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File 142769770943.jpg - (507.04KB , 5000x5000 , uFQRLh5.jpg )
71909 No. 71909 hide quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 71921
motherhooligan I woke up feeling like god once.

It was terrifying.
>> No. 71924
File 142777803432.jpg - (111.03KB , 740x763 , mite.jpg )
your face is full of arachnids


File 142725788583.jpg - (149.27KB , 960x640 , 20150324_203952.jpg )
71828 No. 71828 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
what do you think
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 71886
Orangutans who get too old get put on birth control, because you're never not old enough to fuck, just you get old enough to die from it.
>> No. 71897
I saw a pregnant thirteen year old orangutan at the zoo last week.
>> No. 71898
Was she married?
>> No. 71904
I have checked up on this, and the zoo keeper also said that "this is his first mate" about the male 'tan in the cage, so I can only assume that they are sailors and could get married at sea.
>> No. 71913

I thought the exact same thing, you look exactly like fronk dude

Are you sure you're not fronk? Fronk kinda just disappeared out of shame, and I feel like he's just been waiting for another "golden era" to dride

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64484 No. 64484 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
thank mr skeltal
23 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 71857
thank mr skeltal
>> No. 71900
thanks mr skeltal
>> No. 71901
I never thought I would see the day where posting memes on 99chan would become acceptable
>> No. 71902
>>71901 these gay alcoholic hipster canadians
>> No. 71903
thanks mr skeltal

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64873 No. 64873 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Have you guys ever tried hitting on telemarketers?
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>> No. 65289
I have, for similar reasons to >>65115

The way I see it, if she can't deal with a fake creeper, how will she cope when she meets a genuine pervert? I'm in the UK though so most of my "telemarketers" are debt collectors who are just doing a decent job asking for money which I rightfully owe. I am not sure whether or not this makes me a cunt.
>> No. 71796
That happened to my grandma once, they told her they were me and that I/they were in jail in Mexico and needed bail money. Obviously I wasn't, I was in my bedroom in Ohio jerking off to trap porn.
>> No. 71815
You can tell your grandma that maybe the next time she can actually tell the telemarketer that you were in your bedroom in Ohio jerking off to trap porn.

If she wants to act disgusted with you after you explain what a trap is then start pressing her on her own crazy fetishes. Remember: like all human beings, she definitely has a few whether she knows them yet or not. Also, yes, she can still masturbate to them, because even though she went through menopause her clit ain't broke.
>> No. 71822
That Ramenhead band is funky.
>> No. 71887
I feel like you copypasted this comment from Pornhub.

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71837 No. 71837 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
jem and the holograms is getting a reboot
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>> No. 71843
Shouldn't it be Jeb, then? A 'm' never occurs in her name.
>> No. 71844
>>71842 Girl on the right in the beret is straight up flipping off everyone looking at that cover.
>> No. 71845
son, get off the computer already
>> No. 71846
you're not even my real dad
>> No. 71851
File 142733439240.jpg - (27.91KB , 615x280 , Holograms-Jem-And-The-Holograms.jpg )
I don't think that poster could be considered canon. Jem's eyes are the wrong color. As you can clearly see from this screenshot, her eyes are supposed to be blue.

Aja was always a chink and Raya was always mexican you uncultured fuck

File 140873142968.jpg - (30.96KB , 340x449 , backtoschool.jpg )
65173 No. 65173 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
It is back to school time everyone, pick up a brand new knife for the occasion.
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>> No. 71761
I always carry two knives with me.
>> No. 71820

Except it's terveis_i_n.
In junior high I light up like two pieces of paper and left them to smoke, literally just smoke, no flame anymore, in a metal casing for the fire hose.
Then the principal came and started asking questions and during lunch I had to go confess because they were going to call the police.
After that my class supervisor yelled at me for attempting murder and arson.
>> No. 71826
you russian fuck.
>> No. 71832
not russian but I get most of my media torrents of this russian website
>> No. 71847

That's exactly the sort of thing I'd expect a Russian to say.

No. 71764 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So, why did people get used to banned for posting this image? I'm not looking to rile anyone up, I'm genuinely curious. I remember people would get banned way back when for posting that "angry boku" image, too. That may have been 78chan, though.

