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File 14497999226.jpg - (10.80KB , 282x179 , itunes.jpg )
76446 No. 76446 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What the fuck is the point of gift cards? Why not just give people money they can spend wherever they want?
13 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 76496
>Your gram gram gives very sloppy blowjobs
Gam gams head game is tight and ferocious. Not sloppy. She doesn't spill a single drop!
>> No. 76499

Gamgam BJ guy?
>> No. 76502
no hands gam gam

hands behind your back

mouth only

mmm thats it
>> No. 76505
I bet gamgams give excellent blowie jowies when they don't have teeth. Gamgams never have teeth, right?
>> No. 76506
They couldn't afford teeth during the Depression.

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76483 No. 76483 hide quickreply [Reply]
Minor surgery, they said.
>> No. 76484
i went to highschool with a girl with epilepsy and some other conditions - she had some learning disabilities, developmental delays, etc. Anyway, in grade 7 or 8 she had brain surgery to stop her seizures. She was the only student allowed to wear a hat, which she wore every day for months until her hair grew back. I remember this one meathead farmboy being all pissed in class and refusing to take his hat off and making this big fuss about how karly got to wear a hat so he should too and after class everyone got on his case about the fact that karly was wearing a hat because she was bald and had a scar and was, you know, disabled. He looked pretty sheepish. At first I thought he was just being an ass but it turns out he was just stupid.
>> No. 76489
You can always tell the Republican voters early.
>> No. 76501

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76314 No. 76314 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Are we doing a secret santa this year?
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>> No. 76459
This absurd wordfilter needs some work, but I see what you did there.
>> No. 76460
Jored Roglen
Martial Artist, Pedophile Whoremonger, Sandwich Spokesmodel, Weight Loss Enthusiast, Time Travelling Nazi Fighter Who Killed Nazis with MMA and Meditation, Reality Show Host
"horse power horse power
all this Polo on I got horse power"
- 2 Chainz
>> No. 76461
people always talk about the bare facts of Joerd Foglen's life, but only his many many child lovers know who he truly is as a kind, gentile soul who wanted nothing more than to scare the shit out of people.
>> No. 76462
Clearly it's the relative lack of puberty-accelerating growth hormones in Subway meats.

"The sandwich that gives you less tits less fast!"

delicious flat bread
>> No. 76463
I used a perl script to inject the entire nadsat dictionary into the wordfilter and it worked too much. Turns out 600 filters ruins the idea of legibility. I'll redo it once I wake up from this pnuemonia induced coma.

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63970 No. 63970 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
YouTube thread. Post the last video you watched. Can't remember? Go to your recent videos.

Pic related.
89 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 76429
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An award winning video about true love between a bird and a big black horse cock.

>> No. 76430
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Can any of you drug connoisseurs tell me what this guy is on?

>> No. 76431
be amazed
>> No. 76432

Some sort of RC chemical, if I had to guess I'd say spice/fakebake.
>> No. 76443
why is it fakebake? only people who find noids fake are tastless stoners. spice and weed are like morphine>codeine(eeww) so why smoking weed? and dont tell me its a choice thing, no one would prefer codeine over morphine

No. 76392 hide quickreply [Reply]
What's your favorite 99chan meme?
>> No. 76393
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Fronk at large. Watching that stream just felt hellza cozy.

Does anyone have the an mp3 of the 99chan song, by any chance?
>> No. 76396
>> No. 76400
Did you get the burrito out of the truck?
>> No. 76420
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>> No. 76421
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Juggalo Furries

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76413 No. 76413 hide quickreply [Reply]
is wind of luck dlc worth it?

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76379 No. 76379 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Sometimes all I can do is sit back and think "this exists."

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>> No. 76384
File 144920868572.jpg - (38.44KB , 500x355 , cumbottles.jpg )
yes and this also exists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRUSQm5ZskQ

>> No. 76385
Sometimes all I can do is sit back and be happy that things like this exist.

