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File 141288033586.jpg - (36.11KB , 320x240 , kvs_both_V8.jpg )
66980 No. 66980
What does Rainbow bus club think of Kenny vs Spenny? As a Canadian I've been watching it for years but now that its been spreading around to different countries for the last two years more people have gotten to see it. Probably my second favorite local show. Opinions?
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>> No. 66981
I thought it was retarded, the one bloke always cheated, seemed almost fixed and thought it had disappeared forever.
>> No. 66982
Some of my friends watch it constantly but I don't think a lot of their taste in tv.
>> No. 66983
Canadians aren't funny until they come to the US.
>> No. 67007
I like the first season when it isn't obviously staged. I like the one where they stay up for days.

Every other season it was too transparently planned and their personas went from believable if a little hammed up for the camera to too cartoony.
>> No. 67125
File 141317506958.jpg - (38.29KB , 640x640 , aIEmfgi.jpg )
Corner Gas is my favorite Canadian show. What's yours?
>> No. 67131
North of 60
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