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File 143922247692.jpg - (68.86KB , 450x425 , maidan tea party.jpg )
74305 No. 74305 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

Text analysis
99chan.org-b is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing style is personal and upset most of the time.
5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 74312
File 143924720572.jpg - (119.33KB , 640x640 , 1436076421959.jpg )
Obviously all data which does not support my point is merely fabricated by the Judaeo-feminist conspiracy, in this way anything I say is irrefutable.
>> No. 74314

Cultural Marxists, tainting our precious bodily fluids.
>> No. 74398
Jokes on them I'm 101 and upset all the time

>> No. 74589
I just noticed the angle of the guy's pinky in the tea party picture. I can't do that with my other fingers curled in, I can only get it even with my hand. It looks weird.
>> No. 74625
File 144073164997.jpg - (113.16KB , 300x300 , witherspoonteasurgery.jpg )
Put a splint on it for a week. Everyone in Hollywood is doing it.

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74420 No. 74420 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
mahran majadly
horny for arab cocks
Baqa al-Gharbiyye, Haifa, Israel
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>> No. 74569
It would accomplish more of what you want if you focused on the rectum rather than the anus.
>> No. 74585
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No on both accounts.
>> No. 74586
Since when are rape and sexual harassment synonyms?
>> No. 74588
Since Tumblr
>> No. 74617
I never said they were synonymous. I was tying to convey that having someone get all up in your bubble with graphic sexual proposals and then refusing to back off, even when you make your lack of interest clear, would quite rationally make a person fear that a sexual assault could take place.

Sarcastically saying "that's how rape starts" to a story about someone's personal boundaries being aggressively violated is odd, because that can often be how sexual assaults start, and it is not unreasonable to see a connection between the two behaviors.

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74452 No. 74452 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Does 99chan have any posters who are normal, functional people? People who live an average life without drugs, alcohol abuse or mental illness?
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>> No. 74581
File 144043239878.jpg - (1.03MB , 1968x3264 , C360_2015-03-22-23-59-46-165.jpg )
i drink until i pass out in the street but i got a ballza job and i can never be fired cuz i'm japanese so...
>> No. 74587
Can you hellza play the race card as an Asian though?
>> No. 74590
File 14404706177.jpg - (68.60KB , 599x728 , taxcats.jpg )
Maybe I've been spending on the internet, but when I read

>normal, functional people?

I was hoping to reply with great gusto that yes, I was a normal, functioning person, who had a job and interests and hobbies and aspirations, but then I read your criterion. I looked at my glass of neat Old Crow, my incest pornography collection, my diary entries ranting about my ex-best friend who never dated me because I was too unstable, the empty prescription bottles still in my room from 6 months ago, I remembered my poor grades in high school and college despite my exceptional intelligence, ballza sat scores and A+ grades in courses I found compelling...

Fuck you, OP, you cocksucking basketball american
>> No. 74598
File 144052320960.gif - (127.49KB , 550x336 , 99.gif )
tecia torres is a normal, well adjusted human
>> No. 74609
She seems enthusiastic. That goes a long way in this world.

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74239 No. 74239 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I haven't been to 99chan in years, since it was first created. I have a lot of ballza memories from this place. I've been trying to join IRC but can't seem to find anyone on. Am I doing something wrong?

Anyways, hope you've all been well.
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>> No. 74526
It's mostly of him in the bath tub and playing with his toys in his pajamas.
>> No. 74527
Are they footy pajamas with a buttflap?

And does he eat his own cum at any point?
>> No. 74528
Yes and only if you consider Fronk to be a person capable of producing semen.
>> No. 74531

Well now that depends on your definition of semen now, doesn't it?
>> No. 74572
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It... it does?

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72010 No. 72010 hide quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I am a qualified world religion expert. If you have a question about religion, then ask me and I'll explain it in a way you fucking simpletons can understand.
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>> No. 74570
Decided to google it:
"But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband"
So yeah, once you're married, have at it.
>> No. 74578
File 144041379783.png - (46.12KB , 737x432 , mia.png )
What are muslims allowed to do in bed?
>> No. 74579
Nuh uh.



“The one who has intercourse with his wife in her back passage has disavowed himself of that which was revealed to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).”
>> No. 74584
the fuck is a google
>> No. 74978
Is it true that gypsies believe one of their ancestors stole a nail from Jesus's cross to ease his pain so god blessed all gypsies and gave them authorization to steal from everybody else?

