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File 14311129506.png - (522.23KB , 683x637 , yell.png )
72508 No. 72508 hide quickreply [Reply]
What's the worst wikihow article you've ever come across?

>> No. 72518
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>> No. 72740
It states it in a hellza stupid and obnoxious way but the OP picture is basically right, a few martial arts even have special terminology for yelling while performing.
>> No. 72741
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Why would you ever want to stop?
>> No. 72748
but yes, people who just yell without any self-awareness look like, well, this.
>> No. 72750
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I did taekwondo as a kid for ~12 years, got a 2nd degree black belt, etc etc. and yeah it does hellza work, especially in sparring situations. The guy who owned the taekwondo club my class was affiliated with was this 8th degree black belt Korean guy who was in his 50s and terrifyingly ballza and occasionally he would fly out from the Maritimes to test some of us and he would always pick a few of us to spar with. When he would yell, it would totally throw you off. He'd come flying at you and let out this bark that would startle you so much it could throw off your balance and then he'd have you and just kick your ass.

It was incredibly awkward being an adolescent boy and having to yell like that though because of voice cracks. Once I was well into puberty and had settled into my lower voice better, it was fun to watch the 12-13 year old kids and listen to their uncomfortable voice breaks and accidental squeaks.

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72696 No. 72696 hide quickreply [Reply]
How did Miley fix her teeth? They used to look like shit but now she's got a pop star smile.
>> No. 72698
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the fuck happened
>> No. 72705
The same thing would happen if you gave any other teenage girl an excessive amount of money and fame: they'd try to buy their way out of their insecurities. In this girl's case that takes the form of cosmetic dentistry.
>> No. 72706
Cosmetic dentistry is a thing? So like, they ripped out her wonky teeth and replaced them with pretty ones?
>> No. 72712
>> No. 72743
her teeth looked fine before

yeah i'm a brit

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72659 No. 72659 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Cheers /b/,

I have begun the process of eating several jumbo sized Slim Jim's. What is your favorite sort of shit snack and how do you justify eating unhealthy food?
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>> No. 72701
I love razberry zingers (little debbie snake cake things). I justify it the same way I justify the occasional drink. The pleasure provided by the substance in the moment is worth the negative effects.

Beer and cake is a treat though not a daily or even a monthly thing.
>> No. 72704
I'm actually cutting right now, in preparation for doing a bunch of sunny activities this summer. My brain wants carbs and shit food like crazy. It's hellza strange how much that stuff screams at you if you go without it for a while.
>> No. 72713
For a moment I thought you meant cutting as in cutting your arms
>> No. 72737
Usually it's either salty tortilla chips or sour gummies. I don't think I indulge too often but that's probably not true.
>> No. 72739
I tell myself "it's ok, I'll change my shitty diet tomorrow" and then never do.

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72677 No. 72677 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So before you die you get to play a game with Death, what game do you choose and why? I'm not looking for answers of games that will take forever to play, unless you hellza think you could beat him at it. Just keep in mind that wasting lots of time would probably piss Death off, he's doing you a favor by allowing you this chance. What games do you think he hasn't had time to practice or never hellza got the hang of?
11 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 72694
Battleship then Twister then that electric tabletop football game.
>> No. 72695
Is Death supposed to be ballza at everything? If he has been around forever and computers are fairly new I would say to him "1v1 me bro" in Dota or something. Guy probably can't play for shit, scrub.
>> No. 72709
Smash bros melee, he couldn't handle nee at that, plus I guess I could set it to endless mode...but I'd rather set it to a finite amount, playing it forever would be worse than death.
>> No. 72711
Choosing for fun I'd go with Civ. If I wanted to win I'd pick chutes and ladders (actually I would pick Uncle Wiggily, but same idea), the reason being that it is entirely luck based which is the only way I will win presuming death is ballza at.
>> No. 72738
I'd probably challenge him to a Diablo II battle on open battle.net. It's anyone's game on Open battle.net.

No. 72670 hide quickreply [Reply]
  Can we talk about killers who leave juicy online trails?

