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65807 No. 65807
What would you say is the worst dream you have ever had? it can be frightening, deeply personal or disgust you but everyone has one.

The worst dream I ever had was myself walking into my bathroom and looking into the mirror only to notice my reflection moving on its own. I was woken up by a family member because I was screaming in my sleep.

Whats your worst dream experience?
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>> No. 65808
I had reoccurring dreams as a child where i could fly but not speak or scream, but my flight speed was very slow, I would get chased by faster mushrooms from the mario games. It was awful.
>> No. 65820
When I was a kid I dreamed my family left somewhere without me and I was left alone. I was panicking and thinking about what I could do-- my best plan was to sit on a street corner and ask people to adopt me. I was woken up by a relative because I was screaming in my sleep.
>> No. 65821
It's a toss up between two dreams. One involved me running away from some weird ghost girl that was unnerving me and the other was about me emotionlessly torturing the joker in a bathroom.
>> No. 65822
Dreams about being alone or dreams about the apocalypse for the most part. In one I was in an underwater city when suddenly all of the water was drained. The buildings were crumbling, people were dying, I was panicking and hoping that people I loved were okay. Pretty sure they weren't.
>> No. 65823
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I once dreamed that I went on some sort of camp in a big old house. When I awoke in the middle of the night everybody had disappeared. I walked around the house looking for people until I got to the kitchen and heard footsteps. I hid behind a counter to see some horrible centipede walk up, kinda like this fucking spider except more segmented. I smashed it with a stool and ran like fuck when I heard a voice echo through the building "just you wait, just you wait until the worms are through with you." At that point I started screaming and woke up startled, with everyone else still asleep in the dormitory. It took me a while to realize that the camp I was at was part of the dream and I woke up again, for real this time. The scariest part was how real waking up in my dream felt, and I had the hardest time getting back to sleep again because I felt that if I could trick myself into believing I had woken up, there was no guarantee that I had actually woken up this time.
>> No. 65824
Some of these are actually pretty disturbing. Jeez. Ya'll got some deep seeded problems.
>> No. 65825
A few months ago I was having recurring dreams where both my ears were curling backwards quite painfully. It hurt like a motherhooligan. Both ears! And I couldn't for the life of me wake up.
>> No. 65828
>> No. 65833
I posted a selection of some of my dreams on the british place and someone told me I needed help.
>> No. 65835
I've had numerous sex dreams involving my father. They started only after he died and they're all very vivid and graphic. Sometimes when I wake up, for those first few hazy moments, I actually think I had sex with my father. I haven't had one of these dreams in a few months, but the immediate few months after he died, they were frequent. Every few days, at least.

They weren't tender love-making dreams either. I was always powerless in them, weak, barely able to move my arms, legs, anything. I would be trying to get away, but he's the only one with strength and he would pin me down one way or another and fuck my ass. I would let him, because he would say the nicest things to me, despite it being kind of violent sex.
>> No. 65836
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I dreamt I was looking myself in the mirror. I had a two plates stuck in my face, one in the cheekbone and one in my forehead. They looked like the bottom right one, only square, larger, and the metal prongs were bent at a right angle of the plastic plate. These prongs were shoved straight into my face and were jammed into the bone. When trying to pull the one in my forehead out, it came out fairly easily, along with it a large chunk of my forehead that seemed to have become infected, because all that was behind it was this sickly yellow cottage cheese-like pus where there should have been blood, flesh or bone. I couldn't sleep well after that, or for days afterwards. It was absolutely disgusting and I couldn't help but touch my face in the mirror many times afterward to make sure that everything was solid and hadn't rotted/become infected/turned to hard pus.
>> No. 65839
I have similar experiences with my mother. She died, dreams started. They're generally free from arousal, largely, but they even involve stuff like anal. The disconnect of sex and pleasure is part of what's disturbing. Sometimes the person sort of looks like her, other times they don't. I just "know" it's her, and that's what makes it disturbing. I'm a "heterosexual" guy. I assume you're into guys?

Oh, and I'd hardly say these are my worst dreams though.
>> No. 65840
Are you mentally unwell?
>> No. 65848
I was very young when I dreamt that I was walking down a sterile white hallway with my Dad past "the baby monster from that movie where the lady has a baby monster" in a crib in this hallway (square crib, bars, spikes on the inside of the top/lid). This thing was crying then screaming because the spike lid was slowly descending on it like in Indiana Jones, except it didn't stop in the dream. Crunch, crush, gurgle. My Dad just walked by, I was holding his hand and looking back at what was happening.

