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File 14121438685.jpg - (124.96KB , 986x811 , scoobysex.jpg )
66569 No. 66569 hide quickreply [Reply]
If you want zoinks points to get a shitty scooby doo wallpaper or something, a code SCOOBY30597 is unused.


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66429 No. 66429 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So I made this. Do you like it?

I don't actually care
29 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66514
All North Korean travel agencies are state-run, you flummoxed, tap-toeing buffoon.
>> No. 66515
That's grossly oversimplifying a matter. Everything in North Korea is state-owned, technically speaking, but are's a reason are is more than one (hint: ay compete). A higher portion of your money might go to a state, but don't think Iran or even a US is terribly different, every dumb souvenir you try to buy from Iran will still benefit a government, directly or indirectly.
>> No. 66524
dis nigga smellin' toast right here
>> No. 66572
What about Thailand?
>> No. 66575
I included Thailand in a updated version here: >>66458

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66598 No. 66598 hide quickreply [Reply]
This is a youtube channel devoted to downies making music videos or skits:


Here's a rap video, if you're curious:
>> No. 66602
Are you a same guy that made a thread about a big ded rapper? We're not THAT interested in browsing your favourited videos.
>> No. 66613
I had a laugh.
>> No. 66617
Are you just completely unaware of most hip-hop out are today? Or are you confusing hip-hop with some sort of neurological disorder caused by high-dosage typical antipsychotic use?
>> No. 66626
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This one is worth watching too.

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66457 No. 66457 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
This guy makes raps about porn stars and jerking off.


Here's his song about Mandingo's penis. "It's 14 inches/bigger than Subway sandwiches"

Most of them seem to have submissive or cuckold themes but many of his lyrics read like the comments section on an AVN article.
It turns out Mandingo has moved from Juelz Jordan Video to West Coast Productions
Who knew
A press release or something would be nice
But I would make do
With at least a fuckin' clue

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66468
You're right.
>> No. 66472
Jonah is the liar, where is the evidence to support his claims?
>> No. 66491
This thread sucks.
>> No. 66519
File 141196426145.jpg - (10.37KB , 200x391 , 49713.jpg )
I would think a evidence is down his left pant leg.
>> No. 66627
File 141229989423.jpg - (61.87KB , 742x600 , Frodo_havens.jpg )
glad ay circled it, what if we didnt know where to look?

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66674 No. 66674 hide quickreply [Reply]
How do you prefer pubic hair on a woman?

>> No. 66676
File 141236812950.gif - (2.46MB , 150x175 , penis.gif )
Shaved. Pubes hide too much of the vagina. Pubes on men, though. Manpubes hide nothing but are pleasantly soft and fun to mess with. I like gently petting a man's pubes as I fall asleep at night. It is extremely relaxing
>> No. 66677
Generally speaking, no. However, one thing I don't mind is a natural woman but one that isn't some Czech bodybuilder hairy. So light/average hair coverage/thickness, but letting it grow wherever it may. There's something hot about that. Most hair lovers are really into thick and bushy hair, I'm not really into that.

Weirdly enough I also have a fetish for the exact opposite, with no hair being anywhere. Totes smooth.
>> No. 66689
Completely shaved, head to toe, in diapers, and no teeth.
>> No. 66693
I feel ya. I was with a girl who let it grow naturally and she looked super sexy. Her pubic hair was fairly dark but pretty soft and didn't spread out over a huge area. I liked it.

>> No. 66709
landing strip.
completely shave looks weird but i don't like hair around the lips

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66710 No. 66710 hide quickreply [Reply]
oh alcohol, why do you make me forget the fun times
>> No. 66719
Are you the same guy who made the thread about being gone for a few years?

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66331 No. 66331 hide quickreply [Reply]
Is it easier to swim in salt water because it is less dense than fresh water?
>> No. 66335
File 141149839945.jpg - (77.48KB , 800x600 , floating-in-the-dead-sea-reading-a-newspaper.jpg )
Easier to float. But waves and current can make things interesting.
>> No. 66618

more dense

i think you are pretty dense too
>> No. 66720
You also drown differently in salt water than you do in fresh water. You will drown more quickly in fresh water. It's all hypotonic versus hypertonic.
>> No. 66722

Really? I could have sworn it was the other way around; salt water draws fluids from surrounding tissue into your lungs.
>> No. 66733
Xe didn't properly imply which way round it was.

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65807 No. 65807 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
What would you say is the worst dream you have ever had? it can be frightening, deeply personal or disgust you but everyone has one.

The worst dream I ever had was myself walking into my bathroom and looking into the mirror only to notice my reflection moving on its own. I was woken up by a family member because I was screaming in my sleep.

Whats your worst dream experience?
48 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66737
I don't generally have nightmares. I could probably count the number of nightmares I've had, as an adult, between both hands. Two nightmares stick with me though.

