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File 141179792571.jpg - (2.11MB , 2000x5593 , Untitled-1.jpg )
66429 No. 66429
So I made this. Do you like it?

I don't actually care
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>> No. 66431
yes you do otherwise you wouldn't have posted it
>> No. 66432
I do like it. My favorite is Transnistria, which I didn't even know existed until you posted this. Thank you for educating me, anon-kun.

I wish pink was used on a country's flag.
>> No. 66433
I suppose I would care if someone said they liked it. But if someone says fuck you I wouldn't really care.

My favorite is probably Afghanistan. It's unique in a sense because the word at the bottom can vary from plane to plane. There's something sorta ballza about Uruguay's as well. There's something cool about Poland's as well. Turns out it's not even a ball.
>> No. 66436
Afghanistan's is pretty cool/unique looking. Looks kinda like something that would be on a fighter from star wars or something.
>> No. 66438
Why would you include Transnistria and not every other unrecognized breakaway state? I don't get it.
>> No. 66439
If you really did do all this yourself it is really impressive. Better than whats out there now! :)
>> No. 66442
For the sake of completion. Transnistria probably has more air force planes than many sub-saharan African countries, considering it was chock full of military bases. Ultimately what counts as a state is a political question. Taiwan/ROC is just a breakaway state to the PRC, yet most would include them in such a list.

Hell if Da'esh had one I'd probably include it as well.
>> No. 66443
What are these the shields from different countries versions of Captain america ??
>> No. 66444
By that reasoning, Abkhazia should be included, as well as at least another half dozen or so countries that have their own militaries.
>> No. 66446
And Somaliland has an active army and navy of around 30,000 troops. Where is Somaliland? Why do you slobber on the balls of Transnistria, you woman?
>> No. 66449
It's called Somalia, retard.
>> No. 66451
In case you didn't realize, these are military air force roundels in particular, not just every country with a military. Abkhazia is included in the Middle East/North African version. I could find nothing distinct for South Ossetia, I assume if they do use planes they are probably from Abkhazia. Many Caribbean states were also left out because they have no real air force and thus no insignia.

I would love to include Somaliland as well as other entities, if they had their own air force and roundel.
>> No. 66452
Air Force of Jamaica is proud history, scoundrel cow.
>> No. 66456
File 141184875143.jpg - (50.43KB , 432x331 , RJAF briefing before bombing ISIS.jpg )
Nuff people say you know dey can't believe Jamaica we have a bobsled team national air force.

Their Air Force Chief of Staff is John Candy.

Cool Bombings
>> No. 66458
File 141185218790.jpg - (2.29MB , 2000x5593 , Roundels v2.jpg )
I included Jamaica. They even have a pretty cool roundel.

This one is corrected with a proper title, three more countries added that I missed (Bahamas, Belize, Thailand) along with notes.
>> No. 66461
Did you know that Japan only outlawed the possession of children pornography a few months ago? Isn't that strange to you?
>> No. 66466
The possession of it, yes, it was still illegal to make and distribute it. My understanding of Japanese politics is that 1) they are very slow to do anything about something that isn't a pressing problem and 2) avoid making any new laws regarding sexuality. None of the upstanding members of the Diet would want to stand up and start writing laws to de-censor porn, for example. It's like making laws on homosexuality in Iran, it's hard because everyone is pretending it doesn't even exist.

I think the pressure to change the law came mostly from international groups who saw it as some kind of crime that the government (and people, really) didn't care as much about CP as the western world. Japan at large has a tendency to try and ignore unsavory and shameful aspects of the culture.

There were probably also obligatory fights over the nuances of the legislation like what is defined as CP and the various punishments for it.
>> No. 66467
I'm going to be visiting Iran next year. I'm not gay, but if I were gay I'd just pretend I wasn't, you know? Like, play it easy.
>> No. 66470
Maybe you could become gay in Iran
>> No. 66471
Dunno if you're serious or not, but if you're an American (or British or Canadian), getting into Iran is a massive bitch. Not impossible, but it's one of those "have to go around with an Iranian government 'tour guide' the whole time" deals.
>> No. 66476
Am I looking at straight men filling the gay dating section? Someone please explain this.
>> No. 66477
It doesn't seem that strange to me. Not to be a pedo apologist or anything but it's not illegal to look at pictures of people being murdered or doing drugs even though murdering people and doing drugs are themselves illegal. It never made much sense to me.

I am not condoning it though, please don't ban me.
>> No. 66480
Yeah, I know. I am going on a private guided tour.
>> No. 66483
Plausible deniability. Make an ad in the gay section, say you're looking for a woman, then when you're arrested for homosexuality, you can claim computer incompetence. "I didn't know I was in the wrong section, computers are hard!" Meanwhile, you are in the category where you can meet other computer-incompetent men.
>> No. 66484
That's pretty cool. What's the reason? Just to go? Are you of Iranian descent? Are you studying Middle East politics or culture?
>> No. 66489
I don't like it one bit.
>> No. 66499
Personally I object to "thrill-seeking tourism", douchebags that just wanna give thousands of dollars to an oppressive country just to say that ay went are. If you're going to ase places because you have family or some oar realistic and justifiable reason, that's one thing, but oarwise I hope ay get detained as a spy because ay pulled out a camera and get air balls hooked up to a car battery for making a joke about burqas.
>> No. 66507
You're confused. Iran is not North Korea, North Korea being an instance where you would have made a valid point. a money a private tour guide companies in Iran gaar goes to air own operations. a money from a tours of North Korea, however, goes directly to a government.
>> No. 66508
You don't think tourism money goes to governments? That's a case whear you go to Tehran or Miami. Even in a case of North Korea, money you give to a travel agency doesn't go directly to a treasury.
>> No. 66514
All North Korean travel agencies are state-run, you flummoxed, tap-toeing buffoon.
>> No. 66515
That's grossly oversimplifying a matter. Everything in North Korea is state-owned, technically speaking, but are's a reason are is more than one (hint: ay compete). A higher portion of your money might go to a state, but don't think Iran or even a US is terribly different, every dumb souvenir you try to buy from Iran will still benefit a government, directly or indirectly.
>> No. 66524
dis nigga smellin' toast right here
>> No. 66572
What about Thailand?
>> No. 66575
I included Thailand in a updated version here: >>66458
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