There was also one where a sea of vikings (viking-dwarfs maybe) taking up all of my home street wanted to kill me. I woke up and my eyes were crusted shut. This had never happened to me before, and indeed, I had never even considered it to be possible. The eye thing freaked me out proper-like.
>> No. 65851
Did you eat the crust at least?
>> No. 65863
No, because that's gross. Also there was no curiosity, only fear of the world breaking and nightmares becoming the new reality. I forced my eyes open after a minute, but that was a scary minute.
Luckily (I think it was before this, but I can't say for certain) as a child I used to pretend to be blind just in case. I recall being glad for it.

I did have a night terror thing once. I had read about night terrors, though, so I was more intrigued than anything else. "Hmm. Satan just poked his barrel-sized head through a non-existent hole in my wall and is leering at me while I'm paralyzed. This is kind of weird."
>> No. 65877
Last night, after eating too much bannoffee pie, I had a dream that I was on the run in my hometown for raping a girl. I was embarrassed, ashamed, and terrified, and I was hiding in fields, tall grass, and behind buildings. For some reason, I had to hide in places where I could see the people looking for me - including my parents, the RCMP, and the mayor of my home town - so I was running across open spaces and trying to hide behind sheds and farm equipment where I could see the main street. They would always see me and point me out and then a bunch of police would be behind me and I'd have to run.

Rape Fugitive is a new category of terrible dream for me.
>> No. 65888
Is a dream lucid if you are aware you are dreaming but you do nothing to change the circumstances, even if you have a nightmare?

I am always aware of it when I dream. Sometimes I stay asleep just because I want to see how things will develop and I know that when I wake up, I'll probably forget the majority of what happened.
>> No. 65893
Yes, it is. It's common to stay lucid and not affect the dream, just react to it consciously (asking people why they're doing strange things and such)
>> No. 65900
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sometimes I have dreams where being aware that I'm dreaming is part of the dream so it isn't actually lucid.. but I'm, like, dreaming about having a lucid dream if that makes sense. part of the dream itself is that it's a lucid dream. when I wake up I feel like an idiot for not being able to realize I was dreaming when the dream was about realizing I'm dreaming
>> No. 65902
Do episodes of sleep paralysis count as dreams? I can't really remember any nightmares, but I distinctly remember one episode of sleep paralysis I had.

I was laid front-down on my mattress when I woke up and found myself unable to move. I began to panic because I was still inexperienced with sleep paralysis at this point and found it distressing to awake but be unable to move. Then I felt something step onto the end of my bed, at my feet, and slowly start to crawl up the bed, its body hovering over me. When it was fully on my bed, it began to breath in my ear and start licking my neck. I fucking terrified because I couldn't even see that "it" was.

That's about the worst thing that comes to mind. Like I said, I can't really remember any nightmares. Most of mine take the generic form of being chased by *something* but unable to run any faster than 0.0000000001 miles per hour when trying to escape it.
>> No. 65904
Seeing as you're awake during sleep paralysis, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that they probably wouldn't be classified as dreams by definition.
>> No. 65913
>> No. 65923

You do realize your still dreaming right?
>> No. 65976
One of the worst dreams I've had was where I was having sex with my father. I was physically repulsed, disgusted, and nauseated in the dream but I couldn't escape. I had a weird dream years ago where my uncle watched me undress. I woke up from both dreams feeling sick.

One of my shittier experiences where I don't actually remember the dream at all was waking up in a cold sweat, hands clenching and pulling the sheets as hard as they could, stomach in knots, pounding headache, felt dizzy and was seeing spots. In a way I'm glad I don't know what the dream was about but it's still kind of disturbing.
>> No. 65992
I dreamed I was about 80 years old, confined to a hospital bed. My children and grandchildren came to visit but it was clearly because they felt that they should and not because they wanted to see me. I was a burden to them. They brought flowers and gifts and said all the things that polite people ought to say to someone sick but their faces conveyed only awkwardness and boredom. I felt so alone. I missed my dead husband so much.
>> No. 66188
I had a horrid night terror about a place I call "the skin room", which is an old apartment where the walls start to leak skin, which covers everything and then begins expanding, covering the whole place while screaming. I can't escape, it seems to last for days and it cycles endlessly, I turn into a baby, then a toddler, then skip adulthood and become old, then I'm a baby again. I woke up feeling like I'd aged 50 years.
>> No. 66201
My worst dream has to be one in which I was just sitting casually on my veranda, picking pieces of flesh off a flayed skull and eating it.
>> No. 66244
Dreaming about going back to prison or getting arrested again.They happen weekly.Or that one dream I had about having sex with my brother when he was sick in real life. That one still gives me this weird feeling in my stomach.
>> No. 66245
One recurring dream I have is having to go back to high school as my current self because I was missing some credits.

