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File 144513949329.png - (418.69KB , 1070x568 , farts.png )
75463 No. 75463 hide quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 75481
It's like the gay fart version of the bukkake bomb woman.
>> No. 75484
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>> No. 75682
Painful to watch

File 144526513462.png - (290.66KB , 682x554 , moth.png )
75492 No. 75492 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

If you were wealthy enough to participate in this auction and win, what would you name this moth? The possibilities are endless, 99chan.
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 75668
My baby probably wouldn't be mentioned in nerdy books (or any worthwhile book, for that matter) unless it was born with six arms and a butt on its head :(

My baby would never be protected from extinction by animal rights groups, nobody would care if my baby went extinct

My baby would never be responsible for infecting people with strange exotic diseases

My baby would never be a cute larvae and would never shed its exoskeleton

My baby would probably grow up to be a stupid boring banker that everyone would forget about
>> No. 75670
>My baby would never be responsible for infecting people with strange exotic diseases
That's what my parents thought too but look at me now you don't even want to know what I've been spreading
>> No. 75673
File 144582225237.png - (235.66KB , 1148x516 , hitler.png )
Now, Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was different. When someone named a species of blind cave beetle after him, he sent them a thank you note.

Adolf Hitler is more polite than Beyonce.
>> No. 75676
He's prettier too :3
>> No. 75677
File 144583439462.jpg - (50.33KB , 300x411 , trousers.jpg )
Damn right.

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75632 No. 75632 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do you think Homo Erectus used to sniff each other's butts like dogs do?
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>> No. 75655
The former, although I wouldn't be surprised if everyone's butt also had a different smell.

Their natural scent, their diet and how well they wipe their behinds would probably all be important factors in how they would smell.
>> No. 75659
I'd like to think it's more than just buttholes that we could smell.

We do smell our hands after giving a handshake. Everyone does it. That tells me we determine some limited things from smell, but I think we are trying too hard to insert the whole butthole thing into this. I get that it's the novelty of smelling an asshole that made this thread interesting, but how many of us are willing to ask someone to fart in our faces?
>> No. 75660

People with Alzheimer's smell muskier than normal folks. Do you think they have musky butts too?
>> No. 75669
>how many of us are willing to ask someone to fart in our faces?
I don't ask so much as politely offer money in exchange for a fart in my face. Women on the street react badly but strippers are amiable.
>> No. 75671
That fart powder went right in his mouth. You don't even want to know how hard I'm laughing right now. I'm a little bit ashamed.

File 144570617565.jpg - (42.08KB , 500x274 , Beautiful-Girls-1996-Natalie-Portman-pic-3.jpg )
75601 No. 75601 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
is a chan that forbiddes any kind of loli-shota-cake-whatever... hellza a chan ? I dont think so.

A chan with out loli is not a chan

7 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 75626
There's more to being (and not being) a chan than being a kusaba- based imageboard with the archaic term "chan" in its name.
>> No. 75637
File 144574361249.jpg - (38.12KB , 400x320 , jackie.jpg )
What does it mean to be a chan?
>> No. 75638
No true Scotschan
>> No. 75640
It means being the kind of site which welcomes shitheads like OP.
>> No. 75663
I know, It's a super secret club, and if you mention anything other than 500chan, you're in for one heck of a witty red sentence!


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75589 No. 75589 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Why does Busetto Classico Prosciutto taste and smell 80% like magic mushrooms?
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>> No. 75647
I knew my mdma business was failing for a reason. I lost all of my profit whittling them down with a pocket knife.
>> No. 75656
File 144580229130.jpg - (18.68KB , 370x278 , ObamaShapedEcstasy.jpg )
thanks obama
>> No. 75658
How long do you think it will be until we can buy former president Obama's branded cereal Obam-Os?
>> No. 75661
File 144581966843.jpg - (69.43KB , 526x556 , bushmush.jpg )
It's been years and we don't have george bush o's :(
>> No. 75662
File 144581986470.jpg - (330.73KB , 1620x1080 , obob.jpg )

That already exists.