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74369 No. 74369 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Correct me if I am wrong but I think there is a mysterious conspiracy afoot that involves 99chan. As some of you have noticed someone has been spam posting CP now and then here and other chans. I came across someone talking on an 8chan post that leads me to believe someone is trying to get chan sites removed from search indexs.
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>> No. 74446
I think he's crying because google removed the site from their index, not because his site is full of bad people.
>> No. 74449
Sure, if you're just a drug user. But if you're a drug dealer as I'm sure many of 420chan's posters are, you are involved in ruining other people's lives.

Pedos who fap to CP but do not produce it aren't hellza ruining anyone's life, not even their own unless they get caught.
>> No. 74472
File 144010627831.jpg - (46.28KB , 800x596 , 6EJ1mXc.jpg )
Depends what you're dealing and to whom.

If you're selling coke, then yeah, you're part of an economic system that, at the base, benefits FARC and involves clearcutting rainforest to grow coca and dumping the toxic byproducts of production into freshwater and involves organized crime at basically every intermediate step.

If you're selling pot that you get from your friend the mid-level dealer who gets it from some guy who gets it from the Hells Angels who get it from a grow-op operated by the Indian Posse, then yeah, that's shitty too. Or if you live in the American southwest, replace Hell's Angels/Indian Posse with their Mexican equivalents.

But drugs can be come by ethically and dealt ethically. If you're taking mushrooms, there's a ballza chance they were grown in an old aquarium by some 20-something. Pot can be ethically sourced as well, especially if you have access to a dispensary.

Pic related. It's a badass who probably sells illegal pot and is part of a gang.
>> No. 74473
Also with regard to child pornography, I would not dismiss the idea of re-victimization, the idea that by viewing material involving an abused child, you are perpetuating their humiliation. It's not something that can be broken down to an individual basis - "you are directly hurting this now-adult woman by viewing the images of her abuse!" - but can you imagine being a victim of child porn and knowing that those images are still being shared/viewed by people? It's a subtle, abstract - even ethereal - thing, but I think it's a legitimate concept that can have a psychic effect on victims of abuse. (Not psychic in the supernatural sense, to be clear).

Things like lolicon or CGI are a whole other story. As is, in most cases, viewing, say, a video of some girl on stickam showing her cooch in 2004.

As far as harm to the viewer goes, that depends too. A while back someone posted a news article here where some guy was arrested for child pornography and his house was a pigsty with garbage everywhere, CDs full of images/videos, printouts of his favorite "stars" hanging by his bed, and he would spend at least 8 hours every day viewing and downloading kiddy porn, seldom going outside, never socializing etc. He was a retired naval officer, iirc.
>> No. 74496
>but can you imagine being a victim of child porn and knowing that those images are still being shared/viewed by people? It's a subtle, abstract - even ethereal - thing, but I think it's a legitimate concept that can have a psychic effect on victims of abuse.
Happened to "Vicky"

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74381 No. 74381 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
why are people poor
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>> No. 74431

The trick is to send all minorities out into the wastes for guns and equipment
>> No. 74432
I just listened to an episode of This American Life about how Puerto Rican police and government authorities ship impoverished drug addicts to the mainland United States, mostly Chicago, supposedly to luxurious detox facilities that are in fact underfunded, unlicensed, not staffed by doctors or nurses, and that confiscate the addicts' passports and foodstamps, resulting in them ending up on the street with nowhere to live and no way to get back to Puerto Rico.

Basically they send their poor to the wasteland of Chicago.
>> No. 74433
>This American Life
Sorry, I misspelled The Close-mic'd Superjew Hour.
>> No. 74455
>Basically they send their poor to the wasteland of Chicago.
Shit! That must hellza annoy the poor and druggy who are already there.
>> No. 74470
It strains the already limited resources, yes.

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74366 No. 74366 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Is it possible to spend so much time concealing your every action and interest behind a veil of post-modernist irony that you become incapable of sincerity?
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>> No. 74373
File 143971942487.gif - (0.97MB , 500x500 , facets.gif )
By layers, I meant different aspects or facets of an idea. Showing them all concisely ain't easy.
>> No. 74377
"Incapable of" is a strong turn of phrase, but I'll readily believe that people can become resistant to sincerity--and why shouldn't they be? It's not new nor unique that people nowadays don't want to appear foolish. No one wants to get hurt like that, so the layers of irony and detachment serve as armor.
>> No. 74379
Sometimes irony is fashionable, other times it isn't. Regardless of what state a culture exists in within the grand rhetorical cycle of ironic self-reference the underlying message of affected superiority usually doesn't change too much. At our present level of saturation, only the most blatantly ironic statements appear sincere.

