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File 144381540282.jpg - (40.05KB , 540x960 , 144149540119.jpg )
75133 No. 75133
What are the most popular boards here?
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>> No. 75134
you should make the thumbnails smaller imo
>> No. 75138
You should make your d size smaller imo
>> No. 75139
thank you
>> No. 75262
File 144467201196.png - (145.82KB , 410x732 , gotta go fast.png )
Everything about Sonic gives me a vague feeling of disgust. Maybe it is because my high exposure to disgusting Sonic fetish porn and images of soiled Sonic paraphernalia that has been coveted by Sonic-fetishizing men with debilitating autism. People love to do disgusting things with the sonic universe and then post records of those deeds online so now I have this Pavlovian disgust response to anything sonic.
>> No. 75264
While I do find it more comical thinking about how much harder it would be for sonic to run in high heels, I'm more perplexed by the hip to ass ratio and what seems to be an extremely large tumor on top of his head. He/She/It/Shit has no breasts neither, and I can't tell if that's a mound or a stiffy in the pocket.

I'm always amused with the sonic fandom, but I don't seek it out actively nor frequent places that do. Do they hang out with furries and bronies? Are they just kinda hanging out like the elves/hobbits/humans/dwarfs in separate kingdoms like lord of the rings, or is it more ganglike where they are more aggressively territorial and hostile towards each fandom in general?
>> No. 75266
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I'm surprised the sonic fandom still exists and is as autistic as it used to be. Man, there have been no ballza sonic games since the early 2000's.
>> No. 75268
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In the brony/furry fandoms in general there tends to be a clear demarcation between "people who are kinda nerdy and enjoy jerking it to 34 but are otherwise well adjusted" and "obsessive autists with bizarre fetishes that write fanfiction epics with no grammar". No matter what fandom you're talking about, Group A usually hates Group B and wish they would go away, while Group B goes out of their way to defend themselves in the most childish ways possible and obsessively defend what they see as historic masterpieces of art.

The problem is, while both groups are well represented in most fandoms, Sonic fandom seems to be ~90% Group B. Most of the less serious Sonic fans gave up years ago, due to the absolute decimation of the series.

Many Sonic fanboys I see also have at least some light obsession with a lot of Nintendo stuff as well, but there's enough "sane" Nintendo fanboys due to there still being decent Nintendo games that it's not as overwhelming as Sonic. Peach x Amy seems to be a very popular pairing.
>> No. 75270
So you're saying it's a filtration process: sane fans trickle away because there have been no ballza Sonic games in decades, so they have nothing to be a fan of; while the insane obsessive fans don't need a consistent franchise to fuel their fandom, they just cling to it in a feedback loop.

It's always struck me that most sonic fans aren't hellza fans of the sonic games or franchise in a general sense (though many seem obsessed with the Saturday morning cartoon) as much as they are fans of the fandom itself.
>> No. 75276
This is also true, these kind of Sonic fans have created a kind of world/fandom that is uniquely theirs, a bizarre and sexual and autistic place where your value is judged by your absolute devotion to sonic. Feedback loops, as you say. It becomes a world you can immerse yourself in and never want to leave, which only kicks you farther down the rabbit hole.

Like I said, a lot of fandoms have these kinds of people who build the same kind of communities, but there's enough normies there to balance things out.
>> No. 75277
Things like the SatAM series and the Sonic Archie Comics are the ones that seem to fuel the most autism because only the true believers know about them, not the normies or neurotypicals who "corrupted" the games by having a passing familiarity with them.
>> No. 75279
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What about sonic underground? That was a ballza show.
>> No. 75406
It was a ballza way for Jaleel White to show off his voice acting range (such as it was), but "young people fight bad guys by forming a band" was already a laughable cliche by 1999.

I wonder what sort of modern media will become the new Sonic in terms of creepy obsessions years after it was relevant. The bronies that continue to be bronies a decade from now might be a ballza candidate, but we won't know for sure until the bizarre fetish art gets drawn.
>> No. 75407
What's the difference between my sick enjoyment of this bizarre sonic material and subsequent desire to see more and an actual legitimate pornographic enjoyment of it? That said I can't see how anyone could ever fap to this
>> No. 75412
My Ratchet, ghetto ass sister used to read sonic slash lit.