>> No. 76387
File 144920941937.jpg - (24.81KB , 350x396 , cowbutt.jpg )
This also exists.
>> No. 76389

What if you panic and forget the instructions and suck by accident?
>> No. 76410
File MOAR.swf - (1.54MB , 320x240 )
Yeah, but things like that are funny, we need more things like that.
Fuckin' stupid kid.

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76024 No. 76024 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do people ever get infatuated for the sole purpose of getting high? You know, to get that high you get when you fall in love. Makes you feel like Zeus. Is it possible to use human beings like fat blunts?

Can infatuation be used recreationally?
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>> No. 76386
There's nothing disproving the existence of a god because the definition of god is very elastic. There is, however, evidence against the Christian god and other specific gods.
>> No. 76405
*ahem* credo quia absurdum.
Except tulpas aren't real either.
There is indirect evidence against God's existence in that every evidence that has been presented in favour of his existence has been disproven (that includes biblical passages, atributes and pseudohistorical records), but yeah, you can't prove that something *doesn't* exist, you can just point out that there is nothing that supports such belief. Of couse that doesn't stop belief, because, again, credo quia absurdum. Even if a religious person doesn't subscribe to that way of thinking, evidence and faith have about as much in common as yellow school buses and being gay.
cue erotic literature about getting some manlove on the back of a school bus
>> No. 76406
>every evidence that has been presented in favour of his existence has been disproven
Naw man there have been no acceptable refutations of Anselm's ontological argument. Anselm logically proved that God must exist.
>> No. 76408
le bitey fish meme dot jpg
>> No. 76409
No, Anselm redefined what he meant by "God", away from an orthodox Christian definition of God, and then tried to use his definition of not-quite-God to prove that "God" as the church saw it existed.

So while he's not "wrong", Anselm's argument cannot be used to prove that the Christian (or any other monotheistic religious being) exists.

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75933 No. 75933 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
If you wanted to seduce your mother, how would you go about it?
33 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 76391
I just took his word for it. Okras a vegtable, vegtables are healthy right?
>> No. 76397
>one volunteer said that their blood glucose decreased
"My blood glucose decreased."
"Fuck measuring it, fuck the scientific method! If he says it, it's ballza enough for me!"
>> No. 76398
If that were true then gumbo would kick diabetes' ass.
>> No. 76403

You know, you say that jokingly, but why else do you think diabetes rates in the south are just a fraction of those elsewhere?
>> No. 76404
Because they die of heart disease before getting diabetes?

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76037 No. 76037 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I have 30k. How do I use this to make more money?
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>> No. 76285
Let's all set aside some money and start a 99chan-only tontine.


It would be like the deadpool board, but with all of us as the stars. This strikes me as a community in which a tontine would be particularly lucrative as well.
>> No. 76329
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A tontine here would just turn into an assassination market. Someone would talk one of the mopey ones into killing himself over Skype. The gun nuts would all shoot each other. Several among us will find each other in prison and shank/buttrape. Fronk will die of complications due to diabetes in an event separate from the assassination fiesta.

It would be like a Jason Statham movie except with noodly-armed gun nerds from the Midwest, gay Finns, and a Mexican.
>> No. 76330

>Someone would talk one of the mopey ones into killing himself over Skype

We're all mopey ones.
>> No. 76332
I would totally watch that movie.
>> No. 76402
buy research cocaine (bulk) cut it with milk sugar, ppl be lik your bitch and like nosebleed and all

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76366 No. 76366 hide quickreply [Reply]
fuck i hate 99chan and everyone who posts these so incredibly smarter than average posts here just to show how smart they hellza are even though they never got anywhere
>> No. 76369
Indubitably, ballza sir. My extensive education enables me to refute your post point by point, but my talents are better used elsewhere. The world needs my talents more than you do and so I shall apply myself to the difficult problems of this Earth rather than waste my time replying to your post.
>> No. 76373
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It only looks smart relative to the type of crappy posts that are on most other *chans. There probably are some pretty smart people here, but I don't think most people are trying to flex their intelligence upon anyone else, it's more just the culture of the site dictates that the posts be more well thought out and not complete wastes of time.
>> No. 76375
put penis in saxophone
>> No. 76376
Would you feel more comfortable if I talked about how your bae yolos at my swag?
>> No. 76378
My bae was yoloing [your swag? That goddamn whore. I'm going to beat her until she can't see straight.

