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File 144458358379.jpg - (98.17KB , 640x360 , tophomos.jpg )
75249 No. 75249
How did homosexuality become such a big taboo around the world?

I was going to post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD3OeIPAELk but it seems posting videos is broken. Fix the site, yo.
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>> No. 75251
It probably started with gay sex being a huge spreader of disease. I mean normal sex did that too, which is why it was stigmatized outside of marriage as well, but gay sex didn't have any society benefits, it just spread disease.

Then religion came around and made it bad to have gay sex so that disease wouldn't spread so much.

It remains taboo today because people like to adhere to tradition even though there's no practical reason for butt sex to be stigmatized anymore.
>> No. 75253
Pretty much this. Ancient cultures didn't always fully approve of gayness (some people will always just view gay dudes as being icky, I think), but it was never some kind of abominable taboo until ancient Jewish law became the main law of the west with the rise of Christianity, then Islam with parts of Asia and Africa. They took the icky feelings about gay, they combined it with the idea that the diseases they got were God's punishment and also combined it with a broader context of every person having a God-ordained role in life. If you allow some people to be gay it means they won't get married and have kids and multiply the number of people in your religion.

But "around the world" is a bit of a stretch, gayness is only super taboo in the places where Christianity/Islam is heavily practiced. In many parts of Asia it's just viewed as non-ideal at worst. People still want their kids to get married to the opposite sex and be normal with kids, and some dbutt politicians might still parrot similar "destruction of the family" stuff, but for the most part it's not some big taboo.
>> No. 75325
What about the 100 bottom homos?

>> No. 75329
I'm not homophobic but I do believe that homophiles should all be executed.
>> No. 75368

It's nearly universally reviled. Even in countries where Christianity and other Abrahamic religions were never a major cultural force. And that's because:

1. It spreads disease. Both in modern times, and especially in the past before lube and modern hygiene were a thing.

2. Most males (female homosexuality has always been far less looked down on) are simply not homosexual. So, it's not something most people hellza want to see or care about. We're biologically programmed to like women, so to see others doing that is simply gross.

For example, if I see someone eating bugs, that'd be gross. It's something I'm not used to or like. But that's cultural. Our inclination towards liking men or women is mostly biological, and a distaste most other humans share. Sure, you get tons of exceptions as you do with anything you say about humanity, but that's why most people don't like gays.
>> No. 75370
There's generally a difference between "reviled/looked down upon/undesirable" and "seen as an abomination which must be wiped out through lynchings and state executions", which is the case in most fundamentalist Abrahamic counties across history. Kind of a gulf between those things. Most people don't particularly "get" or enjoy diaper porn, they may find it revolting, but it's not a great evil that must be ended at all costs, either.
>> No. 75372
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I dunno man, the Greeks didn't give a shit about who you fucked, they only cared about position. In fact, in their mind there was no such thing as hetero or homosexual. There were takers (Feminine) and Givers (Masculine) and the most horrible sexual act was cunnilingus.

Plus there are lots of societies with established transgender/homosexual positions. Indian, native american, Inuit I think, etc.

I think you're letting your ethnographic lens affect your judgement.
>> No. 75375
I'm fucking tired of this "ancient Greece was a LGBT paradise with leather clubs every two blocks" meme because it's spouted exclusively by retards with an agenda who are completely ignorant of history except for what they learned in their LGBTIWTFBBQ studies class at Jew university.

"Greece" in the modern sense did not exist in ancient times, first of all, it was more of a loose collection of city states each with their own cultures and laws and government. The more liberal aspects of society that are associated blanketly with "ancient Greece" by those ignorant of history are mostly confined to Athens. Homosexual romance was indeed not as reviled in Greece as it was after Abrahamic influence spread to the area, but for either a man or a woman to be exclusively homosexual was almost unheard of. Marriage was seen primarily almost as a business contract and marrying for love was uncommon. What was extremely common and almost expected was for a man to take a lover on the side, independent from his wife. As long as the marriage produced children and fulfilled the contract this was basically seen as normal. It was much the same in Rome, even if you were exclusively homosexual and only attracted to men it was still expected of you to pork your wife and produce babby because that was the cornerstone of the Roman state. And also much like in Rome, those men who preferred the passive role in homosexual sex were looked down on and mocked and reviled (for example with terms like "Catamite", the Latinized form of "Ganymede", the beautiful Trojan boy taken as a lover by Zeus. It was used extensively as an insult by several Roman authors). The reason that most homosexual relationships in ancient Greece were pedophilic in nature is because it was seen as a grievous shame for an adult citizenship-carrying man to take the passive role in homosexual intercourse. It's also why even in relationships of pederastic nature anal sex was uncommon. It was seen as degrading and shameful. Intercrural sex with boys was much more common.

