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  • Blotter updated: 2023-01-12 Show/Hide Show All

No. 68891 hide quickreply [Reply]
  The Interview was released by Sony on the internet... Enjoy!
>> No. 68892
Not free on Youtube but you can find it easily...
>> No. 68903
I was hoping Kim Jong Un would assassinate Seth Rogen and the other guy.
>> No. 68907
How much longer are these two gonna do gay shit in front of the camera to get cheap laughs? At some point it becomes a little bit insulting to actual gay people tbh.
>> No. 68910
In real life, I hope you mean.
>> No. 68911

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68754 No. 68754 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I was a monk in the 15th century. I was a drunkard and a whoremonger. I would spend several years in the church, celibate, sober, then I would break down and go to the brothel and spend everything I had on whores and beer. I went back and forth like this throughout my life.

I stole something, a gold locket I think, from a woman, when I was a teenager. This triggered my guilt complex which I seem to have in multiple lives, and because of that I became a monk.

I died by being eviscerated. My abdomen was sliced open straight across, through my navel. It was a gangster, a foreigner who did it. I had owed him money.

I fucked around with black magic. I was obsessed with power. In another life I was a knight, an executioner, the personal hitman of someone in power. I killed many people in that life. I was a hollowed out set of armor with no feeling.

I have killed many, many people, across centuries. Millennia. I have always been a great killer.

I have raped.

I was a conqueror in the ancient world. One of the first. It was easy back then. People didn't stand in your way, they believed you when you lied because they hadn't been lied to enough yet to know. So I conquered.

In this life I was raped as a child in order to transcend the karma I have created. I may become a machine. If this happens I will be ready because I have learned to do things with my brain which no human before me has done. I have learned to see my brain as a machine. I have learned to filter out foreign chemicals willfully, and have studied and reversed their effects directly through a kind of experiential neurology.
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7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 68823
Unless your clairvoyant powers are awakened there is no way for you to know if another can do what you purport to be able to do.
>> No. 68853
wait, what?
>> No. 68854
There is no way for you to know if nobody else is capable of doing whatever it is you said only you can do. Your arrogance and feelings of superiority are logical and can be forgiven to a point, especially when you bring your ego into it, but pride is before a crash. Intellect, smarts and genius are all things that will only hinder you past a certain level; eventually you will have to have a strong heart as well as an open mind and discipline so that your abilities can grow.

You will also naturally gravitate towards those that are similar to you.

No matter how many lives you've led and how much more you grow, you will still be constrained by certain immutable laws that govern existence.

Whatever path you are taking, the best choice is to be loving and patient above all, only straying from that when absolutely necessary.

I'd advise you to go read Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon and to prepare to see both how much power a human can wield with training as well as how infinitely small we all are.

I hope this helps in some way!
>> No. 68904
Well thank you for the honest response. I guess I really wrote this because, yeah, I do sound insane. I'm pretty isolated so I'm never even sure if whatever power I think I have is even real. Most of what I believe is crazy, but at the same time I'm living in a dystopic science fiction novel where the world's basically going to end in my lifetime.... I'm not sure what to think anymore. I have this whole conception of myself that I basically absorbed as much dark energy as would normally kill someone and now I'm whacked out of my mind but I survived. I tell myself I've been resurrected and can't die now. Not that I can't or won't physically die, but at least that upon bodily death, something very different will happen to me than has happened in the past.

But this is insane. The idea that somehow I'm some sort of parasite called a "spirit" which somehow inhabits these naturally forming material automatons and sort of possesses them while they live, like an animating force, only to move on to greener pastures when the thing breaks down.... It's crazy.

But virtually all human cultures are built around the most absurd rituals anyway. We ritually sacrifice, kill, and mortify ourselves just because, well, we're bored and it's the most interesting thing to do. That's what it's really for. Think about some indians taking peyote out in the woods.... They're just there to get fucked up, because it's fascinating, to be terrified. They're there to confront all the darkness outside of their little safe bubble because that's all that's fun really.

