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File 141329037034.gif - (666.34KB , 500x372 , catpenis2.gif )
67165 No. 67165


I guess the slippery slope argument was right after all.
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>> No. 67178
100% of brothel owners started with marijuana.
>> No. 67180
I don't give a shit if people fuck animals.
>> No. 67183
First, we let the homersexuals get fag-wed and now we see the true result of our actions. People are going to marry their pets.
>> No. 67189
I've actually been to a weird petting zoo in Germany where it's mostly grown men, instead of kids like in normal petting zoos. It was one of the strangest experiences of my life, because they would all linger, stroke, and hug goats and shit.
>> No. 67191
Goats are actually really soft, I'd go to a petting zoo and hug one too if I could do it without some undersexed single mother thinking I'm there to diddle the kids and calling the police.
>> No. 67193
I mean diddle her human kids. I'm not there to do that. I am there to diddle the goats though. I may be a zoophile but I'm no kiddy-diddler, that's just gross.
>> No. 67197
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>> No. 67198
I want to go to a petting zoo and tell everyone I'm there to fondle the kids. "What? Baby goats are called kids and I want to cuddle and pet them!"
>> No. 67199
Then I'll molest their children behind the barn.
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