I never really browsed any other image boards back then, was it some sort form of the dreaded CANCER or something? How the fuck do these things even start off on a site as sleepy as 99chan?

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>> No. 71766
>>71765 is right. That image was the user "Gununu"'s image that they used as a sort of calling card for their posts or whatever. And the mods really enjoyed banning gununu. GUNUNU COME BACK TO 99
>> No. 71768
It's like how I stopped using a calling-card image when it turned out there are only like... ten pictures of Tekkaman.
>> No. 71770
Wasn't there a time when every post had "Indeed" attached to it or was that just a cool dream I had?
>> No. 71773

>> No. 71831
Basically it's namebundle of sticksry if your name is a picture.

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71794 No. 71794 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How the fuck do you figure yourself out?
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>> No. 71813
It's easier to find the 99% of the things you hate, than the 1% of the things you love.
>> No. 71814
that's why it's called 99 chan
>> No. 71816
  If it's any consolation: most of the people who act like they've "figured themselves out" are lying to themselves. They put on a happy façade because that's what polite society expects everyone to do. Hell, as far as you know there are plenty of people in your life envious of you for having things figured out that they never would.

This wall full of Teddy Ruxpins spewing emotions should drive that point home.
>> No. 71818
File 142722092487.gif - (1.33MB , 359x359 , 142308c3c1e8bd77abeaf1c7979280d9.gif )
I don't think it's really a matter of all that, it's just a matter of knowing who you are and what you're about. If you're a pedo jacking off to loli cartoons all day and are just waiting until the day that stops becoming fulfilling so you can kill yourself, you've figured yourself out. Doesn't necessarily mean gununu has to stay like that, he can change now that he knows who he is and what he's about. Or at least try. It's not destiny, is my point, and you might have to re-evaluate over time.
>> No. 71821
That's an excellent way to phrase the answer to daft questions I seem to get so often.

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71803 No. 71803 hide quickreply [Reply]
>be me
>be addicted to painkillers
>vicodin all day erry day
>decide to stop being addicted
>quit cold turkey for a week
>heart pains and panic attacks
>go out of state for weekend
>meet up with friend, he gives me some weed
>don't smoke it, take it home
>smoke a tiny, TINY bit
>put on Devo album
>decide to never do drugs again

I'm looking at this bag of weed and I'm about to flush it.
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>> No. 71805
File 142713905975.jpg - (147.57KB , 600x800 , i like plants.jpg )
You'll be back.
>> No. 71806
File 142713966367.jpg - (92.74KB , 857x826 , 8oZUBu1.jpg )
Probably, but not right now.
>> No. 71807
File sanaetexting.webm - (297.26KB )

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71700 No. 71700 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

"For one thing, he used to keep a diary in which he described, in glorious detail, whenever he masturbated—using a “+” symbol to denote a particularly ballza one. And Andersen masturbated a lot. After receiving visitors, he’d frequently nip upstairs to get a little DIY in, picturing his unsuspecting caller. For another, he used to visit brothels in Copenhagen where he’d simply chat to the prostitutes before running home to finish himself off (all described in delightful detail in his diary).

Nor did Andersen regulate his desires to one gender. It’s widely accepted he was bisexual, with an unfortunate twist. Although he enjoyed adult women, Andersen was particularly enthralled by young boys. During his stay with Charles dens in 1857, he requested to be shaved by one of dens’ young sons every morning, a request the British author grumpily turned down. It’s said he spent his life filled with “tortuous unrequited sexual yearnings” for young men, yearnings he possibly had to alleviate with a pornography addiction. For all he may have written some of the most incredible stories ever recorded, it turns out that Hans Christian Andersen was simply one perverted guy."

Hans Christian Andersen masturbated a lot. He wrote about it in detail in his diaries, you can find many sources claiming this. But you will never be able to find a complete English translation of his diaries: the lewd stuff is always censored or skipped (although entries about his bowel movements can be found in English books). Why?