First, when I was a kid, I had a nightmare that my family and I were on our way home from the movies in our family car. My sisters and I were messing with each other in the back seat, so my dad pulled the car over and told me to get out, so I got out, and the then they drove away.

Secondly, and more recently (like, within the past ten years), I had a dream that I was shot in the head. I don't recall what it was in the dream that precipitated it, but I didn't die and it didn't hurt. I was kinda like that Family Guy where Stewie gets that shard of glass stuck in his forehead and he's all "DO I TAKE IT OUT OR LEAVE IT IN?!" I remember poking at it in disbelief, wondering if it really happened since it didn't hurt and there was no blood, but there was definitely a hole in the middle of my forehead and my finger squished at my brain. In the dream I was all "Meh" about it, because obviously I'm way cooler than somebody that's about to go down from a mere bullet to the brain, but I woke up with a serious fear for my life. I had to check myself in the mirror to make sure I was ok, and I had a strange sense of fear and foreboding for a long while afterward, expecting that somehow I was going to get shot in the head.
>> No. 66741
File 14124801266.jpg - (38.66KB , 400x422 , 1404249668214.jpg )
I have this pretty fucked-up recurring nightmare in that I keep getting kidnapped by Somalian pirates, I'll be having a perfectly normal dream and then out of nowhere those pirates will invade it yelling at me in their native language (a language I don't even know) with a thirst for cutting off my right ring finger and it's always my right ring finger and I have no idea why. Their always in the same numbers and carrying the same things; 2 of them will have AK47s and the leader will have a machete.

I now have a fear of black people because of this.
>> No. 66742
You don't fear black people. You fear that your mother will divorce your father and ask you to marry her in a secret ceremony.
>> No. 66749
I just had a dream where I found a blunt on my counter, and decided to save it for later. This arab guy offers me a one hit of weed. Then he proceeds to urinate all over my floor. He's aiming for a cardboard box, but seriously, he's missing and spraying everywhere and it got in my eye. I literally grabbed some scissors and was trying to kill him.

I should have just smoked that blunt. Why oh why did I think there would even be a "later."
>> No. 66752
Does hope wordfilter to fear?

File 141231570638.jpg - (42.70KB , 300x219 , buschgardens-fabio-roller-coaster-1999apr.jpg )
66651 No. 66651 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Remember when Fabio hit that goose?
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66790
that's such an amazing picture
>> No. 66792
Fabio is worse than ISIS and is also a much more immediate threat to the lives of Americans.
>> No. 66802
File 141258012881.jpg - (417.93KB , 1391x2100 , BrentButt.jpg )
Brent Butt did a piece of A+ standup about this:
>> No. 66812
Well, an excellent C+ at least.
>> No. 66822
Yeah it wasn't very ballza. Corner Gas is an excellent show though.

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66793 No. 66793 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hi, you don't know me but I can full confidently say I know everything about you. You're going through hardships and I understand some of you might even say "my life is perfect I have no idea what you're talking about" well that just makes me all the more worried about you because that's a display of psychological blocking but don't worry I'm here to help I can solve all your problems whatever it be family, friends, job or money I have the answer.

It's accepted by most that the universe is cold and mostly void of life but what if I told you that they're wrong? Now before I go into that I need to say something...the world will be destroyed by Ebola by January 15th but don't worry I have a plan and it goes back to what I said earlier, the universe is not what you see it as oh no it's WAY more than that, the universe we see is not really the universe but I'm going spare you guys this boring science stuff and get to the opportunity. I made a machine that sees what the universe really is and what I say was God himself and he told me about the doom the world will be facing soon and told me to select a number of people to be saved and the people I picked are you guys.

He said that only those sworn to loyalty may be saved so that's what I need from you; your sworn loyalty and only half of your paycheck because this machine can only hold me as of now but with your help, money and loyalty it will be big enough for all of us. Once it's done it will emit a gas and we will be graced by God himself, you know those "stars" in the sky? Well what science didn't tell you is that in those stars are your own personal heaven it's what God told me himself in the Gas Machine he also told me about the evils of science and your government because they are hiding this fact. So can I count on you? With this decision you take this great opportunity to live the life of your dreams where none of your problems exist a Heaven outside of this planet but don't wait because the Armageddon from Ebola is not far from now so act fast.
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66829
I swear loyalty only to God, sir, and I shall not make any covenants with the devil today or any other day!

Really though could you imagine if God came down and declared that the chosen people he wanted to save wasn't Jews but was actually 99channers. I wouldn't know how to feel about that.
>> No. 66844
File 141265389114.png - (565.82KB , 636x845 , you.png )
What's a filename? What's reading? What are eyes?
>> No. 66874
Ayn Rand looks ugly in that picture.
>> No. 66876
Can I swear my loyalty even if I don't have a paycheck?
>> No. 66878
Do you have any frequent shopper cards for grocery stores?

