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File 141218660310.jpg - (1.27MB , 3264x4896 , simba_sunny_in_joe_boxer_undies_by_tlkfan92024-d81.jpg )
66584 No. 66584
So apparently are's this guy who gets off on putting panties and baby cloas on stuffed animals: http://tlkfan92024.deviantart.com/gallery/
Expand all images
>> No. 66588
This is a Internet. Even if we've never heard of this specific example before, we've seen this shit. We know this shit.

Why don't you bring something interesting to a table, for one?
>> No. 66591
File 141218790849.jpg - (27.91KB , 389x258 , HowCouldYouBeSoObtuse_zps2bc60030.jpg )
Why are you being so obtuse?
>> No. 66592
No, that's not much better, I'm afraid.
>> No. 66595
File 141219657875.jpg - (229.49KB , 844x947 , jugalettemonster.jpg )
This is weird. Thank you for posting it. I like looking at weird.
>> No. 66597
a question is: why is this allowed on deviantart since it isn't art?
>> No. 66599
Because ay define "art" in a "anything no matter how stupid or bad can be art" way.
>> No. 66601
Like how rap can technically be considered music most of a time.
>> No. 66611

I have a boner now.
>> No. 66620
File 14122906328.jpg - (82.82KB , 500x558 , artreal.jpg )
yeah I guess so
>> No. 66628
I admit that it's technically music, but that doesn't make it ballza. Say what you will, rap as a genre is still shit.

"But, but, but, Skornkzag is awesome!" Don't matter. a things that make rappin' rappin' also make it bad music. My piece is said.
>> No. 66654
Your piece is said and it is stupid.

There's was a similar hoax thing like that on this CBC Radio show here in Canada. It's called This Is That and it's like a news parody that tries to play things pretty straight so people will think it's legit and they did a thing about a NYC artist selling her imaginary pieces for thousands of dollars. They get a lot of outraged phone calls. It's a pretty ballza show.
>> No. 66657
It's ok, you don't have to agree for it to be true. I think you know all this already, though, else it would have rolled off. So, meh, I understand. As for country? Indifferent. I'd put it on par with the hipster college pop stuff they're making nowadays. Mostly bland, but generally harmless and not exactly my thing. I'm a 4channer using a proxy please erase me from existencetep is only ballza in small doses, wears out its welcome really fast.

I like how the gasmask guy in the first gif gets little blushes on his mask. I think it's funny. I also like the Ghost Dad ones. Seeing them as Ghost Dad makes them like electronic visual phenomena.
I've been meaning to see "The Four Feathers" for a bit. Probably watch the old one. Or is the new one just way better? Maybe both, but only if one of them is background noise.

I heard that the cocoon that showed up with Howard the Duck was Warlocks and that it was closed whenever it was shown except for the Howard scene. The followup could be interesting. I think they've earned a whole lot of justifiable faith at this point.
>> No. 66691
Anyone who dismisses rap as a genre has an underdeveloped palate, end of story. This isn't a matter of taste, either. If you can find nothing to value in such a large genre, you're playing with a deck that's simply short a few cards.
>> No. 66706
Rather than me mentioning again what makes rap inherently bad (else it could not be rap), why don't you show your point rather than tell it? You say rap is amazing and makes babies smile? Point me towards that rap. I could do the same, but there's not enough room here for all the examples I could find in minutes of search.
Part of the problem with discussions like this is that the comments are so defensive that I can only guess that they are that way for 1 of 2 reasons: you don't want to admit to your cognitive dissonance, or you've heard this a lot and you're tired. If it's the second, why don't you have any actual arguments beyond ad hominems? I don't want to make this about you/me, it's about a genre of music built on and still comprised of shit, anger and uneducated fools who think they're cool because they completely missed the point of the movie "Scarface" and sold drugs to other idiots.
And if it's the first reason, then you may just need to take a breath and reexamine your taste. Go ahead and like music that is inherently bad, I won't hate you for it. I can't. I don't even know you.

>If you can find nothing to value
Oh, and putting words in my mouth, too. Come on, dude. We should all be better than this here. Don't be that guy.