Does irony become sincere when it's the dominant mode of discourse?
>> No. 74386
Furthermore, when sincerity is adopted as an affectation is it hellza sincere?

Not "incapable" but you could definitely fall into a pattern that makes sincerity difficult. Focus, practice, and maybe counseling can help. It's hard to vulnerable, much harder than it is to be detached, but I think it is a skill or lifestyle habit that can be cultivated through effort.

If you want to be more sincere and unguarded, you are at least self-aware enough to acknowledge your aloof emptiness and have the desire to change.

Your desire for sincerity sounds sincere.
>> No. 74456
I don't think you mean that.

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73903 No. 73903 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Are police officers allowed to go through red lights without flashing their sirens? I don't hellza mind that they can break traffic laws for no particular reason but doing it without putting on the sirens is potentially dangerous. I was waiting at a red light behind a cop and this dude just blew through with no warning. While it wasn't a particularly dangerous intersection, it seems like not putting the lights on should be at the very least a breach of protocol. hellza, it should be illegal, considering they have such freedom of decision of when to break a traffic law. I was tempted to go through right after him- since no one could tell beforehand what we were doing other than noticing that he was a police car, is there any difference in dangerousness between the two actions? His car wasn't even a regular patrol car, it was a little chevy impala or something from the Sherrif. It looked like the police markings could have been just some awesome new decals your coke dealer got.

Come to think of it, a lot of cops shit do is not hellza justifiable or safe. I'm not even talking about police brutality. There's overreaches everywhere. Is there any ballza reason police should be able to park in the tow zones to get lunch other than that it's a popular "cop spot?" It creates a definite cop culture that serves to continually reinforce the idea that cops are somehow better than other people in their moral decision making, something that's not afforded in the same way to any other profession outside the military. Frankly it can both attract and lead to a kind of hyperviolent megelomania. Do you know how many statistical studies on domestic violence in cop families you will ever hear? None, that shit will never get funded or reported. Wherever there are closed doors in a society virtually anything can be kept behind them.

hellza I am generally more of a pro-state, pro-police, even pro-military guy. My grandfather was in the military, and I would have been proud to serve as a pilot like him in world war 2. But today it is my opinion that, from a purely military standpoint, there is no war in the world from which the United States could not withdraw nearly unscathed. People are killed for political reasons now, not out of military necessity. I find that disgusting.

What do you fag-gots think
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>> No. 74363
2 and 3 are too, honestly.
>> No. 74413
>do you have drive like an asshole?
>> No. 74436
Assholes do tend to have a lot of drive. That's what pushes them to be an asshole. Without that drive most assholes would be forgettable at worst.
>> No. 74438
An asshole is

the following

he is a guy who

is better than you


doesnt hide the fact

and even

throws it in your face and naturally you do not like it but you can suck it for all he cares
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 74440
The way you format your post makes you look like a cunt.

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74364 No. 74364 hide quickreply [Reply]
You will never have this much hair.
>> No. 74365
File 14396916091.jpg - (66.86KB , 500x667 , nickii.jpg )
that's what wigs are for bby
>> No. 74374
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>> No. 74387
I can try though, OP.

I can try.
>> No. 74389
A man can always try.

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74313 No. 74313 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do you ever browse random people's facebook profiles for fun? Right now I am digging through the profiles of homosexuals in impoverished African countries and heavily homophobic areas.

There's this whole facebook group for lesbians in Uganda:

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>> No. 74355
I am confused. What do you mean?
>> No. 74356
>astroturfing on 99chan
there is no way this could be profitable
>> No. 74357
Who are you quoting?
>> No. 74360
Who are you? Who am I? Who is anyone? What does it mean to be someone??
>> No. 74361
Exactly, yet it happens on even the most obscure and inactive chans. I think these individuals just do a blanket search and target anything that pops up, imageboards being the hot new PR buzzword and whatnot. Invariably they never research the nuances of culture between chans which makes their endeavor both painfully transparent and counterproductive.

It's a bit distressing that somewhere along the line someone thought effective marketing meant emulating the posting style of a 4 big dicks up my asshole teenbro and spouting non-memes ad nauseam. That's what they think chans are - an unconscious bin of retards who are instantly receptive to whatever slurry of text and images happens to bubble up in the pot of excreta.

No. 74206 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do you like minions?
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>> No. 74284
They are pretty decent pokemon. His evolution swampert has a mega evolution. But you know what pokemon is bullshit? Unown. Fuck that asshole.
>> No. 74287
Little known fact: Unown was meant to look/sound like "Unknown", highlighting their mysteriousness in-lore.
>> No. 74288
File 143910043845.jpg - (37.84KB , 620x372 , kimmAY.jpg )
I always assumed the "un" was a reference to the honorable kim jong un who is "known" throughout the world for his integrity and ballza deeds.
>> No. 74325
Kim Jong Un looks like a minion. Jeez, just look at that hair.
>> No. 74327
He sort of is, to an extent.