Fucking weird place this is. Not just in space but in historical time, 2014 America.... Like a bizzarro world. My parents are both entertained by the stupid shit they put on TV, it's like they eat shit all day and love it. And I just sit here watching them gobble down garbage designed to program them.

Where the hell are we?
>> No. 68917
The most important thing to remember is that everything exists on a spectrum, no matter how strange it may seem. Things in this world are very strange indeed, the current generation of kids will be terribly jaded and cynical by the time they reach 18, but they will keep evolving and new coping mechanisms will become apparent.

Think about your life up until now in your current body. Within seven years every cell of your body will be replaced, meaning the only thing that would make you yourself anymore is the experience you have from your life. The soul itself is something that is physical/spiritual at once, making it a bit of a paradox, but as with anything, you can train yourself to eventually be able to do very interesting things with sheer willpower and thought energy since the brain itself in many ways is a biological quantum computer with unlimited storage.

Whenever anyone (even your own mind!) tells you that you're "crazy", "abnormal" or "insane" then don't worry about it, once you reach a certain level of cognitive ability you can basically begin fiddling with your brains settings like a pc, but to even begin to get on the right path you must remember to keep the intellect and ego in their proper place or you will reap only failure. The ego is that part of you that is forever an infant, concerned only with itself and it's continued survival and comfort and the intellect is cold logic and reason without emotion, which comes from the heart. Looking at the state of science nowadays one can easily see that the spiritual side of things isn't just marginalized, but totally disregarded. This is often due to arrogance and an unwillingness to believe that there is a God or some Divine law of Karma, but science using only the physical eye and the intellect can only go so far.

I feel you about your parents, mine are getting older and its becoming more and more sad when they lie to me and each other about things and generally act like ignorant children. They don't understand this world much at all, but you can't really blame them.

remember you've got your whole life ahead of you, take some drugs (after safely learning about them of course!) and go exploring, wake up the childlike wonder inside your mind and you will see the depression slowly beginning to be pushed back.

No. 68923 hide quickreply [Reply]
  would it be possible for someone to have one brown nipple and one pink nipple
>> No. 68924
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Man, I hope so.
>> No. 68925
The proportions are so fucked up, I've always hated this picture.

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68949 No. 68949 hide quickreply [Reply]
All of the hate and disregard people have these days for autists is sickening. Autists have given the world wonderful things for a long time now, and will continue to do so into the future. Seriously think about it, what would the world be if not graced by people with keen autistic eyes? We would not have wonderful plays, paintings, sculptures or even music. Autists have shown to be worth the admiration of others time and time again. With all the wonderful things that they have made, and often without proper recognition, they have more than proven their worth as much as any scientist or engineer. So next time you go and insult an aspiring autist just take some time to think about all the wonderful things that have been created by them. That's all I ask.

>> No. 68950
>> No. 68951
I love how people have just retroactively labeled everyone who was obsessive and weird across history as an autist. I sort of yearn for the days when autism was synonymous with retardation and was only used to describe those unable to interact with society, instead of claiming every anti-social person with bad hygiene as being an aspie.
>> No. 68970
OP isn't saying that all artists are autistic, he's just making a pun because artist sounds like autist. Don't know why OP felt the need to make an entire shitty thread just for one shitty pun though.

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68559 No. 68559 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Who is your favorite Touhou character, Graywilde? Do any of you play the games or listen to arranges?
I like Youmu because she is cute and her boss theme is really catchy. Dualism is a central theme of her character. She is dorky but persistent, selfish but kind, half ghost but afraid of ghosts. In Touhou 09 she is randomly killing spirits wandering around because there isn't enough room in the netherworld for them, and then not too long later in the Three Fairies manga she is complaining about ghosts being mistreated when they are used to cool a watermelon. I also like that her name is written as "bewitching dream" (妖夢).

Also, is anyone else looking forward to the new game? There's not much info yet besides a few vague Twitter postings and drawings but it looks like it's gonna be a spooky urban legend themed subgame starring Marisa. If it's a game about spooky stuff starring Marisa then I think ZUN might really bring Mima back this time.