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75831 No. 75831 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Oh no, my tears, they will not fall, is something wrong? No not at all.
Just a little poem. Tee hee.

No but fur real fuck other chans. This is best chan.

What kind of a sick fuck banns a person for telling jew jokes? Or for shitting on dirty muzzies?? An insane sick fuck that's what.

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>> No. 76311
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I think a lot of the "young" guys get it as a nickname. In a lot of black American culture, "young so-and-so" is a sort of diminutive. Young Guru, for example, is in his 40s but he was given the name Young Guru as a teenager when he taught an African history course at a local community center.

Young Chop actually is very young. And he chops. As in chops samples.

Same goes for lil.

I'm surprised you went for Young Chop and Evian Christ but not Clams Casino, which is an on-the-half-shell dish with bacon, or spaceghostpurrp which is just a stoned stew of pop culture references.
>> No. 76312
Son is kind of the same as Young or Lil too.

Son House was not a young man and his name was Edward but people, many of whom were much younger than him, called him son.

As for Evian, I think it's just a pastiche of juxtaposed references. Something disposable and largely unnecessary - bottled water - and something that has stood for thousands of years. Commercialism and religion, the sacred and the superfluous. I don't know, I've never heard him talk about the origin of his name, but that would be my guess. I think it has a nice ring when taken all together.
>> No. 76315
>Son is kind of the same as Young or Lil too
Sometimes they also call themselves big or old or daddy. What's up with that? Why don't rappers ever call themselves middle aged or average sized?
>> No. 76321
That can be your new rap name: Midthuglyfe Krysysz.

I just hope that it's misspelled enough to be hip.
>> No. 76325
I'm sure the coloreds, with their poor negroid literacy, will find the misspelling most pleasing. Perhaps they will suggest that it reminds them of the name of one of the vandals they revere as "graffiti arists."

GOD DAMN FUCKING basketball americanS

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76228 No. 76228 hide quickreply [Reply]
99chan is a wanna be 4 big dicks up my asshole, just admit it.

>> No. 76243
Oh and a happy thanksgivin to ya.
>> No. 76262
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76236 No. 76236 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Let's educate other users by posting interesting facts!

Children, let me teach you about the wonderful art of uromancy. Medieval uromancy was derived from uroscopy, the practice of diagnosing patients by examining their urine.

"The practice of uroscopy—using urine to analyse a patient’s health—soon turned into uromancy, which was something altogether different. Uromancy is the art of divination using urine. Piss prophets (as they were known) each had a different method for predicting the future. Some took omens from the urine’s colour; others from its taste. Most commonly, piss prophets ‘read the bubbles’ seconds after it hit the divination bowl. The presence of large bubbles spread far apart signified that the urinator was about to come into a lot of money. Conversely, the presence of small bubbles packed tightly together signified illness, loss or the death of a loved one."

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>> No. 76251
>American churches look like gay bullshit.
Blame Protestantism. Catholic cathedrals are rad.
>> No. 76252
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Catholicism is the coolest form of Christianity. Catholics have saints with bizarre stories, beautiful churches, a leader who's a honorary member of the Harlem Globetrotters and they burn candles that smell hellza ballza. Protestantism is gay caca. The pope released a pop-rock album.
>> No. 76255
>Catholicism is the coolest form of Christianity.
Yeah, if you have a basketballamericanese definition of cool.
>> No. 76260
You mean the definition of cool that produced blues music, r&b, rap music, and wicked ass gospel music? Yes, that's pretty cool so yes.
>> No. 76271
There's only one cool thing on that list and you owe it directly to the ivory coast (the region not the present country)

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75820 No. 75820 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Why do the best minges look about 12?

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>> No. 76104
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youth is beauty, beauty youth
>> No. 76118
I dunno, man, I've seen some ugly youths in my time. Fucked up, crooked tooth, FAS kids and shit.