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66584 No. 66584 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So apparently are's this guy who gets off on putting panties and baby cloas on stuffed animals: http://tlkfan92024.deviantart.com/gallery/
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>> No. 66805
Yes. If something as widely spread as rap is 95% bad, I believe that it is worth pointing it out as such. I very strongly believe that, because the elements are so weak both alone and combined, the only things that most people enjoy rap for is feelings of solidarity and/or feelings of vicarious badassery.
But how long does it take for 3-4 messages (one of which is outright personal vanity) to stop being culturally valid? Months? Years? Decades? If the themes in rap are still so valid as to maintain their monopoly for decades, then has rap culture itself stagnated? These are the questions that your question brings up in my mind.
Shit. A thought just popped up: rap is, at its core, comparable to gay pride parades. Nobody likes it outside of the group doing it, and it serves no purpose other than to exclude the rest of society in order to feel like part of something bigger than ones self.

I don't and didn't set out to piss people off, the first comment was just a flippant nothing, but rap just bores me, man. A discussion about music can be interesting, however. So: obviously, my POV is given, but would yuwall be willing to tell me with concrete terminology what you like about rap? If it's the lyrics, what specifically is it about them? If it's something other than what I've mentioned, what/why? If it's the beats, why not listen to something with better, less looped, and more varied beats? If it's about temporal harmonies, why not listen to something that simultaneously does it with pitch?

I did forget to mention that I hate all of what I've heard of noise "music". 100% Pure, undiluted hipster wank that grates painfully 9 times out of 10. Gyech. I don't think there's anything to discuss. It's not music, it conflicts with itself, it's ugly and doesn't even have the danceablity of the simplest [insert genre].
I do technically define rap as music, but only because I would also define a metronome as music. Music has to have intent to it and at least a set (but changeable) bpm.
Decided to double-check, and Merriam-Webster defines music almost identically to me. See: 1a
>> No. 66840
What is your opinion on male ponytails?
>> No. 66862
Male ponytails? As with anything else, there's a lot of variation, but overall I got no problem. I don't think it looks ballza when a mostly bald guy tries it. But it's your thang. Do whatcha wanna do. I can't tell you (pause) how to cut it, dude.
>> No. 66948
>Yes. If something as widely spread as rap is 95% bad, I believe that it is worth pointing it out as such.

95% of everything is bad. I couldn't be bothered reading the rest of your post because I don't really care that much, I just thought I'd be the asshole who references Sturgeon's Law.
>> No. 66968
Just one more way to dismiss something without examining it. From what I've seen (and I've tried), 95% is generous. I'm trying specifically to be not a d I would just like to have an actual discussion about the musical merits/flaws of rap without it turning into angry shit.

If the examples I've been given are the creme of the creme, then what is it about them that makes them ballza (aside from the aforementioned feelings of solidarity or vicarious badass). You know why I don't like rap: I get aggressively bored by hearing the same lyrics done with as much stylistic diversity as AC\DC without needing skill for any part of the songs, and all of it spanning decades. When given decades, every other musical style has evolved to be more complex, use different instruments, experiment with different ideas/themes, even spawn completely different entire genres of music. So why has rap stayed so much the same for so long and what is it that attracts you?

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67012 No. 67012 hide quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 67016

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66976 No. 66976 hide quickreply [Reply]
Did you ever witness a little kid tell a joke they don't get?

My cousin was explaining some joke from boy meets world and in the process explained that she worked or shopped (I forget) at a close store called cleavage (pronounced it clee vash). It was much funnier than the actual joke he was explaining
>> No. 66979
Sounds glorious.
>> No. 66984
My niece kept asking me what sound a fox makes and when I said I didn't know, she would make this weird sound. I eventually figured it out, but for a while I thought she might be a bit of a dullard.
>> No. 67031
Anon's niece: What sound does a fox make?
Anon: I dunno
Anon's niece: Nyeeeeeee, Nyuuuuuuuuh
Anon: o_0

File 14123044289.gif - (1.60MB , 500x281 , QSq6bU4.gif )
66633 No. 66633 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
27 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66858
It's call datamoshing. You take an avi video, compress the fuck out of it, and then edit the frames. Avidemux is a common program to do these types of effects. AVIs are easier to work with than gifs in my opinion.

Stuff like >>66634 is made by pasting a p-frame over and over again. >>66668 is made by editing two videos together and then removing the first i-frame of the second clip. If you edit out all but the first i-frames a video, you get something like >>66664. >>66734 only has i-frames.

>>66633 looks like each frame was individually pixel sorted, a whole different technique.