File 144515320228.jpg - (40.81KB , 550x298 , 550x298_Ronda-Rousey-praises-Gina-Carano-3237.jpg )
75468 No. 75468 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So i got as drunk as I've ever been in my life, and I'm sitting here masturbating to Ronda Rousey. that'd about as much as i have going for me rn. i think im in love with this girl who has been flirting w/ me for 2 years but thats as far as it goes apparently.... smoking my rooomates rolled cigarette bc that's approximately what i'm worth rn. listening to the goo goo dolls on youtube b/c again that's approx. what my life is worth to me rn.... I think I have taken hellza a suicidal risk in attempting the degree program I am in currently, which is a dual degree liberal arts/ engineering degree. I have taken a risk such that I have shown that if my life doesn't work out exactly how I want it to then it is completely worthless to me. And no, how drunk I am doesn't impact how well I will do at college at all. That'd because I am a genius. I truly believe I could learn everything I have this semester at college in the span of two or at most three weeks. I could do it just fine. But that isn't in anyone's best interest, to challenge me.

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>> No. 75604
File 144570904072.gif - (12.64KB , 420x319 , RainingShit2.gif )
99, you always make me realize what a snot nosed douchebag I hellza am. Thank you all.


I know, that's exactly what I'm saying.

You're actually right:
>>in the latter style and prefer to revert
>Say "in the latter style but prefer" or else you're saying that your "expertise" is part of why you don't type with expertise. Point of fact: If you were expert, that expertise would come without effort.
If I'm saying I'm typing with relaxed rigour because I've transcended its bounds then I shouldn't be using the word "revert." I'm saying I'm NOT reverting to a childish mode of speech but rather am displaying consummate maturity in my more cavalier style, so revert is the wrong word. The fact that I said revert gives away my own self doubt.

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 75605
We prefer the term Shittery

>> No. 75617
File balls.webm - (122.65KB )
>> No. 75622
>If I'm saying I'm typing with relaxed rigour because I've transcended its bounds then I shouldn't be using the word "revert." I'm saying I'm NOT reverting to a childish mode of speech but rather am displaying consummate maturity in my more cavalier style, so revert is the wrong word. The fact that I said revert gives away my own self doubt.
What are you even

You are insane
>> No. 75628
Stop now or your next ban will have as many hours as your previous one had minutes.

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75571 No. 75571 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How has it become acceptable for social justice warriors to say such things about people simply because of their gender, orientation and race?
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>> No. 75588
How is it harmless? You already triggered poor >>75583, you racist.

>they don't actually go out and commit crimes very often
Oh, never mind. They only do it sometimes, so it's ok. So by applying the same rules and the 14th Amendment to everyone else, it must be ok for white guys to do the same! Thanks for clearing that up! :D
>> No. 75590
File 144565454662.png - (1.58MB , 1518x1149 , AA-MLK-Civil-Rights-lynch-mob-justice-quote.png )
Due process is a brutal weapon the patriarchy wields to revictimize innocent women.

We need to listen and believe women when they say that someone raped them.
>> No. 75591
File 144565584032.jpg - (35.46KB , 596x326 , Inprisonment_Rates.jpg )
ballza point. The majority of crimes in the US are committed by blacks and latinos. Blacks are the worst offenders.
>> No. 75593
File 144565685751.jpg - (30.97KB , 600x437 , jews.jpg )
Most religious hate crimes in America are committed against Jews (followed by muslims), so I guess that makes it okay for American Jews to say kill all Muslims and for American Muslims to say all Atheists should burn in hell.
>> No. 75595
I say very often because I'm too lazy to do the research, but I'd put money that the number of transgender-on-cis murders is hovering around zero. Even a single example of one of these armchair revolutionaries on Twitter actually doing anything violent or murderous is likely difficult to find.

