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File 141879655246.jpg - (105.74KB , 753x1062 , black knight.jpg )
68754 No. 68754
I was a monk in the 15th century. I was a drunkard and a whoremonger. I would spend several years in the church, celibate, sober, then I would break down and go to the brothel and spend everything I had on whores and beer. I went back and forth like this throughout my life.

I stole something, a gold locket I think, from a woman, when I was a teenager. This triggered my guilt complex which I seem to have in multiple lives, and because of that I became a monk.

I died by being eviscerated. My abdomen was sliced open straight across, through my navel. It was a gangster, a foreigner who did it. I had owed him money.

I fucked around with black magic. I was obsessed with power. In another life I was a knight, an executioner, the personal hitman of someone in power. I killed many people in that life. I was a hollowed out set of armor with no feeling.

I have killed many, many people, across centuries. Millennia. I have always been a great killer.

I have raped.

I was a conqueror in the ancient world. One of the first. It was easy back then. People didn't stand in your way, they believed you when you lied because they hadn't been lied to enough yet to know. So I conquered.

In this life I was raped as a child in order to transcend the karma I have created. I may become a machine. If this happens I will be ready because I have learned to do things with my brain which no human before me has done. I have learned to see my brain as a machine. I have learned to filter out foreign chemicals willfully, and have studied and reversed their effects directly through a kind of experiential neurology.

I can do anything and will never die.

Change is coming.
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>> No. 68756
>I was a monk in the 15th century.

I doubt that. Dropped.
>> No. 68757
I buy reincarnation but the rest of this post is just... OP do you have a kink in your neural network?
>> No. 68759
Kuro did you stop taking your meds again?
>> No. 68778
File 141888478158.png - (72.80KB , 420x248 , n4e97aa8d7eb27.png )
I had peanut butter cookie ice cream for breakfast today. It reminded me of the time when I was a kid and stayed over at my grandma's and she let me have cake for breakfast and my mom got mad at her but she said "I'm his grandma, if he wants cake for breakfast he can have it" and it made me feel happy and nostalgic.
>> No. 68779
>I was all these cool, badass men in my previous lives
>I was never a boring person or even a woman!
Fascinating. Taken literally, your post is disturbingly egotistical and shallow. As fiction, your post comes across as the boring, mundane fantasy of a fourteen year old boy. In fact, now that I think of it, it reminds me a lot of shit I would read on roleplay sites when I was 13.

I think you should be banned just because you sound underage.

>> No. 68785
File 141894936881.jpg - (106.55KB , 598x459 , 6a00df351e888f88340154367324e4970c-800wi.jpg )
I believe you OP
>> No. 68795
So tl;dr you're on a speed binge right now
>> No. 68823
Unless your clairvoyant powers are awakened there is no way for you to know if another can do what you purport to be able to do.
>> No. 68853
wait, what?
>> No. 68854
There is no way for you to know if nobody else is capable of doing whatever it is you said only you can do. Your arrogance and feelings of superiority are logical and can be forgiven to a point, especially when you bring your ego into it, but pride is before a crash. Intellect, smarts and genius are all things that will only hinder you past a certain level; eventually you will have to have a strong heart as well as an open mind and discipline so that your abilities can grow.

You will also naturally gravitate towards those that are similar to you.

No matter how many lives you've led and how much more you grow, you will still be constrained by certain immutable laws that govern existence.

Whatever path you are taking, the best choice is to be loving and patient above all, only straying from that when absolutely necessary.

I'd advise you to go read Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon and to prepare to see both how much power a human can wield with training as well as how infinitely small we all are.

I hope this helps in some way!
>> No. 68904
Well thank you for the honest response. I guess I really wrote this because, yeah, I do sound insane. I'm pretty isolated so I'm never even sure if whatever power I think I have is even real. Most of what I believe is crazy, but at the same time I'm living in a dystopic science fiction novel where the world's basically going to end in my lifetime.... I'm not sure what to think anymore. I have this whole conception of myself that I basically absorbed as much dark energy as would normally kill someone and now I'm whacked out of my mind but I survived. I tell myself I've been resurrected and can't die now. Not that I can't or won't physically die, but at least that upon bodily death, something very different will happen to me than has happened in the past.

But this is insane. The idea that somehow I'm some sort of parasite called a "spirit" which somehow inhabits these naturally forming material automatons and sort of possesses them while they live, like an animating force, only to move on to greener pastures when the thing breaks down.... It's crazy.

But virtually all human cultures are built around the most absurd rituals anyway. We ritually sacrifice, kill, and mortify ourselves just because, well, we're bored and it's the most interesting thing to do. That's what it's really for. Think about some indians taking peyote out in the woods.... They're just there to get fucked up, because it's fascinating, to be terrified. They're there to confront all the darkness outside of their little safe bubble because that's all that's fun really.

Fucking weird place this is. Not just in space but in historical time, 2014 America.... Like a bizzarro world. My parents are both entertained by the stupid shit they put on TV, it's like they eat shit all day and love it. And I just sit here watching them gobble down garbage designed to program them.

Where the hell are we?
>> No. 68917
The most important thing to remember is that everything exists on a spectrum, no matter how strange it may seem. Things in this world are very strange indeed, the current generation of kids will be terribly jaded and cynical by the time they reach 18, but they will keep evolving and new coping mechanisms will become apparent.

Think about your life up until now in your current body. Within seven years every cell of your body will be replaced, meaning the only thing that would make you yourself anymore is the experience you have from your life. The soul itself is something that is physical/spiritual at once, making it a bit of a paradox, but as with anything, you can train yourself to eventually be able to do very interesting things with sheer willpower and thought energy since the brain itself in many ways is a biological quantum computer with unlimited storage.

Whenever anyone (even your own mind!) tells you that you're "crazy", "abnormal" or "insane" then don't worry about it, once you reach a certain level of cognitive ability you can basically begin fiddling with your brains settings like a pc, but to even begin to get on the right path you must remember to keep the intellect and ego in their proper place or you will reap only failure. The ego is that part of you that is forever an infant, concerned only with itself and it's continued survival and comfort and the intellect is cold logic and reason without emotion, which comes from the heart. Looking at the state of science nowadays one can easily see that the spiritual side of things isn't just marginalized, but totally disregarded. This is often due to arrogance and an unwillingness to believe that there is a God or some Divine law of Karma, but science using only the physical eye and the intellect can only go so far.

I feel you about your parents, mine are getting older and its becoming more and more sad when they lie to me and each other about things and generally act like ignorant children. They don't understand this world much at all, but you can't really blame them.

remember you've got your whole life ahead of you, take some drugs (after safely learning about them of course!) and go exploring, wake up the childlike wonder inside your mind and you will see the depression slowly beginning to be pushed back.
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