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66976 No. 66976
Did you ever witness a little kid tell a joke they don't get?

My cousin was explaining some joke from boy meets world and in the process explained that she worked or shopped (I forget) at a close store called cleavage (pronounced it clee vash). It was much funnier than the actual joke he was explaining
>> No. 66979
Sounds glorious.
>> No. 66984
My niece kept asking me what sound a fox makes and when I said I didn't know, she would make this weird sound. I eventually figured it out, but for a while I thought she might be a bit of a dullard.
>> No. 67031
Anon's niece: What sound does a fox make?
Anon: I dunno
Anon's niece: Nyeeeeeee, Nyuuuuuuuuh
Anon: o_0
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