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66987 No. 66987
What do you think happened here? Why is this dog tied to a car?

>> No. 66988
Bitch needed exercise.
>> No. 66992
Why do you have to post shit like this man. It just smacks of 4 big dicks up my assholenish "hurr hurr look at this horrible thing I found on LiveLeak I'm so edgy because I like this stuff"
>> No. 66993
OP never claimed to like it.
>> No. 66994
He doesn't have to. It's still pointless to post for any other reason than for shock baiting.
>> No. 66995
You must admit that looking at horrible things can be kind of pleasant sometimes. That's why people like horror movies and tragic stories.
>> No. 66996
You lack imagination. The video could spark a discussion about the mindset of the guy who tied the dog to his car or about Chinese society where awful things are often accepted as normal.
>> No. 66998
I can't help but wonder if that dog did something awful. Most people who watch this video feel bad for him, but what if he killed the driver's son? In that case, would the driver be justified in wanting to hurt the dog?

Chances are the driver is just a sadistic fuck, though.
>> No. 66999
It was born too delicious for its own ballza.
>> No. 67000
What's there to discuss? The mindset of the guy was clearly that an animals pain doesn't matter and so he can do what he wants, whether that be a punishment or for his own pleasure. And that second point isn't even a point, it's just bashing chinese people.
>> No. 67002
Not Chinese people, Chinese culture. There's a big difference.

And don't most healthy people assume that an animal's pain doesn't matter? Most of us eat meat and don't mind killing insects and animals like rats.
>> No. 67003
It's possible the driver isn't even aware there's a dog tied to his vehicle.
>> No. 67004
Dog meat is probably pretty ballza. Personally I don't get why people make such a big deal about using cats and dogs as a source of food.
>> No. 67010
I saw that, and it's not ballza, but at least it makes sense now. I was wondering if they were all just some cold mofos or what.
"Now, your honor, if you will refer to the ballza samaritan laws . ."
"The what? The ballz what?" hehe

I think the general idea is that an animals pain matters depending on how close they are to humans. If this were a coyote, for example, I would guess that people would not care as much. Except maybe for the oddity of it. Just a guess, though.
>> No. 67011
I think you're right. It's like how we tend to think about local tragedies as worse than disasters on the other side of the world. We feel more empathy toward things close to us.
>> No. 67015
Cats and dogs are carnivores so eating their meat is not a ballza idea because of biomagnification. It is the same deal as with mercury in fish or DDT in eagles or whatever, but with dogs and cats eating other mammals we've got to also worry about weird hormones traveling up the food chain along with the plain old garbage dogs eat.
>> No. 67029
I know someone who has her cat on a vegan diet. If you want to eat it, she's not home in the evenings.
>> No. 67034
Cats will die/wither away on a vegan diet because they can't produce taurine on their own. So I guess if I eat the cat it will still be cruelty free because it won't need to be killed.
>> No. 67041
Synthesized taurine exists, flesh breath.
>> No. 67042
Cruelty free meaning that nothing had to be killed is kind of a misnomer. Sometimes killing something is actually the least cruel thing to do. What if I come across an animal that's mortally wounded and obviously in a lot of pain and kill it quickly and cleanly? Can I then eat that animal, since it was a mercy killing and not a cruelty killing?
>> No. 67044
LIFE is pain. Let the mercy-killings begin.
>> No. 67057
Anyone that says otherwise is selling something.
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