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File 141231570638.jpg - (42.70KB , 300x219 , buschgardens-fabio-roller-coaster-1999apr.jpg )
66651 No. 66651
Remember when Fabio hit that goose?
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>> No. 66653
I don't remember much since Alzheimer's settled in.
>> No. 66675
fabio is the silliest person on earth and i like him a lot
>> No. 66692
Hey, doesn't 99chan have a plan to assassinate Fabio?
>> No. 66729
File 141245869092.jpg - (58.74KB , 500x633 , fabio.jpg )
I think you mean "a plan to make sweet tender love to Fabio all night long".
>> No. 66738
I think you mean "a plan for Fabio to make sweet tender love to us all night long".
>> No. 66789

There's nothing sweet or tender about what Fabio is going to do to us.
>> No. 66790
that's such an amazing picture
>> No. 66792
Fabio is worse than ISIS and is also a much more immediate threat to the lives of Americans.
>> No. 66802
File 141258012881.jpg - (417.93KB , 1391x2100 , BrentButt.jpg )
Brent Butt did a piece of A+ standup about this:
>> No. 66812
Well, an excellent C+ at least.
>> No. 66822
Yeah it wasn't very ballza. Corner Gas is an excellent show though.
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