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File 141249320871.jpg - (399.20KB , 800x691 , don't worry macs dont get viruses.jpg )
66744 No. 66744
I have never felt so vindicated in my entire life.
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>> No. 66745
Why do you care so much about operating systems you don't care for?
>> No. 66746
File 141250012844.jpg - (16.40KB , 649x463 , cNFqi.jpg )
Even as a GNU/Linux user, I don't feel the need to shit on other people's choice of operating system. At the age of 23, I am a very mature and sophisticated individual and care not for such petty debates.
>> No. 66750
I never got over the lack of a right click. How the fuck are you supposed to aim?
>> No. 66770
On Macs you can change it so there's a right-click, but still no center/wheel click. Not sure about Macbooks.
>> No. 66772
Someone cum on a macbook and post pics
>> No. 66774

Tell that to mac users who seem to care so much about other people's choice in operating seems that they act superior to anyone who doesn't own a macbook.

Also >Reddit

The ironing.
>> No. 66777
File 141256471086.jpg - (34.41KB , 1100x644 , jobs-jpg.jpg )

From what I can tell, macs seem to have a lot of specialized software for artsy fartsy types, and people easily duped by psychotic magnetism.

In windows you can get the same thing, but the interface is slightly clunkier, and you might need more technical expertise.

It's like someone who regularly rides limousines, getting into an argument with people who drive.
>> No. 66785
Oh look it's the bash vulnerability that we've known about for two weeks and that's been patched for 13 days. Why do I get the feeling that OP has no idea of the technical details and just feels the need to act superior for no reason by shitting on other people who act superior for no reason?
>> No. 66787
Meh. I've worked in various sectors of the tech industry, and I haven't met a single person who is totally up their ass about Apple. I've known people who like Apple and prefer it over others, but never really acted superior about it. I fucking worked for Apple, even though I didn't particularly want to, and I didn't even meet anyone who went out of their way to tell me how great it was. Maybe one nerdling who was a bit of Jobs fanboy, but that was it.

On the other hand, I'd say most *nix users are up their ass about it most of the time. I guess some Apple ad campaigns can be a bit smug, but I have a feeling the only time the behavior you describe is common is in those new iPhone release lines, near the front. Or you be a d to them first and they be a d right back. Funny how that works out.
>> No. 66799
Kind of like how people on imageboards always bitch about self-righteous feminists or holier-than-thou vegetarians, but you never actually meet those people. They're not responding to behavior they actually encounter in real life, they're responding to a picture they have in their head or fantasy arguments where they are the winner that they sink into in order to feel empowered.

"Apple users are such high and mighty pretentious hipster ds who don't know how 2 computer!" But they've never actually encountered that behavior in real life.
>> No. 66830
I have actually encountered, in real life, apple users who are pretentious hipsters and who also have very poor computer literacy. They weren't really pretentious about using apple computers though, they were just pretentious in general.
>> No. 66837
i heard the microsoft company uses macs. confirm/deny?
>> No. 66839
I heard Marilyn Manson had ribs removed so he could suck his own d. I also heard that the captain of the cheerleading team got a Coke bottle stuck in her pussy.

ballza god how stupid are you?
>> No. 66879
I've encountered Windows users in real life who are pretentious hipsters. I've also met hipsters who use Linux, well, Ubuntu.
>> No. 66891
I can suck my own d to some extent and I have all my ribs.
>> No. 66893
>> No. 66964
File 141283439656.jpg - (57.06KB , 600x442 , darth-gates-using-the-force-on-a-floppy.jpg )
No. Microsoft heave "used" Linux servers, but only when they outsource the hosting to a company that happens to use Linux. Their software sucks, but Microsoft eats their own dog food. Google, on the other hand, probably is used by many of their employees.
>> No. 66966
Can you imagine being so committed to your shitty company that you only use Bing?
>> No. 67055
So Microsoft are pretty much the only people who actually use the Windows Server versions? Makes sense.
>> No. 67082

I hated hipsters before it was cool.

Ironic sage.
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