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File 141219810181.jpg - (61.95KB , 500x742 , Veronica.jpg )
66598 No. 66598
This is a youtube channel devoted to downies making music videos or skits:


Here's a rap video, if you're curious:
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>> No. 66602
Are you a same guy that made a thread about a big ded rapper? We're not THAT interested in browsing your favourited videos.
>> No. 66613
I had a laugh.
>> No. 66617
Are you just completely unaware of most hip-hop out are today? Or are you confusing hip-hop with some sort of neurological disorder caused by high-dosage typical antipsychotic use?
>> No. 66626
File 141229636814.jpg - (59.95KB , 500x667 , Trudy.jpg )

This one is worth watching too.
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