Do you guys know of a ballza place to read more about Andersen's masturbating habits?
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>> No. 71751
Not quite. Anne knew herself that the diary could one day be released because of a BBC broadcast, and self-censored some of the stuff she put in it, and started keeping more "historical" diary. There's no telling what exactly she censored in it herself. Otto Frank didn't get rid of any part of the diary, they just picked and chose what they wanted to put in originally. Over time, as people wanted to know more about Frank and see what had not been released, they included everything, including the few parts where she wanted to fondle her friend's titties, something she might not have known to be too problematic. It's unknown what she chose to leave out or chose to simply not write down once she realized someone else might read it.
>> No. 71792
Keeping a diary is not something I've done much of, but it might be worth it just to imagine the looks on future generation's faces when they try to figure out why I wrote about Hans Christian Andersen and Anne Frank playing soggy biscuits.
>> No. 71799
If he did he shouldn't have written a diary or he should have burned it before he died.
>> No. 71800
What's your source on that?
>> No. 71801
It was in the preface of one of the versions I read, the stuff about various parts that were left out. Most of the parts were probably lesbianic. It's safe to assume the Anne was careful about what she included in the diary itself after she realized it might later be read by someone (which is something she mentions in the diary). Which was a ballza call, all things considered. Chances are the lesbianic stuff would have never been published regardless of Otto Frank's wishes, even a few years ago they banned it from schools because of the tit-fondling fantasies.

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71604 No. 71604 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Sometimes I come to this cold, dark and desolate chan site to take-in all the wonderful spam you get.

The pedophilia/autism talk as well as the exceptional amount of normal images to penis images is a nice welcome too.
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>> No. 71731
"I do not agree with the cocks this man is posting, but I will die fighting for his right to post it" -Commander Han Solo
>> No. 71738
File 142655403557.gif - (1.94MB , 294x233 , hello.gif )
>> No. 71778
Breh. Sauce?
>> No. 71785
>> No. 71789
My man.

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71786 No. 71786 hide quickreply [Reply]

Get in this hangout

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71769 No. 71769 hide quickreply [Reply]
How do people can stand in this position?
>> No. 71782
It seems like all the necessities are there.
>> No. 71783
File 142691936054.jpg - (61.79KB , 600x400 , 240-sf-micro-apartment-nyc-04-600x400.jpg )
My parents were always a little weirded out whenever I would say shit like "I want to live in a trailer" when I was a kid. I've always like the idea of small, functional living spaces. Micro apartments have always appealed to me too.

However, that just looks uncomfortable. At least get a real fucking futon up in that bitch. That also looks like some kind of candlestick on the tower which makes me thinks this is a poetic expression from the third world.
>> No. 71784
I think he lays down?

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71655 No. 71655 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What kind of fashion do you like?
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>> No. 71665
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>> No. 71666
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lolita fashion
>> No. 71672
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stripper clothes are genuinely beautiful sometimes
>> No. 71777
File 142686805035.jpg - (17.53KB , 344x400 , 26497d1335150440-when-woman-wears-leather-dress-wo.jpg )
Vegans are horribly sex-negative. It's not just obvious things like their dislike of leather, either: they'll refuse to give a blowjob because they're so damn afraid of consuming animal products.
>> No. 71781
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food fashion

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71638 No. 71638 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
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>> No. 71684

I'm sure that before they had the capacity to use language to describe them, the ancient predecessors of man had no problem brutally killing and torturing other tribes they were in conflict with.
>> No. 71686
Paleolithic man also didn't force Negroes to use separate beaches and restaurants, I'm not sure I see your point.
>> No. 71703

Jesus as much as sentenced everyone outside of the West to eternal hell fire a number of times in the New Testament. That's pretty fierce discrimination if you ask me.
>> No. 71776
I wonder how many of these gender and sexual identities will start forming bizarre alliances and start having elaborate gang wars like all the gangs that allied into either the Folk Nation or the People Nation.