Taking a person seriously when she says she's been raped rather than going out of our way to find an excuse as to why it's all his/her fault would be nice. Due process can only work if the system gives a shit. Anyone who has ever had a break-in can tell you the police care more about revenue generation for the state rather than investigating crimes.

The majority of those violent crimes are committed against other blacks/latinos, but some bitching about blacks is at least understandable. The incessant bawling about Twitter SJWs is simply the result of never-ending internet culture wars between millennial "libertarians" with no sense of history and millennial "feminists" with no sense of communication or tact.

Even if they did, there would be little reason to fear a tiny minority group. People saying such and such majority group should die isn't hellza ballza, no, but personally I'm more worried about millions of whites who want to round up all der illegls cuz dey took err jerbs. Because they have the power to actually, you know, DO that, compared to antisocial randos on Twitter trying so desperately to prove that they are One of the ballza Ones™ and outdo the other tryhards in their echo chambers.

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75613 No. 75613 hide quickreply [Reply]


Who else is gonna be looking for this spooky asteroid on halloween?

File 144520190053.png - (219.17KB , 1199x444 , doom.png )
75483 No. 75483 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What hellza happens after you become a 30 years old shut-in?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 75486
I'd like to think that many of us who started out that way thwarted that fate, to where we may not exactly be what others consider normal but well adjusted enough to at least hold down a place to live and if we are lucky have some form of companionship and comfort.

That said I also believe that the ones who didn't manage to adjust have one of two fates, ones who end up getting coddled and have parental/monetary support and ones who don't. The few people I happen to know that did have support usually became cause oriented anonymous/tumblr types or find online communities to hold power over.

The ones that didn't generally end up going in and out of jail or homeless with the legal system taking care of them.
>> No. 75494
Yeah I've kinda followed this template so far, I'm 22 now. I got out of highschool and spent a year doing nothing but drinking and watching tv (I chose this over going to Europe, I don't regret it in the slightest). Then took some university courses and somehow got a ballza union job. I mean I didn't work much, and didn't take my courses seriously, I was mostly a shut-in alcoholic. When I turned 21 I did actually start to get serious though. I Decided on a degree and started plowing through it, still while drinking heavily. And in fact I became more of a shut-in, because I do all my courses online now. Still, I have direction and purpose, so I'm hopeful I won't be a huge failure. I do still live with my parents.

Also I know one guy in the 30+ area that doesn't fit into either the homeless or tumblr fag category. I don't know his story, just that he was a shut-in most of his life and along the way developed a severe anxiety disorder. He lives in a small shithole apartment that he can afford because of disability support payments he gets. He's too poor to afford internet now so every few weeks his need for internet overcomes his crippling fear of people and he goes to the library for an hour or two. He leads an unfortunate life. He is not a happy man as far as I can tell.
>> No. 75542
Ask me in 3 years, so far? Man, fuck this shit.
>> No. 75546
Intensification of fetishes?
>> No. 75569
Especially in an age where Internet access is relatively easy (even for >>75494 's buddy who can sometimes go to the library), it's easy to explore all sorts of subcultural rabbit holes, especially when you're separating yourself from the reality around you.

That is the gamble a shut-in takes: when they do get forced out into the "real world" they might be able to deeply connect with random strangers over relatively uncommon shared interests, but they're just as likely to be disconnected from everyone for liking weird shit that no one else around them likes. It makes the difference between appearing deep and thoughtful vs. dull and awkward.

File 144555077970.jpg - (80.40KB , 634x709 , KatanaTrenchcoat.jpg )
75549 No. 75549 hide quickreply [Reply]

Why are school killers always nerdy white guys in their late teens/early twenties?
>> No. 75551
most people in school are nerdy white guys in their late teens/early twenties

>> No. 75553

>This school year, America's schools are projected to reach a demographic milestone: For the first time, a majority of students in K-12 schools will be children of color


>The gender gap is widening, too, with women now making up about 57 percent of all college students
>> No. 75557
Actually, more of them are asian. Gonna see if I can find the numbers.
>> No. 75559
wait wait wait

hold up

sweden has a king?
>> No. 75649
Thank God I'm finished with that stuff.