I was gonna post this in /a/ but I think the only other person browsing there besides me is the CP spambot.
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>> No. 68990
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I've been keeping my finger on the pulse of Touhou since 2006, though less so these days. I liked reading all the written material like Cage in Lunatic Runagate and Curiosities of Lotus Asia. Those fleshed out the characters a bit more than the games ever do, but still leaves them vague enough to be doujin fuel.

As for favourite character it's hard to choose, though I always like the lazy bitch portrayal of Reimu.
>> No. 69017
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I can't stand most of the fanon portrayals of the characters. Mostly because the same vagueness of personality that makes the series such ballza doujinshi fodder to begin with also makes a lot of lazy writers Flanderize the heck out of the Touhous down to just one or two memetic personality traits.
>> No. 69032
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Woof woof, nigga.
>> No. 69034
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The "手に入れろ! オカルトボール!" on the OP image makes more sense now. I guess in the new fighting game "occult balls" are randomly released during a match and both players try to grab it for a powerup or something. Sounds like Super Smash Touhou to me.
Moe Harukawa's art is really cute though, I wish she'd do the illustrations for an actual danmaku game.
>> No. 69042
For all the shit, there's always ballza portrayals

No. 69044 hide quickreply [Reply]

so apparently, this is a thing.

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68967 No. 68967 hide quickreply [Reply]
So cuet :3
>> No. 69070
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you'll never be MLG with scores like that.

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68638 No. 68638 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I know it's easy to get caught up in the loom-and-doom of society with the nonstop stories of cop shootings, economic downs, corruption and general mayhem. We know it makes one fear society at large and withdraw either physically but usually its mentally into escapist fantasies.

So I ask of you 99chan, let's break this mentality, maybe just for this thread, post something positive you did, saw, read or heard. Can be anything you like but I want to reinforce that the bad mentality isn't ever-present.

I'll start: I got a job and might be moving into a city, hopefully in time to start part time education working towards certification for a better job. I also acknowledged my creative/artistic side and want to explore it further.
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>> No. 68724
I would have thought that it wouldn't happen anymore, but I am still astonished at how some people can be so clueless.

>> No. 68725
I have been spending all my time in murder mode playing counter strike so I kind of freak out at corners, windows and doorways when I'm walking around the house.
>> No. 68728
I'm strangely excited for Christmas this year. I normally like it for the most part but this year I'm very very excited. I'm really happy about the gifts I got for the handful of people I buy gifts for - dad, sister, best friend from childhood, girlfriend and a handful of friends - and can't wait to give them their little tokens of affection.

I've also been dating a girl for a couple months, first time I've had a proper girlfriend and not just a fuckbuddy in like 3 years. She paints psychedelic watercolors and has a nice ass.

A bunch of art projects have come together in the last year as well and I'm looking forward to the future.
>> No. 68729
I got worms.
>> No. 69090
Dont worry OP.

We are actually living in the best, most peaceful, most clean and safest time in history.

The doom-and-gloom comes from the fact for the first time in history a person can take a full color high quality HD video of anything anywhere and put it on something (interwebz) that anyone can see it.

So in essence the smaller shit pile has a magnifying glass on it.

200 years ago a genocide happening in africa would go unknown by 99% of people on the planet. Now a mass shooting in france is known by everyone, everywhere, instantly.

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69086 No. 69086 hide quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 69087
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>> No. 69099
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Go on...

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68831 No. 68831 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So they put a worm's mind inside a robot made of legos.

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>> No. 68905
Tell him to get on 99chan. And tell him he is incredibly awesome. Does he do this as a job or a hobby?
>> No. 68932
This is called optogenetics. The visual perception lab I worked in over the summer was just getting into it. Before, they were primarily recording, but being able to supress activity of a group of neurons is useful for determining if a class of neurons is important to some perceptual task.
>> No. 68948
the fuck? some sauce other than "muh friend" would be great. stuff doesn't start glowing (emitting photons) until they're super hot, and this means you'll be damaging tissiue.
>> No. 69041
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So you've got like a high school or less understanding of physics there. Photons can have practically any energy, and yes a visual photon is pretty high energy but not necessarily the ones used in the experiments. Also everything that has any temperature is emitting photons all the time unless it is a perfect white body (which as far as I know doesn't exist) or it is non baryonic matter (baryons are basically protons and neutrons). And second, it takes two seconds to google something like "photon activation of neurons" and you'll get papers like 10.1038/nmeth.2249. You could also just search "optogenetics" and get a nice wikipedia page that even includes video of visible light controlling c.elegans and how they did it (transfect a light activated protein into a neuron).
>> No. 69175
> I thought you said "woman's mind" at first
Came here to post this.

