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File 141754017561.jpg - (124.25KB , 1062x940 , EQUALITY.jpg )
68481 No. 68481 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm really uncomfortable with how mens rea and actus reaus aren't really part of people's moral evaluations anymore. I'm even more uncomfortable by people saying they shouldn't be part of criminal law.
8 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 68552
no ur not
>> No. 68569
I become excited whenever I see a penis because I have one
>> No. 68587
I don't believe you have a penis, prove it.
>> No. 68588
Why don't dudes have vaginas like normal people
>> No. 68593
moral evaluations are a waste of time, morality is an illusion. Instead, please spend your money and time on some of my great products.

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66284 No. 66284 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
TV thread.

What shows are you watching and which ones do you recommend?

I'm all about Äkta människor - Säsong 2
63 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 68467

Oh shit, I got into the club?
That's pretty cool so what kind of activities do we do?
>> No. 68468

Huh, what did the filter break?
That's not cool at all.
>> No. 68490
it's ``really ballza´´ now
>> No. 68494
I just started rewatching Batman Beyond. I saw some of it as a kid and decided to go back and properly watch it.

So far, not bad.
>> No. 68606
There's this show called Plebs about 3 dudes trying to make it in Rome ca 1st Century B.C. Pretty damn ballza.

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68556 No. 68556 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm so Gray right now. How about you?
>> No. 68557
>> No. 68614
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68501 No. 68501 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How would you draw the internet on the side of a cave for later cultures to understand long after the grid falls?
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>> No. 68526
File 14177303835.png - (9.00KB , 516x422 , Untitled.png )
My name is Graywilde and I am the proprietor of this website.
>> No. 68530
File 141774121688.jpg - (10.26KB , 141x258 , Seldon.jpg )
I don't draw on a cave. I use my knowledge of the mathematics of psychohistory to predict when the fall will take place, and then I gather a braintrust of scientists, engineers, historians, and skilled artisans and tuck them away in a safe backwater to preserve the knowledge of civilization and weather the storm of barbarism until mankind is once again ready to transmit pornography and cat pictures through the air.
>> No. 68531
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Will they accept Wikipedia as a source or is it like college
>> No. 68541
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I'd leave them an alphabet cypher to help them if English is no longer a language.
>> No. 68625
It's best we just forget

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68330 No. 68330 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What would you choose?
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>> No. 68437
Nakama is the stupidly obvious choice in the big scheme of things.
>> No. 68439
People don't choose dominion. It is asked of them.
>> No. 68444
I think this is very true. Leading other human beings is a very thankless and horrible job.
>> No. 68445
I second that. If that would be the case, I would instantly take it. Even if Road Eternal had your mate live forever also.
>> No. 68629
Fisher King. I'll sit in a mall of america sized building creating golems until I have an army massive enough to take over the state. And by the time they expire I'll have created so many more it wouldn't matter. From there I'd continue on to take over the USA, then north america, then the world.

No. 68634 hide quickreply [Reply]
  I a a worthless peice of shit mods please delete all posts by ip and ban me

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68312 No. 68312 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I figuratively cannot stop writing inane shit to strangers on the internet!!
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>> No. 68563
Please tell me you're running for president in the next election.
>> No. 68564
Son, do you know what "drugs" are?
>> No. 68567
You mean like soma?

Anyway boredom is important. Never kill time to get rid of it because it forces you to be more creative.
>> No. 68646

That scene in particular is kind of famous for being narmy, though.
>> No. 68648
ehss tuh ehss

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68612 No. 68612 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What do you hope to receive for Christmas?

I'm getting shoes from Irregular Choice.
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>> No. 68635
>> No. 68644
Patron of cats AND gardeners? So who am I supposed to pray to when the stray cats outside shit in my garden?
>> No. 68647
Uh, to Gertrude, dumbass. She'll make sure the kitties have somewhere better to poop than your garden. She'll create a win-win scenario.
>> No. 68650
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Cats don't deserve a saint, they are godless, hedonistic beasts who revel in sin and indulgence.