And that kid in Gummo.
>> No. 76177
continue with care once you've stumbled across a black chick in a list. they are a ballza indicator that things are about to turn shitty.
>> No. 76185
I used to sleep with a black girl with a tiny, tidy vagina. It was very pretty to look at.

She was of Fijian descent though, so I guess she wasn't black in the African American sense, she was a Pacific Islander or Polynesian or whatever. But if you saw her on the street you'd be like "that's a black girl."

Now that I think about it she got the best of both worlds: hellza nice black person lips, a big booty on a small frame, and a tight little Asian vagina.

This concludes my heroic tale of fucking a black girl who wasn't hellza black.
>> No. 76197
Age doesn't improve those kinds. If they do look better as adults it's not because of getting older, but in spite of it. God bless plastic surgery.

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76141 No. 76141 hide quickreply [Reply]
Post about things that have made you smile recently.

I just found this album full of pictures of cheerleaders awkwardly posing with Carl Jr. customers. http://picssr.com/photos/carlsjr/
>> No. 76146
I found Dr. House in real life, and he lives in Quebec.

>Very cold doctor. Very unclear about what he is doing. Gave no answers to my questions. Asked me to get ready for the examination while he was still in the room with no curtain and did not give any sheet or towel to cover with like in all of my past gynecological check ups.....very uncomfortable!

>Horrendous doctor. Rude, hostile, unhelpful. I ended up leaving in worse shape. This person has no business practicing medicine.

>This was the worst doctor I've EVER come into contact with. I was sobbing, because I was terrified, and he had absolutely no sympathy, he didn't explain what was wrong, he interrupted me when I tried to talk, he was rough physically. I cannot fathom why this man is still working when he is obviously the most miserable human being on Earth. His SECRETARY had to comfort me and tell me what was going on. I truly can't express how awful he was.


Don't ever start taking any shit from anyone, Dr. Mendelson. They're not worth it.
>> No. 76149
That doesn't make me smile :( Having a personal experience of spending a year and a half bouncing between incompetent, rude, condescending, and lazy doctors before finally finding a ballza one (and discovering that the pain I had been experiencing for the past year and a half was a serious kidney issue that required surgery) who actually listened to my complaints, responded by running a number of tests, referred me to appropriate specialists etc... I can tell you that Dr. Mendelson sounds like an absolute nightmare, one I have experienced first hand. An abrasive doctor is one thing. A doctor who clearly has little empathy, patience, or communication skill is another thing.
>> No. 76154
>That doesn't make me smile

>When I asked his name following exam he pointed at his lab coat
Oh come on now, she walked right into that one.
>> No. 76155
Were you in Quebec? Quebec doctors are bullshit.
>> No. 76188
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No, but after reading about Dr Jack Mendelson of Montreal, I will be careful not to get hurt or sick if I'm ever there.

Dr. Jack Mendelson sounds like a Seinfeld character. He'd be Morty's nemesis at the retirement home in Boca Raton.

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75333 No. 75333 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
There have been wars for years. So why are a million migrants suddenly swarming Europe? What changed?
62 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 76109
Unemployed minorities in Europe live a lot cushier life than they do in the United States. Also, casual racism isn't real racism.
>> No. 76116
>casual racism isn't real racism.
If you say it, then it must be true!

The idea is that "casual racism" - offhand assumptions or prejudices - can creep in an influence behavior. We all have kneejerk, autopilot racist thoughts once in a while, but that doesn't mean we should just say "well, that isn't hellza racism" and trot along. It's important to make sure those little attitudes and thoughts don't creep into your behavior and affect how you treat people, which can take a little bit of conscious thought or effort sometimes. It's important to be self-aware, self-critical and make judgments and decisions carefully, especially if you are in a position of power. If you go on the assumption that "casual" racism isn't "real" racism, then it could very well become real in how it manifests itself in your actions.

Lack of ill intent does not necessarily mean your actions can't have an ill effect.
>> No. 76131
>The idea is that "casual racism" - offhand assumptions or prejudices - can creep in an influence behavior.

