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File 144574271757.gif - (0.96MB , 343x343 , fart.gif )
75632 No. 75632
Do you think Homo Erectus used to sniff each other's butts like dogs do?
>> No. 75634
Monkeys do it, so probably.
>> No. 75639
It's more like Homo erectus used to sniff each other's butts like erect homos do.
>> No. 75644
Humans evolved with a much less acute sense of smell for one reason or another, making it pointless. If we had the same sense of smell as dogs or even monkeys we'd probably be sniffing each other more often, but our frontal cortex makes identification much easier by sight anyway.
>> No. 75645
Each person does have their own unique scent, though. Smelling others is fun.
>> No. 75648
Do you more mean people in general have unique and fun smells, or that their buttholes do? If the latter, what kind of lifestyle led to that revelation?
>> No. 75650
do you not
>> No. 75655
The former, although I wouldn't be surprised if everyone's butt also had a different smell.

Their natural scent, their diet and how well they wipe their behinds would probably all be important factors in how they would smell.
>> No. 75659
I'd like to think it's more than just buttholes that we could smell.

We do smell our hands after giving a handshake. Everyone does it. That tells me we determine some limited things from smell, but I think we are trying too hard to insert the whole butthole thing into this. I get that it's the novelty of smelling an asshole that made this thread interesting, but how many of us are willing to ask someone to fart in our faces?
>> No. 75660

People with Alzheimer's smell muskier than normal folks. Do you think they have musky butts too?
>> No. 75669
>how many of us are willing to ask someone to fart in our faces?
I don't ask so much as politely offer money in exchange for a fart in my face. Women on the street react badly but strippers are amiable.
>> No. 75671
That fart powder went right in his mouth. You don't even want to know how hard I'm laughing right now. I'm a little bit ashamed.
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