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File 141236788449.jpg - (24.52KB , 450x353 , merkin.jpg )
66674 No. 66674
How do you prefer pubic hair on a woman?

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>> No. 66676
File 141236812950.gif - (2.46MB , 150x175 , penis.gif )
Shaved. Pubes hide too much of the vagina. Pubes on men, though. Manpubes hide nothing but are pleasantly soft and fun to mess with. I like gently petting a man's pubes as I fall asleep at night. It is extremely relaxing
>> No. 66677
Generally speaking, no. However, one thing I don't mind is a natural woman but one that isn't some Czech bodybuilder hairy. So light/average hair coverage/thickness, but letting it grow wherever it may. There's something hot about that. Most hair lovers are really into thick and bushy hair, I'm not really into that.

Weirdly enough I also have a fetish for the exact opposite, with no hair being anywhere. Totes smooth.
>> No. 66689
Completely shaved, head to toe, in diapers, and no teeth.
>> No. 66693
I feel ya. I was with a girl who let it grow naturally and she looked super sexy. Her pubic hair was fairly dark but pretty soft and didn't spread out over a huge area. I liked it.

>> No. 66709
landing strip.
completely shave looks weird but i don't like hair around the lips
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