perfectly normal in India.

On a somewhat related note, indian stepdad's mother got married to his father when she was 14 and he was 30 something.
>> No. 68166
The mistakes were in the thermometer story and the little goat story. Muslims do not sacrifice goats in India. That's Hinduism. And even small villages in India have thermometers, you nutcase.
>> No. 68167
You should go over to his dads place and play some Jew music

and by Jew music I mean a bunch of lizards hissing over a steady 4/4 beat
>> No. 68169
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I think religions in India tend to mix quite a bit. Seeing picture of Ganesh chilling next to Jesus isn't uncommon at all. Indian stepdad celebrates some hindu festivals, so it isn't surprising that he would partake in some hindu rituals as well.

As for the thermometer, I don't know. Maybe he just never needed one before.

He's in southern India, if that makes any difference. I think the cultures of Northern and Southern India differ quite a bit.
>> No. 68568
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Indian stepdad has a pretty bad eye infection. Instead of using real eye drops, he decided to put zamzam water (water from mecca) in his eyes.

He says he trusts god to heal him.

Zamzam water is full of arsenic. http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Drinking_Zamzam_Water_and_its_Health_Risks
>> No. 68571
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Arsenic is poisonous, so it will poison and kill all the bacteria in his eye, curing him. Indian Stepdad is a sharp tool.
>> No. 68610
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Indian stepdad didn't know that temperatures below zero were a thing. He told my grandparents (over Skype, since he's still in India) that his country is "only mildly warmer than Canada". He has never seen snow in real life.

His eyes seem fine, even though he put zamzam arsenic water in them. Some Muslims drink only that sort of water, so I guess it's only mildly toxic.
>> No. 68626
My parents are muslims from indias and I know many others, and they definitely don't mix their religion with hindus. Some parts of the culture do, but there's a lot of tension between Muslims and Hindus in India so they hold on to their religious beliefs tightly.

lol dude that website isn't exactly an unbiased reliable source. Look at wikipedia and it mentions that and a report by a more reliable organization to the contrary.
>> No. 68628
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Muslim swimsuits for women look pretty cool, but pricey. Probably, I don't fucking know AUD.

>> No. 68630
That's odd. What part of India? I've met many Indian muslims who were perfectly cool with Hindus and my stepdad definitely sacrifices goats and participates in certain Hindu festivals. I'll ask him why he incorporates parts of Hindu culture in his life next time we talk.

Does you family think the jews did 911? Do they ever say any weird (by American standards) things?
>> No. 68637
you mean jews didn't do 9/11?!?!
>> No. 68663
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>> No. 68685
Indian stepdad sacrificed a bull for his dad's health today. He purchased it and brought it to a local Halal butcher. He isn't taking part in Hindu rituals after all, he just seems to believe that buying animals and having them butchered the Halal way will bring him luck for some reason. He doesn't even get to keep the meat.

He's starting to get grumpy because my mother likes to cook with wine and because she celebrates Christmas. I don't think this relationship will last much longer.
>> No. 68718
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Indian stepdad suggested to my mother that she should dig through my bedroom and look for sex toys that she could use.

The thought of sharing sex toys with my mother is absolutely horrifying
>> No. 68774
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Horrifyingly hot.
>> No. 68782
>He is convinced that the jews did 911.

Just how common is this belief in the Muslim world? Every Muslim I've met who actually lives in the Middle East believes this.
>> No. 68980
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So, Indian stepdad is convinced my mother is a jew. She showed him a genetic test she took a few years ago, proving that she has no jewish ancestry. His response? "I don't believe in genetics".

I suspect he may not know what genes are.
>> No. 68981
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In India, it is common practice to wash your butt with water after you take a dump. Most people have a little cup or bucket they keep in their bathroom for this purpose.

Indian stepdad was very confused and slightly disgusted when he learned that Americans do not do this. Most of the time he doesn't use toilet paper at all, it seems. He just pours water on his butthole. Also, he doesn't know how to use western toilets. He squats over them like in this picture.
>> No. 68982
Indian stepdad must be very sexually attractive for your mom to consider such a strange and culturally backwards man as a boyfriend.
>> No. 68988
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Are you saying you're not turned on by the idea of having a butt-rinsing, goat-sacrificing boyfriend who is paranoid about the prospect of you having even a sliver of Jewish ancestry somewhere in your bloodline?