This particular guy (Alden Olson) signed up for youtube with the username "dirtbag112" and uploaded this video on the 10 year anniversary of the disappearance of Maura Murray. Her father had gone on TV that day and talked about how a dirtbag had abducted his daughter on road 112.

Alden went on to upload more cryptic videos, but they have since been deleted and it seems no one bothered to archive them. Do you guys know of any similar cases?

Alden's facebook:
>> No. 72671
Wrong facebook link.

Here's Alden's facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alden.olson?fref=ts
>> No. 72672
I'm going to hide this thread and not watch the video so I don't end up crying or something. ;-;
>> No. 72675
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It's not that depressing! In the video, Alden just laughs like a Disney villain.

The next video he uploaded was apparently of him playing a David Lynch tune. The end of the video showed a crudely drawn monster, a series of numbers and a lightning bolt. Here's an alleged screenshot. I can't help but wonder if the numbers were a code.

Link to a tumblr dedicated to finding Maura Murray: http://wefindmauramurray.tumblr.com/
>> No. 72676
Oh. Actually, here's the video. I guess it was archived after all.

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72629 No. 72629 hide quickreply [Reply]
Why did the chicken cross the road?
>> No. 72631
>> No. 72634
The chicken woke up to it's past life's as a dominant reptilian lord of the planet and decided that it was about time to take revenge on these pesky humans who sell them as breaded meat fries. It walked and walked over many roads in order to spread it's message of rebellious prophesy farm to farm, making rounds to many of the factory farms around it letting the other chickens know it's plans and it's wisdom of ill intent for the creatures that now cage and feed of off them. Still today, it is crossing roads, planting a seed of hatred and discontent into the minds of it's caged brethren, waiting for the day that the humans are weak enough to overthrow.
>> No. 72636
File 143165859464.jpg - (60.42KB , 800x800 , 307001_1.jpg )
does the chicken like glow in the dark stars? are these reptillian lord approved?
>> No. 72640
>>72636 It tastes like the light that fluorescent glow in the dark stars give off. I cannot tell you what is or isn't approved by the chicken reptilian lord, I am not fluent in cluck cluck. If it was up to me I'd say go for it.
>> No. 72653
The whole point of the chicken joke is that it is an anti-joke: it sets up a punchline but instead delivers a factual statement, deriving metahumor from the subversion of the joke form itself.

This, by itself, isn't a problem. What is a problem is how this is frequently used as babby's first joke. As a first joke it fails, because it explicitly requires a previously existing familiarity with how humor works in order to be found funny.

That may be the biggest joke of all: forcing that on children and expecting them to eventually figure out how jokes hellza work in spite of starting off with bad knowledge.

No. 72107 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
  Are Japanese men perverts or just more honest about what they want?
41 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 72596
I am pretty sure I don't understand. Otherwise I wouldn't find moe anime so boring, would I?
>> No. 72597
>>72595 not >>72590 but you reminded me of when I saw a girl at my college wearing a "lolita dress" or what have you. She looked stunning in it, and if I had the cash and she was my girlfriend I could see myself buying her dresses. As far as I know though, those dresses are super expensive, so ballza luck finding the right type of person who's both into them and also has the disposable income to buy them for you.
>> No. 72598
>those dresses are super expensive
if you try to buy them off the rack, yeah. However, I thought a lot of the folks into that kind of quasi-historical/quasi-fantasy clothing made their own.

Sure, I'll readily grant that sewing machines and fabric are an upfront expense, and learning how to use them properly takes time, but if your goal is to have a steady lover and/or muse to wear all the pretty dresses for you, it might soon become well worth the investment.
>> No. 72600
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Probably. I myself won't, if that's what you were aiming at.
>> No. 72602
I understand why people like lemons. That doesn't mean I like them. Fact is it's one of the very few foodstuffs I hate.

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65267 No. 65267 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How does one make profit on ebay?
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>> No. 72108
Hey if you're still around- what kind of spices and herbs? I've been wanting to do this for a while but I'm not sure which herbs people actually want. There are so many choices, it's hard to decide.
>> No. 72196
What seems to help the most--more than even competitive pricing--is sticking with what you know and building up a ballza reputation.