If you want to know more just google glitch art, databending, or datamoshing tutorial.
>> No. 66926
Having only i-frames/keyframes is like making a flip book and then tearing out a bunch of the pages which is why it doesn't look wonky. The wonkyness in other ones comes from screwing around with the pframes which were generated during compression to fill in the space between the i-frames.
>> No. 66932
So is sabagebu actually worth watching, OP?
>> No. 67006
File 141292323028.gif - (1.46MB , 250x188 , wat7.gif )
finally got this shit working
>> No. 67053

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66744 No. 66744 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I have never felt so vindicated in my entire life.
15 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66893
>> No. 66964
File 141283439656.jpg - (57.06KB , 600x442 , darth-gates-using-the-force-on-a-floppy.jpg )
No. Microsoft heave "used" Linux servers, but only when they outsource the hosting to a company that happens to use Linux. Their software sucks, but Microsoft eats their own dog food. Google, on the other hand, probably is used by many of their employees.
>> No. 66966
Can you imagine being so committed to your shitty company that you only use Bing?
>> No. 67055
So Microsoft are pretty much the only people who actually use the Windows Server versions? Makes sense.
>> No. 67082

I hated hipsters before it was cool.

Ironic sage.

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66987 No. 66987 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What do you think happened here? Why is this dog tied to a car?

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>> No. 67034
Cats will die/wither away on a vegan diet because they can't produce taurine on their own. So I guess if I eat the cat it will still be cruelty free because it won't need to be killed.
>> No. 67041
Synthesized taurine exists, flesh breath.
>> No. 67042
Cruelty free meaning that nothing had to be killed is kind of a misnomer. Sometimes killing something is actually the least cruel thing to do. What if I come across an animal that's mortally wounded and obviously in a lot of pain and kill it quickly and cleanly? Can I then eat that animal, since it was a mercy killing and not a cruelty killing?
>> No. 67044
LIFE is pain. Let the mercy-killings begin.
>> No. 67057
Anyone that says otherwise is selling something.

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67050 No. 67050 hide expand quickreply [Reply]


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>> No. 67090
File 141308027981.gif - (494.69KB , 428x288 , lilav4o_1305672315_jpg.gif )
more danny dong
>> No. 67091
File 141308092554.gif - (767.24KB , 480x320 , 4406856-tit-layne-getting-ploughed-by-danny-d-on-s.gif )
it seems to go into vaginas pretty well. maybe the dough just wasn't doing it for him
>> No. 67096
File 141308576788.png - (348.03KB , 640x480 , vlcsnap-13517.png )
Don't do waht donny dong does
>> No. 67102
I wrote a poem for you boys.

Roses is red
Violets is blue
I want to murder-suicide with my tongue lapping your urinary meatus and a 40 crammed in my fucking shit pipe.
>> No. 67104
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66980 No. 66980 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What does Rainbow bus club think of Kenny vs Spenny? As a Canadian I've been watching it for years but now that its been spreading around to different countries for the last two years more people have gotten to see it. Probably my second favorite local show. Opinions?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 66982
Some of my friends watch it constantly but I don't think a lot of their taste in tv.
>> No. 66983
Canadians aren't funny until they come to the US.
>> No. 67007
I like the first season when it isn't obviously staged. I like the one where they stay up for days.

Every other season it was too transparently planned and their personas went from believable if a little hammed up for the camera to too cartoony.
>> No. 67125
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Corner Gas is my favorite Canadian show. What's yours?
>> No. 67131
North of 60

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67165 No. 67165 hide expand quickreply [Reply]


I guess the slippery slope argument was right after all.
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>> No. 67191
Goats are actually really soft, I'd go to a petting zoo and hug one too if I could do it without some undersexed single mother thinking I'm there to diddle the kids and calling the police.
>> No. 67193
I mean diddle her human kids. I'm not there to do that. I am there to diddle the goats though. I may be a zoophile but I'm no kiddy-diddler, that's just gross.
>> No. 67197
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>> No. 67198
I want to go to a petting zoo and tell everyone I'm there to fondle the kids. "What? Baby goats are called kids and I want to cuddle and pet them!"
>> No. 67199
Then I'll molest their children behind the barn.

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67213 No. 67213 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Roll !
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>> No. 67224
because nobody likes honkys. not even other honkys.
>> No. 67225
this board is too slow for this and it doesn't really generate conversation.

>> No. 67228
This place could be the fastest site ever and this would still be a fucking retarded thread.
>> No. 67233
File 141351953650.gif - (90.18KB , 260x189 , 1390143231157.gif )
Since when in the hell did bundle of sticks OPs start holding the power to tell me what I can fap too?

Fuck you OP, I fap to what I want to fap too! Not you or your bundle of sticks numbers.
>> No. 67243
tru dat homie

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