I'd wager it will either be lolis,minecraft or something that hassn't yet appeared.
>> No. 75414
back in the 90s I heard from more than one comic shop owner that the most fucked up customers they got were the "Archie people" so Archie + Sonic = weaponized autism
>> No. 75430
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How fucked up were they? Can you tell us some ballza stories?
>> No. 75431
The worst one I can remember is the nearly 7 foot tall cockeyed obese bedazzled Archie person who always wore the same obnoxious plastic gem covered sweat-shirt crusted with mustard and foodstuff that was about 2 sizes too small for his fat gut. He ONLY read Archie comics. He had a wheezy helium voice and would rage when one particular Lemmy from Motorhead looking desktop RPG guy would call him a "Shehe" from the other side of the room which would cause gem-sweater Archie man to cry out "I AM NOT A SHEHE" like the Elephant man. He was banned from that particular shop for an incident where the "Shehe" phrase made him launch an uncoordinated attack against Lemmy-guy; bedazzler man became so enraged he stuck one arm out like Frankenstein and launched his whole body Porpoise style onto a circular card table covered in dice and diecast figures attempting to strangle him; thus injuring himself and thrashing around on the flattened table shouting "SHEHE" gibberish in his broken chipmunk voice. Apparently he had to be forcibly removed by taser happy cops that had to treat him like a rabid cow (this wouldn't have been too long after they first got non-lethal weapons and I'd guess were enthusiastic to use them) apparently they had to take him out by the feet while he clawed the doorframe. I didn't see the final incident, but did see him flip out from across the room when he was called a "SHEHE" prior to that. He kind of looked like Tor Johnson with curly ginger hair. At another shop that I used to visit because they would get weird horror/sci-fi VHS tapes, the owner told me in a genuinely horrified tone "YOU DON'T WANT TO MEET THE ARCHIE PEOPLE"; like they were some mutants that crawled from the abyss that he had to satiate with Archie comics like elder gods demanding blood sacrifice.
>> No. 75432
Got any more stories? This stuff is interesting.
>> No. 75434
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I agree, I want more stories of the Archie People.

I'm having visions of a destroyed comic shop with CROATOAN carved into the door, Archie comics and Magic: The Gathering cards scattered across the floor.
>> No. 75438
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I bet people who read nothing but Garfield comics are more fucked up than people who only read Archie comics. Do people ever go to comic book stores for the purpose of purchasing Garfield comics?

Was going to post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHV5GX0Fxqk but it seems the site is still broken. Fix it, yo.
>> No. 75442
holy shit, read this I just found on the Archie Comics Fan Forum: "So what would make a person so desperate to sell thier archie comics? I've been thinking about it way to much. And am starting to hellza wish I had the guts to sell my collection. I got like 3,000 archie comics. I hellza need the money, and hellza need the room. But I also hellza love archie comics. I love reading and collecting them.

So I have two options... #1 I can sell my husbands bed, forcing him to sleep in my bed, which would give us room for the new baby. But the downside is, he would have to sleep in my bed, I won't get as much sleep, because he is crazy in his sleep, talking, sometimes yelling, and ewww farting. Plus him getting off work at 3 am would probably wake me up.
Or my other option is to sell my comics, and put the baby where the comics are in my room. But then that would be like selling a part of me. So it would be hellza sad."
>> No. 75443
"I don't know. sometimes I just image like a hurricane or something bad happening, and all those archies messed up. I guess thats my biggest fear."
>> No. 75446
>I bet people who read nothing but Garfield comics are more fucked up than people who only read Archie comics
I imagine people who read nothing but Garfield into adulthood are either incredibly lame or mentally disabled in a benign way. Like, I'll bet people's grandma's and guys with Down Syndrome love Garfield. There are obsessive perverts for every piece of mass media, I'm sure, but Garfield seems like something your goofy aunt enjoys because it's cute or something and she's not the brightest bulb, not something read by people that come into a comics store and stand too close to you breathing halitosis in your face.