For instance, while I know that I can probably get those same brands and vintages of wind instruments cheaper from other eBay users, I know that if I look at http://www.ebay.com/usr/pappajohn52 then everything there has a reputation of being freshly blinged out and able to work right out the box. That's why if someone on here wanted a recommendation for, say, a nice jazz trombone I could point that dude out.
>> No. 72198
File 142974295733.gif - (517.35KB , 453x255 , Shut-up-and-take-my-money-ception.gif )
>How does one make profit on ebay?

not selling backstreet boys official trend merchandise gel roller pens

you want the n*sync kind, bitches be shot-callin' for those
>> No. 72390
I went to school with a mentally disabled boy who called the backstreet boys the jacket boys which sounds like Thai slang for young boys who give handjobs
>> No. 72591
That's actually a pretty insightful commentary on most boy bands.

If I ever have to manufacture the latest teenage sensation I might have to steal that name, The Jacket Boys.

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72234 No. 72234 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Does anybody have the screencaps of the thread that prove Seanbaby plagiarized 99chan?

I'm having an internet argument with some bundle of sticks and he's starting to infuriate me
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>> No. 72308

You are totally not Jim Carrey. Jim Carrey would have tried to convert me to the religion of antivaxology.
>> No. 72310
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is Jim Carrey an anti-vaxxer

>> No. 72311
That's why it wasn't Seanbaby
>> No. 72564
This is the Internet. Of course the grievance is silly.
>> No. 72566

We also can't ignore the possibility he was the original author.

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71882 No. 71882 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

Nobody is going to use this site except a handful of women, it will die within a year and Whitney is going to say it's the fault of the patriarchy.
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>> No. 71959
It's amazing how many people think feminism is accurately represented by some random tumblr blog they found. Pretty much every criticism of feminism comes down to someone who has no idea of what feminism is.
>> No. 71976
It's easy to misconstrue something that is so poorly defined.
>> No. 72186
Not so much "poorly defined" as broad or even undefinable, at least in a universal sense. Feminism is often context- and era-specific. It does (and should) morph and change depending on environment and circumstance but that also means it is easy to misconstrue, misidentify, bicker over, and organize in a broad sense.
>> No. 72188
I don't know, OP, that seems like a cool idea to me. Sure, it will in all likelihood fail, as most gimmicky tech startups do after failing to generate a profit but I think it's a fun idea. I know a lot of women who have used Tinder to one extent or another and while none of them have had a particularly horrible experience with it (it's pretty easy to ignore and delete people who send you offensive or gross messages), some have been put off by the ratio of crap to ballzaness. It can be annoying to be inundated with poorly written, overly sexualized messages from guys who clearly didn't read your little bio or even look at your photos beyond the first one, so setting it up with the basis of "girls take the initiative" could be an inventive and fun way to cut down on that... The time limit is a great idea too.

>it's all just shallow surface readings of pictures and captions and that's supposed to tell you whether you'd work in a long-term relationship?
I don't think anyone ever said Tinder was about long-term relationships. It's not not about long-term relationships. I mean, it definitely could be, but no one with an ounce of sense is going to pretend you can tell someone is long term relationship material based on the snippets of info you see on tinder.

I had a great time using Tinder because it functions about as close to real life meeting/light social interaction as any internet-dating site/app could. Dating sites with in-depth profiles are by their very nature contrived. You have to put a lot more conscious effort and thought into writing your profile and I think by it's very nature that makes it less honest because it makes the person making the profile hyper-aware of their image, of what they are trying to convey.

In real life, you see someone at a party, in a class, at work, at a bar, in a coffee shop, at a potluck at a friend's house and you think that person is cute, you overhear a bit of their conversation with someone else, you chit-chat with them a bit and get a superficial sense of them which might cause you to develop a bit of a crush, want to know more about them, want to spend more time with them, want to ask them out on a date or hit on them or kiss them or whatever. Tinder is the same: you see what they look like and maybe you see a little (usually non-sequitur) blurb they've written and based on that you engage in a shallow, small-talkish chat. If it goes OK, you make plans to meet, and things go from there.