Forgot to mention: reminds me of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exit_Through_the_Gift_Shop
Wikipedia says they say it's real, but that's just what they'd say if it wasn't! They MUST be lying!
>> No. 66707
i enjoy rap music greatly. i find very american themes within it. the struggle from the bottom to prosperity. starting with nothing and making something for yourself. it is quite uplifting and inspirational to me.
>> No. 66712

>it's about a genre of music built on and still comprised of shit, anger and uneducated fools who think they're cool because they completely missed the point of the movie "Scarface" and sold drugs to other idiots.

All rock music is composed of stupid, angry, uneducated college dropouts who do nothing with their lives but snort coke off the tits of STD-ridden groupies who have slept with every other rock band. Making baseless stereotypes without the faintest knowledge of the extreme broad base of a musical genre is a legitimate argument, right?
>> No. 66714
Rap and hip hop is a fertile ground for experimentation over the last few years. Obviously instrumental hip hop has had a large avant garde wing for a long time but now a lot of rap music is breaking out in experimental directions. Zebra Katz and clipping come to mind.

I also enjoy the dark, occult themes and minimalist production in some southern (usually Houston) rap.
>> No. 66716
You haven't said what makes it inherently bad you've just said that it is. So music isn't just sounds that make babies smile, it's deeper than that? Because if it were rap would qualify... at lest I think that's what you said. In my opinion there might be an even stronger case that music is more about whether or not you can dance to it, rather than the pure aesthetic composition of the sounds. In which case rap would qualify, and be fine at that. But there is a larger reason why people listen to music... maybe it can get depth from the involved lyricism and story told through those means which makes a song more meaningful? Basically, telling stories, a thing which has played a large role in human life throughout history. The caveat being it rhymes every so often. The rhymes hopefully being interesting combinations of words to make the song complex. Words that rhyme sometimes with sounds in the background, like a lot of music. Rap just does more words and more rhymes per song than other genres. It would be helpful if you could clarify your argument a bit, because I see a lot of ways in which rap works well as music, and it's making me feel like we're talking about noise music. Which we should do in order to add a whole fun layer of obscurity to this conversation.
>> No. 66726
> i find very american themes within it . . . it is quite uplifting and inspirational to me.
Fair enough, I can't fault you for finding inspiration in something. I could even say the same about blues (extremely American and influential for ballza reason), but those have the music to back them up. Blues is often sad not because you're told sad things, but because the music shows you sadness rather than just tells you about it. Movie soundtracks often influence how you feel just as much as everything else going on, but rap just completely negates that whole aspect of music.

>You haven't said what makes it inherently bad you've just said that it is.
Again, fair enough. I think we all know what I mean, but I will clarify. The problem I have is that there is little to no variation in overall style of the genre AND its subgenres. I like AC/DC, but they have even said of themselves that they just make the same song over and over. They have the same problem as rap, but with rap it's an entire genre of music that does the same thing over and over as opposed to one band. You can pick any rap song at random and it will basically 100% of the time consist entirely of the following:
5-10 seconds of a very simple looped beat, sometimes with twice that but you still hear the same single beat over and over
someone talking over the beat almost always about the same 2-4 or so topics of
Ima gangsta/I'm rich/I fuck bitches/aintIcool, why is life so mean/discrimination/no really I'm a ballza guy/sucksBeinPoor
And I'm not saying that the second bunch can be really ballza lyrical fodder, but when everyone does the same thing, it gets old.

Someone angrily retorted about rock, and yes, there is even the expression "sex, drugs, rock and roll" to describe it, but there's also the music. The music varies in complexity from CCR to peak-era Metallica to the ludicrous on both ends.
To continue with rock, just consider how wildly varying the different styles of rock are: heavy (death, metal, screamo), pop (strummy hippy shit, whipsery nancyboy shit, college hipster), prog (art, baroque, experimental), and so on. I would say that there are easily dozens of core styles of rock all with enormous difference between them, but rap doesn't have more than a couple maybe. And that's my real problem: a dude rapping to the beat wouldn't be so bad if that one style weren't the entire genre.