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69019 No. 69019 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
my new years resolution is to start eating healthy, lose weight, work hard at my job, and get a girlfriend
no, really, it's to suck at least 100 different cocks this year!
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>> No. 69079
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>> No. 69080
I did the first part of your New Years resolution, with the healthy eating, working out, ballza job and getting a girl friend last year. It's the next year and I'm worse off mentally than ever. It's the most I've had, but also I am so fucking dead inside, it's like I do everything the me in the past would have hated.
>> No. 69198
mine was to start transition and quit drinking. I only woke up on my floor once so far
>> No. 69207
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I don't want to sound all "lies nippon strong kill the waito debiru" but I very rarely find western erotic art fappable to begin with. I think the Japanese censorship laws actually force them to focus more on making a cute and nice looking image with well thought out posing and facial expressions and not something that looks like it ought to be spray painted on the side of a WW2-era bomber plane.
>> No. 69212
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Well it would be nice if they were at least as creative as them.

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69362 No. 69362 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What's the point of fraternities? I don't really care about all the rape and whatnot but when defending themselves they try to lord over some sense of importance. Oh no what would we do if all the fraternities and sororities went away. So much important tradition to uphold. If they were something respectable once those times are long gone.

If you want to just have an exclusionary pleasure palace thats fine but don't fucking try to act like you're some imperative of college tradition.
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>> No. 69403
Point: no person has ever been an alumni, only an alumnus. Otherwise, ballza on yeh. You just just reminded me of those "alumni" license plate covery thingies. I'm mostly just surprised how common that mistake is considering the Greek connection to this stuff.
>> No. 69433
People like it because it builds a sense of community and belonging, and those connections last a life time. For a lot of people that role falls on family, like for me; I'm indian and we place a huge importance on family and sticking together(this doesn't necessarily apple to all indians, it's a huge and diverse country). So any time I need help, I can go ask one of my cousins and they'll do everything in their power to help me, even if I haven't talked to them in a year. Being in a frat provides that. When you're in the business world and you have a problem, you can always turn to another alumni and they'll probably provide a reasonable amount of help. Seem great, huh?

Well the problem is when you're at an institute like an ivy league school where the rich have a huge and advantaged have much more luck than poor people. I read once than only about 10% of people in iyy league school come from single-mother households. They just don't have to resources to prepare their kids to go to the top of the academic world. So what ends up happening in these frats is a lot of rich kids with rich parents end up together, and then when they get out into the business world the stay together. And then their kids do the same thing. So the rich people stick together and help each other out to ensure they stay at the top, and the really poor people end up being even more disadvantaged because in addition to a lack of money they also have a lack of connections. And then this group system obviously needs people to be similar to function well, as there's no reason an big business head would want to help a anti-corporate entrepeneur, so it encourages those people at the very top with the most resources to do exactly what everyone around them is doing. It destroys creativity and free though. It's fucked up, this whole system.

And the fact that that the rape stuff has been happening, is a nail in the coffin IMO. If frats have developed a rape-enabling culture nationwide, it's clearly a problem with the system itself. Time to throw it out the window and innovate.
>> No. 69482
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My friends outside of school are hard as fuck to get to do anything organized. If you wanna have a 21 cup pong tournament, beer olympics, and patronize some dude who knocks on your door selling weed ice cream, by all means join a fraternity. Life in the house will be unlike anything you have ever experienced, unless you have lived in a really big house.