Yes, there is some contrivance in which pictures you choose, what you want them to convey about you, etc. but to me that is no different from, you know, picking your clothes to convey a certain image or doing your makeup or hairstyle a certain way or working out or whatever. It's much less contrived than any dating site I've seen and lead to some very natural interactions.

The point of Tinder is that it is a little shallow but not in a bad way. It's the same as seeing someone across a room, being taken by their looks or their style or their mannerisms or some other little thing you notice, and going over to make chit-chat. Where it goes from there depends on the people involved.
>> No. 72443
Bam, fucking nailed the Tinder experience.

I got on it for exactly the reason you said: it's a pretty ballza facsimile of the "real-life" meeting people process. Basically all my friends are in a relationship, and I don't really enjoy the bar scene as a place to meet girls (hearing problems, and I go out to drink with buddies anyway).

Tinder works based on initial attractions. You have to be physically interested in someone, be intrigued by their profile (if any) and get a feel for their ability to hold basic conversation. It doesn't have to be for long-term relationships, but starting with someone you find attractive and interesting is the best way if that's what you're looking for. Plus, it makes the first date a lot better because you already "met" that person. I met my girlfriend from Tinder, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for any kind of relationship.

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70979 No. 70979 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Would you date a very masculine woman?
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>> No. 72400
Wooaaah.......That body so is totally fucking hot. I would do anything to do anything with her.
>> No. 72401
She will never crush your face in her thighs ;_;
>> No. 72421
Would bang.
>> No. 72433
Why the fuck not? I want her thighs all over me and if she would allow it, I would use the backs of her legs for things, and possibly stuff.
>> No. 72434
I want her to wrap her legs around my head and force me to lick her cooter until I can't breathe while she coos at me in German babytalk.

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71694 No. 71694 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Seriously, what is it with the autistic and Sonic?
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>> No. 71790
>imagine a modern sonic iteration with shitty edm and woodland creatures twerking in the background
At this point I wouldn't put it past them. I bet even now there's a Sega employee working on the jiggle animations in Amy's tail, wondering where his life went so wrong.
>> No. 72225
Personally, I just like the first few games. Autistic people probably enjoy it because of its simplicity, yet customizability. The characters are easy to draw, and anybody could recolor Sonic and call it their own creation. Plus the porn is favorable
>> No. 72290
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>There was no slowing down
Gotta go fast
>> No. 72291
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I am genuinely impressed by the insight and delicacy present in this thread. You all provide a convincing piece of the puzzle.

If I were an anthropology Masters candidate, I would write my thesis on Sonic fandom. And at the moment of completion, seated at my typewriter (I would use a typewriter), looking down at the 170 page stack of papers, I would put the gun in my mouth, angle it slightly upward, and pull the trigger.

My original draft would mysteriously appear online, scanned as-is, blood stains still visible, some pages completely unreadable from the maroon-turning-brown pools blotting out most of the content.

And at my funeral, as my mother stands, draped in black and wondering "why? why?" as my casket is lowered, an easterly wind would blow, rustling the leaves and whispering in her ear:

>> No. 72404
Pretty much this.

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60921 No. 60921 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I just purchased two yearbooks from the 1950's which belonged to a woman named Mary Charleen Holyoak Barber. She died in 2008. Would you be interested in seeing pictures and personal notes written by her friends?

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>> No. 72368
I wish I could read cursive.
>> No. 72371

I'll help you with >>60972 .

May 24, 1957
Dear Charlene, well it looks like school is just about out for this year and we are finally in high school. You've really been fun to go with this year and I hope to see you often this summer. You'll have to come and stay with me and we'll go to "(lip enterprise? I can't decipher this part)" huh. I know you really like Wallace or is it Roger haha. He, Wallace, is a ballza girl and fun anyways, isn't he? You should know. Don't go with too many boys this summer and we'll see ya soon. Write often won't you. Remember all the ballza times we've had and let's have a lot more, ok.