But they're just so fuzzy wuzzy and cutesy wootsy.
>> No. 68654
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Fun fact: the patron saint of coffee and the patron saint of unattractive people are the same person, Saint Drogo.

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68699 No. 68699 hide quickreply [Reply]
gotta say as an extremely infrequent visitor to this site - i would DEFINITELY visit more if you kept this particular song on embed.

A+ work to whoever mixed this hilarity

That is all, ballza day gentlefags.
>> No. 68700
also, does anyone have a link for this song? for some reason my download addon is not detecting the embed
>> No. 68701
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Its like a thing to mix the Thomas the tank engine song. My favorite is Biggy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETfiUYij5UE .

The embed is really annoying though, since it opens in every single tab and just keeps me away from reading so I need to disable it (and forget I disabled javascript) and break everything else or just stay away. Maybe it can be embeded in the frame instead or autoplay video at the top of /b/ like normal? I get the desire to have embedded music but it is obtrusive as hell. I guess its also intrusive too, what's the deal with that?
>> No. 68702

ballza idea
>> No. 68704

No. 68319 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
  Heard Obama's last term is ending. Who gon' be the next president of the US?

As a Euro peon, I got no clue on who the candidates are, how they are chosen nor even what the chances these candidates might have of winning.

Hope it's not a basketball american again, lol, am I right? Fo real doe, a lot of uncool bs went down with Bobambo in office. Where's the 'change'?
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>> No. 68592
I'm voting for Hillary.
>> No. 68594
I will vote for whoever promises the most things and tells me what I want to hear.
>> No. 68622
That's gay, I'm just gonna vote for whoever I can have a beer with. As long as they're likeable, they must be a great leader of nations.
>> No. 68706
  America sounds fucking terrible.
>> No. 68709
It is. Everything about America is depressing and shitty. Even those having a ballza time or leading ballza lives. Shitty, sorry lot.

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68653 No. 68653 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey Graywilde, what's your gender?
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>> No. 68707
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>> No. 68708
That's a very categorical line of thought
>> No. 68712
black and yellow Black and Yellow BLACK AND YELLOW BLACK AND YELLOW
>> No. 68715
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duWTfl4MJ1c is anime and gangster rap still the hottest new meme, I really liked this one
>> No. 68798
My penis is categorically erect. Would you fancy a bout of categorical swordplay?

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68665 No. 68665 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So I'm moving to Japan next year, and not by my choice. So I figured there is at least 1 japanophile on here that can answer my questions

1. Are the electrical sockets in Japan different from those in the US.
2. What else should I know about Japan
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>> No. 68686
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Tupac, Fuck yeah!

Dude. A US base is not japan. there's taco bell and all that other american shit you don't find in the rest of japan. you might as well be in america when you're there.
>> No. 68688
Here's a ballza one, how easy is it to get a driver's license in Japan? Do the Japanese drive on the left side of the street and not the right like the US?
>> No. 68690
It's generally not worth it for foreigners, if you don't plan on staying for a while. On a base it might be different. Japan does drive on the left like Britain, and they have some different road laws. I wouldn't say the test is necessarily hard, but people think just because they can drive well in the US it's the same in Japan. If you really want to drive (again, not really recommended unless you have a ballza reason), you usually have to go to driving school which can cost thousands of dollars. The basic practical exam is not that expensive, but you would have to do a lot of self-study before attempting it.

Motorbikes are really the best way to get around if you're not constantly driving on major highways, as they are cheap (both to buy and for gas), small, easy to park, and no one will call you a flaming fucking bundle of sticks for driving a moped there.

But on base? No fucking idea guy.
>> No. 68727
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Here's this for when you're at the airport
>> No. 68730

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68734 No. 68734 hide quickreply [Reply]
What sort of cool local quirks do you have?

There's a bridge not far from where I live called Suicide Bridge, and the road is also named after it. There's a restaurant right at the start of it called Suicide Bridge Restaurant that's quite popular, especially around the holidays.
>> No. 68735
But do people actually kill themselves there or what?
>> No. 68737
Two people definitely did. One person died there but it might have been a homicide. It's a whole fucking story.