Another one I have is a vivid dream where I murder someone and I have to live as a killer constantly paranoid and full of bloodlust.
>> No. 66252
I dreamed I and several others had exploding bracelets strapped to our wrists by terrorists. If we didn't manage to do what they asked in a given amount of time we would explode. We were at a big sports stadium, running around fucking shit up and trying not to get arrested. My grandma grabbed severed eyeballs from under a truck and threw them at me, she thought it was funny even though I was freaking out and telling her to stop.
>> No. 66254
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Once when I was little I had this deam where I heard the words "The (I can't remember the name) will now kill the (I can't remember the name either) and I just saw people being put in a compactor and slowly crushed to death, which took like ten minutes involved a ton of screaming. In the next scene, there was just a big pile of bones in a dark room with maniacal laughter echoing in the background.

I woke up yelling, but I don't remember if anyone heard.
>> No. 66255
I dun forgot the final quotation mark, I did.

>> No. 66271
I remember walking through the streets of what seemed to be an old victorian-looking street with some of my family. I think my brother and dad. As we walk through the street, I lose them one by one in the crowd who I gradually notice are going from being regular people, to giant rabbits, with suits and ties. I dont notice that I too have also become a rabbit.

Suddenly, the ground shakes violently followed by what I think was a sonic boom that blows everyone a distance back. I look in the distance, towering above that old city a mushroom cloud lights up the sky and the rabbits scatter and chaos ensues. I dont remember being able to run as I just stand there looking at everything going down. Then slowly, everything begins going yellower and brighter, like the explosion is creeping up on me and I notice the rabbit-people begin dropping on the ground, presumably dead. I feel a tug on my leg and as I turn to look, its a human kid, and he is looking at me, completely terrified and he just begins screaming. Every other sound is muted and all I can hear is screaming.

I feel another strong gust and suddenly his face and flesh begins melting off incredibly violently. At that point, I become lucid and am actively trying to wake up. I remember the sensation like it happened yesterday. It was like pushing against a huge sheet of really durable plastic wrap. I felt like I was "pushing" against the wall of my dream or something...

So I push as hard as I can, but am pushed back right into that boy's face and I desperately try to wake up again and this time succeed, jolting out of bead in the coldest sweat I've ever had before and since, and for a moment right after waking up, I saw words on the walls. It looked like it was an after-image burned into my retinas after looking at something bright for a while and it quickly went away.

I understandably had trouble going to sleep for a while after that...
>> No. 66278
You were maybe pushing against your sheets, or nothing at all. Tactile sensations are a great way of keeping you dreaming and increasing the clarity of the dream.
>> No. 66290
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I don't really get scary dreams. But I do get one that's reoccurred a couple of times that leaves me feeling pretty upset.

My brother died of an overdose about 5 years ago and before he died he was bright and full of life. In my dream I was walking home from work and I spotted him on the street corner. He had a vacant smile on his face and from the way he was speaking slowly, I knew he'd made himself simple with drugs.

He was a lot fatter, holding himself poorly and drinking a bottle of cheap cider (which in the U.K. is like malt liquor). He grinned, said hello to me and shook my hand with actual fondness but I didn't want to associate with a simple drunkard so I gave him £20 and went away.
>> No. 66291
Last night I dreamt that one of my childhood friends and I had a pet tiger in my yard. But we couldn't feed it enough - we just didn't have enough meat. So it was emaciated and starving. Any time I would go outside to try to feed it some meat, it would be so hungry and desperate that it would try to charge at me and I would have to run. It would eat the meat I would throw but that wouldn't be enough to satiate it or end its starvation. A couple times it got on top of me and I had to fight it off and run.
>> No. 66310
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I've had much worse but the one that sticks out is some prepubescent dream about falling down the middle of a spiral staircase while skeletons dance up it.
>> No. 66345
One of my friends ended up in the hospital due to really, really bad nightmares after quitting weed.