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74256 No. 74256 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey 99chan. What do you ultimately want to do with your miserable, meaningless meat existence?

I'm interested in Botany. I'm also interested in agriculture which Botany is practically integral to now. I'd like to develop more efficient and less impactful means of growing food. I don't think what we're doing is going to be sustainable much longer. We're almost to the point where energy storage and solar panel efficiency are cost effective enough to start growing all our produce indoors. Growing everything indoors would eliminate the need for pesticides and fungicides which are apparently killing the bees which we need to pollinate our food in the first place. It would also mean we could grow food basically anywhere, eliminating the need to transport it great distances. What I'm most interested in that area is Aquaculture, which is where you create a sort of closed ecosystem that grows produce as well as vegetarian fish such as tilapia. All this sort of feeds into one my other passions, which is space and colonization. I think developing these efficient, self-sustaining methods of food production are going to be the most important part of making that work.. and it might be my ticket to being involved in that. I'm sure Elon Musk and SpaceX will be looking for people with those skillsets some time in the next 20-30 years.

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>> No. 74298
I had no idea that learning tools for setting goals and engaging with the greater community around you for support with those goals was an "animal" act and not a human one.

You want to learn to be a more disciplined human. Taking concrete steps toward greater discipline will not accomplish that. That's for animals.
>> No. 74299
Its not just the lighting, its heating and if necessary, cooling as well. Also, you'd need electricity to power water pumps and such for permaculture/aquaculture systems. For the type of growing system OP is talking about, which I would assume is multi-tiered and space efficient, growing with just the sun would not work simply because anything below the top tier of plants would not get sunlight. Also If you read the OPs post you'd also know they want to ultimately develop this for use in space where it's probably not wise to expose your produce to direct sun radiation.
>> No. 74300
Also, not to mention complete control over light depending on the crop would improve yield immensely. Some plants flourish under 24/7 lighting conditions, while others require cycles.
>> No. 74302
File 143919135371.jpg - (59.13KB , 650x960 , space crops.jpg )
>I'd like to develop more efficient and less impactful means of growing food. I don't think what we're doing is going to be sustainable much longer.

There is no way in hell growing crops indoors is going to be more efficient/environmentally friendly than current farming technology. You're just trading one thing you don't like (pesticides, soil erosion, fertilizer runoff) for something else. Like the 10,000 electric lights, solar panels, fertilizer and other chemicals you'll need just magically appear out of no where and their manufacture and disposal have zero effect on the environment. What I read OP asserting is that we can get more efficient production by growing crops indoors. Included in that efficiency equation is probably things like environmental impact, which hey, fanfucking-tastic, but you're not going to get more out of it environmentally or production wise by growing them indoors. Space crops fine, but not to feed 7 billion people..
>> No. 74304
File 143921541832.jpg - (8.34KB , 236x240 , giteki_new_e.jpg )
>>Growing everything indoors would eliminate the need for pesticides and fungicides

you never had an indoor garden

you create a micro-climate which can and does produce mold, fungus, and insects

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74077 No. 74077 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
how about a webbum thread
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>> No. 74178
File billych.webm - (3.76MB )
sometimes I worry that someone will connect my interests and stalk me across the different sites I regularly visit
>> No. 74179
File contracts.webm - (210.36KB )
>> No. 74275
File well_he_must_be_drunk.webm - (83.06KB )
>> No. 74276
File asshole.webm - (715.05KB )
>> No. 74293
File GTA5cops.webm - (2.34MB )

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73357 No. 73357 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Can we have a thread on the sexual life of M&Ms?

Based on these two commercials (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsK3gZnDg9E and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtSIG8q0r9c) I think it is safe to assume that red and yellow are bisexual and blue is straight.

Ms.Green is slutty but most likely asexual. She just wants attention and admiration, not actual intercourse. All the other M&Ms want to fuck her. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKnCLHX6X4k)

Orange is straight, as evidenced by this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQZ2q9ks160) in which he makes it clear that he does not like having things shoved in his anal cavity.