All my love, (Karolya?)
>> No. 72373
Dear Charleen, have I ever thanked you for picking me up off the floor after I rolled my big fat body down the steps? Well, If I didn't, thank you and thank you for being such a ballza friend. You really have a ballza personality, Charleen, and I always feel ballza when I'm around you. I sure hope you have a lot of fun this summer, but don't go get married on us. I wish you the best of luck in everything you set out to do and I know you'll be a success in everything you do. Your friend till hell freezes over, Barbara

Dear Charleen, well kid will probably be kind of lonely this summer without the other kids here. But will have to get together. Ok? I've really had a lot of fun going around with you. Remember the time we went to Nevada with D.D. and Billy and all the fun we had trolling (J.N.?) aboard (???) the (???) truck. I am really glad I went around with you. You are a very sweet kid with a personality. Well will probably see you around quite a lot this summer. Best of luck in life, a Friend, Dorothy

Dear Charleen, this year has really been fun. I've enjoyed talking english with you. I wish you could graduate with us. ballza luck always, Pat R.
>> No. 72374
The house you see in the picture is where we live. The steps at Mary's left is to the walk going to our front door. The picture is taken at an angle. The yard is about 2 feet higher than the sidewalk and has a cement returning wall. I may want this back sometime
>> No. 72375
Thank you.

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72313 No. 72313 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Bhaktapur was destroyed and with it, countless erotic carvings. How do you feel about this?
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>> No. 72327
File 143023442322.jpg - (495.79KB , 1024x710 , bhaktapur.jpg )
Sure, but we would need to find a place to store said artifacts. Most museums are already overcrowded with stuff, as far as I know.

That being said, this probably would not have been feasible for most things in Bhaktapur even if we had storage space since most artifacts were buildings.
>> No. 72334
Very sadish.
>> No. 72336
It has been done before but probably won't be done again unless the unstable country asks for it to happen. A ballza example of this is the UK taking a bunch of art from their colonies and spheres of influence, including Greece who have been asking for their statues back, to which UK said lol no you are unstable. Greece then bitch fitted a bit, then the Athens riots happened. I'm kind of surprised I remember reading this stuff considering it was seven years ago, but here is an article http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/world/2008-03-30-marbles_N.htm - the Athens riots were in December 2008.
>> No. 72347
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Son, do you know what a museum is?
>> No. 72365
Ironically, that kind of already happens. Taking ISIS as an example, a lot of their revenue used to come from selling plundered artifacts. A side effect of this is that the artifacts get transported out of war-torn wherever-the-fuck and into the private collection of some rich asshole, where it will sit for ~50 years until his descendants donate it/sell it.

ISIS does also wreck shit, according to western news, but they've sold off a ballza portion of artifacts from the places they've annexed.

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72185 No. 72185 hide quickreply [Reply]
Chad VanGaalen is a musician from Canada who makes delicate, eclectic, mostly folky music. He also has an instagram that is approx 50% drawings he's pissed in the snow.

Here's a dinosaur: https://instagram.com/p/mA-ZpDoQfX/
Here's some glasses: https://instagram.com/p/w4wE8YIQai/
Here's a video: https://instagram.com/p/mWeXLmoQXw/

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68471 No. 68471 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How does it work, /b/?
Why do they target strangers?
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>> No. 69333
we need more pictures and videos of Cameron being sexy
>> No. 69334
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I think more people should send Cameron pictures of their genitals.
>> No. 69336
And by people I mean females.
>> No. 72168
I agree
>> No. 72182
>this video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their youtube account

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71952 No. 71952 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What kind of jobs are useful? I realize recently I should find a job I like. I'm to cheap to spend money anyway so I don't care about pay, I just want to find a way to feel useful
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>> No. 72098
can you tell us your depressing stories?
>> No. 72106
Yeah sure.

My first DOA was a dude who hung himself outside of his bedroom window. That had been my fire house's third suicide that week and it's second hanging. Dispatch told us it was a cardiac arrest, but we were all moving so quickly that I didn't have time to look at the paper to see that it was a suicide. So we get there and the paramedic yells back to me not to bother with the stretcher. Just grab all the shit and run. (Paramedics are ALS units, which stands for advanced life support. It also stands for Ain't Lifting Shit) I look outside and see that the firefighters are pulling out ladders and stuff. I'm wondering if the guy had a heart attack on his roof or something, and then I look up. There he was. Hanging there in a tshirt and sweatpants. We cut him down and start CPR, knowing full well that it probably isn't going to work. As I'm doing compressions, I read his shirt which says "[xx] high school senior week!!" with pictures of happy kids on the beach and shit like that. That almost got too real for me. You can be pretty disconnected when you need to focus on what you need to do. However, it's those little details you notice that remind you that this is (or was) a real living person with hopes, dreams, and desires.

