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File 141751273860.jpg - (138.90KB , 720x960 , Kentucky Fried Autism.jpg )
68471 No. 68471
How does it work, /b/?
Why do they target strangers?
Expand all images
>> No. 68473
You have no idea how much I want to guzzle this man's sperm. Oh god, he's so handsome.
>> No. 68477
File 141753770459.png - (272.85KB , 318x440 , penispenispenis.png )
>> No. 68479
  Check out the cute ginger eating bananas and drinking milk >:3

You have found a goldmine of handsome men, OP. This shit is like nerdy chippendale's.
>> No. 68491
File 141760805136.jpg - (13.52KB , 355x355 , ebin faic.jpg )
Here's a vid of him blowing on a different end of a condom than usual.
>> No. 68495
I showed my privates to Cameron and he responded.
>> No. 68500
Who is this weird fuck? Any links to a page explaining this?
>> No. 68504
File 141766007453.jpg - (10.97KB , 254x199 , 3dpenis.jpg )
Cameron just sent me a picture of his penis.
>> No. 68506
Cameron is actually really big in the pants.
>> No. 68507
Hey everyone, This is Cameron here, thanks for the compliment sam :P
>> No. 68509
File 141766584689.jpg - (62.24KB , 542x720 , Me and bae.jpg )
He can be contacted at:
>> No. 68512
>> No. 68523
Cameron is a sex god.
>> No. 68527
I'm blind and my text-to-speech program isn't working whats going on in this thread
>> No. 68532
we are discussing handsome men with no pants
>> No. 68534
{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{Left curly bracket}Right curly bracket{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
>> No. 68535
This thread is shitty and depressing.
>> No. 68542
you are just jealous of cameron
>> No. 68550
of course i am he invented titanic he has like a million dollars
>> No. 68609
and a ding dong the size of king kong
>> No. 68705
File 141853358172.jpg - (13.53KB , 320x272 , Bateman.jpg )
I think his autism is contagious.
>> No. 69020
I want this man inside of me
>> No. 69022
File 142030288474.jpg - (11.64KB , 261x261 , unfunf.jpg )
Dude, I know, right? Cameron is positively adonic. Ay dios mio, he could diddle my various orifices any day.
>> No. 69033
File 142034235929.jpg - (40.22KB , 500x334 , girlbutt.jpg )
Cameron's ballza looks make everyone want to bend over and beg for the D.
>> No. 69330
File 142158080349.png - (116.80KB , 1024x749 , spurdo_sparde_vector_by_kevinino-d6ehtjk.png )
ebig :DDDD
>> No. 69333
we need more pictures and videos of Cameron being sexy
>> No. 69334
File 142158530860.gif - (494.18KB , 250x144 , boobs.gif )
I think more people should send Cameron pictures of their genitals.
>> No. 69336
And by people I mean females.
>> No. 72168
I agree
>> No. 72182
>this video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their youtube account
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