Ms.Brown seems a bit like a prude (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q33drZUXSzY) but she was willing to strip naked in the image posted. I think we know too little about her to guess what she's like in bed, but she seems a bit frigid.
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>> No. 74229
Doesn't work anymore. Guerrilla wars with crappy sandboxes just drains resources and time. You need full, nationwide militarization without suffering major losses to your own territory in order to stimulate economic growth. The only way that could happen is if we went to war with a major military power, but that's unlikely because of the threat of nuclear warfare. The whole "WWII ends Depression in US" was a one-off thing that will probably never happen again.
>> No. 74240
Nuclear war may be less of a deterrent than you'd think. Sure, all the radiation and cancer sounds scary at first, but when you sweep that under the rug all you have to see is an opportunity to rebuild something.
>> No. 74245
Is this hellza that hard to understand? As soon as nuclear war is initiated with a major power, the world ends. What isn't incinerated will be destroyed by radiation drift and severe, overnight climate change. That's why it is a deterrent, not because people are afraid of losing a single or even a handful of cities.
>> No. 74253
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Keynes would balk at throwing money at a military industrial complex. Part of the reason giving money to the military worked was because it indirectly subsidized vital industries that were in their infancy (automobiles, highways, fossil fuels, planes). In an advanced economy, simply throwing money at the military is an exercise in waste. Look at Putin's several hundred billion dollar "re-armament" program, pouring endless funds into the least efficient sector of their economy, while leaving the hinterland to be opened up by Chinese investment.

Keynes would have wanted the money to be directed where there was need. Not to mention, many war industries, Boeing for example, supply the private sector. Simply throwing money at them is going to come at the expense of private sector needs, especially since production can't be ramped up overnight.

You make 100 airplane parts at your factory, of which fifty are bought by the military, and fifty are bought by commercial airlines. The government doubling its air force will simply take the entire supply, and leave no spare parts for the civilian airforce. Eventually, they start falling from the sky, because civilians cannot compete with the ridiculous (and cyclical) demand from the military.

Russia is so cynical they used this incompetence as an excuse for that crash that killed the Polish presidential cabinet.
>> No. 74254
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fuck yall. this thread is about Ms.Green's tight ass, not nuclear war.

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73426 No. 73426 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm pretty sure most of you think you're rather clever.

Are that any that acknowledge how well below average they are? I'm pretty thick, I'm borderline retarded.
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>> No. 74215

>You don't feel it's easy to become jaded when matches are decided exclusively by the proportion of scrubs

Let me guess. It's never your fault when your team loses?
>> No. 74216
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>doesn't play with a dedicated team

>calls others scrubs
>> No. 74234
>dedicated team
Nope. I play games to escape from mandatory socialization, not the alternative.
>> No. 74235
As someone who identified themselves as a person who doesn't play team games, yeah I suppose so.
>> No. 74237
пппппоооооол х

No. 71704 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
  Youtube thread? Post what you've been watching lately.

I found this really cute anti-drug PSA from 1971.
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>> No. 74137
  I heard that when you strip search guys in jail you have to make them bend over and check out their assholes just in case they are smuggling something inside.
>> No. 74142
fuck loads of as sweat in yout mum rectum
>> No. 74144
  space jam and ren'ai circulation mashups are my guilty pleasure
>> No. 74145
>> No. 74233
  god bless public access tv

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74181 No. 74181 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
how many languages do you speak?
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>> No. 74204

what language is this
>> No. 74207
>> No. 74221
File 143873025455.jpg - (3.00KB , 160x90 , harper.jpg )
As a Canadian citizen, it is my duty to communicate in both English and French.

Dans un citizen Canadien, il es mon duti par communicatir dans l'englais et l'francais.
>> No. 74222
Ton francais ist non gut at all
>> No. 74223
mangez de la marde

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74143 No. 74143 hide quickreply [Reply]
It's a dark day for humanity.

RIP Roddy. Also that lion that got fucked up that people care about more than other lions for some reason.
>> No. 74154

He finally ran out of asses to kick. The world is truly a poorer place. Farewell sweet prince.
>> No. 74158
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>> No. 74162
He died of an AIDS-related heart attack, how sad.

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73335 No. 73335 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
99chan, what would you do if your son was at home crying alone on the bedroom floor because he's hungry and the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a little bit of money and his daddy's gone somewhere smoking rock now in and out of lockdown I ain't got a job now so for you this is just a ballza time but for me this is what I call life, mm?
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>> No. 73852
I'm glad I don't have your life, that's what i would do hope this helps.
>> No. 73853
*not-terrible canned tuna*
what is this sorcery? next you'll tell me there you've found mercury-free canned tuna
>> No. 73893
I don't eat fish any more for a number of reasons.
>> No. 73897
File potato.webm - (2.04MB )
>> No. 74153


Ask and ye shall receive.

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