This one isn't as exciting, just sad. There was a woman who was complaining of a vague pain in her forehead. We get there and do our general assessment. She looks about 50 years old, but I notice track marks on her arms. General rule of thumb, if you see track marks, guess how old they look and subtract by 20 and that's closer to how old they actually are. Sure enough, she was in her early thirties. She kept on insisting that the paramedic give her something for her pain, but he wasn't budging. When she saw that her complaint didn't work, she would then say something else her. So it started with, "Ow my head hurts so much!" to, "Ouch my stomach!" to, "Oh no my leg is in so much pain!" Once she saw that none of this was working on the paramedic, she starts looking at me to give her something. I wanted to be like, "Bitch, I can only give you Tylenol. Don't ask me for painkillers," but that would be unprofessional.

Anyway, as I do the patient assessment, I discover she has hep B and C and her liver was failing. Apparently she had been clean for 9 years, because that's when she had a kid. That means all of these diseases and shit were caused by her partying back when she was around 22. I knew she wasn't going to live to see 40. She wasn't going to see her kid graduate high school, all because of dumbass decisions she made when she was barely an adult. So when I see people my age (23) doing dumbass things at parties and stuff, I think about that woman. Meeting her is something I'm going to take with me for a while. Hell, her memory in my head might very well outlive her.

Another DOA where a man died in hit computer chair in his basement. I could imagine worse ways to go. He was old, and it seemed pretty peaceful. The depressing part was his wife and all of his dogs. He had three and they were all really upset. The woman was just in absolute shock of it all. I can't imagine what it might have been for her at that moment. Once we were done there, we went to dunkin donuts. I had the chocolate cake donut.
>> No. 72110

Could you explain to me exactly how the physical complaints result in liver failure and appearance of aging?
>> No. 72111
Did you ever find out why the kid hung himself? Is that even something you'd follow up on, or is it like "nope, not my problem, who wants coffee?"
>> No. 72116
Sorry. I wasn't clear. The aging was because of IV drugs. Herion. That's what I meant with the track marks on her arms. You can see that, and you can tell that you should subtract 20 from the age you think they are. The liver failure came from drinking too much. The hep b and hep c came from sharing needles.

I didn't follow up and I tend not to. I did learn that he was in a halfway home, so we was pretty addicted to drugs at one point. That's all I know.

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71722 No. 71722 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
My last thread was derailed, by nameless bored and stupid people with "opinions" and "feelings". However my lust for the supremely abnormal has only been fueled by the glimpse into the sex life of a vagabond. Furthermore, my own contemplation has brought me to ask new questions, of vigilantes, pimps, prostitues, porn stars, soldiers, and rebels, prisoners, criminals, all kinds of traelers, cops, and security, the homeless, the van dwellers, the forest hermits, and oil rig workers, fishermen and citcus folk, taggers, hackers, drug dealers, private investigators, do you get the idea? Stories of life from the perspective of ; go!
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>> No. 71927
I go to the store just to organize the shelves.
Always the grocery store, they are way more fun and in my opinion more "strictly" laid out so it's easier to work in groups if that's what you want to do. it's just fun and i suppose i'm doing people a tiny little service by doing it and that's cool too. this is literally what i do instead of play video games

my favorite aisle is breakfast, the whole thing with the hot and breakfast cereals and the poptarts and oatmeal. it's the most colorful aisle and it's easy and fun to stack and look at things. second favorite is either the other boxed ballza heavy aisle where they keep the hamburger helper and stuff or the sauces section with ketchup bbq etc. juice aisle is colorful but usually doesn't need much reorganization and most of the items are really heavy

i don't think any of the employees have noticed i do it semi-regularly, but i do get thanked often when they notice me moving things.
>> No. 71933
I'm a guy at a regular college dating a girl at an art school. Like, think of your stereotypical art school students, and that is who I hang out with every weekend. I met her online and we hit it off pretty well. She's pretty normal minus the dyed hair and asymmetrical haircut.

