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File 144493354697.jpg - (192.31KB , 1143x1600 , man.jpg )
75378 No. 75378
Does this man look like a homosexual to you?
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>> No. 75381
Na, looks gay for pay at best.
>> No. 75382
[X]Yes [ ]No
>> No. 75385
I'd let him do homosex to me if that's what you're asking. He seems like a generous lover, but with a wild streak, not afraid to take you like a farm boy might take a pig out in the sty, but with that refined latin passion, then pour you a glass of fine anejo tequila to help you sleep.
>> No. 75391
File 144495158954.jpg - (128.77KB , 580x435 , pecs.jpg )
No, he doesn't look very ancient greek.
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