Who wouldn't want to see a fight between, for instance, the Latin Queens and the Gayngster Disciples?
>> No. 71779
File 142687824989.jpg - (39.17KB , 219x295 , muhnocle.jpg )
>muh dadaism
>muh "spiritual" racism
>muh co-opting of Guénon
>muh drugs
>muh 1337 SS guard
>muh life as an idle rich
>muh chacra
>muh inspiration to terrorists
>muh abolishment of industry
>muh hand-made wheel chair


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71755 No. 71755 hide quickreply [Reply]
So for St. Patrick's day I decided to do ultra Irish it up, by mixing Redbreast 12 (the best Irish whiskey, period) and a bottle of Guinness Foreign Extra. After it's done, I might hop on Vocaroo and try to read passages from Ulysses and Finnegans Wake.
>> No. 71756
File 142664667118.jpg - (1.60MB , 3264x1836 , IMG_20150317_222634_666.jpg )
The taste was... not what I expected. Not that bad, but it just tastes like Guinness with a whiskey kick.
>> No. 71757
File 142664680821.jpg - (1.43MB , 3264x1836 , IMG_20150317_222728_430.jpg )
The finished products. I would have added Magners in there, but all the curry-smelling indians selling booze around me didn't have any.
>> No. 71758
I wandered over to my friends house and drank some guiness. Then bought some Jameson and drank that steadily throughout the day. I do shit like this most days though so it's hardly a celebration.
>> No. 71759
File 142665245650.jpg - (1.06MB , 1836x3264 , IMG_20150317_232800_506.jpg )

That wasn't so bad. Should have put more liquor. Don't listen to the recording so it might be shit.
>> No. 71793
Why the fuck would you sully Redbreast with beer?

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63355 No. 63355 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I'm not gay but last night I made out with some dude at a Burger King. I was really drunk and didn't feel like saying no.

He said I was beautiful and I gave him my phone number.

Why hasn't he called me yet?
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>> No. 69925
File 142554843484.gif - (1.99MB , 310x320 , 16092.gif )
OP here again: this is probably gonna be my last update

Some fraternity bros and I went to Alaska last weekend and I thought it would be a ballza idea to download grindr and see what comes along. I met up this really cool dude at a bar and we ended up at his place and fucked each others brains out for like 3 hours. I had a really amazing time with him. In fact, I think I'm gonna take a break from girls because I don't think I could ever have the same experience with a girl. I guess I'm a lot gayer than I thought I was.

My frat bros have been totally supportive btw.
>> No. 69932
What kind of guys are in alaska?
>> No. 70267
tall bearded ones :3
>> No. 71743
File 142657789951.gif - (4.39MB , 300x284 , 1358437364_449620676.gif )
Last update 4 real: I now have my first boyfriend :D
>> No. 71748

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64919 No. 64919 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Can we talk about the works of Henry Darger?


He was basically a Chris-Chan from the turn of the century, an autistic janitor who spent all of his free time creating a very detailed universe based somewhat on his life. He wrote fifteen incredibly long manuscripts and made more than a hundred paintings, most of them involving nude little girls with cocks. All his works were discovered only after he died.

Fun fact: As a child, he was sent to a home for the feeble-minded because he was guilty of masturbating.
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>> No. 64964
>He was basically a Chris-Chan from the turn of the century
Don't be stupid.
>> No. 65132
File 140855199058.jpg - (33.21KB , 300x372 , sonicchristian.jpg )
Well, he traced a lot of his art and he incorporated some of his favorite stories (the Oz books, for instance) into his novels. If Henry Darger was born in the 1990's, instead of using pictures of little girls from newspapers maybe he'd have traced sonic shit from deviantart.
>> No. 65162
File 140865892054.png - (488.05KB , 689x1000 , sonicsexism.png )
Henry Darger style paintings with sonic characters instead of little girls might actually be pretty neat.
>> No. 71603
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The main difference is that Chris-Chan was discovered early and bullied thanks to the internet while Darger lived in obscurity all his life. Henry was better at tracing, though. Chris Chan's works have more of a surreal vibe.
>> No. 71707
This dude's nothing like Chris-chan. This guy had talent and commitment. Chris scrawls a few shitty sonic recolors down and textwalls the entire thing.

