No. 74636
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You make a ballza point. I don't think it's "lol women." Maybe on other boards, which I didn't check out, but on /r9k/ it was less "lol women" and more "I'm so desperately lonely but I hate women why don't they want me fucking cunts."
"lol women" watercooler talk has a self-awareness to it. There was not a shred of self-awareness to be seen.
>loudly pointing out the other person's supposed "one of them"-ness is a sufficient counterargument.
In the ~2 hours I spent on there, there was a lot of accusing others of being "normies" for even mundane things. Sometimes it would come out in an ironic way, with an autistic "REEEEEE" text-shriek but there was also a lot of lucid rants along the lines of "get the fuck out of here, normie. This board isn't for you, it's for us. This is where we come to share our feels and you are an interloper." This is ironic because I remember when /r9k/ was a humour board, so the ronery posters are technically the latecomers who took over, not the "normies." Plus often the person they were accusing of being a "normie" was just mentioning something about "my friend said this" or having an awkward experience at a party. But if you go to parties or have a friend, you're not one of us and don't belong. The discussion is dominated by assumptions about group identity. I guess people want to feel like they belong, become subsumed in a group so they have a sense of identity, and anyone who violates that group identity, even in miniscule ways, is an "other." You violate the uniformity of the groupself, so you don't belong. But the groupself is an illusion built on assumptions about who uses the board and what it is for.
There was also a lot of discussion of "Chad", who is apparently the archetype of what /r9k/ thinks is an alpha male. And the most disturbing thing was that the majority of mentions of Chad were not in a humorous light (which itself can be harmful, I think, as even joking about these alpha/beta dynamics can reduce the world to that simplified mindset and affect someone's thinking; not that jokes are bad or anything but it's all about context) but very serious. There's a conspiratorial edge to it. If the users of the board are all subsumed in the "robot" identity, any man they see as better than them is subsumed into one person as well. So any guy who dates that girl you like at work is Chad. If it's Friday night, the girl you like is probably out sucking Chad's cock. etc.
The quality of discussion is always better on 99chan. I think /r9k/ would see themselves as somewhere that is not a "hugbox" and where opinions are challenged. Just the only opinion they challenge seems to be "you can't lump all women into one category" and things like that. A thread about how "Chad" told the OP to just be himself to get girls, followed by 150 angry posts about how normies are so blind and "just be yourself" only works if you're 6'2 and a male model and make 6 figures but you're a 5'8 "manlet" don't these normies get it? They can never understand your pain.
I don't think it can be written off as just edgy white teenagers. I'm sure it is majority white, probably from middle class backgrounds, and averaging early-20s at the oldest, but that doesn't make it inconsequential to me. It's not just a bunch of teens trying to be edgy, it's people at an age where they are shaping their worldview in some key ways being subsumed by a group identity instead of finding an individual identity and spending all of their free time in a toxic environment.
"It's 4 big dicks up my asshole! You're not supposed to know what's a joke and what's not!" Then nothing is a joke.
99, while still full of petty bullshit fairly often, at least has a reasonable level of discussion. Unless loPan is posting.