Something happens to the human brain, your tribal instincts return. You find that the community organizes itself based on each particular talent. If you become a leader, it is much similar to playing a game of dwarf fortress. Brothers will get crazy, violent, sad, pledges die, and it's your job to clean up the mess.

And you can't knock the connections made, that will surely ensure business deals and future earnings. Well, as long as you towed the party line. You did tow the party line, right?
>> No. 69497
Most of them are for fun. The fraternity I'm in is only for STEM folk, so having a group of guys you hang out with who've been through the same classes as you is pretty helpful. We are a pretty nerdy group, so we don't party as much as we LAN and we don't rape because none of us get laid. :/
>> No. 69499
I never cared about frats, but I knew some guys in them. They seemed like decent people. There are some frats full of douches, though. I don't know. I'm in my 30s now, so all of this seems stupid and silly.

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69232 No. 69232 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey 99chan, I had a question and figured you guys seem like smart, thoughtful people. In the off-chance that I'm right I have something I wanna ask about the topic of philosophy.
When I watch lectures or read excerts from certain people like Nietzche or Zizek, I can instantly tell that they're brilliant in their own way and I really wanna know more. But when I pick up a book by someone like that I don't understand much of it. I picked up 'Violence' by Zizek recently because I just happened upon it at the library, and it's the same problem. The parts I do understand I love, but the rest of it is basically gibberish to me.
So what I'm wondering is how do I actually understand what he's saying? I've taken a class and it was dry as shit, it actually made me hate the subject for a while. So that doesn't seem like an help. Do I just read it over and over until it eventually clicks? If I don't get what the fuck he means by 'he evoked the way this terror affects subjectivity" the first time I don't see how reading it over and over will suddenly make me understand what the hell he's trying to say. This is important to me because I've always loved philosophy, but I've never been able to understand a lot of these books in it's entirety. Like I got 'Existentialism from Dostoyevsky to Sarte' by Walter Kaufmann and it takes chapters from a lot of different existentialists works, but Dostoevsky's piece was the only section I felt like I really understood.

I know there's a philosophy board, but it's super slow and I'd really like a reply within the next six months.

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>> No. 69238
This sums up a ballza portion of continental philosophy. Then again I really wouldn't begin my journey in philosophy reading Nietzsche. I'd berate you for saying it's all a scam but then again I sat through enough Derrida lectures to know better.

Why not try to look into logic or ethics? Logic can feel a lot more like math especially when you get deeper into it, but the learning curve is more linear and if you like to debate it certainly helps to understand how and why a statement is false. You don't need to learn a lot of buzzwords outside your first introduction on the subject, but it's a bit more work than your typical philosophy reading. Ethics is arguably better geared toward real world shit but in my opinion it's the least rewarding to learn.

At the end of the day, it's best to dive in to something that you enjoy and go from there. If you hate it and you can't focus on what they are talking about after two sentences than something is wrong and you gotta try to put things into context.


This podcast is godlike for helping you get the basic idea behind a lot of the earlier philosophy stuff if you are just getting into it, but chances are you aren't gonna find use for it. I just like to plug it whenever this kind of stuff pops up.
>> No. 69259
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For some apt critique of Zizek, see this post on The Last Psychiatrist:

>If you're having trouble with that line of thinking, you'll have trouble with his whole philosophy, aptly summarized on page 3 of the Introduction:

>[/i]In today's post-political democracy, the traditional bipolarity between a Social-Democratic Center-Left and a Conservative Center-Right is gradually being replaced by a new bipolarity between politics and post-politics: the technocratic-liberal multiculturalist-tolerant party of post-political administration and its Rightist-populist counterpart of passionate political struggle-- no wonder the old Centrist opponents (Conservatives or Christian Democrats and Social Democrats or Liberals) are often compelled to join forces against the common enemy.[/i]

>I'm not going to make the dozen easy jokes, I'll say simply this: when writing becomes so complicated that only the initiated can understand it, then it is meant only for them. Who is he going to convince by hyphenating every third word set? Nobody. It's masturbation, though considerably more difficult.