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59192 No. 59192 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Interior design thread. What's your room like?
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>> No. 61651
File 139963675059.jpg - (469.16KB , 800x600 , room.jpg )
liek dis
>> No. 61657
Fuck you, that's beautiful. Love the lights. What made you decide to decorate your room like that?
>> No. 71671
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I apologize for nothing
>> No. 71675
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4 tatami
2 people
>> No. 71680
cute bunk futons dude

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69163 No. 69163 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do you feel bad for being a bully in school?
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>> No. 69347
Depends on what you mean by "capable". Being able to persuade, to handle situations intelligently and learn how to de-escalate conflict are arguably much more important skills to have in order to foster healthy adult relationships. You can't be standoffish and hostile to every hooligan in adulthood, constantly fighting to defend yourself against perceived threats. It's a bit like PTSD in that sense, you get into a certain mindset that you need during war but when the war is over the mindset has to change. The problem is that it's impossible in childhood/school, just like it's impossible in war or other traumatic situation to totally keep touch with your humanity. And that's a BAD thing. The people who are going through it might see it as something that toughens them and makes them stronger, but in fact they are slowly becoming more and more incompatible with larger society and then they become mad because no one understands or accepts their toughness as being a ballza thing. Because it's not.
>> No. 69365
>You can't be standoffish and hostile to every hooligan in adulthood
I'm not talking about hooliganism. I'm talking about being an adult and defending yourself WHEN NECESSARY. Despite my clarification, you're still confusing being willing to fight with wanting to fight. Of course peaceful alternatives are better, but sometimes they just aren't available. The country that declares war all the time when they should talk is not going to last just like the idiot that punches whenever he encounters problems. The very concept of freedom for all creates conflict, since the only alternative is that everyone has the same ideas and opinions all the time like one giant cult or hive-mind in order to never clash. Freedom or peace, can't always have both. You just need to realize that fighting for yourself is not always a bad thing.
Additionally, it seems you're also assuming I mean everything physically. Martin Luther King and Martin Luther had to fight, but they didn't use fists, did they? Republicans and Democrats fight for what's right (sometimes, anyway, usually it's just about money), but blood is not drawn (not for a long while, at least). Election opposition, judges, defense lawyers, unions, PR people, all fight with ideas/words, but they definitely fight. You cannot live without conflict simply because not everyone has all the same opinions as you.

>it's impossible in childhood/school, just like it's impossible in war
If you're trying to convince me you're not in high-school, you're getting the opposite of your desired result.
>> No. 69369
I knew as soon as I typed that you would do the douchey "oh you put these two things in the same sentence so you're directly comparing their severity and importance!" when nothing like that was happening. Obviously PTSD and people seeing blown the fuck up is a lot more severe than bullying. I'm just comparing processes. Getting heavily bullied forces you into certain mindsets that are unhealthy and unhelpful going into adulthood.

Also, I'm not talking about geopolitics and war or even national politics or even local politics. I'm talking about day-to-day interpersonal communication. "Hooligan" is a wordfilter. That's what I felt was happening to me, yeah I was "fighting back" and people thought I would murder them if they fucked with me but I didn't like that feeling. I started having real, actual fantasies about murdering people, nothing seemed to affect me emotionally.

Now, if I get into a disagreement with someone about anything or I feel slighted/insulted, I don't feel the need to protect my honor. I find a way to turn it back on them, even try and engage with them on a personal, human level and maybe we can even become friends, or at least not total assholes towards each other. I don't feel like me being bullied gave me any skills that come in handy today. That's why the idea that "being bullied toughens you and more kids should be bullied". Growing up in a war-torn country or being horribly impoverished or having parents who beat/rape you would "toughen up" someone much, much more and yet I wouldn't fucking wish that on anyone.
>> No. 69380
File 142174888755.jpg - (29.65KB , 460x346 , ThisIsYou.jpg )
>I knew as soon as I typed that you would do the douchey "oh you put these two things in the same sentence so you're directly comparing their severity and importance!"
You know why? Because you did. You knew better, but you did it anyway. And you even acknowledged it. Kudos.

>I'm talking about day-to-day interpersonal communication.
I'm not.

>Now, if I get into a disagreement with someone about anything or I feel slighted/insulted, I don't feel the need to protect my honor.
I never said "yo, did he dis me dawg? Aw, hell naw." I said "fight when you need to" with an implied "otherwise, just don't". If it's some jackass being a jackass, then deal with it however you will. But if it's someone that is seriously going to make your life miserable unless you do something, then you do something. It's so simple, but you're still confusing things. Or not, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.
>> No. 71674
Armed neutrality (the porcupine method) is the best policy. See: Switzerland.

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