File 143646423614.jpg - (29.38KB , 400x240 , road.jpg )
73812 No. 73812 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Since we don't have a /v/, let's have a videogame thread. What videogames are you playing, 99chan? Right now I am pretty obsessed with making my animal crossing roads aesthetically pleasing.
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>> No. 75210
File 144425130130.jpg - (192.69KB , 1920x1080 , tsunderplane.jpg )
My heart belongs to tsunderplane.
>> No. 75507
File 144530610933.png - (757.66KB , 872x590 , gameoftheyear.png )
>> No. 75523
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>> No. 75614
File 144571615333.jpg - (571.64KB , 1000x488 , sub.jpg )

This seems hellza cool for a mobile game.
>> No. 75643
File 144574784254.png - (12.61KB , 634x238 , cat.png )

this is rly ballza

File 144518202346.jpg - (73.43KB , 583x585 , Ik6s5Q9-9M0.jpg )
75474 No. 75474 hide quickreply [Reply]
Россия матушка охватит все борды!
>> No. 75475
>> No. 75477
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>> No. 75478
File 144518443790.jpg - (34.17KB , 500x375 , f28a23184f5e00b31adb48efc23196b6.jpg )
The Iron Giant is one of my favourite animated movies evah.
>> No. 75503
Asked Russian friend what your post meant, and he shit-talked your use of Russian characters to spell out the word boards. So what's up with that? You learning Russian or something?

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74677 No. 74677 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I'm in the Netherlands right now.
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>> No. 75459
You mean like $600 for rent, right? Because they had better be fucking amazing "free blowjob" kind of condos for 600k.
>> No. 75467
It was a subtle exaggeration for satire's sake. Tons of developments are going up with small (but still expensive) condos marketed toward young professionals.
>> No. 75470
And I don't actually think that a condo will come with blowjobs. I know how things are going in my area.
>> No. 75480
If you're on the cutting edge of gentrification, then you can move into your new condo in the soon-to-be-not-shitty part of town and get a $40 bj from the street girl and/or Chinese rub-n-tug downstairs.
>> No. 76695
File 145110884967.png - (901.78KB , 662x740 , wiener.png )
In brussels, it is possible to take a bus to Wiener.

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75133 No. 75133 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What are the most popular boards here?
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>> No. 75460
That Garfield post is old, it's an actual question from yahoo answers. There were some hellza insane Archie fans linked on portalofevil eons ago, wish I'd saved some of that shit.
>> No. 75461
From archiefans : "My brother came over & we got pizza for lunch. It was a Sun shower. We had run home because I didn't have raincoat. My power chair can't get wet. I got Sweating To The Oldies #5 from Amazon. I'm watching it before I do it tomorrow. I'm getting that Jughead too that Hot Dog."

>> No. 75464
Jughead is completely gay in that picture. Just look at his face. He's planning something and poor Archie is clueless.
>> No. 75465
IDK Archie himself had to beat off 5 guys one time
>> No. 75469
And he took a bullet for a gay senator. What a sloth.

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75249 No. 75249 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How did homosexuality become such a big taboo around the world?

I was going to post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD3OeIPAELk but it seems posting videos is broken. Fix the site, yo.
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>> No. 75389
Then Gerard Butler shaved his chest and put on a diaper and a cape and fought Xerxes' army of giants.
>> No. 75396
No, definitely not. Orthodox Christianity was a large part of the culture and daily lives of Russians and East Slavs for more than a millennium, something so deeply ingrained doesn't disappear with just a few decades of state atheism. The influence of the uniquely Orthodox culture of iconoclasty can even be seen in some old Soviet propaganda images. Even the supposed atheists from KPSU likely had their thinking and logical biases influenced by religious education they received as children before the revolution. Of course there was a desire of the state to create an impression of "us vs them" among the Soviet people, contrasting those in the decadent west as weak, degenerate homosexuals compared to the noble Soviet proletariat of strong mind and body who has no time for such things.