Because I'm getting a little sweaty and not just because of this curry I'm eating.
>> No. 68994
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Well, when you talk like that, it IS kind of arousing. It'd be kind of hot to let him use my daughter's dildos on me with his sweaty curry fingers... Maybe eat his hairy and vinegar smelling asshole out. It's clean enough with the water rinsing, i suppose, if I don't mind an undigested chickpea here or there. Fuck, getting a little stiff here.
>> No. 68997
He's actually not paranoid about it, as far as we know. He believes my mom is a secret jew, but he says he loves her regardless. While he distrusts most jews, he doesn't hate them.

I think she likes him because he is kind, honest and very family oriented. Since I was born she had trouble finding someone who would make a ballza dad.
>> No. 69014
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Oh, I forgot to mention how Indian stepdad impregnated his cousin. His parents set up an arranged marriage between him and his cousin a few years back. Incest seems to be considered normal and maybe even honorable over there.

According to the story he told us, the marriage was extremely sudden. His parents told him to come over to their house without telling him why and when he arrived, he found a wedding ceremony.
>> No. 69015
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Trapped in the apparently loveless arranged marriage, he proceeded to sleep with a bunch of married women who were equally unhappy with their relationship. According to him, it was the moral thing to do because satisfying them sexually like their husband couldn't was helping their marriage succeed.

He would probably still be with his cousin if she hadn't decided to leave him. Divorce is shameful.
>> No. 69021
Not only does he often not wipe, but he also doesn't wash his hands with soap. He believes that pouring water on his hands in a very ritualized way (he has to do it three times and clean the right hand before the left or something like that) is just as sanitary.

But in general, he seems to care a great deal about hygiene. He just doesn't understand germs or the importance of soap.
>> No. 69029
You've told that story like 3 times IIRC.

Well, maybe (hopefully) he'll gradually learn while exposed to the presumably western cultural habits of your mother and her friends and family.
>> No. 69036
I'm sorry, I can't stop telling that story! It blows my mind how casually he admitted to impregnating his cousin when in the west this would be such a big taboo. Not that cousin incest is particularly dangerous, mind you.
>> No. 69052
Indian stepdad tried to convert my christian grandparents to Islam yesterday.

I don't know much about it at the moment, but I know he mentionned the dhimmi tax. "You know, muslims do not have to kill Jews and Christians and people of other faiths. Those people just have to pay a tax to the muslims if they want to keep practicing their religion. Do you understand?" To which my grandma politely replied, "No."

I'm a bit worried now. I hope he doesn't actually believe all non-muslims should have to pay a tax for not being muslim.
>> No. 69053
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>He is convinced that the jews did 911.
They did.
>> No. 69054
This tax is called the Jizya, and it is part of Sharia. Non-Muslims belong to a class known as "Dhimmis" under Islamic law, who are forbidden from participation in politics and are subject to the aforementioned Jizya tax. I'm not sure if this is extends to atheists, or if atheists are just to be killed outright.
>> No. 69055
File 14205935271.png - (2.69MB , 972x6914 , 1414663259364.png )
>And even small villages in India have thermometers, you nutcase.
Don't be so sure...

Okay, I know it isn't a swastika, I can't think what the actual name for it is though. I had a friend in school who was ethnically Indian, and he wore a necklace or bracelet or something with that symbol on it to school, and the school confiscated it from him, even after he explained it was a Hindu symbol and just looked like a swastika. I don't remember if he ever got it back, but he never wore it to school again after that.

Such is life in the police state known as the UK. Where thinking and saying the wrong things is a crime. Unless you're a Muslim.
>> No. 69057
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>> No. 69058
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>Not that cousin incest is particularly dangerous, mind you.
It is when done repeatedly over the course of nearly a millennia and a half:
>> No. 69060
Are you that white american boy who likes to pretend he knows about islamic culture cause he browses islamic forums?

Sacrificing animals is very much an Islamic thing, doesn't matter the region. Not just during Eid al adha, but also during other religious ceremonies and as a general act of worship and prayer.
>> No. 69061
Ebin. You sure showed me. I guess I better never ask questions about anything from now on. Only tinfoil-hat wearing idiots do that, after all...