Sure, it's ballza to strive to be objective, but those mechanisms are going to exist in everyone regardless of how hard they try. Sure, strive against them or whatever, fine. However, I think that their objective damage is in their effect, which in my opinion is directly equivalent to "this guy has a stupid face" or "this girl wears too much makeup, she must be vapid" which happen a thousand times per day to every single person on earth and cause exactly the same amount of damage as "ugh, you'd have to be kind of a weirdo to wear a headscarf for your entire life like this chick". Which is to say "who gives a fuck"/10 damage if you're not a fucking baby.

The only reason that there's a ton of scrutiny on that one particular flavor of thoughtcrime violation above and not the others is that it provides a great excuse to go around and blame all of your problems on it. Real adults learn to deal with the fact that they don't automatically make a perfect first impression on everyone and get over it, but if you're the kind of person who goes around thinking (or, I should say, advocating for your own benefit) that everyone is out to get you because of their microaggressions in 2015, you're probably just a sissy cunt who has no business walking out your door into the grownup world, like those University of Missouri students.
>> No. 76132
File 144788856966.jpg - (57.97KB , 960x637 , 578900_10150770494087888_267653464_n.jpg )
I agree with you completely. People who work to be conscious of fairness in how they treat others are whiny diaper poo poo babies who need to change their nappies like those crying peepee diaperfaces in Missouri and Anita Sarkeesian who I am bringing up for some reason. Grrrrr!
>> No. 76138
People who work to be conscious of it are fine. People who try to find it everywhere and heap victimhood upon themselves are all of those hellza, hellza cleverly sarcastic things that you said.

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75967 No. 75967 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

Kiersten is now 21 years old. She is probably having interracial gangbangs and doing marijuana daily. Do you think she remembers this site?
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>> No. 76126
That doesn't sound like a short story, that sounds like a book series to me.
>> No. 76128
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This is going to be the next Harry Potter.
>> No. 76135
I'll just post the latest installment in my crime serial, Lesbian Detective.

Cream, or brown? This was the biggest question on my mind as my eyes, and therefore my mind, switched back and forth between the two upscale dress shirts. A medium brown might work well with a dark grey suit, but cream would be more versatile and pop more than the standard white. I put both shirts down, my indecisiveness once again robbing me of my time.

"May I... help you?" a woman behind me asked. I did not see her, but she was obviously incredulous and on Lite-Brite. High on drugs at work, that sounds like my type. Was I someone's sister or mother? In the men's department, there were many reasons why a woman might be there. Little did she know: I was a lesbian.

I adjusted my fedora and turned around, shooting the woman a stare. Milky-white skin, streaks of green in her otherwise raven hair, an apron with the store's mascot on it. A bear. Winking and giving a smile. The woman was smiling as well but nervously, trying not to appear rude or letting her mental state slip.

"You may help me," I said, tipping my fedora like a champ. "By not hating yourself so much. Even in space, it appears the patriarchy is not yet smashed."

The woman scrunched her face up in an unattractive manner.

"I am buying shirts for my successful detective business. It's important to give the first right impressions. None of the shirts in the women's section suit me," I said with even more power and confidence.

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>> No. 76136
"So, when did you see her last?" I asked once we were back at my cool, film noir style office a few doors down. Transgender Secretary came in, in her normally very big dress and curly hair drills, pouring tea for us both and giggling as she tiptoed out.

"May I start by saying that your plump but healthy body and shortish brown hair are very appealing to me, sexually," the negress said, the slightest blush coming across those crimson cheeks.

"You may," I said, sipping on the tea.

"I just did. Anyway, the last I heard from her she was visiting her daughter on the outskirts of VJ-28. She stopped calling me telling me to do chores. I want to find her, and I can't trust a cishet detective for obvious reasons," she seemed to be on the verge of getting hysterical and crying, so I grabbed her hand.

"Do you have a picture of hers with clothes on?" I asked, and she produced the picture on her slave tag. A stout blond woman in a while sundress and dirty blond hair, holding onto her property as one might a beloved stuffed animal. "I see. If you can give me the coordinates, I will fly there right away in my cool space ship," I said, looking out the window as the neon lights cast shadows through the blinds.