It is interesting that you mention the same homophobia going on in the modern Russia, the reasoning behind it being much the same as the Soviet one, to try to create a group mentality. Russian homosexuals make a convenient scapegoat and are attempted to be painted as "subversive agents". It doesn't help that many of the agitators in Russia for homosexual rights are indeed western NGOs, or that gays tend to be more liberal compared to the prevailing conservative climate in Russia.
>> No. 75440
File 144504711661.jpg - (31.76KB , 200x287 , etoro.jpg )

>The Etoro, or Edolo, are a tribe and ethnic group of Papua New Guinea. Their territory comprises the southern slopes of Mt. Sisa, along the southern edge of the central mountain range of New Guinea, near the Papuan Plateau. They are well known among anthropologists because of ritual homosexual acts practised between the young boys and men of the tribe. The Etoro believe that young boys must ingest the semen of their elders daily from the age of 7 until they turn 17 to achieve adult male status and to properly mature and grow strong.
>> No. 75441
>> No. 75466
Then there's how there are pockets of pederasty all throughout Afghanistan.

Acknowledging that there are some historical and regional differences in acceptable sexual behavior isn't the same as assuming that there were pride parades everywhere until followers of the dune coon deities Yahweh, Jesus, and Allah ruined the fun.

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75062 No. 75062 hide quickreply [Reply]
This is a long shot, and I could use /ask/ but this might interest some other dudes too. A long ass time ago, when xtranormal wasn't dead, some guys from here made a few movies. Some that I remember are the one where two guys are the last people on Earth, and then there's one with two superheroes in an alleyway with the man trying to hit on the woman inappropriately throughout.

I'm praying that somebody saved them. Such treasures need to be preserved.

>> No. 75258
bumps m8s

>> No. 75259
I made the superhero one and the apocalypse one. I'm very flattered that you still remember those and are searching for them but I'm pretty certain they are gone forever. Xtranormal had a handy semi-automated upload to Youtube function that I unfortunately never took advantage of and so my account and its videos are lost.

Fortunately, the guy who made what I think were the funniest videos in those threads backed up three out of the many he made to youtube (I think his xtranormal username was MilkMachine). My personal favourites are Half Downs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO2jwFLlAgQ) and this one about trade agreements which is very timely these days what with the TPP controversy and such https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvYLG6wCzGA

I laughed myself to tears when I first saw both of these and I wish he had backed up more of his creations.

May Love guide your soul, with Jesus in your heart, as I thank you for allowing me to post.
>> No. 75428
Both were great, but I'll never be in stitches as when I saw that superhero one, a shame so many of them are lost forever. Here's to the ballza old days, and to yourself.
>> No. 75436
You're making me blush :3 So glad you enjoyed it.

File 144484261238.png - (239.97KB , 296x431 , lion anus sex face.png )
75344 No. 75344 hide quickreply [Reply]
When you anus fuck a girl can you smell her poo?
>> No. 75394
You can smell poo sometimes when you just do regular behind sex
>> No. 75397
Yeah doggystyle sends sweaty butthole whiffs up to tickle and delight your nostrils (girls butts smell pretty ballza)
>> No. 75433
The scent of a womans ass is one of the finer things in life. It is an exquisite, heady aroma that must be taken in with a Flieschmanns response. I have been granted the pleasure to savor the olfactory anal auras of no less than 4 different females and will explain each fragrance in detail.

1.Dragon Lady at the rub and tug.
Overall experience rating= Make a blind man see, then ask him to tell a blind buddy about color.
She smelt like she tasted, tangy, earthy and savory. It was exotic and erotic in a combination that overwhelmed my young senses.

