No. 66737
I don't generally have nightmares. I could probably count the number of nightmares I've had, as an adult, between both hands. Two nightmares stick with me though.
First, when I was a kid, I had a nightmare that my family and I were on our way home from the movies in our family car. My sisters and I were messing with each other in the back seat, so my dad pulled the car over and told me to get out, so I got out, and the then they drove away.
Secondly, and more recently (like, within the past ten years), I had a dream that I was shot in the head. I don't recall what it was in the dream that precipitated it, but I didn't die and it didn't hurt. I was kinda like that Family Guy where Stewie gets that shard of glass stuck in his forehead and he's all "DO I TAKE IT OUT OR LEAVE IT IN?!" I remember poking at it in disbelief, wondering if it really happened since it didn't hurt and there was no blood, but there was definitely a hole in the middle of my forehead and my finger squished at my brain. In the dream I was all "Meh" about it, because obviously I'm way cooler than somebody that's about to go down from a mere bullet to the brain, but I woke up with a serious fear for my life. I had to check myself in the mirror to make sure I was ok, and I had a strange sense of fear and foreboding for a long while afterward, expecting that somehow I was going to get shot in the head.