No. 73894
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Personally I find the relatively young, fat, neckbearded brony as something that exists on hellza both sides of the social justice debate. Skeptics/gamers/sci-fi lovers tend to either be MRA types or full-on Tumblrites. Both sides allow you to feel smug, superior, and more enlightened than the other side. Most of their thought processes are transparently contrarian. The MRA types have convinced themselves that malicious cunts have somehow taken control of the west and they're the counter-movement, whereas the Twitter feminists think that sexists rule everything and they're the underdogs.
I'd say these people favor MRAs to some degree simply because nerdy, fat, white men who have very limited sexual experiences tend to object the loudest to the idea that they enjoy privilege.
As for ponies I'm not entirely sure why MRAs and manosphere jackoffs tend to like it so much. I troll one of my idiot conservative/religious friends who is a brony by pointing out how Rainbow Dash is a symbol of gay pride.