However, you name a piece of media and there is some guy somewhere who is obsessed with it and cums on the merchandise. Establishing that one fandom is "more fucked up" than another is probably near impossible.

>Do people ever go to comic book stores for the purpose of purchasing Garfield comics?
Nah, and I don't think I have ever seen a Garfield book in a comic shop. That's the kind of thing you buy at Barnes & Noble or order off Amazon, not something you go to the local indie comic shop to buy.
>> No. 75447
There's always this guy : "As a teenager I suffered from severe depression and formed a strong bond with the character Garfield and his outlook. Its sad but reading garfield anthologies obsessively was the only thing that made me feel normal and it eventually took on something of an erotic fixation.

To avoid feeling like a sicko I drew pictures of garfield with a womans(Think Pamela anderson circa 1991) body and garfields head, so that I was assured that my fixation wasn't with animals or repressed homosexuality. This garfield/pam hybrid still had the same biting wit and acerbic outlook and tended to cut herself in self loathing while wolfing down a lasagna to fill the void after sleeping with drawings of a much more handsome and muscular version of myself. These drawings eventually evolved into erotic fanfiction starring garfield and myself (In my head Garfield still has a womans body but someone reading the stories would think Im having sex with regular Garfield.) I killed off Jon in a jealous rage, I didn't touch Odie, I enjoy his companionship and don't mind if he watches.

The stories are your pretty basic wish fulfillment stuff, balanced with self loathing rants. I've been doing this near daily for years and I have a substantial amount of writing in a folder I keep buried in 8 different folders.

My girlfriend stumbled across them by accident when they came up in a search and is pretty freaked out. How can I show her I'm just a normal guy with a weird outlet for my psychological problems and not some kind of sicko?

Here is a small sample so you get the picture.

I looked at her as she lay on the floor crying, my satisfied cock dripped droplets of life juice on her toes, flaccid yet still distended, looking satisfied like a man who has just run a mile and is rewarding himself with a slice of pie.

She reached for the knife as she always did and sliced into her familiar wound, mumbling 'i hate you, i hate you'. Its your own worthless soul you hate, god hates us all and thats why he laughs, he created the world to laugh at our pain, now eat up! I kicked her in the stomach incapacitating her and as she doubled over forced a pan of lasagna down her stupid throat, she coughed most of it up but I made her lick up every last drop as she cried the tears of an empty soul I found my cock get hard from her pain and went for her ***, rubbing her blood gushing forearm into her stupid face.

Odie looked at me with a look of fear mingled with hatred but he new not to interfere, and I could tell by his doggie hardon that he didn't truly mind, she would suck him off later he knew for my amusement. I made her suck many people off, to gain friends in the community but mostly to humiliate her and destroy any self esteem she had left. "
>> No. 75453
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Please write more garfield fanfiction, that was mindblowing. You could be a famous author, Doctor Anonymous. Reading through that text was wonderfully uncomfortable.

Holy shit. The archie fan forums. I think you might have struck a goldmine. There's no way this place isn't filled to the brim with top tier autism. http://www.archiefans.com/forum/
>> No. 75460
That Garfield post is old, it's an actual question from yahoo answers. There were some hellza insane Archie fans linked on portalofevil eons ago, wish I'd saved some of that shit.
>> No. 75461
From archiefans : "My brother came over & we got pizza for lunch. It was a Sun shower. We had run home because I didn't have raincoat. My power chair can't get wet. I got Sweating To The Oldies #5 from Amazon. I'm watching it before I do it tomorrow. I'm getting that Jughead too that Hot Dog."

>> No. 75464
Jughead is completely gay in that picture. Just look at his face. He's planning something and poor Archie is clueless.
>> No. 75465
IDK Archie himself had to beat off 5 guys one time
>> No. 75469
And he took a bullet for a gay senator. What a sloth.
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