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File 143925018767.jpg - (369.40KB , 680x450 , gayseverywhere.jpg )
74313 No. 74313
Do you ever browse random people's facebook profiles for fun? Right now I am digging through the profiles of homosexuals in impoverished African countries and heavily homophobic areas.

There's this whole facebook group for lesbians in Uganda:

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>> No. 74318
File 143927105980.png - (200.71KB , 472x1114 , abortions.png )

>a page called sex life in uganda with posts like "Hi adim am look for guys who can f**k me for money. comment for her number." or "Dear Admin, plz post this. Plz im so poor n too broke im in need of sugardaddies to spoil their cash if anyone instersted call me anytime on this number [phone number] thx"

>people posting about abortions being sinful

what are religious people doing on this page

>> No. 74319
>what are religious people doing on this page
Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they are automatically an atheist or pro-choice or whatever else. A Ugandan could be homosexual but still have other beliefs that conform to the conservative, religious status quo.

In any case, thanks for sharing that page, it makes me happy to see that gay people have somewhere to talk, connect, and feel less alone even though they live in a place where their orientation is not only not accepted, but sometimes violently opposed.
>> No. 74320
File 143935255025.jpg - (28.34KB , 320x320 , 1429633864240.jpg )
>> No. 74323
File 143936707672.png - (87.60KB , 470x730 , comments.png )
The page that was linked in that post isn't actually about homosexuality. It's just about sex in general and the main reason people would have for following it because they are horny.

It also seems to be a place where people can ask serious love related questions, though, so I guess this could explain the presence of religious folks.

Fun thing to notice about the link to the "lesbians in uganda" page posted in the OP: there are tons of posts from horny men trying to convince lesbians to change their sexual orientation by riding their ds. Picture related.
>> No. 74328
I've been conditioned to associate facebook's interface with unequivocal disgust. In the event something passably intelligent was ever discussed I'd be likely to disregard in hypercriticality anyways.
>> No. 74333
Just this past week I talked about gay people being accepted by the capitalist right-wing establishment and derided by the left for engaging in a counter-revolutionary lifestyle.

It feels nice to be validated.
>> No. 74335
You don't go to facebook to have intelligent discussions, you go to facebook to watch humans make fool of themselves. It's like going to the zoo to watch monkeys.
>> No. 74352
File 143959510581.png - (327.06KB , 1316x558 , minions.png )
>people arguing about politics on a page about fucking minions
>> No. 74354
Who actually pays people to astroturf memes? I've been seeing far too many of your breed around for the last few years. Isn't that the opposite of what you should collectively be trying to do?
>> No. 74355
I am confused. What do you mean?
>> No. 74356
>astroturfing on 99chan
there is no way this could be profitable
>> No. 74357
Who are you quoting?
>> No. 74360
Who are you? Who am I? Who is anyone? What does it mean to be someone??
>> No. 74361
Exactly, yet it happens on even the most obscure and inactive chans. I think these individuals just do a blanket search and target anything that pops up, imageboards being the hot new PR buzzword and whatnot. Invariably they never research the nuances of culture between chans which makes their endeavor both painfully transparent and counterproductive.

It's a bit distressing that somewhere along the line someone thought effective marketing meant emulating the posting style of a 4 big dicks up my asshole teenbro and spouting non-memes ad nauseam. That's what they think chans are - an unconscious bin of retards who are instantly receptive to whatever slurry of text and images happens to bubble up in the pot of excreta.
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