In other words, if you can't make sense of it, maybe it's because it just doesn't make sense. I too find that I love parts of Zizek and the rest is gibberish and it's generally because it is gibberish.

As far as Nietzsche goes, it definitely helps to have some context and guidance. Taking a philosophy course, maybe just an evening course at a community college, could serve you well with some basic groundwork for interpretation.

Alternately, just keep plugging away at it until you get something out of it. It's important not to look at these figures as infallible or something that you must understand - wear your critical-thinking hat - but read and think and try and think some more and read again. If Nietzsche isn't working for you right now, try Kant or Kierkegaard or Sartre or de Beauvoir or Camus or Adorno or whoever the fuck... see what clicks, then go back and try Nietszche again and see if it makes any more sense to you. Alternately, pick up a biography of Nietzsche to get a bearing on his life and the historical, political, and cultural context in which he was working and then try tackling his texts.

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>> No. 69266
>making sense
>throws books in fire
>> No. 69483
First give us an example of what is confusing you.
>> No. 69517

The analytic/continental divide is bullshit and is purely arbitrary in its labeling. If you think that you can express these ideas more clearly and concisely, then by gosh you should be a philosopher yourself. Sadly I think it's more likely that you read a passage, concocting a half-baked paraphrase of it as you go, and call it a day rather than bothering with any intricacies.

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69862 No. 69862 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I was going to ask in tvland, but I'm more curious about general audiences. I think it would be a personally worthwhile endeavor to open a movie theater and show movies from 10+ years ago. Robocop, the original Tron, Rollerball, Citizen Kane, Casablanca, The Matrix, Willow, Big Trouble in Little China, Seven Samurai, N by NW, Indiana Jones, Nosferatu, or whatever movies come up for the most part. I think it could be fun to have trilogies and other such features, too. You could show the Evil Dead movies all in a row. Maybe the Indy movies or something, whatever.
Let's say a ticket costs 5 dollars so you can keep the place up, food/drink may/maynot be as flexible. Would you want to go? What movies do you think would work or not?

I don't have the resources or any business training, so I'm not saying I can or will, but it seems like it would be a ballza thing for everyone.
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>> No. 69886
The "yell at the screen week" thing is something I would almost certainly include. Show some old slasher films and movies that people can hate. I do know that getting an alcohol license is a huge headache, not to mention having to actually deal with drunks (rather than just being a bystander watching them) is rarely fun. Costumes would have to be a ballza addition.
>> No. 69888
I can confirm that the workers at the alamo drafthouse hate when "The Room" screens there for exactly the reasons you described.
>> No. 69889
I will gladly donate like $20 to showing Robocop on the big screen.
>> No. 69894
My roommate in college used to organize movie viewings. All you need is a projector and a large open space (plus a white board or something). We had a bunch of chicks show up and they lasted until the bathroom scene in trainspotting (he always showed trainspotting, every damn time.)

Anyway I'd start out showing movies for free, to see if anyone actually shows up. This works best in a college town.
>> No. 70620

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69844 No. 69844 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Could the story of the Garden of Eden represent a memory of our hunter-gatherer past when food was plentiful?

When the climate changed and food became scarcer people turned to agriculture out of desperation and this could be represented in the story as our expulsion from Eden.
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>> No. 69904
A few civilizations seem to look to the past with rose colored glasses. I know that the Greeks felt that the history of the earth comprised of 5 ages, and that they were living in the shitty Iron Age. Maybe the people who made these creation stories looked at their squalor and just assumed that things were better in the past.
>> No. 69908
If you think of it more from a negative view of humanity it makes sense, people need wisdom just to live without killing themselves or others but they don't want to accept wisdom at face value most of the time, whether you live now or in ancient Judea. So you have to wrap it up in a bunch of bullshit mysticism and cute stories just to get them to swallow.

