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File 143853403935.gif - (7.60MB , 420x236 , iuuWPyAY0tAoe.gif )
74181 No. 74181
how many languages do you speak?
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>> No. 74182
I can speak some Japanese, Spanish, and Italian. None of it fluently, shit's hard. I gave Mandarin a go but holy shit.
>> No. 74183
Fluently? Just the two. I can understand French, Portuguese, Italian and (to a lesser extent) German, but only to a point. I'm able to read and pronounce Russian but I've no idea what I'm saying/reading.
>> No. 74184
I've never done the test cause it's expensive, but looking over JLPT materials I recognize most of the stuff up to N3 or so. I used to be alright at French and Spanish in high school but now they've been shoved out of my brain in place of chink shit and I can barely string two words together.

Since N1 is the highest level, then that would mean I speak about 1.6 languages.
>> No. 74185
that is a boy in that picture. I can tell. It has a d.
>> No. 74187
It's Katerina Kozlova, you eejit.
>> No. 74190
I speak my native language fluently, other than that I 'speak' four languages, one near fluent, two very broken and the fourth barely.
>> No. 74191
File 143856165016.jpg - (110.22KB , 400x400 , kat.jpg )
did katerina get a boob job?

I still say it's a guy. There are no pictures of her bare crotch.
>> No. 74193
>> No. 74194
Guys, pornography is bad for you. This thread is about languages.
>> No. 74195
A lot of the pornography I've seen uses languages. That's how the performers are able to play their parts, setting the scene and explaining what they want and how hard.
>> No. 74197
File 143857559033.gif - (4.88MB , 440x248 , 18f5b4235151a0c4f85c91c3f5397b14_maSEt9hKZNHMfKVcW.gif )
how many languages does she speak?
besides the language of love
>> No. 74204

what language is this
>> No. 74207
>> No. 74221
File 143873025455.jpg - (3.00KB , 160x90 , harper.jpg )
As a Canadian citizen, it is my duty to communicate in both English and French.

Dans un citizen Canadien, il es mon duti par communicatir dans l'englais et l'francais.
>> No. 74222
Ton francais ist non gut at all
>> No. 74223
mangez de la marde
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