This all mostly applies to Athens. For example, go next door just a few dozens of kilometers away in Sparta and you'll find plenty of gay-bashing and revilement of homosexuality, by those spartan Spartans who saw it as a perversion, an affectation unique to those womanly, degenerate Athenians and not something a ballza and upstanding Spartan man should engage in.
>> No. 75376

It seems that pubescent boys were highly desired all across ancient Greece.

By Simon Goldhill:

>Even more strikingly, there is a vast amount of literature, not only from Athens but from throughout the Greek world until late into the Roman Empire, which establishes that the young male at the point of puberty—‘‘when the down first appears upon the cheek’’is the standard definition—is a privileged object of sexual desire for men within Hellenic cultural norms.
>> No. 75377
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That is another thing. The key word in the passage you've quoted is "privileged". All that I've said about pederasty mostly applied to the upper class, the ones that could afford to take time out of farming or soldiering or whatever their trade was to pork cute young boys.
>> No. 75379
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Under similar logic, homosexuality was illegal in the Soviet Union. It was seen as a degeneration of the bourgeoisie which had no place among the noble Soviet proletariat. A similar class conflict on the issue can be found throughout history, if you look between the lines.
>> No. 75380
The Soviet Union wasn't the kind of atheist paradise people (right-wing Christians, usually) paint it as, most people still held the same ideas about gays based in religion, the government would just throw in some big words to make it sound more Marxy. It's the same reason Putin's Russia is also renewing its homophobia, because wedge issues distract from all the shit going on there right now.
>> No. 75383
I was with you until Sparta. My understanding was that in Spartan culture, especially when young men were living in barracks or away at war, homosexual acts were seen as a way of solidifying camaraderie and a way of easing the pain of being away from one's wife and thus making it easier to focus on the war or whatever needed to be done.
>> No. 75388
Yeah, I thought Spartan boys were put in the army when they were about 12 and paired up with an older soldier who fucked him in the bum. It wasn't until they were about 30 that they got to marry a teenage girl and by then all the bum sex had turned them gay so they couldn't get it up for a girl. To deal with this they shaved their wives heads to make them look like men.
>> No. 75389
Then Gerard Butler shaved his chest and put on a diaper and a cape and fought Xerxes' army of giants.
>> No. 75396
No, definitely not. Orthodox Christianity was a large part of the culture and daily lives of Russians and East Slavs for more than a millennium, something so deeply ingrained doesn't disappear with just a few decades of state atheism. The influence of the uniquely Orthodox culture of iconoclasty can even be seen in some old Soviet propaganda images. Even the supposed atheists from KPSU likely had their thinking and logical biases influenced by religious education they received as children before the revolution. Of course there was a desire of the state to create an impression of "us vs them" among the Soviet people, contrasting those in the decadent west as weak, degenerate homosexuals compared to the noble Soviet proletariat of strong mind and body who has no time for such things.

It is interesting that you mention the same homophobia going on in the modern Russia, the reasoning behind it being much the same as the Soviet one, to try to create a group mentality. Russian homosexuals make a convenient scapegoat and are attempted to be painted as "subversive agents". It doesn't help that many of the agitators in Russia for homosexual rights are indeed western NGOs, or that gays tend to be more liberal compared to the prevailing conservative climate in Russia.
>> No. 75440
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>The Etoro, or Edolo, are a tribe and ethnic group of Papua New Guinea. Their territory comprises the southern slopes of Mt. Sisa, along the southern edge of the central mountain range of New Guinea, near the Papuan Plateau. They are well known among anthropologists because of ritual homosexual acts practised between the young boys and men of the tribe. The Etoro believe that young boys must ingest the semen of their elders daily from the age of 7 until they turn 17 to achieve adult male status and to properly mature and grow strong.
>> No. 75441
>> No. 75466
Then there's how there are pockets of pederasty all throughout Afghanistan.

Acknowledging that there are some historical and regional differences in acceptable sexual behavior isn't the same as assuming that there were pride parades everywhere until followers of the dune coon deities Yahweh, Jesus, and Allah ruined the fun.
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