No. 75408
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I don't know about the other guy, but the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees says that 70% of the refugees are men (13% women (approx 1/5 of the men), the rest children) and only half of them going by water are even Syrian. If I were going to try to breed someone out in order to spread my ideology against their will, it's hard to think of a better way.
My question is: why are they either bypassing or passing directly through so many countries to get to Germany? Seriously, why not stop once you're out of the war if that's your objective? Don't want to be close to war? Ok, but going through Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia, Serbia, Hungary and Austria, THEN arriving in Germany? What was so bad about all those others? It couldn't be that the whole thing is a quest for free money, could it? Naaah. I'm sure that most of them being fighting-age men fleeing their country to get to the one place with the best benefits could only be legit even when many of the arrivals are known to be not fleeing war.
>I don't know or understand why everyone is so pissed at Syrian migrants.
Because even you recognize that they aren't refugees which means that the whole "escaping war" thing is a lie. Then when they get there they increase rape, assault and general crime while also leaving a trail of garbage behind and actually trying to destroy the culture of the place that wanted to help you out in the first place. I'd be enraged if I were German.
>where else are the supposed to go?
How about not traveling across half of Europe? Maybe go south? East? NE? SW? The entirety of Africa? Oh, wait, they're coming from Africa too. Man, that Syrian business hellza got out of hand since they're making Nigerians travel to Europe.
Your requested data, madam:
But his name is in the filename, Doctor. Regardless, if hellraiser directed his energy towards playing drums it would probably be fucking amazing.