One can question the actually wisdom it teaches, of course. If you under cook pork it can kill you, so some guy noticed that a lot of idiots died or got really sick due to undercooked pork and instead of trying to explain to them that it's bad, they create some scary motherhooligan in the sky who will kill you if you eat pork, or at least be very mad. If you have tons of sex with a bunch of people, you can get a disease that can kill you or make you insane. So, you're better off just fucking one person your whole life because they didn't have birth control or protection back then. Again, people don't listen so you create a murderous overlord to keep them from doing it. You can say what you want about God, but the fear of him has likely saved countless people. It might have killed a whole lot of people as well, but you can't blame old Abe or Moses for that as much.

Jesus was just a political radical in a time when religion was politics, he hated the corrupt Jewish politicians/political leaders who were selling out their own people to the Romans for cash while still asserting bullshit moral authority.

The middle east was a confusing hodgepodge of differing ideas and ideologies that often caused tensions and problems, people claiming to be prophets for personal gain, even more corruption, etc. and Islam was meant to be the "last word" and definitive ideology, a book from god himself blending elements from all the regional traditions and traditional wisdom of the time.
>> No. 69909
That's basically what the Gnostics thought. They believed the God of Abraham was actually Satan in disguise (so they believed all other Christians worshiped Satan because they were dumb). They also thought that the Tree of Knowledge was like uh planted by Sophia, the True God's aspect of wisdom. As you can probably guess, this is why gnosticism wasn't looked upon kindly.
>> No. 70615
>> No. 70625
http://tinychat.com/socremix < - - - - - - -

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69899 No. 69899 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do you ever feel guilty about wanting to fuck people that you don't want to date?
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>> No. 69910
Because people say only sluts feel that way.
>> No. 69911
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i think it's extremely important to live your life based on what >people say
>> No. 69922
  I want to be this girl. So strange, so cool,so fun, so courageous.
>> No. 70616
>> No. 70624
http://tinychat.com/socremix < - - - - - - -

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69687 No. 69687 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
OK, which one of you was it?

8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 69858
>sega dreamcast
>diaper pictures

Mombjguy finally got caught
>> No. 69865
Not 99chan lol. We work with NCMEC directly, we send people lke him to prison.
>> No. 69905


It is the most pessimistic place on the internet I've ever seen. It's pretty much an echo chamber of severely depressed people reinforcing each others' depression by saying it's justified because the world sucks and is out to get them. They've given up entirely.
>> No. 70617
>> No. 70623
http://tinychat.com/socremix < - - - - - - -

No. 62106 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
  So this guy is a Blackanese rapper who raps about Touhou and lolicon and shit.

What do you think, Mulder?
7 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 62116
  Jero, the enka singing IT guy.
>> No. 62119
Those women need to stop appropriating other cultures and check their black female privilege.

I like the beat.
>> No. 69898
  Have some chinks singing R&B
>> No. 70618
>> No. 70622
http://tinychat.com/socremix < - - - - - - -

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69500 No. 69500 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
In light of moot's retirement from 4 big dicks up my asshole, might it be a ballza time to reflect on 99chan?

It seems /b/ has very few posts nowadays. I was never an IRC regular, so I'm not as connected to the community as everyone else. I still always enjoyed posting here, especially during 78chan and the years immediately following. I haven't been back here since about 2012 though. What does the future look like for 99chan? Does anyone really care anymore?
15 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 69893
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I wouldn't trade it for anything. You can't have a reasonable discussion on the mainstream chans without having to babysit the thread all day. I like to post something thoughtful and let it simmer.

Didn't we use to have a torrent tracker or at least a files database at one point? I feel like most chans had a filesharing phase. Am I right in assuming this caused legal trouble?

I'm still interested in the eclectic tastes of the userbase here. Anyone wanna get a sharing room going? https://volafile.io/r/V4Wmgo
>> No. 69926
Honestly, I'm surprised this site's still here.
>> No. 69927
It has been more years than I care to admit since last I visited these shores, and now that the winds of fate have driven me here once again I find that my beloved /norse/ has disappeared, seemingly without a trace. Tell me ballza sirs, I must know, if it truly no longer resides here in the realm of Midgard, did it at least meet its end in glorious combat?
>> No. 69931
There was a /downloads/ board for a while. IIRC it wasn't even the copyright issues that took it down, it was the endless flood of CP.
>> No. 70614

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