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File 141257704328.jpg - (64.77KB , 402x402 , Jim-Jones-10367607-1-402.jpg )
66793 No. 66793
Hi, you don't know me but I can full confidently say I know everything about you. You're going through hardships and I understand some of you might even say "my life is perfect I have no idea what you're talking about" well that just makes me all the more worried about you because that's a display of psychological blocking but don't worry I'm here to help I can solve all your problems whatever it be family, friends, job or money I have the answer.

It's accepted by most that the universe is cold and mostly void of life but what if I told you that they're wrong? Now before I go into that I need to say something...the world will be destroyed by Ebola by January 15th but don't worry I have a plan and it goes back to what I said earlier, the universe is not what you see it as oh no it's WAY more than that, the universe we see is not really the universe but I'm going spare you guys this boring science stuff and get to the opportunity. I made a machine that sees what the universe really is and what I say was God himself and he told me about the doom the world will be facing soon and told me to select a number of people to be saved and the people I picked are you guys.

He said that only those sworn to loyalty may be saved so that's what I need from you; your sworn loyalty and only half of your paycheck because this machine can only hold me as of now but with your help, money and loyalty it will be big enough for all of us. Once it's done it will emit a gas and we will be graced by God himself, you know those "stars" in the sky? Well what science didn't tell you is that in those stars are your own personal heaven it's what God told me himself in the Gas Machine he also told me about the evils of science and your government because they are hiding this fact. So can I count on you? With this decision you take this great opportunity to live the life of your dreams where none of your problems exist a Heaven outside of this planet but don't wait because the Armageddon from Ebola is not far from now so act fast.
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>> No. 66794
File 141257739796.jpg - (237.12KB , 680x450 , 2014722105537281734_20.jpg )
Even at worst estimate, 70% of poorly treated Africans survive. I like my first world chances.

Pic related. These niggas are already tired of Ebola.
>> No. 66797
Media frenzy with Ebola is a distraction technique. They don't want us paying attention. Justin Bieber is an antisemite.
>> No. 66801
I have ebola.
>> No. 66810
Ebola what? Soup?
>> No. 66829
I swear loyalty only to God, sir, and I shall not make any covenants with the devil today or any other day!

Really though could you imagine if God came down and declared that the chosen people he wanted to save wasn't Jews but was actually 99channers. I wouldn't know how to feel about that.
>> No. 66844
File 141265389114.png - (565.82KB , 636x845 , you.png )
What's a filename? What's reading? What are eyes?
>> No. 66874
Ayn Rand looks ugly in that picture.
>> No. 66876
Can I swear my loyalty even if I don't have a paycheck?
>> No. 66878
Do you have any frequent shopper cards for grocery stores?
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