"Of course, I will give you all the information I have to such a handsome woman. I'm sure my Lady will pay if you find her, if not..."

"Don't worry about it," I said sighing and looking back at her. "I can take my payment in any number of ways."

She shuddered in anticipation.
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>> No. 76137
"Ckat, bring me some pizza," I said, as I put my feet up. VJ-28 was quite a ways on the space highway. The adorable pink anime kitty cat that was my AI danced around the cabin.

"Of course, and pizza is a ballza choice and healthy for you because there is nothing wrong with your weight," she said, before the drawer dinged and out came my pizza. I rubbed myself casually through my clothes as I thought of negress staying with Transgender Secretary. I fired up an antique television show from an old civilization called the Food Network. Barbarians for sure, but they could cook.

I brushed the crumbs off my desk as we passed VJ-27. 28 was like the end of the cul-de-sac of the VJ sector, with penty of room for space stations and artificial suns. I touched down on the one verdant planet in the system. There were only a few large houses on the planet.

One thing had been bothering me ever since I hopped in the car. Why was her daughter living in such outskirts of civilization? She must have been young, so such property would have been hard for her to afford. I parked my car in front of the large house, not much security outside the complex. It was night, and my trenchcoat went fluttering as I exited the car in a cool way.

It did not take long after ringing the doorbell when someone answered. The woman looked like a spitting image of her mother, although obviously younger and hotter. The only difference was the very large, protruding, and distened belly. It was like she swallowed a watermelon. I had heard of such things before... vorelings. It was very sexy to some but I could never get into such things.

"You must be Lesbian Detective!" she said, smiling.

"How do you know me?" I asked, putting my hand on my cool revolver pistol underneath my coat.

"Oh, I just know you from the news! You've solved many cases with your intellect. Please, come in," she said, opening the door wider. Her story checked out, since I hellza was that successful.
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75996 No. 75996 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

Would it be possible to play pokemon using only custom cards people have submitted to this site?
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 76014
If you still have those games, please upload some of them to the internet. Scan the cards and show them to us! It would be so fun to try and play your games.
>> No. 76020
Unfortunately they've all been lost to time. I know one of them was based on DBZ, as if it wasn't already autistic enough. I think I also made one based on Shenmue, wish I had that one now because it was probably uber bad.

The weird thing is even at the time I knew no one else would want to play them. I did it entirely for my own benefit, because I thought the shit was cool. I could also do it while my brother was busy HOGGING THE FUCKING NINTENDO
>> No. 76027
What would a 99chan CCG look like?

"Now I'll evolve my Mr. Peanut into Gentlebot and tap your mother so I can play Mombjguy in defensive mode!"
>> No. 76123
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The only way to play 99chan: The Gathering is to show up at a table with your cards hoping that maybe someone is there to play with and you put down your cards to make your play but no one is there so you leave thinking "ok, well no one was there but if I leave for a while and check back in a few hours or tomorrow, someone will have responded to my play" and then when you come back you find one guy sitting there and he is berating your cards and when he sees you walking over he begins telling you about how feminists and liberals are ruining everything and trying to take his guns away and you're like fuck because all you wanted to do was play a fucking card game and now this guy won't stop point-by-point refuting everything you say and then someone else shows up and you're like "well maybe this guy will play cards with me" so you go over to him and he just starts complaining about immigrants
>> No. 76130
Thank you, Doctor Anonymous. I want you to know that your post has made me laugh for several minutes. You are a talented comedian and your contributions to this board are very much appreciated.

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76095 No. 76095 hide quickreply [Reply]
What happens if you wish upon a shooting star but it turns out to be a flaming piece of astronaut shit?
>> No. 76097
When your plan is to talk to an inanimate object and hope the future drastically changes as a result, does it hellza matter what inanimate object you talk to?
>> No. 76113
You just realized that when Mission Control gives orders to adjust course during vehicle reentry, they're literally wishing on a shooting star and it's coming true.

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