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75483 No. 75483
What hellza happens after you become a 30 years old shut-in?
>> No. 75485
>> No. 75486
I'd like to think that many of us who started out that way thwarted that fate, to where we may not exactly be what others consider normal but well adjusted enough to at least hold down a place to live and if we are lucky have some form of companionship and comfort.

That said I also believe that the ones who didn't manage to adjust have one of two fates, ones who end up getting coddled and have parental/monetary support and ones who don't. The few people I happen to know that did have support usually became cause oriented anonymous/tumblr types or find online communities to hold power over.

The ones that didn't generally end up going in and out of jail or homeless with the legal system taking care of them.
>> No. 75494
Yeah I've kinda followed this template so far, I'm 22 now. I got out of highschool and spent a year doing nothing but drinking and watching tv (I chose this over going to Europe, I don't regret it in the slightest). Then took some university courses and somehow got a ballza union job. I mean I didn't work much, and didn't take my courses seriously, I was mostly a shut-in alcoholic. When I turned 21 I did actually start to get serious though. I Decided on a degree and started plowing through it, still while drinking heavily. And in fact I became more of a shut-in, because I do all my courses online now. Still, I have direction and purpose, so I'm hopeful I won't be a huge failure. I do still live with my parents.

Also I know one guy in the 30+ area that doesn't fit into either the homeless or tumblr fag category. I don't know his story, just that he was a shut-in most of his life and along the way developed a severe anxiety disorder. He lives in a small shithole apartment that he can afford because of disability support payments he gets. He's too poor to afford internet now so every few weeks his need for internet overcomes his crippling fear of people and he goes to the library for an hour or two. He leads an unfortunate life. He is not a happy man as far as I can tell.
>> No. 75542
Ask me in 3 years, so far? Man, fuck this shit.
>> No. 75546
Intensification of fetishes?
>> No. 75569
Especially in an age where Internet access is relatively easy (even for >>75494 's buddy who can sometimes go to the library), it's easy to explore all sorts of subcultural rabbit holes, especially when you're separating yourself from the reality around you.

That is the gamble a shut-in takes: when they do get forced out into the "real world" they might be able to deeply connect with random strangers over relatively uncommon shared interests, but they're just as likely to be disconnected from everyone for liking weird shit that no one else around them likes. It makes the difference between appearing deep and thoughtful vs. dull and awkward.
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