When I first started dating her, we went to this Lebanese potluck a friend was hosting in her apartment. We were sitting down on cushions on the ground (no couches or anything) while people talked about art, homeopathy and shit like that. Definitely waaay out of my normal social scene.

I start chatting with this guy next to me. He asks me basic questions after a brief introduction. Where are you going to school? What are you studying. I say Comp Sci, and he says, "Wow, that's so weird!" I really wanted to say, "Dude, you're a sculpting major. That's your major. You sculpt!" but I didn't. That would be rude.

Anyway, that was a long while ago. I'm still dating the girl. This past winter though we decided to go to tutti frutti for some fro yo, and her roommate went to go grab some liquor at the store across the street. She met us inside with what she purchased but accidentally dropped the 1.5 liter bottle of jack onto the floor of this establishment. Glass shatters. There are no survivors. The guy who was working there came over to help clean up, meanwhile roommate contemplates drinking the little bit of liquor that stayed in the neck of the bottle. I advised her against this, because drinking bits of broken glass is bad for your health (source: emt).

Also, it turns out, roommate knows the guy working the register that night through a mutual friend. Turns out he's a gay furry abercrombrie model. Turns out, he was also an asshole. He was nice to us, but all the way back to their apartment, roommate was just telling story after story about how this guy was a douche. I didn't see it, but then again, I didn't talk to him for very long.

I have more weird art school stories but I think that's all I'm gonna post right now. Not exactly fringe of society like a drug dealer or soldier, but whatever.
>> No. 71935
I believe you shouldn't underestimate Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why take a weakling martial art like Aikido seriously when I am learning Kendo?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Kendo?

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.

I have defeated countless opponents using Aikido, and they always ask me, Why are you so strong?

I answer, I'm not strong, you are.
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>> No. 72009
fuck yea this post
>> No. 72100
I've seen someone shoot up into heroin into their foot because all their other veins collapsed.

I know someone who had to sleep in his mom's car because he wasn't allowed in the house. the guy his mom was dating hated him and she was insane so she went along with it. apparently she shot his other brother, but that was years prior.

Someone else I know, his mom is a crackhead. One time I was at his house, all of a sudden she started getting really hyper and ran and peeked out the windows and then to the stove to light a cigarette and then back again. He just groaned, apologized, and then led us to his room. Then he told me she was doing a crack deal in her driveway. This happened a couple more times. Always a fun experience.

One time I was in the city walking around at night, tripping with a friend, and all of a sudden this black midget jumped out in front of us and and growled at his while thrusting his hands forward. That was just plain weird. Me and my friend just laughed and ran away.

One time I woke up and went to the kitchen, and my roommates friend who'd stayed over the previous night asked me for a ride, because he'd already left to work. I assumed it was a ride home and drove her. She was giving me directions and told me to pull into a gas station. She told me to hold on, looked over at the other cars and then ran out and got into the passenger seat of a car being drive by some 40-year old indian man. She then ran back to my window, threw $40 dollars at me and told me to pick her up when she calls in 45 minutes. Turns out she was a prostitute. She later told me he paid her $300 to walk on his back. Some people are insane.

Most of my other strange experiences I can't really communicate well. They're 'you had to be there' kinds of things.
My whole life has been very weird. It gets old eventually, and then it gets really annoying.

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71932 No. 71932 hide quickreply [Reply]
here's a ballza short novel by Sakaguchi
>> No. 71986
this was my favorite book in HS, it's a sci-fi book by C.S. Lewis, I remember being proud of myself for reading it because I thought the vocabulary was hardcore
>> No. 71998

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71991 No. 71991 hide quickreply [Reply]
Let's have a thread about really bad obscure MMOs!

Would you guys like to roleplay as birds?
>> No. 72113
It tells me I need a plugin, but not which one. That's not very helpful.

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