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File 144565075912.jpg - (469.07KB , 960x1280 , tumblr_nir4x1s4Px1tpnksdo1_1280.jpg )
75589 No. 75589
Why does Busetto Classico Prosciutto taste and smell 80% like magic mushrooms?
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>> No. 75596
How are these pills made in such cool shapes??
>> No. 75598
You just press the powder in a die.
>> No. 75600
File 144569380979.jpg - (745.02KB , 3000x1949 , prosciutto.jpg )
Prosciutto isn't cured with smoke like hams are, so the natural flavor isn't covered up by all the smokiness. or maybe Italian pigs eat a lot of mushrooms, idk..
>> No. 75619
I want to live in a prosciutto hallway.

"Wanna get outta this club and head back to my place? My meat place?"

What wo/man would say no to that?
>> No. 75633
File 144574337288.jpg - (42.96KB , 640x315 , veg.jpg )
>> No. 75635
You are right that a properly cured prosciutto should be air dried, but check this shit out about the brand mentioned by OP:

INGREDIENTS: Pork Ham, Salt, and less than 2% of the following: Sugar, Sodium Nitrate, Natural Flavorings, Sodium Ascorbate, Sodium Nitrite, Lactic Acid Starter Culture.

That last ingredient gives away that they might use something to artificially age them quicker so they can pump out more meat. It's the kind of something that could very well give off scents and flavors similar to certain fungi.
>> No. 75647
I knew my mdma business was failing for a reason. I lost all of my profit whittling them down with a pocket knife.
>> No. 75656
File 144580229130.jpg - (18.68KB , 370x278 , ObamaShapedEcstasy.jpg )
thanks obama
>> No. 75658
How long do you think it will be until we can buy former president Obama's branded cereal Obam-Os?
>> No. 75661
File 144581966843.jpg - (69.43KB , 526x556 , bushmush.jpg )
It's been years and we don't have george bush o's :(
>> No. 75662
File 144581986470.jpg - (330.73KB , 1620x1080 , obob.jpg )

That already exists.
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