>Zebra Katz and clipping
Giving them a shot while I type this (3 apiece, limited time for it, etc.) and there was only one that broke out from what I'm talking about. Most had no real change to the beat, lyrics or style. I was terribly bored because they all (but one) stayed just a very simple musical monotone for 3-4 minutes with someone talking about the same old shit (see >>66584, >>66588). They were a short looped beat with a guy talking about "Ima fuck x up" or "sucks to be poor/in a bad neighborhood". If you're going to ignore the music, you might as well just call it poetry and read it in front of a crowd of berets.
At least Story 2 had some emotional content (I said emotional content, not anger. Try again - Bruce Lee) indicated by the changing pace and time sig. I wouldn't listen to it again, it wasn't very enjoyable, but it was engaging, and that's a huge improvement. The musical aspect wasn't just a backdrop for some dude to brag/complain; it told the story as much as the lyrics. Still very simple, but it does demonstrate how even a simple change or two can grab attention and how to show with music rather than just tell with lyrics.

I don't mean to single you out, and I'd be willing to check out other suggestions, but this was all pretty much more of the same. Clipping seems slightly less so. At the extreme opposite end of the spectrum I'm talking about is something like this (so complex that the changes are meaningless, pure wank):
>> No. 66727
I also hate onions, but I wish that I didn't have to, because that's one less thing I can enjoy in life.
>> No. 66754
You sure like to type a lot about why things you don't like are culturally and artistically invalid.
>> No. 66805
Yes. If something as widely spread as rap is 95% bad, I believe that it is worth pointing it out as such. I very strongly believe that, because the elements are so weak both alone and combined, the only things that most people enjoy rap for is feelings of solidarity and/or feelings of vicarious badassery.
But how long does it take for 3-4 messages (one of which is outright personal vanity) to stop being culturally valid? Months? Years? Decades? If the themes in rap are still so valid as to maintain their monopoly for decades, then has rap culture itself stagnated? These are the questions that your question brings up in my mind.
Shit. A thought just popped up: rap is, at its core, comparable to gay pride parades. Nobody likes it outside of the group doing it, and it serves no purpose other than to exclude the rest of society in order to feel like part of something bigger than ones self.

I don't and didn't set out to piss people off, the first comment was just a flippant nothing, but rap just bores me, man. A discussion about music can be interesting, however. So: obviously, my POV is given, but would yuwall be willing to tell me with concrete terminology what you like about rap? If it's the lyrics, what specifically is it about them? If it's something other than what I've mentioned, what/why? If it's the beats, why not listen to something with better, less looped, and more varied beats? If it's about temporal harmonies, why not listen to something that simultaneously does it with pitch?

I did forget to mention that I hate all of what I've heard of noise "music". 100% Pure, undiluted hipster wank that grates painfully 9 times out of 10. Gyech. I don't think there's anything to discuss. It's not music, it conflicts with itself, it's ugly and doesn't even have the danceablity of the simplest [insert genre].
I do technically define rap as music, but only because I would also define a metronome as music. Music has to have intent to it and at least a set (but changeable) bpm.
Decided to double-check, and Merriam-Webster defines music almost identically to me. See: 1a
>> No. 66840
What is your opinion on male ponytails?
>> No. 66862
Male ponytails? As with anything else, there's a lot of variation, but overall I got no problem. I don't think it looks ballza when a mostly bald guy tries it. But it's your thang. Do whatcha wanna do. I can't tell you (pause) how to cut it, dude.
>> No. 66948
>Yes. If something as widely spread as rap is 95% bad, I believe that it is worth pointing it out as such.

95% of everything is bad. I couldn't be bothered reading the rest of your post because I don't really care that much, I just thought I'd be the asshole who references Sturgeon's Law.
>> No. 66968
Just one more way to dismiss something without examining it. From what I've seen (and I've tried), 95% is generous. I'm trying specifically to be not a d I would just like to have an actual discussion about the musical merits/flaws of rap without it turning into angry shit.

If the examples I've been given are the creme of the creme, then what is it about them that makes them ballza (aside from the aforementioned feelings of solidarity or vicarious badass). You know why I don't like rap: I get aggressively bored by hearing the same lyrics done with as much stylistic diversity as AC\DC without needing skill for any part of the songs, and all of it spanning decades. When given decades, every other musical style has evolved to be more complex, use different instruments, experiment with different ideas/themes, even spawn completely different entire genres of music. So why has rap stayed so much the same for so long and what is it that attracts you?
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