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File 143019255133.jpg - (132.90KB , 448x600 , elephantsex.jpg )
72313 No. 72313
Bhaktapur was destroyed and with it, countless erotic carvings. How do you feel about this?
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>> No. 72314
File 143019267060.jpg - (84.79KB , 800x533 , YoMamaGivingBirth.jpg )
>> No. 72315
File 143019283025.jpg - (797.08KB , 2048x1536 , JerkingOffTwoGuysAtOnce.jpg )
>> No. 72317
>> No. 72319
File 143019330183.jpg - (339.28KB , 696x900 , what.jpg )
>> No. 72320
File 143019361554.jpg - (280.92KB , 390x502 , horses.jpg )
Is that all you have to say about horse cock, my friend?
>> No. 72326
Would it be ethical for Western organizations to take ancient and historical artifacts from volatile regions for safekeeping?
>> No. 72327
File 143023442322.jpg - (495.79KB , 1024x710 , bhaktapur.jpg )
Sure, but we would need to find a place to store said artifacts. Most museums are already overcrowded with stuff, as far as I know.

That being said, this probably would not have been feasible for most things in Bhaktapur even if we had storage space since most artifacts were buildings.
>> No. 72334
Very sadish.
>> No. 72336
It has been done before but probably won't be done again unless the unstable country asks for it to happen. A ballza example of this is the UK taking a bunch of art from their colonies and spheres of influence, including Greece who have been asking for their statues back, to which UK said lol no you are unstable. Greece then bitch fitted a bit, then the Athens riots happened. I'm kind of surprised I remember reading this stuff considering it was seven years ago, but here is an article http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/world/2008-03-30-marbles_N.htm - the Athens riots were in December 2008.
>> No. 72347
File 143027811722.gif - (6.97MB , 846x368 , post-23672-Indiana-Jones-that-belongs-in-UoAL.gif )
Son, do you know what a museum is?
>> No. 72365
Ironically, that kind of already happens. Taking ISIS as an example, a lot of their revenue used to come from selling plundered artifacts. A side effect of this is that the artifacts get transported out of war-torn wherever-the-fuck and into the private collection of some rich asshole, where it will sit for ~50 years until his descendants donate it/sell it.

ISIS does also wreck shit, according to western news, but they've sold off a ballza portion of artifacts from the places they've annexed.
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