2.A fiery Latina at a different rub and tug. She giggled like a school girl when I mashed my face betwixt her cheeks and inhaled for at least 12 glorious seconds. She smelt like she tasted, meaty, hearty and full bodied. I promised her I would see her again but I never did, they closed that one down, but I still could have tried.

3.A sassy stripper who I tried to turn into a housewife. She smelled like some sort of wonderful muffin, hot from the oven and delicious. Why I paid her 20 to let her NOT let me touch her butthole is another matter entirely.

4.A voluptuous vixen at a strip club who noticed my penchant for her oversized derriere right off. She teased me in a way that caused my mouth to water and made me kiss each cheek, then graced me with the pleasure to plant one more upon her asshole itself. I can't even recall what she smelt like, for the experience was beyond my grasp.

Try it!
>> No. 75435
File 144504414965.jpg - (67.77KB , 1280x720 , i dont always sniff anuses in massage parlors but .jpg )
What an exquisite life you lead, smelling the asses of minority sex workers and strippers alike. They should make you the new spokesman for Dos Equis.

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75081 No. 75081 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm quite surprised that this site gets more traffic than MasterChan lel
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>> No. 75087
A site that seems to be devoted to pedophiles posting pictures of underage girls, last time I checked.
>> No. 75088
Well then no shit it's inactive, looking for that stuff on the surface web is retarded.
>> No. 75099
File 144367553247.gif - (317.41KB , 300x166 , 1352616860111.gif )

I remember going there for shits and giggles twice, either before knowing what they were actually hosting or before the CP was posted en masse.

Most of the boards are thankfully clean, but dead. Similar to the thousands of 8chan boards with one or two posts. I think the entire premise was to not have the ability to delete ANYTHING all in the name of free speech. As you can imagine it was fairly disastrous even before the pedos flocked to it.

As a side note, Ive had to stop going to several other relatively inactive imageboards because half of em don't clean up after these assholes. At least 99 keeps it real.
>> No. 75123
I got upset with 8chan because I had heard it was supposed to be a place to talk about anything without censorship, but, as such, that's a two way street. I found some boards about Asatru/Odinism/Norse Neo-Paganism and it ended up just being a bunch of edgy people talking about how much they hate blacks.
>> No. 75402
basing your imageboard on the premise of no censorship is just asking for everything to turn to shit

you do that and you end up with nothing but racism and jailbait boards

the 99chan way is better because it embraces the cold, curating hand of the mod to guide the development of the board

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74977 No. 74977 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

John Lennon wanted to pork his momma. Do you want to pork your momma?
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>> No. 75224
Well, actually, also literally in this case. I should have never added anyone from here on facebook.
>> No. 75227

The incest analogy is a fairly accurate, both figuratively and literally. Does no one remember mom BJ guy?
>> No. 75248
The only person who comes to mind is the guy who audio recorded the time he got his mom to give him a blowjob. It's still floating around out there.

Incidentally I have fantasized about my mom giving me a blowjob but would never act on it.
>> No. 75250
I do but I forget the specifics. What was the story behind it again? He was going abroad and wanted to have a BJ before he left so he kept trying to convince her to do it? Remember when we made those animated cartoons on Xtranormal? I did one about that guy.

My favorite was the one about submarines. It's too bad that sight is gone now. I had it bookmarked and was sad to find they're all gone.
>> No. 75401
ok potato man c u later bye-bye baby

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75378 No. 75378 hide quickreply [Reply]
Does this man look like a homosexual to you?
>> No. 75381
Na, looks gay for pay at best.
>> No. 75382
[X]Yes [ ]No
>> No. 75385
I'd let him do homosex to me if that's what you're asking. He seems like a generous lover, but with a wild streak, not afraid to take you like a farm boy might take a pig out in the sty, but with that refined latin passion, then pour you a glass of fine anejo tequila to help you sleep.
>> No. 75391
File 144495158954.jpg - (128.77KB , 580x435 , pecs.jpg )
No, he doesn't look very ancient greek.

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