My dreams were really awesome earlier in the week, but not they've been getting kind of bad. Like I'm always getting into fights and shit. I almost kicked out my bedroom window one morning. Some dude was coming at me, and I was so focused on not getting my shit beat, that I broke through sleep paralysis and kicked my fucking window.

I feel bad for anyone that ends up sleeping with me.
>> No. 66355
I kicked out last night when I had one of those half-asleep microdreams that I was slipping on ice and my feet went flying out from under me.
>> No. 66445
One time I tried to rape my girlfriend while sleeping. It was like sleepwalking except instead of walking it was rape. I started kissing her really aggressively and got on top of her and then started humping my her leg and clumsily trying to get it inside her vag.

She was kind of into it, if taken off guard, at first, but when I started trying to put my d in her really aggressively and painfully she kind of pushed me back and I snapped awake. I was super confused for a bit.

I sort of half-remember it, like when you wake up from a dream and have a rough idea of what happened or certain sensations but no coherent memory of the events in the dream. I felt embarrassed and ashamed and was worried about it happening again for a few weeks, though it never did.

We joked about it a little the next day and she wasn't worried or anything.
>> No. 66492
I once had a dream where I was banging a super hot chick and fuckin gramma walked in. Shit was not okay, I felt creeped out for weeks.
>> No. 66493
A few years ago I walked in on my grandma getting out of a shower and you don't know horror until you've seen an 80-year-old woman nude.
>> No. 66537
While working in emergency medicine I saw a ton of men and women in air 80s and older nude. It's not that bad. It's not even a thing, really, it's fine.
>> No. 66542
Just because you're sick and wrong doesn't give you a right to push your beliefs on anyone else
>> No. 66543
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When I was 4 or 5 I had a nightmare that I got sealed in a room by plastic wrap at my aunt's house, and an a kool-aid man's arm came out of a cradle that was in a room and grabbed me. Later that night, I hallucinated a pterodactyl popping out of my closet and screeching. It remains a scariest dream I have ever had and one of my clearest memories from that age.
>> No. 66544
I like a idea that someone spent hours and hundreds - if not thousands - of dollars to build that apparatus for that one quick sight-gag. If that's a case, an that person has a fabulous mind.
>> No. 66735
op an Abraham Lincoln doll was trying to kill me. That was fucked up bro. I lived...
>> No. 66737
I don't generally have nightmares. I could probably count the number of nightmares I've had, as an adult, between both hands. Two nightmares stick with me though.

First, when I was a kid, I had a nightmare that my family and I were on our way home from the movies in our family car. My sisters and I were messing with each other in the back seat, so my dad pulled the car over and told me to get out, so I got out, and the then they drove away.

Secondly, and more recently (like, within the past ten years), I had a dream that I was shot in the head. I don't recall what it was in the dream that precipitated it, but I didn't die and it didn't hurt. I was kinda like that Family Guy where Stewie gets that shard of glass stuck in his forehead and he's all "DO I TAKE IT OUT OR LEAVE IT IN?!" I remember poking at it in disbelief, wondering if it really happened since it didn't hurt and there was no blood, but there was definitely a hole in the middle of my forehead and my finger squished at my brain. In the dream I was all "Meh" about it, because obviously I'm way cooler than somebody that's about to go down from a mere bullet to the brain, but I woke up with a serious fear for my life. I had to check myself in the mirror to make sure I was ok, and I had a strange sense of fear and foreboding for a long while afterward, expecting that somehow I was going to get shot in the head.
>> No. 66741
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I have this pretty fucked-up recurring nightmare in that I keep getting kidnapped by Somalian pirates, I'll be having a perfectly normal dream and then out of nowhere those pirates will invade it yelling at me in their native language (a language I don't even know) with a thirst for cutting off my right ring finger and it's always my right ring finger and I have no idea why. Their always in the same numbers and carrying the same things; 2 of them will have AK47s and the leader will have a machete.

I now have a fear of black people because of this.
>> No. 66742
You don't fear black people. You fear that your mother will divorce your father and ask you to marry her in a secret ceremony.
>> No. 66749
I just had a dream where I found a blunt on my counter, and decided to save it for later. This arab guy offers me a one hit of weed. Then he proceeds to urinate all over my floor. He's aiming for a cardboard box, but seriously, he's missing and spraying everywhere and it got in my eye. I literally grabbed some scissors and was trying to kill him.

I should have just smoked that blunt. Why oh why did I think there would even be a "later."
>> No. 66752
Does hope wordfilter to fear?
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