The only reason people are so dismissive of listening to alternative theories about what happened on 9/11 is because of retards (and possibly controlled opposition plants, in the case of characters like Alex Jones) poisoning the well with stupid bullshit about "durr a missile hit da pentagon guise!!".

I implore you to at least give the video I posted a chance. The guy who made it hates Alex Jones* and people like that, so you won't be hearing any stupid crap about "the illuminati", freemasons, reptilians and all that shit.

*Here's one of a few videos he's made debunking him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssxEvQNa16E
>> No. 69062

Sharia law is pretty explicit about that. Atheists or practitioners of non-Abrahamic religions are called kafir (infidel). They're essentially told to become Muslim. If they refuse, they can be executed or enslaved or something. From the personal experience of a Buddhist friend who briefly lived in Saudi Arabia, she was just told to leave the country once they found out that she had a statue of Gautama in her apartment. I think she got weird treatment because it might cause an international incident to behead a young American woman.
>> No. 69064
Oh jeez. That might be why Indian stepdad keeps saying my mom is a jew. She's actually an agnostic with spiritual tendencies, but to him the fact that she doesn't follow any particular religion might make her a kafir.

Or it could just be the fact that most Indians seem to have a hard time understanding atheism or agnosticism. When you say you don't believe in any god, they get confused.
>> No. 69066
Can you find sources for that? I googled "muslim animal sacrifice" and all that comes up is stuff about Eid al adha.
>> No. 69074
>They're essentially told to become Muslim. If they refuse, they can be executed or enslaved or something.
They could refuse to be Muslim if they paid the Jizya. The Jizya is a lot like Mafia "protection" money, where a business owner pays the Mafia to "protect" his shop (in reality, he is paying the Mafia to not burn it to the ground). If someone couldn't/wouldn't pay the Jizya, they were sold into slavery as punishment.
>> No. 69077
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Indian stepdad says that all animals like cats and dogs are muslims. Not sure why, but I find this very amusing.
>> No. 69082
I believe Jizya only applies if you worship an Abrahamic religion (Christianity, Judaism, or Islam). If you don't worship one of those, then they kill you. I could be wrong though, I ain't no expert
>> No. 69125
I think thats because muslim means the one that submit to gods will. nature in itself goes on a pattern. planet, plant, anything goes in a way. the plant grows and die. It cant break the pattern. So the whole nature is muslim cause its submit to god. Only human say "we dont believe in god , I do what I want". These are the none-muslim. The only ones who tries to break the pattern. they dont say that muslim are all perfect and fit with nature. Its more about "do they try to fuck up nature? yes/no?" Probably most rich oil compagny in dubai
aknowledge that its not a ballza source of cash and might be why so many invest in masdar city.

Thats the muslim way of seeing stuff. I think its intersting. On average I think the best way to fit in most of religion is by doing one thing that is completly common to each religion "treat other like you would like to be treated"
>> No. 69126
That looks like a neutral, unbiased, reliable source of information.
>> No. 69130
>On average I think the best way to fit in most of religion is by doing one thing that is completly common to each religion "treat other like you would like to be treated"

>"treat other like you would like to be treated"

Well, Indian stepdad believes non-muslims should be taxed for not following the "one true religion".
>> No. 69136
The rulers from the different Indian sultanates before and up to the Mughals also did some kind of scholarly gymnastics to get Hindus classified as Dhimmi "people of the book" so they could just tax them and not have to holocaust them.
>> No. 69140
The principal expressed in this post is the basis of one of my favorite pieces of music and definitely my favorite nasheed, Alhamdulillah by Dawud Wharnsby

It's one of the few songs that legitimately gives me shivers and I ain't even Muslim.
>> No. 73472
Indian stepdad doesn't believe in infertility and doesn't understand in vitro fertilization. When told that a friend of my mom's had fertility problems and was planning to get preggo with bought sperm, he suggested shipping her a husband from India.
>> No. 75003
We had the Indian president here in OZ a year or so ago.
He pointed out that India had more Christians tha we did and more Moslems than Pakistan did.
We didn't point out that they had the majority of the world's Hindus.
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