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File 141825364447.jpg - (379.23KB , 1244x2000 , tumblrgenders.jpg )
68653 No. 68653
Hey Graywilde, what's your gender?
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>> No. 68655
I don't like labels.
>> No. 68656
File 14182611868.png - (2.36MB , 618x2162 , c8a1335a239ffe3d6df8f43f283592e7-d89b8ak.png )
These "lol let's laugh at people who take gender too seriously and pretend we're smart" threads are becoming as regular and annoying as the pedo threads.

Human sexuality is a strange, occasionally horrifying hodgepodge of weirdness and variety and that's how I like it.
>> No. 68657
These "lol let's laugh at people who laugh at people who take gender too seriously and pretend we're smart" posts are becoming as regular and annoying as the pedo threads.
>> No. 68677
>> No. 68681
File 141835715548.jpg - (108.07KB , 843x710 , MF DOOM.jpg )
The next innovation will be to combine both thread archetypes in a heroic mess of lazy satire:
>I'm not attracted to little girls, I'm attracted to little panromantic asexual fatgenderqueers
>> No. 68682
Is that my home-nigga King Baldwin of Jerusalem?
>> No. 68692
Categories do not exist.
>> No. 68693
>I am biologically male, but I don't feel comfortable with identifying as 100% male. I am happy with my genitals and i don't desire female breasts, but I often strongly identify with females in a way that I can't describe. Sometimes I feel like I should have been born female, and other times I am completely happy with being male.

>The reason you can strongly identify with females is because you're both human.

I just saw this interchange and thought it was perfect.
>> No. 68707
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>> No. 68708
That's a very categorical line of thought
>> No. 68712
black and yellow Black and Yellow BLACK AND YELLOW BLACK AND YELLOW
>> No. 68715
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duWTfl4MJ1c is anime and gangster rap still the hottest new meme, I really liked this one
>> No. 68798
My penis is categorically erect. Would you fancy a bout of categorical swordplay?
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