It's just strange considering the bridge isn't that high nor an ideal place to kill oneself. The two people who did shot themselves and fell in I think.
>> No. 68744
In one of the parks in my town is a tiled circle. The tiles are colored so as to make a circuitous labyrinth. It's called the clapping circle. It has that name because if one stands in the middle of the circle and claps, a strange high pitched noise will be heard. The noise seems to come from all around you. When I was a teenager I came up with a whole story about why it happened. I wanted to start an urban legend type thing. It never caught on. It wasn't a very ballza story anyway.
>> No. 68745
We've got a similar thing in my city except its just one stone, there's no funny noise and Rick James is buried under it.
>> No. 68747
Heroin, poverty, misery, awful weather. It's like someone scooped up some shithole provincial town from the Russian far east and dropped it down in the middle of Ohio.

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68599 No. 68599 hide quickreply [Reply]
Do you make sure to say your prayers to saint Isidore before accessing the internet?
>> No. 68600
A relative of mine was sainted in 2010.

Andre Bessette, also called Brother Andre. There's a bronze statue of him in Montreal and numerous Catholics schools named after him in Quebec, Ontario, and I believe one in the States. He was my great-grandfather's brother.
>> No. 68605
I misread that as
>numerous Catholics[...]named after him in Quebec, Ontario
and I was going to make some sarcastic comment about how I'm sure there are lots of Catholics named Andre, but then I read it again and that's kind of cool.
>> No. 68658
Tell us more about him! What did he do to become a saint?

Do you know his penis size?
>> No. 68776
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In life, people would come to him to be healed and he would help them pray to Saint Joseph. He was apparently always very bashful about his role, attributing any cures to the intervention of Saint Joseph and when people would try to thank him for helping them, he would politely rebuff them and direct their thanks to Joseph.

He developed such a reputation that the church had to build him his own little outbuilding to receive visitors because so many people came to see him every day that it clogged up the normal goings-on of the other Brothers and worshipers.

According to my grandmother, he was a very small, sickly boy and as an adult was very frail, gentle, and quiet. He was uncomfortable with people thanking him for healing them, saying he did nothing and it was all St. Joseph but he still received tens of thousands of visitors a year and eventually had to be given four secretaries because he was receiving upwards of 10 thousand letters a month. Pilgrims would come from all over to see him and those who were too sick to come in person would write to him and he would make time to pray on their behalf.

After he died, he was beatified in the 70s. 1973 I believe. And was a beatus for close to 40 years because apparently the Catholic Church has very rigorous criteria for the sainthood. Documentation has to be provided in multiple instances that you have interceded to provide miraculous cures from beyond the grave and a lot of people are beatified who never become saints because there is no "proof" that they have performed miracles.

So in short, he was Sainted for being a standup guy. Even though he's officially Saint Andre of Montreal now, he's still most commonly referred to as Brother Andre, which I think is a testament to his humbleness in life.

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68751 No. 68751 hide quickreply [Reply]
best chapstick?
this stuff don't work for shit
>> No. 68758
Your lips must be fucked cuz that shit is the best. I've had the same stick for upwards of two years. Moisturizes my lips like a motherhooligan.
>> No. 68771
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The only way I can see Burt's being ineffective is if you were on Accutane or something similar, which can cause chronically chapped lips. My sister had quite severe acne and was on Accutane for a period as a teen and she needs to put on chapstick several times a day even now in her late 20s.
>> No. 68780
I use it all the time, it works well. I get dry lips a lot. I think it's because I can't breathe through my nose a lot. My nose is crooked and sometimes I can only breathe through one nostril, especially at night. I sleep with my mouth open a lot. Not sure why, I remember I got a soccer ball kicked into my nose as a kid and my nose bleed a lot because of it. Also I used to snort cocaine, that might have something to do with it. I talked to my doctor about it and asked if he could refer me to a specialist, but he basically just told me to use chapstick and drink more water.

