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  • Blotter updated: 2023-01-12 Show/Hide Show All

File 142664647947.jpg - (1.59MB , 3264x1836 , IMG_20150317_222540_530.jpg )
71755 No. 71755
So for St. Patrick's day I decided to do ultra Irish it up, by mixing Redbreast 12 (the best Irish whiskey, period) and a bottle of Guinness Foreign Extra. After it's done, I might hop on Vocaroo and try to read passages from Ulysses and Finnegans Wake.
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>> No. 71756
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The taste was... not what I expected. Not that bad, but it just tastes like Guinness with a whiskey kick.
>> No. 71757
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The finished products. I would have added Magners in there, but all the curry-smelling indians selling booze around me didn't have any.
>> No. 71758
I wandered over to my friends house and drank some guiness. Then bought some Jameson and drank that steadily throughout the day. I do shit like this most days though so it's hardly a celebration.
>> No. 71759
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That wasn't so bad. Should have put more liquor. Don't listen to the recording so it might be shit.
>> No. 71793
Why the fuck would you sully Redbreast with beer?
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