I never knew this, I was on accutane a little bit as a kid. Maybe that has something to do with it too, weird.
>> No. 68796
Yeah, dry, cracking skin is one of the most common side effects. My sister was on quite a heavy dose for quite a long time and the side effects hit her pretty hard I think.
>> No. 68828
OP, you do realize that you need to remove the lid first before applying it, right?

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68140 No. 68140 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
we doing secret santa this year?
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>> No. 68710
File 141858976518.jpg - (83.94KB , 464x456 , $5.jpg )
Yeah it worked ballza that year. [name withheld] did it last year, went on a five day bender and forgot the password to the secret santa e-mail he set up. This year, to keep it simple regs and gray are just going to give everyone $5.
>> No. 68760

Why was he banned again? Just being annoying?
>> No. 68763
He was a pedophile and everyone here assumed he was the main culprit behind the constant pedo threads, I think.
>> No. 68803

But we still have those threads...
>> No. 68830
Guys, Christmas is all but here and we're being all scroogy.

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68806 No. 68806 hide quickreply [Reply]
That feel when you remember your hair is naturally curly after showering regularly for the first time in months
>> No. 68807
Time to do some gay porn. You wanna stay away from certain studios, they pay well by literally everyone has HIV.
>> No. 68818
OP, your grammar is just fucked.
>> No. 68848
My hair gets curly-er
>> No. 68849
oops. pressed 'reply' too early on accident. what I was trying to say is that my hair gets more curly when I don't shower for a couple days. Something about the oil that builds up sends my curls into overdrive and then nothing I do short of a full shower will relax them. The main thing I remember after taking a shower is that my hair can actually look decent if I take care of it right

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68826 No. 68826 hide quickreply [Reply]
So I got really high last night and made this...
>> No. 68829
I'll suck your cock for a minute.
>> No. 68846

Get in line, I had my eye on OP for over a week now.
>> No. 68852
Jews are responsible for all the boars.

No. 68811 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
  Did you ever perform in your school's/cafe's/christian youth group's/neo-facist bordello commune's battle of the bands? Did that opportunity never exist? What do BotBs (Battle of the Bands [I know typing this out defeats the purpose of the acronym but I had to clarify for clarity's sake.]) mean to YOU, both metaphorically, figuratively, literally, and laterally? Do you have a favorite BotBs performance you could share with us? Please do!

What band in the "Battle of The Bands 2013" video do you feel will have the most commercial success? The most esoteric success? The most back door groupies???
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>> No. 68815
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Nothing like a line or two of china white before the highschool talent show. I ended up playing the pepper ann theme song and thinking it was the coolest thing ever.
>> No. 68817
I haven't been to many but in my experience the bands are pretty terrible. Not in terms of musicianship, they're often solid in that respect. But the music is just boring. The kinds of musicians who are drawn to a battle of the bands are the same types of people who enter contests to have their song played on the local rock station and are generally not innovative, imaginative, or compelling people musically.

But take what I say with a grain of salt as I like some pretty terrible music.
>> No. 68821
Due to my overbearing mother and the stifling hypocritical religion she was in, I wasn't allowed to listen to music until I was 12 and even then it was for 15 minutes at a time so that satan wouldn't get me through the radio.
>> No. 68824
Well to her credit satan didn't get you after all.
>> No. 68890
Do you know for certain, or are you just assuming Satan didn't get >>68821 ? Kid could be posting from the geographic center of Hell for all we know.

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68894 No. 68894 hide quickreply [Reply]

The Last Knights is most easily described as the board game "Risk" where you are just a single army that is part of a country. You are the commander of your own band of soldiers, but you are nothing without the other officers in your country. You have to work together with real players in order to capture cities of other countries until you and your allies are the only ones standing. The game relies greatly on communication between players. There is no storyline but to survive the players are forced to make one within the boundaries of the rules of the game. You can play by training and improving your own soldiers or by being a leader among the officers in your country or even coordinate attacks between your and an allied country.
>> No. 68895
I have a hard enough time convincing myself that life is worthwhile to live in the real world, how could I possibly convince myself that it is worthwhile to live in a virtual one?

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